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Divine Mother

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there are two answers:


1) if yoya re a devotee of her, then realize her and ask her if she is supreme.


2) if you are just curious without an ista deva, then first accept the authority of the gita, the book of hinduism. then you will see that she is prakriti. and krishna says:


mayAdhyaksheNa prakriti

sUyate sachracharam.


there is your answer.


hope it helps.


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i am a devotee of the supreme mother but havent realised her yet.i worship mother Kali.


"first accept the authority of the gita, the book of hinduism."


can you tell me please where in the scriptures it is written that gita is the book of hinduism and has authority?


" she is prakriti. "


but i am not pagan to worship prakriti(nature).

the DIVINE MOTHER i asked about was not prakriti.I dont know such a godess.I asked about the real mother.

is vishnu greater than her(not maya or prakriti) too??

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That's the humility of Gita. It encompasses everything Hinduism stands for but it still doesn't claim to be authority. It has been spoken directly by SriKrishna. It contains the gist of Vedas, Upnishads, Puranasa and all the Hindus philosophy.


Respect cannot be demanded , it has to be commanded. And Gita commands respect of anyone who is genuinely Hindu.



Secondly, yes God is greater than divine mother too. Because He created her too. Mother can be selfish for her cause but God is absolute selfless!


God is greater than anything else in this world!



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Jai Ganesh



(Secondly, yes God is greater than divine mother too. Because He created her too. Mother can be selfish for her cause but God is absolute selfless!


God is greater than anything else in this world!)


God is both father and mother there is no lacking in him/her.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Who wrote the Gita?


you said"And Gita commands respect of anyone who is genuinely Hindu"

Gita commands to genuine HINDU???

which is the corresponding verse??


..."yes God is greater than divine mother too. Because He created her too. Mother can be selfish for her cause but God is absolute selfless!"


selfish mother? some proof? please.......................

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I need not tell Her anything at all.She being my mother knows what exactly Her child wants and She wil do that at the required time .


But I do pray to Mother to give me Mukti.


The greatness and mercy of mother is beyond descriptions.The mother is the panacea for all kinds of calamities. The existence of the mother invests one with protection; the reverse deprives one of all protection. The man who, though divested of prosperity enters his house, uttering the words, "O mother!"- has not to indulge in grief. Nor does decrepitude ever assail him. A person whose mother exists, even if he happens to be possessed of sons and grandsons and even he himself is hundred years old, but in the eyes of his mother he looks like a child of two years of age. Whether the mother is able or disabled, lean or robust, the son is always protected by the mother. None else, according to the ordinance, is the son’s protector. Then does the son become old, then does he become stricken with grief, then does the world look empty in his eyes, when he becomes deprived of his mother. There is no shelter like the mother. There is no refuge like the mother. There is no defense like the mother. There is no one so dear as the mother. For having borne him in her womb the mother is the son’s dhatri. For having been the chief cause of his birth, she is his janani. For having nursed his young limbs, she is called amva (Amma). For nursing and looking after the son she is called sura. The mother is one’s own body.

Such is the greatness of the Divine mother.

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Jai Ganesh



(..God is greater than divine mother too. Because He created her too.)


this is not my quote



(of which God are you talking about? )


he is one with out a second is there an another?.


He/ she goes by many names


i like what you write about devine mother there is not enough words to describe her glories.


Maa tu Bhavani sharnma lege.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Dear Prabhu,


Please realise that Vishnu is greater than Diving Mother.


Krishn is higher than Vishnu. That is why Kali worships Siva. Siva worships Vishnu. Vishnu and Siva worships Krishn.


Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare.

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Mr Dear Bharatmoorti,


Why are you playing with the words? It is a saying that respect is not demanded bur commanded by deeds.


Come on!


Mother can be selfish ... Yes... when it come to her child she can be selfish.....she can ignore others and be focussed only on her child... for God (doesn't matter who He/She is...) every one is equal.. a sachcha darbar..... even if you are a poor, sick, rich, powerful, meek, strong, ....everyone is equal... a mother "may" (now don't ask me a proof) desert a delinquent child but even sinners have found solace in praying to God.


Hope it helps!


Jai Shri Krishna!

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And Krishna washed the legs of Sudama..... by that logic Sudama is the greatest. Come on!


Keep mathematics out of this....this is exponential.......not alzebra


Understand Prabhu!


Jai Shri Krishna!

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******* Please realise that Vishnu is greater than Diving Mother. ************



Have you realised it yourself or is it a belief?


See what you have written. Vishnu is greater than diving mother. What is diving mother?



Uma with HIM is SOMA (sa Uma), who is father-mother of Vishnu (all Adityas). And she is all gods, heaven, and earth. This is not prejudice, this is Rig Veda. Who is greater and who is smaller does not arise.


Ma Bhavani Namah Namoh




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What you have said is exactly true and pleasing to hear.

The divine mother is the real parabrahma in the form of mother.As in the SahasraNama of the mother, we see ParaBrahmaSwaroopini is Her name.

But I dont want to argue that She is above some Vishnu or Shiva. I wont get anything with that.

Mother is mother and Krishna is Krishna.

Mother delivered Krishna also somehow.Lord Krishna also came to the world through a Mother(Mother DEVAKI).

