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please clarify my doubts!

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Friends, I have a few doubts which I hope some of you can clarify!. First of all, Im sure all of us agree that there

is only one "force" in this Universe which we call 'Brahman'

This 'energy' or 'consciousness' as we would call it permeates the entire cosmos. My question is where do Gods like Krishna, Lord Siva,and the numerous other Gods stand in the hierarchy

After death are we likely to see the deity of our choice or do we end up experiencing 'Brahman'

Is there are a level where there are beings who are superior

to humans ,but who are inferior or below Brahman


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your questions indicate you have not read gita.

please erad it.


<< where do Gods like Krishna, Lord Siva, and the numerous other Gods stand in the hierarchy >>


God is one. He has three forms: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Vishnu incarnates on any planet any time there is decline of dharma. Rama, Krishna, etc. are all Vishnu incarnations.

The personalities and acts of an incarnation are different according to the purpose of that incarnation. Thus Rama is an example of an ideal king and a householder. he does not lie. He keep shis promise. etc. All can do as Rama did. Krishna on teh other hand is pUrnapurushottma. He lied, and cheated asuras, hand many wives, etc. One should neve ddo as Krishna did, but always do as he said us to do in gita.


<< After death are we likely to see the deity of our choice or do we end up experiencing 'Brahman' >>


yes, if we practiced a yoga sufficiently in our life.

no. if not.


<< Is there are a level where there are beings who are superior to humans, but who are inferior or below Brahman >>


yes. devas and devis are in between humans and god.

they have their own planets.


read gita. it hsa ll the info.

hope it helps.


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I read in a magazine that one person in South Africa actually

saw Lord Krishnas pet cow .it actually came to his house at night and had dinner!!!. Is this true???. Do Gods show themselves to some of their lucky devotees. I have personally

seen many people who claim to have seen their favorite deities

Is this hallucination???. These people are normal people like you and me!!


BTW can you shed some information on the life of Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu. Some consider him a reincarnation of the Great Lord Krishna himself. Legend has it that he was a great saint who ultimately merged into the idol of Lord Krishna!!

Is this storty true??????


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"..... Krishna, etc. are all Vishnu incarnations.."


<< Strangly in Gita Krishna never refers himself as an "Incarnation" of Vishnu. >>


it is not strange.

some did not get time to read our vedic literature.


srimad bhagavatam purana tells a lot about vishnu/krishna.


in gita, krishna says:


bahUnime vyatitAni

janmAni tava chArjuna.


he also says:

AdityAnAm aham vishnu.


he also mentions he is rama.


please read gita.


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Actually that was a counterpoint to his question. I was trying to say since azhwars didnt quote gita , gita doesnt become false like that since krishna didnt mention himself as vishnu's incarnation it doesnt mean it is not.

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what krsna is not mentioning , can maybe leave space to our speculations, but krsna says that he's supreme and that the ultimate goal is surrendering to him


so there's not much space to argue if krsna can be considered the subordinate expansion of another deity



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"Out of 12 azhwars none of them have quoted gita in their songs. does that mean gita is not true ?"


Point taken.


But in Gita Sri Krishna appears to reveal himself completely to Arjun, and yet leaves out a crucial and very relavent point that he is "incarnation of Vishnu". This to me sounds odd.

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If you say vishnu is different from krishna then we go into a deeper confusion. Who followed what, great acharyas like ramanuja and madhva have glorified vishnu . Do you mean to say they didnt accept krishna as supreme over vishnu .

Madhvas follow the verdict "HARI SARVOTHAMA" so is krishna not sarvothama. surely Hari denotes vishnu here.


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<< But in Gita Sri Krishna appears to reveal himself completely to Arjun, and yet leaves out a crucial and very relavent point that he is "incarnation of Vishnu". This to me sounds odd. >>


instead of following krishna's words in gita,

some find faults in gita.


vaishnav aacharya have explained wht krishna is.


the incarnations such as fish, boar, vaman, parasuram, rama, krishna, buddha, are vishnu tatva incarnation.

same god coming in different names and do differnt things.


However, when krishna came, he was identified by his great devotees as pUrNa AvatAr. God is one, and a name is needed to talk about him. so, that name is Krishna for vaishnavas.


an actor can play different roles and come in different names and dress, but when he comes without playing any character, then you see the actor homself as he is. same is for krishna. god (Krishna) himself came as he is and showed all his abilities and opulences. and then he said:


AdityAnAm aham vishhNu.


RAma shastrabhR^itAmaham


it does not matter if one calls him vishnu.


let me explain in a different way.


god is for ever.

think of time of infinity length as a wall separating us from god. some time in the past thru a crack in this wall we saw god - a part of him, and we said, he is fish incarnation. other times thru the cracks we saw him as all the incarnations one after another,

but when the crack became so wide that we could not see its boundaries, then we can see god in whole and as he is.


that is how we saw krishna, and the great vaishnava aacharya who worship vishnu tatva said that the original god is krishna - purna purusottama.

other incarnations are not purna.

we hindus do not get entangeled in names.


hope it helps.


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I dont fully agree with ur postings, the acharyas i mentioned glorified vishnu more than the krishna( iam talking the names here). Vishnu incarnated as krishna is the idea of madhva as well. dont confuse.

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"If you say vishnu is different from krishna then we go into a deeper......"



As I understand, Vishnu, Krishna, Ram and so on....... are all one and the same.


However, when I think of Supreme I visulaize a dispaly of all the divine attributes, hence Sri Krishna redily comes to mind.

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