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Narayana is the Supreme

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4th ANUVAKA Shri Rudram



Nama uganabhya strumhati bhyascha vo namo |


Salutations to you who are in the form of the superior female Gods and the fierce vengeful and powerful Goddesses.



And Devi is also ONE and ONLY ONE.



RV Book 1 HYMN LXXXIX. Visvedevas.


10 Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born




The name Aditi itself is indicative that She is one and all.




Devi herself is Siva and has root in Siva (as also shown above in Shri Rudram). And DEVI upholds Vishnu.



Devi Upanishad, included in the Atharva-Veda


5. I uphold Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati.



8. Those gods said: Salutation to the Goddess, the great Goddess ! To Siva, the auspicious, salutation, for ever more. To blessed Prakriti, salutation ! Ever to Her we bow.


11. To holy Siva, to Daksha’s daughter, To Aditi and Sarasvati, To Skanda’s Mother, Vishnu’s Power, To Night of death by Brahma lauded, We render obeisance.


12. Know we, Great Lakshmi, Goddess of good Fortune; On all fulfilment do we meditate. May the Goddess inspire us !



20. Seed all-powerful of the Goddess’ mantra, Is sky, conjoined with ‘i’ and fire, With crescent moon adorned.



Note: Devi, Skanda’s mother, Vishnu’s power (Lakshmi) is the sky conjoined with "i" (Maya) and the one fire, who is crescent moon adorned.



This is the meaning when Puranas say that Siva resides Visnu’s heart and Visnu resides in Siva’s heart.


The crescent moon decked being is the root of auspicious Lakshmi and himself supremely auspicious.


But you will not understand it. And also note: 5. I uphold Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati.


Note: Devi upholds ‘Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati.’



That is why:


RV Book 1 HYMN LXXXIX. Visvedevas.


10 Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born



And also see Sita Upanishad from Atharva Veda:



2. Being the first cause Sita is known as Prakriti; of Pranava, too, She is cause And so is named Prakriti.


3. Maya in very essence, Is Sita, of three letters formed. Called Vishnu, the world-seed, And Maya, too, is the letter i.


4. The letter sa denotes truth immortal; Achievement; Siva with his consort. Ta denotes the Queen of Speech United with Brahman, the Deliverer.




Note: 4. The letter sa denotes truth immortal; Achievement; Siva with his consort.


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**** I believe that Rudra is the Supreme God but find it difficult to make these aware of the truth.*******


Only those who are still steeped in body-mind-I are engaged in supremacy business.


Gita says the 'atma is unbroken one but seems broken'. Just meditating on this will indicate that the supremacy concept arises from this sense of broken numerous atma. And then it is emotional attachment to forms.



Moreover, The whole thing is cyclical. Purusha Suktam says: From Purusha Virat is born and from Virat Purusha is born. So, while this is taking place the atma remains as it is.



See Narayana Upa. or Maho Up., you will see that alone Narayana was not happy alone and he desired. He created one female and desired that same female. That was cause of birth of wrath from his own eye brows. The wrath tore away one of the five heads of creator . So, Purusha here is in creator Brahma stage. Then other stages come. And finally the three eyed one comes to purify the whole system and renew. But underlying all these the Supreme Purusha exists.



Now definition of Purusha (see Br. Up.) is One who has burned down all that was before. This makes it clear who is the Purusha.


But while the Purusha has desire and weakness, Sada Siva has no desire.



And Maho Up. and Maha Narayan Up. makes it clear that in end all this is the purest Sada Siva. As another Upanishad indicates 'sa' is the eternal truth Siva with consort.



Brahma Samhita which is a Vaishnav literature says in eternal bhagwan Sambhu Vishnu is manifest and in eternal Vishnu Sambhu is manifest (from the forehead).



Lord is One.






