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Meat Eating

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Can you please provide some vedic basis for not eating meat... Some people also says, plants & vegetables also has life.. then how do we defeat those arguments?

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if an civilized person feels the difference in violence between eating human flesh and animal flesh.. he surely will feel difference also between eating animal flesh and a fruit

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What do you mean by civilization ? The western countries,

Japan, China, Russia etc. are not developed and well

Civilized ? What are their foods ? Why they are in first

Rows for inventions ? And we are getting techniques

And technologies from them.

---From : Robin

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What do you mean by civilization ? The western countries,

Japan, China, Russia etc. are not developed and well

Civilized ? What are their foods ? Why they are in first

Rows for inventions ? And we are getting techniques

And technologies from them.



Inventions alone do not make a country civilized. People can invent a device that anihilates the entire country. That does not mean the inventor is very intelligent.


Killing animals or other beings for preserving ones own body is barbaric.

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Every animate needs energy for it’s physical and mental actions. Vegetables, Fruits, seeds are also alive. You drink water, see a drop of water through A microscope. Check the air which inhaling through nostrils. While you

Walking and driving crushing thousands animates. Milk is also coming Out from animal’s body, not flesh but liquid. So you are talking About gross form and not for the subtle or invisibles. But they are also Living beings. People are farming to produce animals and birds for foods.I am agree that we should not kill innocent animals. But our ancestors

Were animal eaters, not grass eaters in primitive, ancient and barbarian eras.



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From Batman to Robin.

Please note that, Inventions and mass production and materialistic wealth alone means a civilised society.

Its marked by knowledge, realisation, realisation of the self, renunciation, ahimsa and other virtues that make a civilsed society.


If a society cannot control its toungue and destroys the balance of eco system by consuming animals, that is short sightedness.


--- From : Batman

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Inventions alone do not make a country civilized. People can invent a device that annihilates the entire country. That does not mean the inventor is very intelligent.

Killing animals or other beings for preserving ones own body is barbaric. “Invention alone do not make a country civilized”, its ok but what are the main factors to become civilized ? I think, development, prosperity, culture and

good social structure. But the history says that we should invent devices which annihilates enemies. If I am calm, peaceful, well-wisher of others then we will be smashed by the demons. First of all, to protect our civilization we need high-tech inventions in this era. Everybody may

become an inventor, the intellect is within everybody, in our subconscious minds. That’s the seeds or experiences of eternal lives. But who and when a person is able to activate them ? When he/she has time to think or

remind this eternal mind. The God is everywhere and within every living and nonliving beings. So within the prey and also within the hunter. What is barbarianism ?


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Hi Batman !

Really you wrote nice about civilization. But in this kalyuga (21st century),Renunciation (directly or physically) and ahimsa may be the cause of self- demolition. Self-realisation is the higher dimension of reality, the way of salvation.

Yes, we should protect the eco balancing, but it is not related to non-vegetarians in this age of high-tech science.


---From : Robin


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civilization is a concept defined by society standards...in certain societies in africa it is perfectly acceptable to eat human flesh..their societies do not consider this act barbaric...the modern society we live in today equally does not consider eating animal flesh barbaric...if your decision not to eat animal flesh is based on personal moral reasons thats fine..but to accuse meat eaters of a barbaric act just aint fair!

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"Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife -- birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million -- in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed.


Then he kills his domestic animals by the billion and eats them.


This in turns kills men by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative -- and fatal -- health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer.


So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures to these diseases.


Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals.


Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for 'Peace on Earth'"


~from Factory Farm by C. David Coats

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The milk is provided by nature for the calf. Milkman takes

milk from the cow while the calf is hungry. The nature,

the God provides milk for their (animals) kids and not for

mankind. Milkman takes that milk like a robber and

sell it for his selfishness. So the milkman and the

person who drinks it both are not civilized.


