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the law

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This question has been buggin me for days. It is rite for any1 (hindus to be specific) to take the law into theyre own hands. I mean, is it rite to rid the world of murderers, child molesters, or rapists?


When we watch TV, we hear how a murderer or child molestor or mob boss managed to get out of jail and on the streets. Don't you think to yourself someone should jus put an end to these guys so they don't hurt any1 else?


I kno that its wrong in some way because who are we to judge life? Only God can do that. God has come down to put society and order back into place into our lives. But we can't always depend on him. Im not sayin not to have faith in him cuz i do. Its like goin away to college. You kno your mom and dad are comin to get you 1 day, but for the time being, you have to fend for yourself. We can't jus let these bad people walk away expecting God to take care of them later on.

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<< We can't jus let these bad people walk away expecting God to take care of them later on. >>


in a perfet society with law and order, it does not happen.


if some one with kshatriya spirit knows for sure who is the criminal and is not getting teh punishment, then he can do some kshatriya work but with tact.


in US the law says that if some enters your house to kill or rape or loot, still you cannot kill him. the reality is that many cases have happened in US where such bad guys aer killed in the homes the enter, and those who killed them are not punished.


in short if a bad guy can roam free and fearless and do adharma, then dharmis can do anything to control them and do it fearlessly, but do it unitedly, and do not make it easy to get caught by the law who is not able to control the bad elements.


good guys also suffer doing good work.

so, one has to do it as seva to god and society.


karmaNye vA' dhikArast

mAphaleshu kadAchana


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We all suffer the good and bad results of our actions.

When we see how others suffer because of evil doers we such feel compassion for them and want that they attain a level of knowledge were thier actions will not bring apon themselves suffering.


I live in the city of Atlanta Georiga in the USA last month one young man went into a rage as he was being taken into court on rape charges took the gun from the policewomen who was bringing hin into the court killed her then killed the Judge killed then killed the court secetary

and later killed another police officer.


That man and all of his victims recieved the results of thier past actions ,we do not understand what was the fault of the so called innocent victims but karma is carried on from past lives also.


So one has to preform akarma actions which will not produce ill effects

Seva to Guru and Krishna will free one of suffering


One may say but the devottees of Krishna also suffer!When we look at the Panadavs and Kunti Devi certianly suffering was there for them but because they always remenber Krishna

that suffering was lessen and He always protected them.

Bad thing dont actually happen to innocent people .


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  • 3 months later...

Now I see why you always have this wrong peception.


The question is "IF" you had a chance. If the chance is given to you by GOD to defend that person surely you can but otherwise you will be panic striken and frozen on the spot. Everything that happens in this world of ours has a purpose and the answer lies deep inside you and everyone else. Discover that before you jump the gun. Each and everyone is this life is born according to predestination and you or anyone cannot change that. If you want to change that you need to go back to the source and that is GOD. Life is not a computed programme where you can reprogramme or delete as you like. Life is more complex than that. A women may concieve a child but it's the karma of the child that decides if he is going to live or die in the womb. Take a look at the children in Euthopia, tell me if they will live to see the next day. Everything in life works accodring to KARMA be it bad or good but the result is what you and I receive in our lifetime. From here all that is being done will be carried to the next life wherever or whatever you and I a going to be. So, understand this first before you make silly statements.

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<< Everything that happens in this world of ours has a purpose and the answer lies deep inside you >>


the purpose of the muslim invaders in bharat was to totally destroy hindus and hinduism and speread islam, even by force. they still have the same purpose, per koran and hadith that do not tolerate non-muslims (kafirs).


we know it, and do not need to go deep inside us to know it.

just see the past 1000 years history. and thos who have experienced the reactions from islam.


the answer to us hindus is not to tolerate insjstice and aggressions by teh invader, but to fight in all possible ways, and get the islam out of the vedic land.


on the other hand, if the answer lies inside all,

then why everyone's answer differ?

Because: one is more right (if not totally right) than the other. conflict cannot be avoided in this world.


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