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Let me repeat what I’ve already quoted:


Following are vakyas from Shatapatha Brahmana,

Bhootanam ca Prajapatis samvatsaraya dikshitah | Bhootanam pathir gruhapathir aaseet |

Usha Patni | …………….. bhootanam pathis samvatsara ushasi rodho(a)sinchat | Samvatsare kumaro jayatha | sorodheeth | tam prajapathirabraveet | kumara kim rodhishi | yachhramath tapasodhi jathoseethi | so(a)braveet anapahatapapma vaa ahamanahithanama | nama me dehi paapno(a)pahatya iti | tam punah prajapathi braveet | rudro(a)seethi | ……….. rudrobhavachcharva isanah pathir bhima ugra iti sapta namani |


The pati of bhoota and praja, Brahma deva, underwent diksha for one year. He was a Grihasta. His wife was Usha. …….. Brahma deva let his veerya ( ‘rodho(a)sinchat’) to Usha. In a year, a son was born. The son cried. Brahma asked him, “ Son! Why are u crying. I got u as child after tough tapasya. The son said, “ I am not cleansed of sins. To wipe out my sins give me names. Brahma again told him, “ Let your name be Rudra.” …….. Rudra,bhava, charva, isana, pathi(pasupathi), bhima, ugra – these seven names (were given by Brahma deva)


From the above it is clear that Rudra has a normal birth and his birth is ‘Karmavash’. Because he says, “I am not cleansed of my sins” – which means that he is not a person whose birth is determined by himself but by his karma as he was afraid of his sins and wanted to wipe them out. this again means that when he took birth, he was bound by Karma (known from ‘sins’).


Hence Rudra is a normal Jivatma and He cannot be the Parama Purusha of Purusha Sukta nor can he be an avatar of Narayana as his birth is determined by karma while the avatar of Narayana is determined by Himself.



Now we can see that these names were given to Rudra deva by Brahma deva. Hence they are not Rudra deva’s natural names.


Shailali brahmana also says that Rudra was born out of Brahma’s semen while Shata Rudriya says that Rudra was born out of Brahma’s tears. The difference between these mantras can be easily sorted. These mantras refer to Rudrotpatthi of various Kalpas.


Note : even Shata Rudriya says that Rudra was born of Brahma.


Chandogya Upanishad says ‘ Virupakshaya brahmanaputraya jyeshtaya sreshtaya’


Hence when the Vedas say Rudra is birthless it refers to Narayana.



An example for the reason as to why ’Rudra’ in “eko hi rudro….” Refers to Narayana:


My friend’s name is Narasimha. When I say that Narasimha is doing his MBA and that Narasimha is very intelligent and smart guy, I am saying about my friend.

But when I say that Narasimha killed Hiranyakasipu and that Narasimha is Parambrahmah(Nrisimha Tapani Upanishad says “parambrahmah Nrikesari vigraham”) I am saying about Lord Narasimha but if the listener thinks that I am speaking about my friend, it is not my fault but that of the listener.


Similar is the case with ‘Rudra’. When Vedas say Rudra is a powerful deity and that he shot the arrow at the Tripuras then it has to be understood that the ‘Rudra’ is Rudra deva.



When ‘Rudra’ name is used to say about Brahman it has to be understood that the ‘Rudra’ is Narayana and the reason is clear because for Rudra these names are attained names but for Narayana these names are Natural.






Rudra deva is called as ‘sahasraksha’, ‘sahasrapat’ and ‘shatashirsha’ etc. But these will not make Rudra the ParamaPurusha of Purusha Sukta.

The Uttaranuvaka of Purusha Sukta in Taittreya clearly says that Hree(Bhoomi) and Lakshmi are the wives of Parama Purusha.


Bhoomi and Lakshmi are the wives if Visnu.


Also the Purusha Samhita of Mudgalopanishad in Rig Veda explains the 18 mantras of Purusha Sukta. When it explains the first mantra of Purusha Sukta , it says.


“the word ‘Sahasra’ in this mantra means infinite(aneka). The word ‘Dasankulam’ means infinite yojanas. This first mantra says about the Sarva Vyapti of Visnu.”


Thus it has been explained clearly that Purusha Sukta is meant for Visnu(Narayana). For the Mudgalopanishad uses the names ‘Visnu’ and ‘Narayana’ interchangeably.

Also the Visnu Gayathri has the name ‘Narayana’. As per grammar ‘Narayana’ cannot be used to refer any other deity. As Visnu is called as Narayana by Vedas, it is clear that Visnu is Narayana.


As for the ‘Sahasraaksha’ etc which are used to denote Rudra these words give only literal meaning and the Vedas have not explained the words as ‘aneka’ in any other place.

