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Why creation?Why misery?

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No religion has conveniently answered the questions "What is the purpose of creation?" and "Why there are miseries and cruelty?".Except Hinduism.


Islam says that humans were created to be slaves of god.On miseries and cruelty it blames free will.This is somewhat echoed by christianity.Free will is the foundation of these religions.Sin and being an infidel(other religion) will take you to burning hell.


Free will destroyes the all-knowing ability of god and is thus rejected.So only fate is the acceptable option.THis will be clear by following.



1)"Man has free will.Satan is responsible for sins"


This raises following questions.

1)who cretaed satan?Did not god know when he created satan that satan will be bad?If he knew that and cretaed satan, then is satan responsible for his deeds?Why create a Satan and give him free will knowing fully well that he will be evil?If god did not know that Satan will be bad when creating satan,this goes against gods all knowing ability....

So this is rejected.




2)man doesnt have free will.He is guided by god through fate.


This raises the following questions.If all is fate then who is responsible for cruelty?God.He is doing evils through his tool man.Why?


I will answer this question from vedas.


1)Why creation?


God was alone for kalpa kodi yugas.He was as sath sith anandha bhramman for anathi years.But he then started to have a craving.He felt a need to be loved.He wanted to be with a family.He needed affection,love and care.He needed somebody who will love him madly.But where will he go?There wasnt anybody except him in the universe.


He wanted creation.But whom to create?He cannot create an equal to him.That is one power which even the god doesnt possess.Vishnu cannot create another vishnu.If he creates another vishnu, that means again he is alone.But he can create perfect ones,equilant of bhramma jnanis, but the problem is bhramma jnanis dont love him.They remain forever in advaitha stage.So he had to create inferiors only.


He created world and people then.But how did he create them?From his body.Vedas tell the example of spider web coming from spiders mouth. we are the parts of god.But we are inferior to him in two ways.


1) we are covered by maya

2)we are just parts and cannot become ishwara.Your hand is you, but it will never become YOU.Like that.


He wants us to love him.He wants us to love him only.If we do that he will give anything to us.Just see what all he does for his devotees.Just because of love he showers wealth,honors,moksha everything.In the end when you love him so much he lifts you to a stage where he even foresakes his need of you loving him.He takes you to liberation stage where you dont need to worship him.Just like a father marrying his daughter abroad, thus foresaking his seeing her for ever.That is his need for love.That is why creation exists.




We can see that he can immediatly make us bramma jnanis, which will make us realize that we are him.But that will defeat the very purpose of creation,our need to love him.He will again be alone.


But he also wants us to realize that we are his parts.But that process should drag on.So we have to remove the maya by ourselves which takes us millions of births.In between he is searching for love.Somebody very rarely gives him love.He immediatly becomes so happy.


Cruelty and misery are to make us perfect.He is guiding the process.He guides us through the production process of a bhramma jnani.When a product is perfected, the foreman of the factory knows that each product has to be perfected.But here each product is imperfect.Each one needs different treatment to perfect it.One needs cruelty,another needs small troubles and so on.


He guides us all through fate perfecting us.In that process we all do pray him.He enjoys it like a child craving for affection.Many times he was born and himself enjoyed all love of yasodha,gopikas and seetha and dasaratha.


This is why cruelty exists.This is why fate wins.fate is the production plan of a production manager.


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As Abhinavagupta tells it, when Lord Shiva is completely alone, bereft of his creation, he exists in the full splendor of his God Consciousness. He does not need to recognize his own nature, because it is already there. Nevertheless, he wants his own nature to be recognized. This recognition gives him great joy. But, because it is already there, there is nothing to recognize. So, in order to recognize his nature, Shiva must become ignorant of his nature. He must seemingly separate himself from his nature. It is only then that he can experience the joy of recognizing it.


