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Anti-vedic ideologies, get out of Bharat.

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Here is a quote from Yajrveda.

words in ( ) are mine.



apeto yantu paNayo.asum nA devapIyavaH.

dyubhirahobhiraktubhir vyaktam yamo dadAtvavasAnamasmai.. ## Yv 35.1 ##


May the evil bargainers, mischievous and jealous of the enlightened ones (this sure includes Islam and Xianity), go away hence (from Bharat.) This place (Bharat)belongs to him, who has enjoyed devotional bliss (the vedic person or hindu.) May the ordainer Lord grant rest to this person in all the seasons day and night. - Yv 35.1


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<< i feel only way these Anti Vedic ideologies can go away is by us becoming strong again in all the fields.

The future is in our hand.

When the sun comes out the darkness disappears.>>



dharmH rakshitaH rakshati


as an example, if one says "i give you this bribe so that you give up bribery." then it is totally useless.

instead if one says, "i do not take bribe, and willnot give it to you. you work my request becaue it is your duty, or i have this shiny sharp thing, and i know how to use it."

it should work.


speeding is illegal, but to apprehend a speeding car, police needs to speed. first is adhrma, the second is dharma. same for himsa.




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Jai Ganesh




dharmH rakshitaH rakshati)


if we follow our dharma properly this should have a positive effect on people around us.

We could be the spark that lit the forest fire.



(as an example, if one says "i give you this bribe so that you give up bribery." then it is totally useless.)


This is a legacy left to us by brits, a real Hindu would not take bribe.



(speeding is illegal, but to apprehend a speeding car, police needs to speed. first is adhrma, the second is dharma. same for himsa.)


Correct to a point but the police can not punish.







jai sri krishna! -maadhav

"yuddhAya krita nischaya..." -Krishna



Jai Shree Krishna


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  • 11 months later...

If you ask them nicely, they will not go. KICK THEM OUT!


If you have family members who are in other religions other than Hindusm, give the options to choose HIndusm OR Leave your household.


If you have leaders who support other religions and condemn your own, give options to step down gracefully OR kick him out of the stage and replace it with Vedic believers.


If you have a society in your country which is not Vedic society, cut it out and cast it out of India like what they did in 1940s. WHY must resources used to rebuilt India into a Vedic nation be used to support people who damn India for some Heaven after death?


Finally, don't close yourselves to the outside world. Seek friends who have genuine interest in living in Peace in their own lands. Have friendship with them, not with this parasites from America who slowly stealing away the intelligent people from India to built their own nations.

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yes..... vivekananda, ramakrsna, sai baba, the "new" kalkis, maharishi, chinmoy...***


You're right, these people are more dangerous than muslims. Don't you agree, Madhav and barney?

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What about the government takeover of Hindu

temples for their money and their land? Is

there a secular democratic government anywhere

else in the world that has taken over churches

and other religious institutions? The Government

of India has not taken over churches or mosques

and their wealth and properties. Only Hindu

temples have been taken over. Most of the money

enriches corrupt politicians. Some is dished out

to xian and muslim organizations and their leaders

for their votes in elections.


Hindu taxpayers' money is also used to subsidize

the Haj pilgrimage of muslims every year. These

muslims then come back even more committed to

islamist terror and destabilization of the country.

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"yes..... vivekananda, ramakrsna, sai baba, the "new" kalkis, maharishi, chinmoy...


You're right, these people are more dangerous than muslims. Don't you agree, Madhav and barney?"


i can see how those "new" Kalkis can be more dangerous than muslims, but Ramakrishna?!?!? and Vivekananda?!?!?!?!?! Sai Baba??? Ramana Maharishi?!?! those were genuine realized souls actually trying to spread dharma. DO NOT insult them!! they are the true saviours.



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They lived during times when the country was under

muslim and colonial domination. It was common then

to praise muhammad and christ. Hindus have elevated

this behavior believing it sets them apart as a

refined culture. The vast majority of Hindus are

in the same mode today. Hindus had lost half their

ancient land at the time of independence. And they have

lost more since then. It takes a long time for slaves

to become truly free men.

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"yes..... vivekananda, ramakrsna, sai baba, the "new" kalkis, maharishi, chinmoy..."


Boca.. don't dare to insult Swami Vivekananda.. he was a thousand times the man you are.


..As a man, a warrior, and a saint.. one who had touched the feet of God, Vivekananda was unparalleled in history.. there never was, there never will be another Vivekananda again.


Anyone who disrespects Swami Vivekananda is a fool.. sorry, but there is no other way to say it.