Also according to Amarakosa, ‘Sahasraaaksha’ also means intelligent. ‘Sahasrapat’ means powerful and ‘shatashirsa / sahasrashirsa’ means intelligent and powerful.


Surely Rudra is intelligent because he is brahma jnani as Maha Upanishad states and he is also a powerful deity. But the fact is he derives his energy from Visnu.

You tried to make meaning of ‘vide hi’ as that “on account of knowing that Visnu is Rudra’s Rudra energy…” but unfortunately it is not possible to make such an interpretation as per Sanskrit Grammar. For ‘Vide hi’ refers only to those words which are spoken before it and it does not refer to those words which are spoken after it. It gives reason for the words spoken after it and hence ‘Vide hi’ gives the reason for Rudra’s strength and it is on account of knowing about Vishnu.



You have the habit of selecting those which are convenient for you and leaving out other things. We Vaishnavas don’t do such things for we try to interpret each and every mantra in the proper way and go by all the rules and nyayas governing such interpretation.



Now you have tried to skip the ‘na’kara argument by referring to ‘neti neti’ and saying that Brahman cannot be identified by Vac.


But you have forgotten one thing : the greatest aim of Vedas is to find out and identify ParaBrahman and it has identified Narayana as ParamBrahman, ParaTatva, ParanJyothi and ParamAtma.(Narayana Suktam)


When Yagnavalkya says ‘neti neti’ in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, he also says “………. It is not bounded by anything nor can it be bounded by anyone…”

Thus when he says that Brahman can be explained only by ‘neti neti’ he says that Brahman’s qualities(gunas) cannot be explained in full and it is not easy to identify Brahman by its qualities. Narayana is not bounded by anything but Rudra is bounded by Karma and hence Rudra cannot be the person mentioned here but it is Narayana.


Also Vedas are in Sanskrit and you quote from Vedas to try and prove your point. If one has to interpret and translate the lines in any language, he has to know the grammar rules and rules for interpretation of that language or else all his translations will go wrong. You are doing the same thing. You will quote Sanskrit mantras and will say that grammar is not necessary. Brahman can be identified with the help of Apaurusheya Vac(Vedas) but all its qualities cannot be explained by Vedas nor by our Vac. Don’t try to behave very wisely. If Brahman cannot be identified with the help of Vedas then there is no reason for the Vedas to exist. The primary goal of Vedas is to identify the Brahman.




Also you try to argue that Rudra is an avatar of Narayana. Even that is not possible. Rudra himself says that he is ‘Anapahatapapma’ – not cleansed of sins. Also your argument based on ‘sa brahma sa shivas sa haris sa indras’ (Narayana Suktam) is baseless. Because all the avatars are Vibhutis of the Lord . But all the Vibhutis(glories) are not avatars. Here the statement speaks about the Vibhutis of the Lord. Hari(Visnu) is an avatar of Narayana and also a Vibhuti while others are just His Vibhutis.


I have already quoted from Purusha Sukta in one of my previous posts to show that Visnu is an avatar of ParamaPurusha(Narayana). I had also quoted from Mudgalopanishad to prove my point.


Now I will quote from the Gita to prove that all the Vibhutis are not avatars.


7.20 – Those whose wisdom had been carried away by various desires, being prompted by their own nature, worship other deities adopting rules relating to each.


7.23 – The fruit gained by these people of small understanding, however is perishable. The worshippers of devas attain those devas; whereas My devotees, come to Me and Me alone.


In 7.20, He says that people with mocked wisdom worship other deities.

If it just the desire that is going to give one moksha, and that it has nothing to do with the selection of deity then He would have included Himself in the list saying that those who wish for petty things would attain only them. He keeps Himself out of this, by saying ‘other deities’.

Also here Krishna does not say that no deity should be worshipped for small enjoyments. In fact by saying that people with mocked wisdom worship other deities and that they would obtain only perishable fruits. The other deities can give only perishable fruits for small enjoyments and they cannot give Moksha.


10.19 – Krishna says, “Arjuna, now I shall tell you My conspicuous divine glories; for there is no limit to My magnitude.”


Though in 10.17 Arjuna asks about the forms of Lord to be meditated upon, Krishna is answering only to the question asked in 10.16 wherein Arjuna asks Him to describe in full His divine glories(Vibhuti).


