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Is Ashwathama Still Alive?

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There is a shloka in Mahabharat:

Ashwatthaama Balirvyaaso Hanumaanshch Vibheeshanah

Kripashch Parashuraamashch saptaite chirjeevinah, which means:

1. Ashwatthama 2. Bali (the king who encountered Bhagwan Vaaman) 3. Vyaasdev 4. Hanumaan 5. Vibheeshan 6. Kripaacharya & 7. Parashuraam Ji, these 7 people are chiranjeevee.

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Dear Ganeshprasad will we ordinary humans ever have a chance of seeing great souls like Hanuman ,Vidura ,Kripacharya etc.

Where exactly do we go to find these people??? If we go to the Himalayas will we chance upon them??? Or is it that one must possess a sixth sense to see them???. How can you say that these souls are alive??? Why dont they save the world??? At least why dont they save India from corrupt politicians????

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Jai Ganesh


Pranam tackleberry(what does this mean)



(Dear Ganeshprasad will we ordinary humans ever have a chance of seeing great souls like Hanuman ,Vidura ,Kripacharya etc)


Where there is a will there is a way, like everything in life to achieve some thing one has to thrive for it. For me it is not important to see them, although it would be nice but it is important to follow in their footstep in this way one is already associating with them. We should behave in such a way that they notice us.



(Where exactly do we go to find these people??? If we go to the Himalayas will we chance upon them??? Or is it that one must possess a sixth sense to see them???)


If we are qualified we don’t have to go anywhere they are sidh purash they come to us. But Himalaya is a mystical place great yogis are said to be doing taps in the caves, even if you do not chance upon them the mere experience and the antiquity of the beautiful Himalay is wonderful sight to behold, if the lord allow I am making plans again, this time to reach Gomukh and if my ageing vehicle allows I might try tapovan.



.( How can you say that these souls are alive??? Why dont they save the world??? At least why dont they save India from corrupt politicians???? )


If you are a spiritual person and I think that you are, you should know that the soul can never die, we do not know what the lords plans are what ever they think fit they do, they can not or would not want to live our life for us, we make our bed we must lie on it.

We are making a fine job of making a mess of things, corruption is born of greed, the foreign occupation brought many unvedic concept in our culture, it is up to us to change this, secularism is a curse its prime casualty is Hindu dharma (which is inherently secular) politician use it to further their own agenda and none of them include following dharma in it


It is up to us to bring about the Vidur niti we desire.


Jai ShreeKrishna


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Yes you are completely correct,these great souls can appear anytime,anywhere,but where exactly is Siddhashram located???

How do we get there??? I have read the Gita,the Upanishads

but I never knew of Siddhashram.


You are right pseudo-secularism has destroyed India. But dont blame the West,blame ourselves for this mess!!! Sometimes i think we are not fit to govern ourselves ,or have we made the wrong choice???. I mean look at Bihar and UP and the rest of India. I dont think the great souls can do anything to improve our lot,since we are in Kaliyug.


BTW Tackleberry is a character in the film "Police Academy" and my favorite.

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Jai Ganesh



(but where exactly is Siddhashram located???

How do we get there???)


Siddh means perfection and you know what ashram is, well there is some thing called sidhLoka, it is not in this imperfect world.

And then there is the abode of the lord having attain this one never retun to this mortal world.

Krishna describe this in the gita how to get there, one simple method in Kali youga(which is full of faults)is to chant the names of the lord.




(I have read the Gita,the Upanishads

but I never knew of Siddhashram. )


nice that you read the gita, more you read more you will understand, siddhashram can not be very far.


Jai Shree Krishna

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  • 3 weeks later...
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There isnothing wrong with asking a question like that.

Dharmadev and Bhaktimata (father and mother of Bhagwan Swaminarayan) were cursed over two hundred years ago by Ashwathama son of Dhron.


This is described within Satsangi Jivan written by Shatanand Muni.