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A Christian religious leader will never say

all religions are the same or that Christians

should respect other religions as they do their

own. Muslims ridicule Christianity. Why then

have Hindu religious leaders been saying that

all religions are the same and we should respect

them as we respect our own traditions.


Is it because we are a live-and-let-live,

ecumenical and magnanimous people? I don't

think so.


Hindus have been under foreign occupation

for a thousand years. A subjugated people

suffer from a lack of confidence and religious

leaders suffer from it to the same degree as

ordinary people do.


A Hindu religious leader should talk about

what is best about Hinduism, its ethical

teachings, its philosphical systems, its

worldview and its cosmogony. But Hindu

leaders almost never do. They go out of their

way to bring in Christ or Islam and say we know

these other religions too teach the same great

things. We know today that Christ never was

and that the New Testment has borrowed many

of its best parts from our own literature. We

also know the violent and brutal history

of Islam in our country which finally brought

about its vivisection.


There is no need to give other religious systems

equal status or even acknowledge you know anything

about them. Just discuss what is best about your


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My dear Ravi,


Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami and Sri Satia Sai Baba are men send down by GOD to show the path to righteous living. Mohammed was hand picked by LUCIFER[since middle east was the birth place of LUCIFER] to create chaos in the world. And now the battle is between GOOD and EVIL. Tell me my dear Ravi, how much of violence have been caused by the teachings of our Hindu Gurus?


The teaching of Mohammed had caused millions of lives to perish since 1400 years.The whole of middles east, Afghanistan, Iraq, Persia, India, Sudan, Algeria, Spain and many other countries where Islam set foot. May be you and maadhav are scepticalist who think you are more intelligent than Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami and Sri Satia Sai Baba. But remember that the above four Gurus have millions of devotees who have experienced bliss and love towards fellow human beings from their teaching whereas the followers of Mohammed have only experienced hatred and vengance towards non Muslims.


Whoever despises Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba also despises Hindus on the whole because our Gurus are all Hindus and when you spaeak against them you speak against Hinduism.



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Whoever despises Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba also despises Hindus on the whole because our Gurus are all Hindus and when you spaeak against them you speak against Hinduism.


WHERE did you get notions like this?


You behaving like the Gurus are Gods which needs to be worshipped and followed blindly. THIS is not Hindusm. Your attitude is not Hindusm.


Gurus CAN be questioned. Their teachings CAN be questioned. And if they don't follow what is Hindusm, then they CAN be discarded as false Guru. NO sin in that.


Even Arjuna QUESTIONED Sri Krishna on who He was and Sri Krishna had answered properly. Is this Gurus above Sri Krishna that they cannot be questioned?

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Where, did you get the notion like that?


Gurus are to be respected. A Guru is a guide who teaches us the path to wisdom. If one does not like his teachings or his ways just withdraw form him. Calling names and bickering shows low mentality. One who does not agree with the Gurus teaching can always find some other Guru instaed of finding fault and cursing. That is not how a Hindu should behave. Yes, i agree thee are bogus Gurus but can you prove to me Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba are bogus and in what way?


I may not agree with your Guru but I do not make fun or speak evil of your Guru. None of the Gurus mentioned above have spoken against Hinduism nor did they say pray to me for salvation. You sum up and assume they did and come up with your own interpretation and condemn them as the others. Sure, you are free to speak yoor thought and make whatever accusations you want but a true follower will know the truth which truth is hidden from you because of your ego.

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Gurus are to be respected. A Guru is a guide who teaches us the path to wisdom.


ONLY fools believe in such. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Guru are to be respected - TRUE. But Guru will teach you path to wisdom? WRONG.


He teach you knowledge, YOU find the Wisdom. Wisdom is not something can teach, it is something you think, understand and follow. If you cannot even know the difference between knowledge and Wisdom, I have nothing to say further.


Yes, i agree thee are bogus Gurus but can you prove to me Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba are bogus and in what way?


No one said they are bogus and no one said they are great. I said condemning a Guru EQUALS to condemning Hindusm (as you stated) is BOGUS. As far as I know, all I need to know (about Hindusm) is in the Vedas and Gita, I don't need to follow some Human Guru to find wisdom.


Sure, you are free to speak yoor thought and make whatever accusations you want but a true follower will know the truth which truth is hidden from you because of your ego.


You speak as if you are a true follower. I will not be bothered with a person who has such delusion, thinking by following some Guru, he had become wise and in path to God. Go ... you in your own delusional path.

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You are contradicting your own statement.


#### As far as I know, all I need to know (about Hindusm) is in the Vedas and Gita, I don't need to follow some Human Guru to find wisdom.#####


Who gave you Vedas and Gita? Think before you talk. Speaking you mind does not give your a upper hand. You are making a fool of yourself and your deluded path. Vedas were written by Sages and the sages are your Guru and how is that you can accept that without knowing or seeing them? If you have suh faith in them surely others could have faith in their Guru too. So, you do not have the right to correct me or others.


