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How to satisfy Saturn?

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"It is the stars --

The stars above us

That govern our conditions"

-- William Shakespeare


Mars: Constipation, flatulence, liver trouble, blind piles, skin diseases etc.


Mercury: Nervous diseases, ulcers, acidity, blood pressure, restlessness, irritation etc.


Venus: Bronchial problems, whooping cough, asthma, dyspepsia, sexual diseases, delirium, obsession, procreative problems etc.


Saturn: Nervous and mental disorder, neurosis, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, excretory diseases etc.


Jupiter: Hepatitis, biliousness, colic palpitation, toothache, insomnia.


Rahu: Hyperacidity, burning sensation, trouble from vayu (gas), brain disorder, sexual excesses and alcoholism.


Ketu: Skin diseases, nervous debility, small pox, urinary problems etc.






The solar System consists of the Sun and other planets, which revolve around it. In total there are nine planets, which are generally considered for astronomical purposes. Now, scientists claim to locate the tenth planet, which is yet to be named. Sun is actually a star and has light of its own. All other planets get its light from the Sun. The planets forming part of the Solar System are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Some planets have their natural satellites, which revolves around it. In our case Moon is our satellite and it is the closest heavenly body from earth. Therefore, its influence on human beings is quite significant.




The word planet is derived from the Greek word planetes, which technically means wanderer. However, the Hindu concept of Planet is Sam Bhavate Sam Grah, which means, “that which influences is called Grah”. The effect of planets on human life is now under consideration even by open minded scientist community. It is a well-established fact that various cyclones or floods and high tides are generally seen to occur on a full moon. It has been further clarified as a result of modern researches on the subject that Earthquakes is generally seen to occur at the time of eclipse. The reason being that at the time of eclipse Sun, Moon and the earth is in the same plane. Therefore, the combined gravitational pull is the maximum at that point of time.




Astrological Understanding:




As per “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” (Chapter 2 verse 3-4) there are many incarnations of the unborn Lord Janardhan or Vishnu. He has incarnated as the Navgrahas or planets to bestow on the living beings the results of their Karmas or action. He assumed the auspicious form of Grahas to destroy the strength of the demons and to sustain the strength of the Devas (the divine being) and to establish Dharma (religion or faith).




Rama is the incarnation of the Sun, Krishna of the Moon, Narasimha of the Mars, Buddha that of Mercury, Vamana that of Jupiter, Parashurama that of Venus, Koorma that of Saturn. Varaha that of Rahu and Meena that of Ketu. The other incarnations are also from the planets and the stars. The beings with more of Parmatmamsa are called heavenly beings or divine beings.




If we talk of Vedic astrology we exclude planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and include two Chaya Grah (Shadowy Planets) namely Rahu and Ketu. The reason being that when the all knowing Parashara and other Rishis did not consider them there is no reason for us to take them. Our Rahu and Ketu give the same effect. The reason why these planets have been excluded was because these planets stay in one Rashi (Sign) for a very long time. Sometimes, for decades and further these planets are very far away from earth. Therefore, their influences can hardly be considered. Further, in the absence of classical backing it won’t be wise to consider them. In astrology we consider both sun and Moon as planets and all our observations are based on Geo – Centric Observations considering the earth as the center of the universe.




With this an attempt has been made to describe the Navgrahas both with regards to Astronomy and its astrological implications with special regards to Vedic Astrology.




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Is there some online FREE device that can calculate planetary combinations, also called yogas? I have mercury and venus in the same house, is that a good thing? ALso jupiter is in 4th house from moon (which is in lagna, btw). Is all this good or bad? is there some way to calculate them? I dont want paid services, cant afford it. It would be good if you can let me know, since you seem to know so much.

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<< Achaaa,but I'm not a pure devotie,so you mean I have to suffer all my life? >>


once you walk towards with firm faith, you suffering keeps on diminishing. if it comes, it cannot bother you.


yes barney, i know, the planets do have effect, as long as you are in maya. but once you surrender, or move towards krishna, the planet's influence diminishes.


if that were not true, the palnets would prove stronger than krishna, and we know that is not true.


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