He was tall and well built robed in orange clothes as a Bhramin.His head was strapped just above his eyebrows and he was covered in Bhasma. he had big red eyes.


mother Bhakti and fatehr Dharm were on their way back from Vrindavan where Shri Krishna proclaimed to them that there troubles in Chapaiya (village close to the banks of Saryu) would soo nend after he would himself be born to them.on the way back one night (it took 28 days for them to get back to chapaiya-birthplace of Swaminarayan Bhagwan) as they walked through the forest they lost there way and a tall brahmin was roaming the forest. They asked them for direction.The brahmin with a deep voice asked where they were coming from as they looked feared. Dharmdev explained that hey was a sarvariya Samavedi brahmin and his Kuldev was Hanumanji and according to Hanumanji telling Dharmdev at Hanuman Ghadhi -Ayodhya (where Dharmdev did tapascharya for 3 months) tehy went to Vrindavan. Dharmdev explained the whole incident as well as telling him how they had a revelation from Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani in Vrindavan. With this the Brahmin spoke with anger in his voice "krishna My arch enemy? Will be born to you? I curse him for the pain i have bore as of him, that he as your son will never be able to bare wepons and neither shall he fight in any war!".


Saying this he left pushing Dharmdev aside. Bhaktimata was trembling and crying.Just then hanumaji arrived to them once again and calmed them and showed them the way and told them that they need not fear as God does not need any wepon nor need to fight to rid evil and tyranny.


This incident shows that Aswathama is still roaming forst and jungles of India today.As this was just over 200 odd years ago.


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When we bog down in details of our sacred texts, we loose sight of the big picture. Remember that Mahabharat is written in Samadhi Bhasa. This is the language of meditation. One may not translate it exactly and assume that the literary meaning is the actual meaning. There are implied messages and lessons with each story in the Mahabharat.


Dron was guru of Pandavas and Kauravas, whose son's name is Athothama. Pandavas and Kauravas are gunas and vasanas respectively that we have within us. A guru can direct these so that we may achieve liberation. In Hatinapur(Our body),if vasanas are suppressed than the Gunas(Pandvas) will bring Sri Krisna to the temple of our soul. However, if we allow our Vasanas(Kauravas) to prevail then the teachings of Guru will be waisted in this life(death of Kauravas).


Ashothama is son of Dron and also a colleague of Kauravas(Vasanas). He is born from a Guru's Vasana. In otherwords, what Vyas maharaj is saying is that Ashothama is Vasanas that are born of people who portray themselves as "Gurus." We see all around us, then, that Ashothama is very much alive. From numerous Ashrams, and temples that are being built today belonging to various sects and Gurus, confirms Krishna's boon that Athothama will never die. The desire for Glory will remain within all humans regardless of your degree of devotion.


However, the pride(gem) that comes with this glory will only be removed by Krisna himself. As long as we have Padavas(gunas) in our heart and soul, we will defeat this desire with the help of Krisna, and only then will we achive Moksa like the Pandavas.


Jai Shree Radhe-Govind.


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I read your article and remember something told to me by my father. My Fathers uncle was a famous (Vadiya) - Doctor in Ludhiana. He would spen hours meditating too. he was a bhagat of Data Dayal, well Known guru in punjab (try to serch for data dayal on net).

My fathers uncle who was a vaidya was closing his shop in the after noon one day as it was summer time and everthing was shut due to summers, 1968-69, ludhiana, Punjab. just then a old person came to him, whose face was covered and speaks to him in crude punjabi and hindi mix, Bada naam sun hai tera, bhaut bada vaidya hai tu?,, illaj kar sakda hai mera?

and He says tell me what the problem is ?,, and when he removed the Pagdi ,there was a dent on the forehead never seen before, as if the brain was taken away from the fore front, yet the skin was tight as if nothing had happened.

my dad'suncle was a bit nervous but still said that would like to have a second look at him,, he said tenu pata hai main kaun hoon??? and my dad's uncle says,, i think i know who u r but still let me get my stuff,, by the time he brings his stuff from the almirah ,,that man had left,, never to be found again,, But he said that his eyes always haunted him,, hee had blue eyes, which were so sharp as if he walked inside his brain.


this is one incident which i have heard from my dad..