In 10.31, He says, “…… among fishes, I am shark ……”


If one has to accept that Rudra Deva and Narayana are one and the same then it has to be accepted that shark is also Narayana and that it has sarva karanatva as one of its Gunas.


His Vibhutis may include His avatar(like Rama in 10.31) also. But Rudra is not an avatar of Narayana. Rudra’s birth is karmavash(because of Karma) but that of Narayana is not so for He is not binded by Karma(as Krishna Himself clarifies in Gita).





You quoted from Purusha Sukta (fourth mantra) and said that creation is cyclic. Once again it is a case of misinterpretation.


Purusha Samhita of Mudgalopanishad explains the verse as follows:

“From Visnu AndaViraat(space) is born and Viraja, the adhipathi (adhipurusha) of AndaVirat is also born”


Amarakosa gives ‘Viraja’ as a name of BrahmaDeva. There is no reason whatsoever for identifying Viraja as Virat.


The fifth mantra begins with “yat Purushena havisha…” and the ‘Yat Purusha’(that Purusha) refers to BrahmaDeva who is called as AdhiPurusha.




You had quoted from Devi Upanishad and Sita Upanishad and I do not find them in the list of 108 Upanishads that I have with me. But the fault is neither yours nor mine. For once I compared 4 lists of 108 Upanishads and I found out that there are actually 147 Upanishads. I have quoted from certain Upanishads and You will find that they clearly point out Vishnu Paratva. The Mantras you quoted from Devi and Sita Upanishads can be reinterpreted based on these Upanishad Vakyas. Also Devi and Sita Upanishads have not been taken as pramanas by any prominent Acharya but the concepts found in the Trivikrama and Sri Upanishads are found in the various works of Sri Vaishanava and Madhva literature.


Finally I will quote from Trivikrama Upanishad and Sri Upanishad of Rig Veda:


Trivikrama Upanishad:


1.1. “ Salutations to Vishnu. Only You are Narayana. Only You are Parambrahman. You are the first avatar of Narayana.”


Note: Vishnu is the first avatar of Narayana.



1.15. “ Salutations to Vishnu. You reside in the hearts of all devatas. You reside in the hearts of Brahma and Rudra. You reside in the hearts of Indra and Soma.”


Note: Visnu resides in the hearts of Rudra and Brahma.


1.17.“ Salutations to Vishnu. Only You are Sarvaantaryami. Only You are the Atma of Sat(Jivatmas) and Asat(Prakriti).”


Note: Only Vishnu is Sarvaantaryami.



2.6“ Salutations to Vishnu. When You took those three great steps, Brahma Deva cleansed Your Feet. From Your Feet, Ganga was born. Rudra collected Ganga on his head and became pure.”


Note: Rudra ‘became’ pure.


2.7. “Salutations to Vishnu. BrahmaDeva cleansed Your feet. RudraDeva collected the water on his head. Only You are the MahatBhoota.”



2.7“Salutations to Vishnu. There is no one who is equal to You or greater than You (na samaanaadhika). Only You are SarvaKarana, SarvaRakshaka and SarvaSamharaka.”


Note: Vishnu is Sarvakarana, SarvaRakshaka and SarvaSamharaka. Thus ‘SarvaSamharaka’ is Visnu and not Rudra Deva.



Sri Upanishad says


1.3“Salutations to Lakshmi. You are VishnuPatni. You are the Patni of Parambrahman…….”



1.4“All that are feminine have Lakshmi’s Amsha . All that are masculine have Vishnu’s Amsha………..”



1.7“You have all the powers that Vishnu has. Vishnu gave You such powers. You are the most dearest consort of Visnu. Salutations to You, Lakshmi”



1.18“ Brahma attained his power by singing the praise of Your Husband, Vishnu. Rudra attained his powers by singing the praise of Vishnu. Rudra attained the power to command great female deities (mahadevis) by singing Your praise. “


Note: Rudra attained his powers from Vishnu and Lakshmi.



2.12“ O golden coloured Vishnu Patni ! You reside in the left eye. Vishnu, Your husband, resides in the right eye.”


