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Name(s) of God.

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In Hinduism what is considered to be name(s) of GOD. And in what name is mainly meditated on?


Here are some names i know at the moment.


1) Brahman

2) Raam

3) Hare



Do list more names please. Any other information/comments are appreciated. Do also let me know if i said anything wrong.

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each name of the devas or god has some meaning that indicated:


- family relation

- a quality

- a pastime


similary the traditional names of the vedic people also have some meaning. the names of tinu and pintu, etc. are the result of bad influence of non-vedic cultures.







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In Hinduism what is considered to be name(s) of GOD. And in what name is mainly meditated on?

--god is infinite, he has infinite qualities and from such qualities come infinite names..


some names are


govinda.. the protector of cows

krishna... the all attractive

bhagavan.... the one who possess all opulences

jagannath.. the lord of the universe

keshava.. the destroyer of spiritual doubts

suresvara... the master of devas

visnu... the one who sustains the universe

dina dayal... the protector of the poorest

rama... the one who possess all bliss and ho gives bliss

hrishikesh... the master of senses

chaitanya.... the one who is CIT... conscious of everything

param atma.... the supreme soul




to chant the names of the lord is the recommended system of worhip in kali yuga, actually the only one who is effective in this era..


some famous mantras, with inside the names of the Lord are:


"hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama hare hare"

"raghupati raghava raja ram, patita pavana sita ram"

"om namo bhagavate vasudevaya"

"jagannatha swami nayana patta gami bhava tu me"

"nitai gaura haribol"



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It can be of any of the thirumoorthis. Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva. They are all the same and one in three different aspects. HE creats, HE preserves and HE destroys. Just like your father is a father to you, a husband to your mother and a head of the family. When man can play so many parts in his life why can God. If you think HE is MURUGAN than HE would be so to you coz the name MURUGAN menas beauty. All names of GOD relates to the quality, beauty and compassion.


So do not be deluded by this so call professors of religion as they feel they are the keepers of the HIndu religion. Mediate on God in your own way and HE will answer your prayers if is beneficial to you and all.



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"Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva. They are all the same and one in three different aspects. "


no.. they're not the same... vishnu is the supreme, shiva is as powerful as vishnu but he's not supreme, brahma is a jiva...


trimurti is not the ultimate divine aspect of the vedic culture, trimurti is to give to the conditionated living beings the power to act in the matter





no you are not in me

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They are indeed the same. Only misinformed people keep thinking about the 33 million "Gods" as seperate Gods.


When we read through the Vedas as well, we can see how different forms are explained as ONE God, even Surya, Agni, Vayu etc. which were the supreme Gods before anything in the Mahabharat, following the early vedas.


There are no 33 million Gods. There is One God.

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"They are indeed the same. Only misinformed people keep thinking about the 33 million "Gods" as seperate Gods."


only illogic people can think that spirit misses variety while matter has it in abundance



the SUPREME is one.... the other (infinite) ones are loving servants


read vedas, gita, mahabharata, ramayana, purana, upanishad and you'll see t clearly

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First, it's illogical not illogic, but other than that, a spirit having variety is completely different from attributing a spirit as God to virtually anything that is of material nature - of agni, of earth, of surya, upto 33 million.


Open your eyes, or close it forever. While doing that, why not go back to the caste system as well?

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