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If god is all powerful can he do the following?

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But does God have the power to do irrational things or not?



Square circles are a conceptual mistake. Similarly a "superior being" is created by a "superior to superior being". This again leads to infinite regression. If you have taken basic mathematics you would realize that your question itself is self-contradictory and hence your question is wrong to begin with. Since you asked a wrong(irrational) question, you get a wrong(irrational) answer.


so you loose.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh


So irrational questions cannot be answered rationally. The answer is also going to be irrational, unless you can answer your own question rationally. If you cannot explain your question rationally, then you are the looser to begin with.


So to begin with, explain rationally


1. If hypothetically a Being creates a 'superior BEING' is the original BEING not superior to 'superior being', since only a 'superior to superior being' can create a 'superior being' ? So the question is who is superior here ? and explain your question rationally, before you expect a rational answer.


2. Square by definition is something other than circle and vice-versa ? So square circle is irrational. Can you rationally explain square circle ? When you do so you will get a rational answer


Until then the answer for your question is YES and ofcourse the answer is also irrational.


3. Can GOD do irrational things ? Again the answer is YES. The answer too is irrational and do not ask for rational explanation for an irrational answer corresponding to your irrational questions.


Instead of asking silly irrational questions ponder on your question if it makes any rational sense first.

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I already asked can god create another superior parabhramman.This hasn't been answered.

--read better from the beginning (..srimati radhika, sri chaitanya mahaprabhu..)


So God has propensity to decrease also.Very funny.

--not very funny... it is natural, he's God, he's omnipotent


IF he has the propensity to decrease then does he have the propensity to not be there also?

--of course yes.. he's also nirguna brahman... someone who has no "gunas (=no features)" is not really existing


also God in any form does not exist in materialistic/karmic sense..


have you something more difficult to ask?



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(quote=guest)read better from the beginning (..srimati radhika, sri chaitanya mahaprabhu..)



Radhika and chaitanya were jeevathmas.I asked parabhramman II.Dont try to cheat the great einstein...he is the winner...yeahhhhhhhhooooooooooooo


(quote=guest)--not very funny... it is natural, he's God, he's omnipotent(unquote0


Vedas call bhramman as "poornam".How can poornam decrease??Dont try to cheat einstein.He knows everything....He is great.


quote=guest)--of course yes.. he's also nirguna brahman... someone who has no "gunas (=no features)" is not really existing(unquote)


Dont escape into advaitha.Einstein the genius knows everything in the world.Advaitha always accepts existence of 1 entity god.0 exists is buddhism.Dont try to cheat einstein the great.


I win,,,yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooo







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(quote=ganeshprasad)May be you can tell us the motive behind your questions, other wise we all go round in circle and get a square answer(unquote)


Actually if i tell my motive you wont believe it.But still Facts are stranger than fictions".


In vaikunda shiva and vishnu were discussing these questions.Shiva asked vishnu to create a square circle.Vishu created it.Vishnu asked shiva whether shiva can not exist.Shiva did that and disappeared(ha,ha clever vishnu)Before disappearing shiva asked vishnu whether vishnu can create parabhramman no2.


Vishnu agreed and created Parabhramman no 2.That is none other than me.Now i came down to earth to test the earthlings.Ha,ha,haaaaa



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Radhika and chaitanya were jeevathmas.I asked parabhramman..

--one billion hindus all over the world do not put on the altar a jiva. So get better informations and you'll see that radharani is Hare, the internal potency of Love of sri Krsna, The ParamBrahman in his "servant" aspect. With Sri Chaitanya it is the same thing, millions of people worship Him as Radha and Krsna combined together, more mercyful (so.. under a certain point of view.. better than Krsna) than krsna himself who asks "surrender and i will protect you.."

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu does not ask.. he simply gives his mercy to everyone


Vedas call bhramman as "poornam".How can poornam decrease??

--PURNA means "complete".. In the "completness" there's the complete variety of features, one feature is the possibility to decrease. Of course, being you human, you do not understand how can it be logic, but God is omnipotent and unlimited, so he can increase and decrease simultaneously remaining purna.. complete


Dont escape into advaitha

--there's no escaping.. reality is simultaneously dvaita and advaita... and nirguna brahman, lacking of features and activities is a kind of "non existence"


Vishnu agreed and created Parabhramman no 2.That is none other than me

--you are too ignorant to be Param Brahman. And you are not humble (the emperor,the king,,the lord,,the winner ..its me..), God having all qualities is the most humble.. so, also for this reason, you're a poor conditioned soul

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you definitely aren't one. Read up on Einstein's beliefs and you'll see he's not the atheist most people claim him to be. He believed in God, he just didn't believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of God. Therefore, he was labelled as an atheist and that too only from a western point of view. Einstein's views on God have many similarities to the Vedic concept of God.

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<font color="brown">Pranam Lord Einstein !

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Actually if i tell my motive you wont believe it. But still Facts are stranger than fictions". <font color="blue">

GaneshPrasad ji asked your motive, but your motive is clear through your statements. You are imaging yourself a clever person and others are fools in this forum. If you tell your motive, people will not wonder, because people know that there are so many kinds of straying JIVAs in this mortal world. For a dark mind facts are stranger but for a conscious (purna-chetan) mind facts are creative. Which you refer ?

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In vaikunda shiva and vishnu were discussing these questions. Shiva asked vishnu to create a square circle. Vishu created it. Vishnu asked shiva whether shiva can not exist. Shiva did that and disappeared(ha,ha clever vishnu) Before disappearing shiva asked vishnu whether vishnu can create parabhramman no2.<font color="blue">

In vaikuntha, Shiva asked Vishnu, "Prabhu, Ravana and other asuras and atheist people are created by you. Those are so critical and threaded animates they can understand the language of power only. Can you create a square circle"? Lord Vishnu started to create the circle and Shiva disappeared because he thought, Lord Vishnu is the creator, if he creates more . . . a Lord Einstein like creature . . . then both will be puzzled.

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Vishnu agreed and created Parabhramman no 2.That is none other than me. Now i came down to earth to test the earthlings.Ha,ha,haaaaa <font color="blue">

Yeahhhhh ! Prabhu Parabhramman no 2 ! So this is Kal-Yuga. Actually Lord Vishnu said, "Hey Shiva ! Why you are interested to create the destructive Parabhramman no 2 . . . before the time"? Shiva disappeared without answer.

Ha, ha, haaaaaaa . . . . I have heard this type of sound only in 'Ram-lila' play.


This is just a discussion forum, Lord Einstei. You are the lord of scientists, you can understand everything, but I am really a chelaa of 3 years old.

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Om Namah Shivay !

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dear son,

I feel u need to be more serious, don't waste other's time also, if u r all that euphoric pls go n talk to ur doctor,

bye, have a good day.

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