But there is some thing very strange and shocking which i heard from my nana ji (unfortunatly he expired a few months ago)


he said that post mahabharat though lord krishna did leave him alive to suffer, he felt thretened from Arjun,, so he took the route west to the country,, crossing the today of pakistan, Iran and entereed saudi arebia(the continentinal rift had it closer then) he stayed in the deserts where no human could be alive so he choose a place where there was nothing to eat. remember he was a SHIVA UPASAK, one who prays shiva. he nedeed water to put on the shiv linga,, thus he shot an arrow on the ground so hard that there was a water stream but not so much so that it should not be visible,,, he prayed to lord shiva for help (mukti), but he did not help as Lord vishnu (Krihsna) had given the shrap,,, remeber he was given a bon to live ,,but not the bon to live happily, which means that all the illness will be suffered by him,, all the pains wil be suffered by him..

with time ,, civilisation grew and more people started to come there,, The Bright stone (Shivlinga) emitted a power ful light,,, person getting the feel of that light gets blessed,,,, today it is covered with black cloth,,, people call it Macca ,,, Legend says it that if a Brahmin (Brahmin by birth and brahmin by his actions) brings the Ganga water to that place and puts it on the shivlinga,, some thing will happen,, that "some thing is described differently by different sects,, some say all muslims will die,, some says non hindus will die,, some says that area will be submerged in the sea,,,

Now the checks,, It is true as i have spoken to a few of my muslim friends that as you enter there in macca,, NO WATER is alowed to be brought in,, more over,, COWS meat is touched on your tounge,, things which are written not to be done by a brahmin,, so that even if a brahmin tries to do this ,, it is averted,, more over ,, those who possess the knowledge says tht others are just wating for GANGA to VANISH from the earth,,, we all knowthat the water level of ganga is going down every year,,,,

Have you noticed why the muslims takes round across the shivlinga how people do in the mandir???????? in a way they r praying LORD SHIVA,, but in more of a TANTRIK FASHION.

so help is required my firend,,,, tel as many people as you can,,, this information needs to keep floating till eternity,,, as if today u dont pass it on,,,,, no body else will,,

Rest by gods wish ,, you might be the saviour of hinduism,,


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What u want to circulate? Ashwatahama is an evil element and you all stop glorifying him.


You have drawn him till Saudi.

I pity you people who wants some thrill to happen.

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Man, we are not trying to glorify Ashwathama. We are all just trying to understand our hindu histories and teachings. Theres nobody in this forum whos is glorifying him, we are all curious to what happened to him.


I have also heard from numerous people that others have spotted someone with a dent in the forehead roaming around the Narmada river (Gujrat). He was described as tall person, and that there was tons of fly's, bugs surrounding him all the time.


I have an interesting question, why did Ashwathama recieve an endless punishment ? I have read about other charactaers like Kumsan, and othe asuras who has commited more worse attrocities than ashwathama, But they were all killed and thus ended their punishements. But Aswathama sents the bhramasthra to kill Arjuns unborn son.. (Does this have another deeper meaning, probably the scripts were not translated corectly?)


But please sombody explain to me... I think Aswathama has commited a sin that possibly not even the worst evil force can commit.



Om Sri Rama Jayam

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All this i know feel is sheer nonsense. Nobody could have seen

Asvathamma ,at least, not in Gujarat. If he is alive he along with other personalities like Lord Hanuman.Lord Shiva could be roaming in the Himalayas. I understand there is a Siddhashram

somewhere in the Himalayas on a different plane altogether.He must be there!!!

