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I have researched all the major religions of the world as a truth-seeker. Hinduism teaches that there are many gods, Islam teaches that there is One God, and Christianity teaches that there is one God manifested in three eternal persons, Buddhism teaches nirvana and atheists don't believe in God at all. Why should I believe one religion over another, the Bible claims that Christ is God and that He is "THE ONLY WAY" TO God, if He states that He is God and that He is the "ONLY WAY" to God, shouldn't I beieve this? Unlike the other religions that teach that there are many roads, whereas Christ states that broad is the way that many go that leads to destruction, and narrow is the way that leads to Eternal Life, and only a "FEW" find it, because they fail to see that narrow way as the Only way to God. I don't believe that just because one religion precedes another, that it necessarily makes it the True religion, I pray to these gods and see for myself, which God listens! I have come to realize that only one God has answered my prayers and have given me a relationship with Him which is unlike that which is corporeal.



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Hinduism teaches that there are many gods

--no... hinduism is the greatest monotheist religion in the world


I have researched all the major religions of the world as a truth-seeker

---the opinion you have of hinduism demonstrates that maybe you need to be more accurate [:)]


the Bible claims that Christ is God and that He is "THE ONLY WAY" TO God, if He states that He is God and that He is the "ONLY WAY" to God, shouldn't I beieve this?

--you have simply to think about what's the effect of being truly religious in people. What is the behaviour of a religious person? He's detached from material enjoyements, he's not devoted to money, he's honest, he's dear to everyone, he's pacific, he's humble, he shines, he give useful help to everyone and so on. You can find people like that in all religions, all countries and cultures, so we can understand that there's no "only way" but "many ways".

God is a person,and he has a personal relationship with everyone, so actually there's a religion for every living being.

But jesus is not a liar... so we have to interprete the "only way" statement in the broadest sense: "the pure devotee of the lord, the one who sees the lord (tattva darshinah) is the only way to be a connection link between us and divine"


religion is life... experience.... expanding of consciousness.. not only a culture..


you have simply to put aside your doubts and start to seriously practice, to risk some life and time.. then you will understand the matter from the inside


my practice is gaudya vaishnavism.. i chant everyday a fixed number of god's names in the form of mahamantra ("hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, harehare") and i read mainly the famous vedic text "Bhagavad Gita" (http://www.asitis.com/)


in this way, without being sectarian and appreciating other ways of approaching the divine, i have seen many changes in myself and in other people who practice.. in my humble opinion i also believe to have known in this path real saints, real people who sees god face to face


i do not like or need to make propaganda... but i adviced you to practice and i had the duty to explain a practice to avoid to leave all in abstract


hari-bol (chant the name of the lord)

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read about Hinduism. Or you're reading from the wrong places. Hinduism IS monotheistic, in that there is a Supreme Being beyond all other beings. In fact, all the gods come from the Supreme Being. It is believed that the gods came AFTER the universe was created. The gods are there to maintain order of the universe, to satisfy and help people, but they themselves are not the supreme being. The supreme being is manifest inside the universe and outside of it. The supreme being is everywhere in the universe, he's in the gods, he's in us, he's in nature everywhere, etc. We are all expansions of that supreme being. And that supreme being is called Brahman.


So yeah, HInduism is monotheistic. If you want to really label Hinduism as anything, you simply can't. Because Hinduism in the broadest sense, encompasses a number of different beliefs, monistic to polytheistic, to henotheistic, to even atheism. Think of the "Force" in Star Wars, or the Matrix Trilogy, and you'll get a understanding of the nondual philosophy of Hinduism. No coincidence either that these are references from movies, as the movies themselves have heavy Hindu influence (the Matrix trilogy most of all).

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Thanks for your reply.


I know Jesus isn't a liar, and out of that same Book called the Bible, it states that there is ONE LORD and His name is called "YHVH" GOD, which literally means "I AM THAT I AM" He does not change but is eternally unchangelable. Furthermore God through His prophets gives the clearest message in the Bible, which is the timeless message of "Salvation" It says that we are all born "sinners" and all fall short of Gods standards, His standard is perfection and complete holiness which nobody can achieve. We are all born into this world as sinners as the ALMIGHTY GOD Himself says, the penalty of sin is death or what they call eternal condemnation, i.e., separation from God, that means that we are all on our way to an eternal death called the "Lake of Fire". However God in His loving mercy has provided a way to reconcile mankind to Himself, and this is found in the person of Christ. Christ was a sacrifice and God incarnate, as a sinless person, He was the only means of reconciling man unto God. That is why Christ Himself says this:"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father(GOD), but by me."