Note: this mantra shows it clearly that the Indra and Indrani who are talked about in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad are Vishnu and Lakshmi.



2.13“ You reside with Your husband, Vishnu, in everything. Thus You are Sarvaantaryaami. But You attained this power from Vishnu. Hence the only Sarvaantaryaami is Vishnu.”


2.16“Mother! You take us to Your Husband who is the Father of everything. Help us to attain Moksha. Only by knowing Your Husband can we attain Moksha. There is no other way.”


Note: only by knowing Vishnu can one attain Moksha and there is no other way.

Uttaranuvaka of Purusha Sukta in Taittreya also says:

“Only by knowing Him can Moksha be attained. There is no other way.” (‘tamevam vidvaan ………….. vidyatheyanaya’).



Thus the truth is crystal clear. Narayana(Visnu) is ParamBrahman. Because there can be only one Brahman all others are Jivas.


Moksha is referred in the Kathopanishad and Gopala Tapani as ‘Tad Vishno Paramam Padam’. Attaining the Brahman is Moksha and as it describrd as Vishnu’s ParamaPadam(Vaikuntha), it is clear that Vishnu is ParamBrahman .


I am sure that I have argued enough to establish the Supremacy of Vishnu (Narayana).


It is left to you to accept it or not. I have no worry about it. But this is the right path and it has been accepted by the Trimadhacharyas – Sankara, Madhva and Ramanuja.



( Note: I am 19 yrs old. This will be my Last Post under this topic because I have to prepare for my CS Foundation Examination which is from June 2 to 7. I believe that most of you who post here are elder to me. I seek your wishes to come out of these exams successfully. It is Bharatiya Culture and I give respect to it. Also I am sure that Narayana is with me for He has always shown me the best path. )


Sarve Jana Sukino Bhavantu.


Narayanat Param Nasti .














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Jai Ganesh



( Note: I am 19 yrs old. This will be my Last Post under this topic because I have to prepare for my CS Foundation Examination which is from June 2 to 7. I believe that most of you who post here are elder to me. I seek your wishes to come out of these exams successfully. It is Bharatiya Culture and I give respect to it.)


My best wishes for your exams.



( Also I am sure that Narayana is with me for He has always shown me the best path. )


Narayan is with all of us, in your battle for supremacy you fail to see this point.

you use the argument all names belong to Narayana, but when Krishna says i am Rudra, you actualy deny his statement. how funny that is?


Jai Shree Krishna

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There is no contradiction in Rudra as a born person worshipping Maha Lakshmi. Sankara has written Hymns to Shiva, dAKSHINAMURTI, Govinda, Skanda, Ganesh, and Mother, worshipping them as the Supreme.


He has the Supreme as the diety.



Best wishes for your study. Age does not matter but you have karma left. Finish the karma and come back. I will repeat that you do not understand the fullness of Lord. I will put a few notes as record, with love towards you.



The crux of the matter is that you and others of your faith hold that the prostrations (namah) in Sata Rudriyam are made to another and not to Rudra. How dumb is that. How unfortunate that you do not see the simple thing. Rishis have called these set of mantras Sata-Rudriyam -- The hundred names of ONE RUDRA.



When you say, Shiva is Jiva and not Bhagawan, citing Satpatha Brahamana, you are parly correct but you simply forget the salutations of Yajurveda to Rudra-Shiva. You forget that One who was before and one who is born, all these come under Sata Rudriya. As a born person, Rudra cannot prostrate to himself.




Namo Agriyaya cha prathamaya cha


Salutations to Him who was before all things and who is foremost.



Nama Ashave chajiraya cha


Salutations to Him who pervades all and moves swiftly.




Namah purvajaya chaparajaya cha


Salutations to Him who was before all and who will be born after all.



Namo Madhya maya chapagalbhaya cha


Salutations to Him who appears in the middle, and who appears undeveloped.





I know you will repeat ‘once again these verses are meant for Narayana as per Sarva Vedanta Pratyaya Nyaya’. And you simply forget that all these mantras are Sata Rudriya – the names of Rudra and not of anyone else. Your grammar is of mind and not shruti.





Namo vah kirikebhyo devanam hrudayou bhyo


Salutations to you who shower wealth and who dwell in the hearts of the Gods.