This, Kashmir Shaiva's say, is the play of the universe. Because of Lord Shiva's freedom, his Svatantrya, this universe is created solely for the fun and joy of this realization. It is Shiva's play to seemingly leave his own nature so that he can find it and enjoy it again. This is the dance of Shiva, the joyous game in which he is continuously creating this universe--to lose himself and then find himself.


In order to seemingly depart from his own nature, to lose himself in his creation, he must withdraw his God Consciousness. And in order to find himself, he must again expand his God Consciousness. This process is known as nimesa (closing) and unmesa (opening). It is the supreme energy of God which gives rise to nimesa and unmesa. Nimesa is the withdrawal of his God Consciousness, and unmesa is the expansion of his God Consciousness. Both of these states are contained within Shiva simultaneously.


By withdrawing his God Consciousness, Shiva conceals himself in his creation. Only Shiva has this power, the power of his own Svatantrya, to totally disregard and hide his own nature and then to find it again. But what is it that he finds when he rediscovers his own nature? He finds, upon realizing his own nature, that it was already there. For the Kashmir Shaiva, this is the real essence of this teaching. Lord Shiva loses his nature only to find it again--and when he does he realizes that it was already there.


He wants, in the external universe that he has created, to completely disconnect his God Consciousness and then to realize that it was never disconnected. For although it is disconnected, in the real sense, it is not disconnected at all. In finding it he realizes that it was never lost. He experiences that there was never really any separation from his God Consciousness. Separation only seemed to exist. For Shaivism this is the greatest mystery of existence and Lord Shiva's supreme act

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But god has affection from mother lakhsmi,son kama,sister parvathi,brother-in-law Shiva,son bhramma,daughter in law saraswathi,grandson Naratha.Why again create humans?


Is this a new-age-pantheism explanation of creation?Can you quote vedic examples for your theory?

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Thursday September 16, 2004 20:24


Seeking Truth

The following text is the e-mail exchange between trs iyengar and one Mr.Elias D'Costa.(E-mail: elias_dcosta@usa.net He, in search of Truth about God and Isms, happened to surf through these pages. He sent in some queries and raised some doubts about Vedic Scripts. In all fairness, I just give below the exchange of mails, without editing or modifying the contents. You may be the judge of these contents right & wrongs :



Following is the discussion on Topic 1 (Origin /Creation of Universe)


Contradiction 1:


You mention in your opening letter "Srimann Naaraayana, who is the creator of this Universe is known as Sri Vishnu or Sri Mahavishnu."


In another words Lord Mahavishnu is the creator of this Universe. But,


Later in the closing you mention, "Lord Mahavishnu created the Brahmma through His Naval and appointed Brahmma to create the Universe. Brahmma created the Shiva and made Him as a destroyer. Then the Rishis, Munis (saints and sages) with the paraphernalia of the Brahmma Logam, (Eternal), Bhoologam (Earth) etc were created by Brahmma."


Here I find Brahmma is the creator of this Universe, because he is appointed to create Universe, Shiva, Rishis, Munis, Brahmma Logam, and Earth etc.


Contradiction 2:


In the Svetavatar Upanishad chapter 3 we find Rudra is Ishwara, Ishwara is the creator (Svetavatara 3: 4 " He, the creator and supporter of the gods, Rudra, the great seer, the lord of all, he who formerly gave birth to Hiranyagarbha, may he endow us with good thoughts")


(Svetavatara 3:7 "Those who know beyond this the High Brahman, the vast, hidden in the bodies of all creatures, and alone enveloping everything, as the Lord, they become immortal")


In the Svetavatar Upanishad chapter 4 it tells us the description of Ishwara as Supreme Brahman and Creator.

(Svetavatar Upanishad 4: 12 "He, the creator and supporter of the gods, Rudra, the great seer, the lord of all, who saw Hiranyagarbha being born, may he endow us with good thoughts.") (Svetavatar Upanishad 4:13. "He who is the sovereign of the gods, he in whom all the worlds rest, he who rules over all two footed and four-footed beings,

to that god let us sacrifice an oblation.")