If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom "the world cannot receive", because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.


This spirit of God dwells within me and guides me into all Truth and truth that I have yet to find elsewhere, and this truth gives me a blessed Hope and assurance that I am going to live Forever with God for all of eternity. God is Spirit and not a creation, the bible speaks on this in rich clarity.


Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And "changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things". Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and {worshipped and served "the creature" more than the Creator}, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Romans 1:21-25)


Think about this friend.

Take Care!

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<< I pray to these gods and see for myself, which God listens! I have come to realize that only one God has answered my prayers >>


good. now pray him to help you understand hinduism.

if the answer does not come same as in gita,

then something (either the message transmitter or receiver) is wrong, or you never got the answer for god.


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" the Bible, it states that there is ONE LORD and His name is called "YHVH" GOD, which literally means "I AM THAT I AM"

"God through His prophets gives the clearest message in the Bible.."

"Christ was a sacrifice and God incarnate, as a sinless person, He was the only means of reconciling man unto God"


i understand that you come here to make propaganda instead to accept a valuable dialogue and exchange.. but there's no problem..


i have already said that a spiritual person, a saint, an enlightened is known by his behaviour.. so, if we keep our mind actively working, and not clouded by fanatism, we can see that such persons exist in all cultures and religions


so... if you go on considering such statements by the Bible and Gospel as exclusivist and sectarian you are actually blaspheming god and lord jesus christ because you deny that they are omnipotent and they can reach, in a form or another, in a culture or another, with a book or another, all the living beings in the world and universe..


God is one and he, like a competent master, can teach according people, place, time and circumstance....


if you do not believe it you are simply not worshiping god, but your sectarism and the poor gratification to feel yourself a saint, a martyr, an enlightened and so on.. actually you are feeding your frustration and depression

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If I obey the teachings of What the Lord Jesus Christ taught, then How am I blaspheming against them?

Understand this before you make hasty judgments at me. God indeed has the ability to reach all cultures and all peoples, that is why He specifically said to go and teach the "GOOD NEWS" to ALL RACES!

Furthermore, I am not the one who calls myself a saint, I am born into this world a person who deserves to be separated from God, because I acknowledge that I am a sinful person deserving death. You on the other hand are not only giving me names and assigning them to me, but accuse me of blasphemy.


You can call me a fanatic if you wish, but I find it odd how you believe in the teachings of Christ and yet call me a fanatic when I also believe in His teachings, and what is part of His teachings? That He is the only way to God, secondly:This is what the Bible teachers, Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

And you call that Christianity is excluding other cultures? God wants every person to receive the message of the Truth and every culture to receive it. Amusingly, I am not the one who is depressed or frustrated, I am filled with compassion towards those who may want to hear the truth. You seem to be the one frustrated here friend. Do me a favor, please don't judge me.


God Bless!

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If I obey the teachings of What the Lord Jesus Christ taught, then How am I blaspheming against them?

--you're heavily blaspheming because you think that god is limited and he can give only one religion


I acknowledge that I am a sinful person deserving death.

--so why you do not agree when i " on the other hand" am "not only giving" you "names and assigning them to" you "but accuse" you"of blasphemy".

Decide.. are you humble or are you posing as humble?


You can call me a fanatic if you wish, but I find it odd how you believe in the teachings of Christ and yet call me a fanatic when I also believe in His teachings

--no you do not believe... you are simply using jesus to make your propaganda and sustain your sectarism. In this way you are bringing hindus to hate jesus, to consider him an enemy of our religion. So please stop polluting jesus image and reputation before hindu people..


Amusingly, I am not the one who is depressed or frustrated, I am filled with compassion towards those who may want to hear the truth.

--this forum represents a culture who knows the truth by eternity, we know jesus message, we know the real essence of his words, we listened to your sermon... you claimed to have searched in all world's religions but you did show great ignorance about hinduism, now have you any question for us? do you want to learn also something or you come here only to teach and preach?

Here there's many expert spiritualists and scholars... have you any interest for our culture?


Do me a favor, please don't judge me.