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As someone earlier said, why was ashwathama cursed and not killed? If one thinks about it, what Shri Krishna did was the prefect thing to do. Firstly, Ashvathama was born with a boon of immortality, hence he could not be killed. So the question of killing him couldnt arise. If we analyse his sin then in the eyes of Shri Krishna it is unforgivable:

A: He tried to kill an unborn child. Killing a child in the ages of Mahabharat was a grave sin.

B: He killed the children of Draupadi, who were young, which added to his bag of sins.

C: He tried to destroy the Panadavas future generation, who without, our earth would be plunged into adharma.

D: Think about it, if Parikshit was killed we would never have recived the Shrimad Bhagvat Puran which was narrated to him by Shukdevji.

E: If Parikshit was killed, Shri Krishna's mission of establishing dharma on our earth would have been wrecked, as who wouldve succeeded the Pandavas to keep dharma going?


Basically Ashwathama was literally a demon, as he tried to ruin Shri Krishna's mission of dharma. So, Shri Krishna cursed him to remain on this earth forever, carrying the guilt of his crimes against humanity on his shoulders, deprived of compassion and pity and always in pain from the wound in his forehead where a gem was removed.

I believe this is the worst punishment God gave him as atleast demons who died at the hands of God went onto a better afterlife, Ashvathama will never attain the happiness of God and will be condemened to living alone on earth forver in pain. Now you tell me...isnt that a good punishment to give an asura like him?

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But it is understandable why he recieved that punishment, But when you compare it with Kamsan who tried to kill Lord Krishana, Krishna is the saviour of dharma. So woulnd Kamsan deserve a similar punishment ? I would say that Aswathama was also in a pure hatred of pandavas because of Dhrona's death (Even Yudishtran kind of lied to him.. atleast Yudishtran knew the circumstance eventhough he was referening to the dead elephant, he knows that Dhrona is going to think its his son, so yudhistra misled Dhrona), So Aswathma was in a rage, But Kamsan was killing the babies because of his own personal life being threatened and Kamsan was a bad man all the time.


Please Justify this?

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we cannot compare Ashwathama with Kanss/Kamsa for following reasons:


1) Kamsa was actually a devotee of Krishna/Vishnu (loosely speaking) in the sense that he was constantly remembering him with the bhaav of enemity, fear etc


- He actually died by the hands of Krishna because he was blessed to be killed in this way, so krishna was fulfilling his promise by "killing" him and giving him liberation and sending him back to Vaikunthloka.


- more so, Kamsa actually was constantly remembering Krishna (Sumiran) constantly, out of fear, anger, hate etc. and hence he was actually performing devotion with that Bhaav of being an enemy, so again he deserved what he got.

- Kamsa was actually being the medium (by God's will) of sending back the cursed souls (Krishna's brothers) by killing them after they are born. Those souls were cursed to be born, and as per their karmic actions they were supposed to have lived that long (ie., breathed so many breaths)

- there are many other reasons like these


2) Ashwathama, on the other hand was supposed to be an acharya's son, a Brahmin's son, a highly learned person and yet he went against all the qualities of a Brahmana (killing the pandava's sons in sleep, releasing the Brahmastra which could destroy all creation in an attempt to kill Maharaja Parikshit while still in the womb of Uttara (Abhimanyu's wife), etc etc) in a very grevious way and therefore his "punishment" was more severe or one could say Krishna in his compassion blessed Ashwathama so that he gets the chance to atone for his "sins" or bad deeds by continuous penances/austerities/tapasya etc.


Best Wishes



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Thank You i stand corrected,


Shishupal and Dantavkra ?


- they were destined to be born 3 times as enemies of God rather than 7 times as devotees.


Kans had known that during the battle between the gods and demons he was the demon Kalnemi, and he was killed by Lord Vishnu. So fearing Lord Vishnu rallying with Yaduvanshis, Kansa cultivated high degree of hostility towards them.


