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Lord Brahma addressing Lord Shiva

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I am going to cause a lot of offence by suggesting the following, but in Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Brahma says he knows Lord Shiva as the Supreme Brahman beyond the cosmic manifestation (SB 4.6.42).


In the purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Brahma is saying so because in their original positions, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are identical. I thought it is important to take the scripture as it is. If Lord Brahma is worshipping Lord Shiva as the Supreme Brahman, then why is it wrong for others to do so?


Lord Brahma addresses Lord Shiva: "My dear Lord, devotees who have fully dedicated their lives unto your lotus feet certainly observe your presence as Paramatma in each and every being" SB 4.6.46


Does this mean both Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna are Paramatma? I thought the Paramatma is one? Therefore how can both be Paramatma?



I would appreciate some enlightenment on this matter.


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant

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how can they be different? How can they be two?


Instead, don't worry about which God you worship. Just worry about worshipping God. If you are caught up in worshipping the "right" God, then you are unenlightened.

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Does this mean both Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna are Paramatma? I thought the Paramatma is one? Therefore how can both be Paramatma?



The supreme being in hindu religion is the "Trimurti" comprising Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Trimurti, meaning "having three forms", This Trimurti or triad represents all aspects of the Supreme Being. This symbolises the fact that the three forms are aspects of one Supreme Being. Nothing in the universe is created, preserved, or destroyed without the mutual agreement and approval of the three aspects of the Supreme Being, for they are unitedly essential for the production and reproduction of all forms of life.


Krishna being the incarnation of Vishnu himself, Krishna is Vishnu and since Vishnu is Shiva and Brahma - together forming the Trimurti, Krishna becomes Shiva.


So, if you pray to Krishna you pray to Shiva and vice-versa, because they both are One - The Supreme Being. Hence Krishna said, whomsover you pray with a good heart, you pray to me.


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Thats a great answer...I see a lot of people here arguing about which god is greater, and which god to pray to....i am sure god himself laughs at all these arguments by us stupid humans. Instead on concentrating on what god to pray to concentrate on praying to god and on what you are praying for. If yor heart is pure you will be rewarded, no matter which god you pray to. Like madhav said krishna is never jealous of which god you pray to..because all gods are one although to us humans they may appear different.

The only thing you got to watch out is for what you pray for.

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  • 2 years later...

shiva is a part of the supreme person and so is krishna.....there shud be no distinction b/w them...one who finds a difference b/w them surely attains hell....this is the verdict of all scriptures...i guess people from iskcon are a bit fanatic and hence they cannot digest the fact from others...i personally like krishna but tht doesnt mean the faith of others is wrong...shiva is devotee of krishna and krishna is a devotee of shiva.....there shud b no diff b/w them

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Jai Swaminarayan. Bhagwan Swaminaryan too states that no distinction should be made between Shiv and Vishnu. As they are both of one Brahmswaroop.


Those that do make distinctions will go to hell surely. As that results in insulting Bhagwan and His forms. Its liek Yogurt and milk tastse different but are both from a cow.


There is a Brahma Vishnu and Shiv in every universe. But Parbrahm Avtaari Purshottam Bhagwan is one.


Jai Swaminarayan.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

all puranas, upanishads and sruthis declare that God is one ......the paramathma.

"ekam sad viprah bahudha vadanthi"----Rigveda

wise people say the one as in many ways.

Vishnu and Siva are one and the same......we should not see even a little difference between them..........

also......there is only one.......no two......

that one is paramathma.........

sarvam sivamayam


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  • 4 weeks later...




I am going to cause a lot of offence by suggesting the following, but in Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Brahma says he knows Lord Shiva as the Supreme Brahman beyond the cosmic manifestation (SB 4.6.42).


In the purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Brahma is saying so because in their original positions, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are identical. I thought it is important to take the scripture as it is. If Lord Brahma is worshipping Lord Shiva as the Supreme Brahman, then why is it wrong for others to do so?


Lord Brahma addresses Lord Shiva: "My dear Lord, devotees who have fully dedicated their lives unto your lotus feet certainly observe your presence as Paramatma in each and every being" SB 4.6.46


Does this mean both Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna are Paramatma? I thought the Paramatma is one? Therefore how can both be Paramatma?



I would appreciate some enlightenment on this matter.


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant

Different stories seem to glorify different Gods as supreme. Puranas (which inlcude the Srimad Bhagavatam) are actually not authentic as I have been told. Only the Vedas and Upanishads are authentic Hindu scriptures . Puranas were written for those who could not grasp the philosophy of Hinduism and the stories may contain hidden meanings in order to make it easy for others to grasp. Brahman is the creator, preserver and destroyer itself. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are just different names for Brahman. So yes, all of them are Supreme because all of them are one (Brahman).


Put it this way:

What is Brahman without Shakti

What is Shiva (Brahman) without Parvati (his Shakti)

What is Vishnu (Brahman) without Lakshmi (his Shakti)

What is Brahma (Brahman) without Saraswati (His Shakti)


Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are names for Brahman. And Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati are the names for Shakti.

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yes in vedas itself there it statements caliming rudra got his power by worshipping vishnu.

in mahabharatha - vishnu sahasranama appears. in that lord shiva tells parvati greatness of Lord rama and identifies Lord Rama as parabrahma.

Lord Rama acted as a human being manytimes. Only those with aatma gyaana (such as hanuman, vibeeshana) recognied him as paramatma. Acting as a human being he worshipped many gods such as surya, rudra and also himself (ie., vishnu).

Puranas cant be taken as authentic. As each purana talks differently. If you talk of shiva-purana i will talk of bhagavatham where shiva worships vishnu.

Anyway if you are happy with shiva, then worship him with true-heart rather than coming here to debate.


Om Namo Narayanaya

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yes in vedas itself there it statements caliming rudra got his power by worshipping vishnu.

in mahabharatha - vishnu sahasranama appears. in that lord shiva tells parvati greatness of Lord rama and identifies Lord Rama as parabrahma.

Lord Rama acted as a human being manytimes. Only those with aatma gyaana (such as hanuman, vibeeshana) recognied him as paramatma. Acting as a human being he worshipped many gods such as surya, rudra and also himself (ie., vishnu).

Puranas cant be taken as authentic. As each purana talks differently. If you talk of shiva-purana i will talk of bhagavatham where shiva worships vishnu.

Anyway if you are happy with shiva, then worship him with true-heart rather than coming here to debate.


Om Namo Narayanaya

There is nothing wrong with debate, thats what a forum is for, and for someone like me who is clueless.


In the Rig Veda it says "Truth is One, but sages call It by many names." I just find it wrong that ISKCON put Allah, Jehovah, Buddha up there with Krishna but Shiva and others are put down to "demi-god" status. I don't know the mind of Prabhupada so I can't comment on him but his aim was after all to promote Krishna Consciousness. And I have also myself questioned the authenticity of the Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharta because it does not belong to the canon of vedas or upanishads. I don't claim to know or understand the truth, why else would I be here.

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