--blasphemers, fanatics, offenders are to be stopped.. it is not tolerable that they give bad reputation to god and saint spiritual masters.


jesus has not come to teach us fanatism




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GOD is neither she nor he. God is the unseen power that controls the existence of this universe. Many wise men have called it by names describing it in many ways that come to their thought. Christianity is one of the path to the kingdom of God but not the only one. Islam is another path similar to Christianity and Judaism but is not the only path. Judaism is another path but is not the only one. Hinduism is the only religion that contains several path to God's kingdom. It does not compel you to follow a particular path but advice you to stick to the Vedas which helps a Hindu to attain self realization.


I'm not against Jesus who I believe was a reformist with a gift from God. Anyone can attain the powers Jesus had possessed. Even to this day there are men who are called shadus in India who could walk on water, cure the blind, walk through fire and even bring back the dead if the will of God is there. You have chosen a path and my advice to you is be true to it instead of belittling or making fun of other's faith. You believe is Jesus because the bible says so and so are the others who believe in their religion because their scriptures say so. It is all faith that keeps man on the ground. Go in peace and leave us alone as we know who God is and how to attain it's grace.

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my desire to debate with you is lower than yours, i am only sorry for the ones who occasionally come here and maybe believe that your nonsenses are hinduism..


my duty is to show that fortunately there's disagreement

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Barney, I find it odd how hinduists believe in the teachings of Christ and yet do not adhere to it. Christ is God and as god He specifically stated that He is the only way to God and that the path is straight and narrow. This is why He told His followers to preach the Gospel to "ALL THE WORLD" Nobody can attain the powers Jesus had possessed. Christ had the power in Himself to give life and authority over all creation, and through Him did all creation come into existence. Can you honestly say that you can bring yourself back to life from the dead, and that you have the power to create life and the rule and dominion to condemn and to pardon anyone you choose to. Only God can forgive sins, and we are all born into this world as sinners, and the penalty of sin is death. Christ has bridged that Gap and has reconciled man unto God and has given the "free" Gift of Eternal Life. However in order to receive this gift, one must first accept it. The penaly of our sins was paid on the CROSS when Christ was crucified and died and rose again the third day. If you believe that He has died for your sins and that He has risen from the dead and is LORD, you receive this "FREE GIFT" of Eternal Life. This is yours for the taking, and is given to you by one simple prayer, that prayer will open a door to your heart and God will "enter in", And you will from then forth be guided into all truth.


Please think about this friend.


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hi omega,

see if u want to preach xnity, u can do that on some other forum dedicated for that.

here we want to discuss abt Hinduism, Sanathan dharma, which is the way of living applicable for everyone.

do u mean to say the dharma which existed even before the birth of christ is wrong? no God is ever existing, n he was there even before christ came here, n i believe in that God.

n pls this is for all those people who try to convert Hindus, we Hindus never go to convert anyone by saying that ur god is not true, n u also pls don't try to convert us.

Only we say n accept that God is one, but has diff names n forms.

if that worries u, u can keep quite, don't try to trouble us.

first study whole vedas, gita n upanishads, later talk abt who is the God.

I know of people who just take certain part of the holy books which they like n leave the other parts which contradict their faith.

so study ur own bible also properly, n study gita, bhagavatam, upanishads n vedas, to know more abt Hinduism.

u have understood a part, try to know the whole real knowledge.

all the best.

n bye


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I find it odd how hinduists believe in the teachings of Christ and yet do not adhere to it.

--you are going against christ's message... i have already said it and you was not able to answer


Christ is God and as god He specifically stated that He is the only way to God

--he said it in palestine before disciples who were ignorant and unfaithful. So he has to be strong and determinate with them... and he was right, in the palestine of 2000 years ago there was no one except jesus.


Only God can forgive sins, and we are all born into this world as sinners, and the penalty of sin is death. Christ has bridged that Gap and has reconciled man unto God and has given the "free" Gift of Eternal Life

--infinite masters have eternally bridged such gap... in vedic culture we know many of them including god himself speaking the bhagavad gita.. of course christ suits perfectly your definition, but he's not come to sustain fanatics and exclusivist like you.


I understand also that you belong to some protestant sectarian bogus group and not to the church who is the direct dinasty coming from jesus christ..


so how can you speak?


The penaly of our sins was paid on the CROSS when Christ was crucified and died and rose again the third day.