Vikirida vilohita Namaste astu bhagavaha, Yaste sahasragam hetayo nyamasmanniva pantu tah ||


Showerer of wealth! You white One! Lord Bhagavan! Salutations to you. Let your thousands of weapons not destroy us, but rather destroy our enemies.


Note: Namaste astu bhagavaha



Sahasrani sahasradha bahuvostava hetayah |

Tasamishano bhagavah parachina mukha krudhi ||



In your arms exist thousands of kinds of weapons in thousands of numbers. But Bhagavan, You art Lord and master of them. Turn their hurtful faces away from us.




Now though Sata Rudriya addresses Rudra as the soul of gods and as Bhagawan, you say: ‘once again these verses are meant for Narayana as per Sarva Vedanta Pratyaya Nyaya’.




I simply remind you that these verses are Sata Rudriyam --- The names of one Rudra.




Because you have read only one part and not progressed beyond (due to ego), what little you have read does not allow you to comprehend the full.



Svet Up.


‘eko hi rudro na dvitIyAya tasthu- rya imAn lokAnIshata IshanIbhiH |’,



Jabali Sruti


sarvaGYaH paJNchakR^ityasaMpannaH

sarveshvara IshaH pashupatiH |





YV i. 8. 15. a Thou art the bolt of Indra, slaying foes; with thee may he slay his foe.

c Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visn


Some one is the bolt of Indra and the stepping of Vishnu. Who is that ONE?



Yajur Veda iv. 4. 8.


(Thou “I” art) all overcoming through Agni; self-ruling through the sun; lord of sakti through might; creator with the Vrishava; bountiful through the sacrifice; heavenly through the sacrificial fee; slayer of enemies through rage; supporter of the body through kindliness; wealth through food; through the earth he hath won; (thou art) eater of food with verses; increased by the Vasat cry; protector of the body through the Saman; full of light with the Viraj; drinker of Soma through the holy power; with cows he supporteth the sacrifice; with lordly power men; with horse and car bearer of the bolt; lord with the seasons; enclosing with the year; unassailable through penance; the sun with bodies.”





Nara with body-mind ‘i’ is mortal. Nara with Shiva-Rudra “I” is immortal and Narayana. Nara who sees that there is only one I – that of the Lord, does not remain a Nara.



(Thou “I” art) all overcoming through Agni; self-ruling through the sun; lord of sakti through might; creator with the Vrishava; does not really refer to the stone Linga with a yoni (sakti) and a Vrishava in front (as in temples). What we see in temples is a representation.



The truth is the “I” in you. This I is the ruler of Vrishava (ego) and Prana (sakti). And beneath “I am Atanu”, “I am Saranatha”, and “I am Ganesh Prasad”, there is only one “I”. “I” is constant and eternal and true. This is Shivam. Without undergoing any change himself, he takes steps and becomes the Visva.





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One who was before as ONE, only is the father, mother, and the son. As a born person, Rudra cannot prostrate to himself.




Best wishes for your study. Age does not matter but you have karma left. Finish the karma and come back. I will repeat that you do not understand the fullness of Lord. I will put a few notes as record, with love towards you.



The crux of the matter is that you and others of your faith hold that the prostrations (namah) in Sata Rudriyam are made to another and not to Rudra. How dumb is that. How unfortunate that you do not see the simple thing. Rishis have called these set of mantras Sata-Rudriyam -- The hundred names of ONE RUDRA.



When you say, Shiva is Jiva and not Bhagawan, citing Satpatha Brahamana, you simply forget the salutations of Yajurveda to Rudra-Shiva. You forget that One who was before and one who is born, all these come under Sata Rudriya. As a born person, Rudra cannot prostrate to himself.




Namo Agriyaya cha prathamaya cha


Salutations to Him who was before all things and who is foremost.



Nama Ashave chajiraya cha


Salutations to Him who pervades all and moves swiftly.




Namah purvajaya chaparajaya cha


Salutations to Him who was before all and who will be born after all.



Namo Madhya maya chapagalbhaya cha


Salutations to Him who appears in the middle, and who appears undeveloped.





I know you will repeat ‘once again these verses are meant for Narayana as per Sarva Vedanta Pratyaya Nyaya’. And you simply forget that all these mantras are Sata Rudriya – the names of Rudra and not of anyone else. Your grammar is of mind and not shruti.