When all pervasive Lord saw that Yaduvanshis were being tortured without reason, He transferred his glory in Vasudev. Through Vasudev, Devaki received that brilliant part of the lord. On the other hand, Kansa also came to know about Devaki's eighth issue. Since, then his hostility surged unprecidently and he began to wait for the birth of Devaki's eight son very anxiously. All it means to say that Kansa mind reflected on God every moment day in and day out.



Best Wishes








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once could say that the other two were playing a side-role because they were already eternal associates of God as his celestial guardians and hence had come down as part of his leelas.


Whereas Kansa was playing an important role and hence the focus on him was more.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī gives the following elaborate commentary on this section of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam:


Concerning the killing of Dantavakra, the Uttara-khaṇḍa (279) of the Padma Purāṇa contains further details in the following prose passage:


Itthaṃ jaya-vijayau sanakādi-śāpa-vyājena kevalaṃ bhagavato līlārthaṃ saṃsṛtāv avatīrya janma-traye 'pi tenaiva nihatau janma-trayāvasāne muktim avāptau:


"So it was that Jaya and Vijaya — apparently because of being cursed by Sanaka and his brothers but actually to facilitate the Supreme Lord's pastimes — descended to this material world and in three consecutive lifetimes were killed by the Lord Himself. Then, at the completion of these three lifetimes, they attained liberation."....



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Jagdish, I have questions of these three world (Planes).


What is Kailasham, Yaikunta, and Indra Loga (sorry if i spelled

something wrong) ? Which is our heaven ? Because i seen people refer to all these places as heaven.


I heard that if someone dies on Yaikunta Ekadasi they go straight to Yaikunta ?


Also regarding Aswathamas state, he seems to punished for iternal, But according to our hindu religion. Aswathama has gained huge amount of Karma but with good deeds one can attain equal amount of Dharma thus nullifying the effect ?

So therefore he cannot be in an iternal punishement ?

Because of our karmas from previous life, thats why we provide food to poor people and help others so that we gain Dharma and thus we attain a better next life ?





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Re: Difference between Yakunta and Kailasha


Vaikuntha Loka is the abode/Realm/domain of Lord Vishnu

Kailasha Loka is the abode/Realm/domain of Lord Shiva

Brahma Loka is the abode/Realm/domain of Lord Brahma


Loka - abode(s)/ World(s), etc.


Indra Loka is the abode of the Indra Deva who is the king of heavens - the heavenly planets in this domain are above our world (earthly planetary system). The abodes of Lord Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu are above this system of planets

- one could say, almost like in a different cluster of galaxies

- similarly, it is said that there are numerous heavenly planets and planetary systems.


The term "Heaven" is used very loosely here to generalise everything. However, this is not the case. As there are numerous Vaikuntha planets and so on.


It is said that a pious Soul goes to the abode of his/her chosen deity or God. The one towards whom they have had the most devotion.


If one is a devotee of Lord Shiva then he/she would go to Lord Shiva's abode and have the benefit of serving the Lord there and likewise Lord Vishnu's devotee would go to His abode and so on.


It is also said in the puranas, that according to one's karmic actions he/she goes to a specific planet to enjoy the fruits of their actions. If the actions have been bad then a suitable planet in the Narkloka (the hellish planetary system) becomes their next home after earthly life, until they have paid off the debts of their actions, and so on.


Regarding Ashwathama.

- His situation is totally depended on God's Grace. Although He is immortal according to our understandings. He was condemned to suffer until the end of our time and age and when the creation is dissolved/absorbed back into the Lord. So in that way it is a very long time but not infinity.


Obviously, God saw his actions so grave that He "cursed/blessed" him and gave him the opportunity to continue burning off his karmas by doing good deeds and guiding those who seek guidance, etc. So by the end of time he would be purified enough to go back to God or be given a different role to play, etc. Who are we do know/judge God's reasons.


