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To define GOD

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Grace of the Divine is abbreviated as GOD. Divine is the unseen power or the supernatural power that controls this universe. It is formless and yet can take a from in a twinkle of an eye. Man, since civilization had called HIM/IT the great ONE. IT has no gender, color, creed, race or vacumme. You cannot see IT but ITS presense could be felt. IT is more powerful then thousand suns. But IT extends ITS energy or power to all life form.


We, fight over this power for no reason. If we think that this Supernatural Being or energy is the creator and guardian of the universe than the only right thing to do is thank IT for providing us this vast platform as a dwelling place and the natural surrounding habitable for other lower forms of life. It is every man's right to thank IT in his own way instead of setting guide lines and restrictions, which only segregates and become bitter enemies instead of unity.


Some make statements that having icons or offerings is a sin, while others say IT has forms and you can thank IT by having an icon of IT. Than there is this group that says whoever believes that IT has form and do not eccept our ways are heathens or non believers who are considered outcaste by such so called believers. There are those even out to kill if you refuse to accept thier way in thier country.


Who are these people to dictate what is the right path? They too have not seen or heard from IT but yet claim to have exclusive right. I would call these people fanatics of the highest degree.


For thousand of years wise men calling themsleves yogis, shadus, rishis and Sidhars have contemplated on this power or Supernatural energy we call GOD. Many good and bad had come out of IT. Some are useful and some are dangerous to the minds of simpletons. I simply cannot understand the rational behind all this squabbbling about something that is beyond our commprehension. Whatever way one is applying to thank or reach IT is his prerogative and no one has the right to restrain him from doing so.


Everyone may be in the right direction but taking a different path and would eventually meet at the one spot that we are fighting for. The nameless one can only observe but cannot dictate or direct the human race to ITS way. That is why we say freewill. This world has vast knowledge hidden everywhere and it is our right to tap that knowledge and lead a better life than make a fool of ourselves and end up coming back again and again.


Remember, you are only here once and the next time you are here it would not be the same body, same parents or friends. So make use of this life for a better purpose than make enemies of everybody.

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GOD referes to the unseen supernatural energy we call by many names. The Hindus refer to IT as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva or even as a female i.e Durga and Sakthi. The muslims refer to IT as Allah and the Christians and Jews as Jehova or Yhave. Many others refer to IT as All Mighty Lord. Call IT in whatever name you wish and IT will asnwer to your call. As it is the gurdian and creator of this universe IT is there at you back and call. But at the same time it also likes to play with our mind and we call that game as test.


You may have a different perception of IT and would like to follow what te scriptures discribe IT but as I as a human who has a brain to think and explore have a different way of rationalising this Supreme Energy we call Brahman. It may not be written in simple way to understand IT but this is what I think of the unseen power we call GOD. May be a few hundred years from now this may be understood better but for now this is what I can deduce.

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"Grace of the Divine is abbreviated as GOD"


Grace Of The Divine is not a conclusive description of the Supreme Lord because this name make us suspect that Lord (the grace) has an origin (the divine) thing that's illogic


the answer is simpler and already given by the vedic culture


the absolute is simultaneously


Bhagavan = the absolute person, fully transcendental in his form and activities, completely satcitananda


Brahman = the omnipervasive energy


Paramatma = the Super Soul present in every atom and, allegorically, in the earth of every living being together with the individual soul...



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