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How to get something you want very bad?

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I've been wanting something really bad for the last two years but it doesn't seem like I am getting it yet. I've prayed a lot to god, I've fasted, I've done a lot but nothing is working. What are some good ways to prove to god that I want this bad so I can end up getting it in the end.

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Hari OM:


Your question should be like:"How to get something I (not you) want very bad"


God is not the supplier of wants, stated clearly in Gita, "it is nature alone that functions"


You get what you deserve, and what you deserve depends on many factors, your present and past karma, the family and social conditions, your current capacity, etc.,


So analayze , (in a sattatic way), of what is your current capactity and set some realistic goals, which you can achieve with not too much of strain to your self and others and start progressing systematically (set some realistic goals, if some body is a popper today, not proper to set a goal of competing with Ambani's by next year).


And by the way keeping praying to God, and one day He will give you the knowledge by which you will understand all this goals, ambitions, etc., are trivial and not worth

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You shall get what you need Rishi Don't worry. but pray more. your prayer has reached only half way.


If you take one step towards him he takes 10 steps towards you. so don't loose heart. but never give up. don't think 2 years ...may be you are very near to him just few more days....


- God is in your way never loose heart.


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"You dont pray to God for "things" you want. That's retarded.


You pray to God disregarding your wants and desires. Talking to god strictly for something you want is selfish"


Your opinion. Many people pray for themselves and for others. Nothing wrong with that. Prayer helps, and miracles happen. To deny someone this right is "retarded". It's not selfish to think of yourself from time to time. God provides people with what they need, so they can realize the illusory nature of maya and start taking steps closer to him.


Don't be so righteous about what people pray for. It's not for you to judge them. Perhaps God creates desires in this world by not giving people everything they need, in order for them to establish a relationship with him.


In any case, you are not God, so you should not be one to judge others for what they do with their prayers.

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When did i say i was god?


Just saying that the Gita teaches us to be detached from worldly desires/wants.


I never said I was Judging people. Just dont manipulate religion.

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I'm not manipulating my religion, why would you say something like that. I simply want something in my life quite badly, and I am at the age (16) where I do think of myself, but I am much more religious than most people my age.


By the way, god has helped me with many things before, so no, don't call my beliefs retarded, god is there to make us happy too.

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Dear rishi15,


as for your age and to be spiritual its really very great. and the belief in God which you have kept is really great.Please continue the same.


God is watching you always. and shall provide you soon. but don't stop praying to him. he needs your love. thats all he need.love him to your core of your heart. you are very special to him.


you are definite in what you want.that is very great. do pray to god with your sincere heart . you shall get it. Its not selfish. but its brave . no body will ask for you in this age as you alone need what you need. so ask him. he is generous in giving.


God's blessings with you.

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Thanks Krishna Raja, you're advice makes me feel more optimistic about this.


I have a question, I asked god in my prayers that if nothing occurs by the end of summer I will give up on this happening for me, is this a good idea? I have been waiting for 2 years after all...

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