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what to do for anger...

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hi, i am born and raised here, going to med school now. i lead mostly reserved, disciplined life as child. i learned to control my emotions and this made me somewhat apathetic and now i struggle to display emotion ( i am twenty two now). i find now that i have a lot of pent up emotion in me as well. sometimes i find my self getting angry ,liek when i play sports and someone hits me or just everyday things.


how to control this anger? is there anything i can eat? i eat lots of daal, channa, chapathi, rice, spinach, red grapes, cashew nuts, milk. is there anything i can do?

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purification should start not from material things but from the soul, which then influences your intelligence, mind, and body respectively, according to the gita.


practice through meditation. you shouldnt pent up emotion or hide from it. face what there is to face, find its root. spend the rest of your time contemplating on god by meditation, and through years you can achieve peace through this way. if you do this, it automatically affects the rest of your life.

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i forgot to add it would be good for you to study the religous books if you have an interest in finding god. it may not do anything for you but then maybe it will, but you need the perserverence and the willingness to find god. read the whole gita and understand it back to front. in there it shows the human mind and spirit is subject to the 3 modes of material nature, saatvic, rajasic, and tamasic. one of these natures is predominant in each person and destroys the other two. a person under saatvic control is happy and wise, a person under rajasic control is passionate and attached to material things. a person under tamasic control is stupid, and leads a life bound to errors and failure. each of these leads to the associated better or worse rebirths upon death. anger is a tamasic quality.

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  • 6 months later...

i am born and raised here, going to med school now. i lead mostly reserved, disciplined life as child. i learned to control my emotions and this made me somewhat apathetic and now i struggle to display emotion ( i am twenty two now). i find now that i have a lot of pent up emotion in me as well.


I don't think you learnt to control your emotions if you have pent up emotions in you. Most likely you were taught to shove your anger inside of you and go around thinking that is self-control and discipline.


I heard a lot of radio shows about Yoga, especially stating that controlling answer is by penting up your own emotions and void bothering about others and their action. This is no self-discipline.


Anger is like fire. You cannot keep it inside of you and expect you to be free. You should learn to release it. Take up sports, martial arts and other activities which requires physical training. That will get your mind off things and at same time have a channel to release your anger. That's what I do.

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Hi Mara


I have the same problem! So i understand your emotions


I get irritated and angry in a second for some small reason and it really upsets me that it happened. I also had emotions locked up when i was a kid not out of discipline but due to my father (who was strict). So, now it is manifesting itself. It was very bad 7-8 years before.


I was also in medical school and due to these burst of anger, i got into some problems with the school and had to eventually drop out.


That was before i got into Krishna Consciousness. I dont know if you know anything about Krishna Consciousness.


Once i got into Krishna Consciousness, i started to chant the Mahamantra which is


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


I chant everyday a minimum of 108 times. Now, i asked/begged to God so He can show some mercy on me to control my anger.


Today, i can say my anger has reduced 70%. Iam cool and think of God when i get anger.


So, I NEVER try to CONTROL myself, i leave it to KRISHNA and ask HIM to please control. So, in other words, i used this as an opportunity to think of Krishna and becasue of that today, i am able to control my anger.


The solution, chant the mantra daily and sincerely ask Krishna to help you. I did it and solved my anger problem and iam sure you can too!





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