You have a bad tounge and lashing out others is fun for you but not to me. You have to learn to respect which, I think you do not know the meaning to it. You have to give respect in order to receive and I'm afraid you do not have that good sense which your parents fail to teach you from cradle. Wisdom comes through life's experience and so is knowledge but to get both one must learn and experience it otherwise your wisdom and knowledge are nothing but foolish thoughts.


In future if you reply with disrespect you will not get any response from me. Morever my reply was to Ravi yet you responded. Do not make a fool of yourself in future by parading that you know all.




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Who gave you Vedas and Gita?


Vedas gave by Matsya Avatar after saving Man from the Flood.

Gita was given by Sri Krishna in battlefield in Kuruskethra.


You DENY both? Then it is you who are not Hindu here.


You kiss up the butt of some Gurus you never even meet, levelling them and their words up to level of gods YET the very words of God (according to Hindusm) is damned as supernatural orgins.


Sorry, you are not a Hindu.

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««« You just too stupid to understand ... »»»


Your next life will be harsh: you're accumulating bad karma.


But hell and karma are just inventions designed to deter weak people from sinning. Strong people behave rightly because they find goodness rewarding in itself.

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Your next life will be harsh: you're accumulating bad karma.


Hmph ... go and worry about your own "karma". People who have no belief in Karma is teaching me to worry about mine. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


But hell and karma are just inventions designed to deter weak people from sinning. Strong people behave rightly because they find goodness rewarding in itself.


When you face Dharma Raja, tell him that. I'm sure he will find it laughable. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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  • 3 months later...


Where, did you get the notion like that?


Gurus are to be respected. A Guru is a guide who teaches us the path to wisdom. If one does not like his teachings or his ways just withdraw form him. Calling names and bickering shows low mentality. One who does not agree with the Gurus teaching can always find some other Guru instaed of finding fault and cursing. That is not how a Hindu should behave. Yes, i agree thee are bogus Gurus but can you prove to me Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba are bogus and in what way?

Well speaking about contradictions I can se a big one here. If you hot Ramakrishna and Vivekananda in such esteem than you should also know from The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrisna that is the central document about his life that Vvekananda vas questioning and doubting all the time. An R, considered him always one of his greatest disciples. He also said that a teacher has to be tested and not just accepted blindly.

As for Sai Baba there are so much rumors and allegations and even clear evidences that there is something wrong ... so I wouldn't mention him together with Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. It is also a fact that a lot of questionable things can be found about a lot of gurus (Muktananda, Swami Rama, Sri Chinmoy, some ISKCON gurus, you name it... ) so to take someone who is playing the role of a teacher for granted is not really such a good idea.

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Gurus are to be respected. A Guru is a guide who teaches us the path to wisdom.


ONLY fools believe in such. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Guru are to be respected - TRUE. But Guru will teach you path to wisdom? WRONG.


He teach you knowledge, YOU find the Wisdom. Wisdom is not something can teach, it is something you think, understand and follow. If you cannot even know the difference between knowledge and Wisdom, I have nothing to say further.


Yes, i agree thee are bogus Gurus but can you prove to me Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramamsa, Ramalinga Swami or Sri Satia Sai Baba are bogus and in what way?


No one said they are bogus and no one said they are great. I said condemning a Guru EQUALS to condemning Hindusm (as you stated) is BOGUS. As far as I know, all I need to know (about Hindusm) is in the Vedas and Gita, I don't need to follow some Human Guru to find wisdom.


Sure, you are free to speak yoor thought and make whatever accusations you want but a true follower will know the truth which truth is hidden from you because of your ego.


You speak as if you are a true follower. I will not be bothered with a person who has such delusion, thinking by following some Guru, he had become wise and in path to God. Go ... you in your own delusional path.

You got it right man.

Guru's are indeed teachers. Not all guru's are seers (I think 1 or 2 comes in a thousand years or more who are seers) though they inherit the path to attain knowledge. We need to sit humbly at their feet and acquire all there is to know about yoga and sadhana. Strictky within the boundaries of sadhna a Guru is God. Beyond that we should not sacrifice our rationality, our knowledge and experience and above all teachings of the vedas and lord krishna. Anyone who has truely followed what our avatars did and tought, should not have a doubt that we need to kick Islam's butt urgently. That hardly any guru had the courage to speak this clearly (I must say some did) only shows why we are not in the glorious years of ramrajjya but captive and injured in our own land.

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