Hope this Helps


Best Wishes







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jagdish you quoted "It is also said in the puranas, that according to one's karmic actions he/she goes to a specific planet to enjoy the fruits of their actions. If the actions have been bad then a suitable planet in the Narkloka (the hellish planetary system) becomes their next home after earthly life, until they have paid off the debts of their actions, and so on."


See this is the hard part to understand, if we were to have an afterlife based on our karmic actions, then whats Earth ? Because i see people in Sorkalogam on Earth and People in Naraloka on Earth. For Example Bill Gates, Walmart Ownwers, etc.. are basically on Sorkaloka Earth, Then you see the people in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Eastern Europe, even some part of india in their everyday life live in narakloka Earth.


Why would we need to go to a different plane (Sorkaloga, narakaloga) we have them all on earth ? Then whats the purpose for those planes ?


If you have done good deeds and have dharma then you can be born in the same earth and live a life and enjoy the fruits of your actions, could this be possible ?


You also quoted "It is said that a pious Soul goes to the abode of his/her chosen deity or God. The one towards whom they have had the most devotion."


what if a person has lived a life with many dharma, he has helped the poor and needy, fed orphans and homeless. But he has no religion or a deity, where would his soul go, to whom will it go, Vishnu, Shiva, Brhama ?


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Regarding Swarka/Naraka and earth,it is partially true that in earth itself both cases we can see.But one thing is very special about earth.


It is that, there is a sort of balance between happiness and sorrow.Noone can enjoy or suffer 100% in earth.I have seen so many suffering at earlier ages and then enjoying.


Everybody in earth has disease,we grow old and grieve at death,may it be Bill Gates.Similarly the sufferers also get some console one day or other, by human rights commission,UNO Health service,food relief etc.


But when one has accumulated more pious/wicked acts,then it is necessary that the soul goes to a plane where it can fully enjoy/suffer without any mixing of the opposite.


Others simply take another life on earth to continue their karma.

Thus Swarka and Naraka are generally not for common man who is normal but for extrodinary people like Mother Teresa or Hitler.


And when result is about to exhaust,(ie) say out of 100,000 punyas only 10,000 are left out,they immediately come down to earth,take a good birth which enables them to do more good deeds in this life.But though the karma's inclination is to do good,they can do bad by their free will.Thats what we see in some rich men commiting sins.


Also in other extreme,dreadful sinners come down to earth when only some sins are left out to suffer and take birth as hunter,dog eater,buthcer etc.But they can do good on their free fill and progress.


And regarding pious activities such as social service etc they lead us only to swarka lokha.They wont lead us to Shiva/Vishnu lokha.To attain these lokhas one must do devotion and devotion is not a punya.Its an activity towards moksha.


Needless to say,a man in sincere devotion wont harm others and thus he cannot incur sin.But if a man continues sins even after coming to devotion,it means he is a hypocrite.

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The reason for having those different planets is that the particular level of facility for "enjoying" the fruits of our karmas is not available on earth.


example - on those planets people can live for many 100s or 1000s or yugas years where as on earth the life span is an average of 70 ? in many countries on earth it is even 35-38, etc.


So the facility is created according to the requirements.

and Swargloka is such a planetary system.

- on those planets the souls just enjoy the fruits of their actions (karmas) they don't have the opportunity of cultivating devotion and going to higher planes etc..


- It is said that it is only on earth that we get the opportunity to burn off our karmas and therefore become liberated OR to cultivate devotion... etc


-- Ethiopia etc are examples of the opportunities given to those people to burning off our karmas, now based on that one finds it difficult to imagine how the actual narklokas must be - far more dreadful, because here we don't carry the earthly body. We get a different body according to the planetary system - and thus the souls/jeevas/we are able to suffer OR enjoy as per our karmas or achievements for many 1000s of years which cannot be done on Earth (It is said that Earth is the Field of activities). Other planes are the place of the receiving the fruits of those activities.


Best Wishes





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