--stop to make sins.. especially the ones to insult god saying that he can save only christians and there will be no more need to put jesus in the cross to pay your sins


stop bother.. respect god... respect jesus christ... do not create hate for jesus among hindu people or you'll be responsable of it and you'll go to hell

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You shoudld be "very careful" in what you say my friend. I am not going to hell, you are the only one who is condeming people here, not me. By your words you will be justified and by your words you condemn yourself. The God I worship extends His love to all cultures and this is what I teach, so far nothing good has come from your heart but shifting blame upon me for teaching what Christ has taught. If you hate me, then you hate Christ. And if you want to throw guilt trips at me for sharing Gods extended love to all cultures,thats on you. Your heart has shown its true colord, nobody else here on this forum seems to have the hostility you have. I invite you to receive the free gift of eternal life, you on the other hand condemn me to hell. God says clearly "NOT TO CONDEMN OTHERS" or you yourself will be condemned. I do not condemn people here, I came to share the Love and Grace and Mercy that has been given to me, and all I have received is hostility and negativity from you. My ticket to paradise has been purchase by the Blood of Christ, you are not the one to make judgments,that in itself has severe repercussions, take my advice on this.


Since I see no affability or love stemming from you whatsoever, I will leave this forum. There is too much negativity as it is in this lost and dying world. You reject Love and you reject Christ because you reject His love and you reject me for teaching what He has taught.


If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. (John 15;18-20)


Take Care and God Bless

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Your are ignorant but that does not mean others too are. May be the path you took forbids you to attain SR but not mine. If you believe nothing can be acheived than that's what you get. A big "NOTHING" is all you have in mind. But fear not which ever way slowly but surely you will realize the real truth about MAN and his mission on earth.


We have to be cautious in recognising where we stand at any given moment of time. And the Gita makes it clear that, according to it, Yoga is the establishment of harmony in all the levels of being. There is nothing superior or inferior in this world. Everything that God has created has a value in its own level, or stage. And the level in which we are now is also equally valuable, and its value base to be recognised by us; we cannot reject it as if it is not there. Our action, our conduct, our movement, our behaviour in the particular atmosphere in which we are placed has to be one of harmony with that atmosphere. This is Yoga and the need to understand the way in which we can conduct ourselves in harmony with the atmosphere is stringent. And what is this action which has to be performed in such a manner that it is in harmony with the movement of things outside in the given atmosphere? When the harmony is established between ourselves and the environment outside, our actions cease to be actions, they become movements of Cosmic Power. Action, then, becomes non-action; one can see action in non-action and non-action in action. Our intelligence has to rise to that level where we should be able to recognise inaction in action and action in inaction. When our action is set in tune with the movements of things outside, action becomes non-action. It is as if we are doing nothing, because we are moving in harmony with the whole pattern of the environment outside, with which we are connected, and of which we are a part, organically. When we are in union with the laws of the universe, our actions are not our actions. They are laws operating in themselves in an impersonal manner.


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The God I worship extends His love to all cultures and this is what I teach, so far nothing good has come from your heart but shifting blame upon me for teaching what Christ has taught

--not true.. i have several times said why you are speaking against god and jesus.. and you weren't able to give any direct answer


If you hate me, then you hate Christ

--be humble.. you are you and christ is christ


Since I see no affability or love stemming from you whatsoever, I will leave this forum.

--nice idea.. you have no intention to start a dialogue as peers but you wanted only to indoctrinate... so go to spread your fanaticism elsewere


You reject Love and you reject Christ because you reject His love and you reject me for teaching what He has taught

--i have said why you are not teaching the christ message.. you are not able to demonstrate that i am wrong


If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you

--that's karma law.. so do not come attempting to persecute sanatana dharma or you'll be persecuted by god..

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jesus is not a sadhana siddha (someone who gets transcendence by practice) but a nitya siddha (eternally liberated individual) or better, for many people and vedic authorities..a shaktiavesha avatara..


"There is nothing superior or inferior in this world"

--that's wrong, the ultimate instruction of the gita is when krsna says to arjuna "leave all other dharmas and surrender to me.. "


to surrender means to recognise a supremacy.. if you think that there's nothing superior and inferior you are going against the gita


to be the supreme lord is an eternal condition, god is sat (eternal) and he's also CIT (conscious)


unite this two adjectives and you'll obtain that the lord is eternally conscious of his condition of supremacy and superiority.. so if you are not feeling lord's consciousness, if you do not own right now the lord's powers it is inpossible that you will reach such position in the future


remember ..god is sat+cit... eternally conscious of everything including his position and supremacy

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