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Varanasi-Die there and get Liberated?

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Hari OM:


The following article, i read some where-


" Varanasi is only of the Holiest places of Hindus. It is also called Kasi or Benares, is situated in the banks of river Ganga, between rivers "Varana" and "asi" (hence the name Varanasi). Hindus believe that Lord Shiva Himself is dwelling there and whoever dies in that city will be liberated"


This seems to be a common belief (or myth) among many Hindus, but this seems to contradict the Karma theory, the basic theory of Hinduism. So a person can do any thing in his life but just at the end of the life, he buys a train ticket to Varanasi, goes there and dies, and Lo! he is liberated. What a easy way of liberation.


There seems to be no reference to Varanasi in Vedas, Epics or Puranas , some reference to Sarswathi and Narmada are there, but just as piligrimage sites, nothing promises liberation.


So was this just a myth? propogated by some body for Tourism development, and what is the basis for this myth, and why Varanasi.


Then i stumbled upon some thing from Yoga Sastras. The Place in Your fore head is called "Aangya Chakara" , a white, two petalled Chakara. It is controlled by Lord Shiva who is always dwelling there. He will Chant "Mirithungya Mantram" at the time of death and whoever resides there and hears it at that time, is ever liberated (no more deaths).


Is this not very similar to the above definition, Lord Shiva dwells there, whoever resides there will be liberated?


Incidentally the place is also called Varanasi!!!! , i.e., a point where Vara (Eye-brows) meets Nasi (Nose) and where Hindus (both men and women in olden days) keep a Vermilion dot to remember that place. So basically seems like definition of Yoga is confused and the myth created.


This is also referred in Gia, "Whoever keeps his body and trunk straight, keeps his full concentration between the Eye-brows and utters the one indestructible "OM" at the time of death is ever liberated"


So dwelling there at the time of death means keeping your Consciouness, Life-energy or Breadth stead fast at "Varanasi" , which can be achieved only by Yogis who had practised and can control their life-energy to be placed at any Chakra of their body.


So my sincere suggestion is go to Varanasi as a Pligrimage, but don't be under illusion your death there will automatically liberate you, irrespective of whatever you do before going there...

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