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in a healthy cow there's plenty if milk for calfs and a family who is keeping it..


but if you want to avoid milk and meat and not only meat to be even more peaceful you surely can.. no problem


many people is absolutely healthy and vegan..

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Meat eating is not linked to killing of animals.. its more deep than that.. its linked to spiritualism..

But as many Indian.. the only argument you guys can come up is its killing of animals.. coz nobody knows.. and we keep living in the sphere of our own mind thinkin we are the best.. so we don't question.. The americas the englands.. russias ..japans ..germanies.. are great societies now.. coz They Question.. and think then they progress..!!

But we Indian.. can make any Idiot a Bhagwan.. coz Hindus.. who still call themselves Hindus .. a Bad word ..given By Mughals is weak society..!

In old days of vedic propgation when there was no religion.. remember hindu or hinduism in not a word from sanskrit or any old indian language.. like gurmukhi or devnagri..

Yogis used to practice meditation and way of life so .. as in vedas the food you eat has an essence .. and since all living being have some elements.. like human has 5 elements and all other animals have 3 or less elements..

so if you eat meat your cosmic level will drop very quickly.. which actually in todays world no one (cosmic power = spirituality) has .. unless some one practices true from of meditation.. Not sing some hyms or wear certain clothes in temple or churches or gurudwars or mosques..

So they would abstain ..from meat as eating vegetables or fruits didn't affect their practice..

In simple words its like working out in gym and then drinking Ice Cream shake as drink! would you..?

so they would put lotsa time in meditation so they would eat also in a way which doesn't negate their practice..!

Think about it! or Read!!


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i would not be civilized in the context of which society? society determines what is civilized behavior and what is uncivilized..and as far as i can see, the society i live in has a huge population of meat eaters and the act is no more barbaric than killing plants for food.


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perhaps taking milk from the cow to nourish yourself is not how nature was intended to be...but going by that argument..you shouldnt take medicine when you are ill...nature works toward "survival of the fittest".

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"i would not be civilized in the context of which society? society determines what is civilized behavior and what is uncivilized.."


so i am part of society and i determine for myself that unnecessary killing is uncivilized, i do not do it, and i promote vegetarianism


have you more effective objections?



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you said it for yourself - you are PART of society. You are not society..you are a lone individual. Society is made up of many individuals - some of these individuals promote vegetarianism and some of them are meat eaters. Just as you determine that unnecessary killing is uncivilized, these other individuals determine that killing animals is no different from killing plants to nourish one's self. While on an individual basis, you might find the act barbaric, at a society level with enough meat eaters, the act may not be considered any more barbaric that killing plants.

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actually going by the "nature intended it to be" argument, you shouldnt even eat onions or garlic or chillies...ask any ecologist - these spices/plants were intended by nature to have a pungent taste in order to keep away herbivores that may want to feed on them. /images/graemlins/smile.gif so just as cow's milk isnt intended for our consumption, neither are all these and many other plants.

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"Just as you determine that unnecessary killing is uncivilized, these other individuals determine that killing animals is no different from killing plants"


so where's the problem? are you agree with everyone?


in my opinion who do not discriminate between picking a tomato and cutting the troath of an animal is not honest and he's simply not uman


if the majority of society accepts this killing i judge the society uncivilized.. then i am going on living my everyday life trying to be a better human to make a better society... let us see at the end... if i will not save the world i at least will save myself, nothing is wasted

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"During the Vedic period (1500-500 BC), the priestly castes sacrificed animals to appease and gain boons from the gods, after which the flesh was consumed."


So were our ancestors from whom the vedas are obtained uncivilized too?


i respect your vegetarian lifestyle and am not asking you to start eating meat. Its fine not to eat meat if your personal sense of morals and ethics prohibits it, but in my opinion it is wrong to condemn others for their meat eating and judge their morality based on your individual belief. Eating meat does not make the rest of us any less pious or immoral or uncivilized. We have a personal opinion and basis behind our non-vegetarian lifestyle too.

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