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Meaningful life.

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The ongoings in this forum is merely to refresh our minds to focus on the Supreme Being. But has anyone of you considered the dire state of the situation how the unfortunate souls live in deplorable conditions in the

third worlds. We can discuss about GOD and his mission for man on this planet for ages but what good would that bring to change the situation these poor souls. Castaway because of their status in society they live by hand to mouth and some of them even not allowed to mix in society.


Yes, ofcourse one can say that it is their bad karma that they have to endure such but is it not our duty as fellow human being take a step to make life more sustainable for such souls. Do not expect GOD to come in person to do such a task. It's is we who are Gods of these planet who have to take care of such business while GOD who is the master of this universe whose task is to preserve the universe and not attend to petty things. Every living creature has its dharma. The cows' dharma is to provide milk and man's dharma is to be loving and compassionate towards other living creatures. Are we aware of our dharma?


I guess we are not otherwise why do we have to witness the suffering of fellow human beings and yet standby doing nothing about it. Reading the Vedas or Gita alone would not guaranty us salvation or iternal life. It is action that speaks a million words. Putting what you learn into action is what vedic religion is all about. Gita speaks of such action.


All religions, all individuals are but different paths towards the same goal! There can never be a cause for Religious disharmony unless vested interests are involved!! Leave nothing to chance!! Never ever forget that it is the Dharma of every individual which plays the lead role ... Religions come next!!!


Man has to adapt to situation and that is dharma too. Such examples are seen even in the action of the Supreme Being. In krita yuga, Maha vishnu incarnated himself as Rama; and in consonance with the dharma of that time, he told Ravana, as the latter stood in the battlefield shorn of arms, to go home and return next day duly armed. That selfsame Vishnu incarnated himself as krishna in dwapara yuga; and in the Maha Bharata war directed Arjuna to shoot an arrow at a disarmed karna and kill him. Battle strategy compelled him to alter dharma, even though he was the Almighty.


And thus we see a transformation in dharma between the krita and dwapara yugas. Nayanmars and azhwars attached little importance to varnasrama. The tales of Nandanar, Thiruppanazhwar and Thirumangaiazhwar bear testimony to

this. It is well known how Srimad Ramanuja accepted a Non-Brahmins as guru disregarding varanasrama and went on to give mantra upadesa to all irrespective of caste and creed.


God in the Hindus view is a universal soul although worshipped in a variety of forms as Shiva, Shakti, and Vishnu. God is bliss. He permeated everything in the universe. While stressing love, truth, and charity, as

all religions do, Hindu culture goes on also to stress faith – a deep faith that without the Almighty nothing is possible. Ancient India and the new India democracy are two different entities, one cannot seek to change

present day India and its prevalent environment. We have seen how even the Almighty in his different incarnations altered himself in accordance with the times.


In the Bhagavad Gita , Krishna address all of humanity through Arjuna. Therein He expounds the great Truths, points our spiritual basis of all human problems, the exalted code of human conduct and behavior, the doctrine of Ahimsa, of love and compassion, of toleration, of devotion, self-discipline and selflessness, gives insight into the why and wherefore of life, offer words of comfort and solace to all men in all circumstances, for all times, and reminds us of our duties.


"For the purpose of firmly establishing righteousness, for the protection of god and for the destruction of sin-causing deeds, I make my appearance from age to age."(Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 4:8). Beware he may be even walking among us or seeking alms at your door to test your conscience. Do whatever you can to help the meek so that you will be taken care. If you fail in your duty you have failed GOD.

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Dear Barney,



very well said....




Published By


P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192

Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh,

Himalayas, India.



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ur last quote proves that ur a tamilian (or at least u know tamil)....so am i (iam a tamilian)...can i know in which country u r in ?(is it USA?)....the similarity between u and me is the we both are saivites (what i could assume from reading ur posts...if aim wrong do correct me)...




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