Since Lord Krishna is supreme according to Vaishnavas, I am extremely happy to note that Krishna also had a mother.

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Jai Ganesh



(Mother can be selfish ... Yes... when it come to her child she can be selfish.....she can ignore others and be focussed only on her child... for God (doesn't matter who He/She is...) every one is equal.. a sachcha darbar..... even if you are a poor, sick, rich, powerful, meek, strong, ....everyone is equal... a mother "may" (now don't ask me a proof) desert a delinquent child but even sinners have found solace in praying to God.)


Lord in the form of mother is merciful , lenient , compassionate , magnanimous , humane , soft-hearted , forbearing , tolerant, understanding

and in the form the father is firm and demands discipline.

Both is required


we are not comparing worldy mother against god, but since you mention it there is not a single entity who can compare against the love of mother and that is why we say matru devo bhava

and then we say pitru devo bhava.


Karpoora Gauram Karunaavtaaram


Sansar saaram Bhujagendra Haaram


Sadaa Vasantam Hridayaarvinde


Bhavam Bhawani Sahitam Namami



Jai Shree Krishna


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Dear Prabhu,


It was a genine mistake to say diving mother. Pardon. I am old with bad eye. I ment divine mother.


But Siva lost to Krishn in batle. Krishn wash Sudama legs only to make him happy. Sudama know Krishn is God.



Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare

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Dear Badramurti Prabhu,


You write "But I do pray to Mother to give me Mukti.. Prabhu, for Mukuti, pray to Krishn, not mother. She cant give you Mukuti. Only Krishn. Not Siva also.



Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare

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Dear Prabhu badramurti,


You write


""What you have said is exactly true and pleasing to hear.

The divine mother is the real parabrahma in the form of mother.As in the SahasraNama of the mother, we see ParaBrahmaSwaroopini is Her name.

But I dont want to argue that She is above some Vishnu or Shiva. I wont get anything with that.

Mother is mother and Krishna is Krishna.

Mother delivered Krishna also somehow.Lord Krishna also came to the world through a Mother(Mother DEVAKI).

Since Lord Krishna is supreme according to Vaishnavas, I am extremely happy to note that Krishna also had a mother. ""


Prabhu, Gita say dont worship low gods and goddes. worship only sweet, loving Krishna. Gita say peple worship bad gods go to bad place (narak). Dear Prabhu, please be good. Krishn is great.


Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare





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Sir -- please forgive if I am offensive or degrading Durga or Kali for they are the controller of nine planets and puts everybody who are non devotees into ignorance.


Once I also adored Mother Lalitha Devi as Supreme to even Shiva & Vishnu.But in Lalitha Sahasranama,if you keenly note all namas,one nama says 'Mahamaaya',other nama is

'Samharini rudrarupa','bali priya','maha kali' etc.


If she is Maha Maaya then it means she is material energy of Vishnu and thats why we call her 'Sister' of Vishnu.And Maha Kali is ferocious,destructive and accepts animal sacrifices & blood.Please dont say 'ignorant people offer her but she does not like this'.Those ignorant people dont offer blood to Hari or any of his Avataras.And it was the main reason I went to Vaishnavism.I cannot accept that, the same Mother, gives one Mukthi and protection & wants the blood of innocent animals at the other end.Take for eg the very powerful Devi Shrine Kaamaagya.It is very powerful yet not protective for animals.


And I did not want such concept of Mother.Even refuting animal sacrifice and accepting Mother as all merciful,I hesitated to go to the very same Kali temple and simply confine to Mukthi,where animals are slaughtered with great agony and tears in their eyes.


But dear Sir -- you are right on the concept of Divine Mother yes even Prabhupad accepts the Divine Mother concept and she is the internal potency of Krishna and not external potency which is Durga or Kali.


The Divine Mother is Shirmati Radha Rani who is all merciful.


And regarding Yashoda,she was a jeevatma who got that exalted position after her severe penance to Maha Vishnu in her past life as Dhuuraa & Dhaaraa.Verily she cannot exhibit the universal mother affection which Thaayar or Maha Lakshmi can exhibit.




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Guest says among other things:



Once I also adored Mother Lalitha Devi as Supreme to even Shiva & Vishnu.But in Lalitha Sahasranama,if you keenly note all namas,one nama says 'Mahamaaya',other nama is

'Samharini rudrarupa','bali priya','maha kali' etc.


If she is Maha Maaya then it means she is material energy of Vishnu and thats why we call her 'Sister' of Vishnu.And Maha Kali is ferocious



Apparently you are basing your judgement on one attribute of Lalitha in Her Sahasranaamam. Plus, you must be a good Vaishnav, since you call Mahaa Maaya the material energy of Vishnu. You are wrong from Shaivite perspective. And totally wrong from Shakta perspective. Apparently you have not studied Lalitha Sahasranaama thoroughly.

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"..Gita say peple worship bad gods go to bad place (narak). Dear Prabhu, please be good. Krishn is great..."


Who said Krishna is not great?

I wont say that.

Did Gita say that those who worship mother Shakti or Her forms go to narak?

If so, please let me know ..

Did Krishna say that Mother Kali is a bad God?

Which is the scripture supporting your claims?

I like my mother as she is.


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