Namo vah kirikebhyo devanam hrudayou bhyo


Salutations to you who shower wealth and who dwell in the hearts of the Gods.



Vikirida vilohita Namaste astu bhagavaha, Yaste sahasragam hetayo nyamasmanniva pantu tah ||


Showerer of wealth! You white One! Lord Bhagavan! Salutations to you. Let your thousands of weapons not destroy us, but rather destroy our enemies.


Note: Namaste astu bhagavaha



Sahasrani sahasradha bahuvostava hetayah |

Tasamishano bhagavah parachina mukha krudhi ||



In your arms exist thousands of kinds of weapons in thousands of numbers. But Bhagavan, You art Lord and master of them. Turn their hurtful faces away from us.




Now though Sata Rudriya addresses Rudra as the soul of gods and as Bhagawan, you say: ‘once again these verses are meant for Narayana as per Sarva Vedanta Pratyaya Nyaya’.




I simply remind you that these verses are Sata Rudriyam --- The names of one Rudra.




Because you have read only one part and not progressed beyond (due to ego), what little you have read does not allow you to comprehend the full.



Svet Up.


‘eko hi rudro na dvitIyAya tasthu- rya imAn lokAnIshata IshanIbhiH |’,



Jabali Sruti


sarvaGYaH paJNchakR^ityasaMpannaH

sarveshvara IshaH pashupatiH |





YV i. 8. 15. a Thou art the bolt of Indra, slaying foes; with thee may he slay his foe.

c Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visn


Some one is the bolt of Indra and the stepping of Vishnu. Who is that ONE?



Yajur Veda iv. 4. 8.


(Thou “I” art) all overcoming through Agni; self-ruling through the sun; lord of sakti through might; creator with the Vrishava; bountiful through the sacrifice; heavenly through the sacrificial fee; slayer of enemies through rage; supporter of the body through kindliness; wealth through food; through the earth he hath won; (thou art) eater of food with verses; increased by the Vasat cry; protector of the body through the Saman; full of light with the Viraj; drinker of Soma through the holy power; with cows he supporteth the sacrifice; with lordly power men; with horse and car bearer of the bolt; lord with the seasons; enclosing with the year; unassailable through penance; the sun with bodies.”





Nara with body-mind ‘i’ is mortal. Nara with Shiva-Rudra “I” is immortal and Narayana. Nara who sees that there is only one I – that of the Lord, does not remain a Nara.



(Thou “I” art) all overcoming through Agni; self-ruling through the sun; lord of sakti through might; creator with the Vrishava; does not really refer to the stone Linga with a yoni (sakti) and a Vrishava in front (as in temples). What we see in temples is a representation.



The truth is the “I” in you. This I is the ruler of Vrishava (ego) and Prana (sakti). And beneath “I am Atanu”, “I am Saranatha”, and “I am Ganesh Prasad”, there is only one “I”. “I” is constant and eternal and true. This is Shivam. Without undergoing any change himself, he takes steps and becomes the Visva.


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Devi Upanishad, included in the Atharva-Veda


5. I uphold Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati.



8. Those gods said: Salutation to the Goddess, the great Goddess ! To Siva, the auspicious, salutation, for ever more. To blessed Prakriti, salutation ! Ever to Her we bow.


11. To holy Siva, to Daksha’s daughter, To Aditi and Sarasvati, To Skanda’s Mother, Vishnu’s Power, To Night of death by Brahma lauded, We render obeisance.


12. Know we, Great Lakshmi, Goddess of good Fortune; On all fulfilment do we meditate. May the Goddess inspire us !



20. Seed all-powerful of the Goddess’ mantra, Is sky, conjoined with ‘i’ and fire, With crescent moon adorned.



Note: Devi, Skanda’s mother, Vishnu’s power (Lakshmi) is the sky conjoined with "i" (Maya) and the one fire, who is crescent moon adorned.




Knowing who is Maha Lakshmi and knowing who is sakti of siva will fill your mind with love. Not knowing this will force you to dwell in the realm of supremacy and conflict filled mind.



And Purusha and Sakti are not two different beings. It is "SA", Siva with Aditi -- the truth.



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