Contradiction 3:


In the Rig Veda, a Rishi says, (The wise call Him by different names, they call Him Agni, Yama or Matarswa) According to this mantra, God bears different names, but the confusion emerges when the very gods- Agni, Yama and

Matarswa are projected as independent gods. When the Rig Veda has given independent identity to the above -mentioned gods, what is the significance of this mantra?


Moreover, nowhere in the Vedas, Agni is called by the name of Yama or vice--versa. Thus, this mantra serves no useful end; it only creates confusion. This is not the only mantra, which creates contradiction.


The Rig Veda (2/1/3-7) calls Agni by the names of Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Varun, Mitra, Aryaman, Tvastar, Rudra, Pusan, Savitar and Bhag. Thus, this verse also adds to the confusion. If Agni is also Brahma, Vishnu and Indra, why are they accorded with separate godly identity and status? This mantra also suggests that Agni commands more influence as compared to Brahma, Vishnu and Indra. Therefore Agni is a true Universal God.


Contradiction 4:


Mahabharata (Adiparva, 66/36) says that Aditi gave birth to twelve sons, and Vishnu was the youngest of them. Indra was also one of them. Thus, Vishnu was the younger brother of Indra.


According to Shiva Purana (21, 30-59), Shiva with his wife Parvati wished to produce a child by performing intercourse with Parvati. Resultantly, Vishnu was born. When the light is shed on his being mortal, How is Vishnu a Universal God ?


The Shatpath Brahmin (14/1/17) says that Vishnu was killed with an arrow.


Maitrayani Samhita (4/5/9) and the Panchavish Brahmin also accept the fact relating to Vishnu's death.

How can we worship a Dead God?


The question thus arises, how can a person who is bound by the chains of birth and death create the universe as popularly held in Hinduism? On what ground do

the Puranas' claim to prove that all the incarnations, described in Hindu scriptures, belong to Vishnu?


Contradiction 5:


In the Taitirya Samit -( 'Prajapati' is described as the creator of gods and demons, while the Rig Veda (10/72/2) describes Brahmanaspati as the creator of

gods. Again the Taitirya Samit) (1/6/9/1; 2/l/21) projects 'Prajapati' as the creator of Yagya and human beings while the Rigveda (1/96/2) says that Agni

created human beings. That is why Agni is called the father of human beings.


But Agni has himself been depicted in Rig Veda as taking birth as living creatures. It is also mentioned in the Taitirya Samit(1/5/9/7) that 'Prajapati' created animals; and having the desire to create people he (3/1/1/1) observed penance.


Now there is again a question to be answered by the Taitirya Samit, (it is known that it will not); if 'Prajapati' was Swambhu and the creator, why did

he observe penance? If he did, he did to whom? This obviously suggests that there was someone who was superior to 'Prajapati', or like others, 'Prajapati'

too was a creation of a religious fallacy and described as a god.


The Vedic scripture presented have contradictory views; it serves only to misguide the people about the creator of the universe.


Contradiction 6:


In the Bhagavad-Gita 10: 13-15 " Arjuna said: "O Krishna, I believe all that you have told me to be true. O Lord, neither the celestial controllers nor the demons comprehend your glory. (10.14) O Creator and Lord of all beings, God of

all celestial rulers, the Supreme person, and Lord of the universe, no one understands you. You alone know yourself." (10.15)


Based on Bhagavad-Gita, Swami Bhaktivedanta and The Gaudiya Vaishnav school, claim Lord Krishna is Himself the Supreme God, and not merely an incarnation of another deity (Refer http://www.asitis.com/foreword.html)


Contradiction 7:


Sai Baba Claims He is the True, walking, talking, living God, who is currently living on the earth, and performing miracles.


In all Hinduism has about 330 million gods

(http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/religionet/er/hinduism/HCOSMOS.HTM )


(The Compact Guide to World Religions by Dean C Halverson)


Well Trs Iyengar you still have to tell me who is the True Universal God?


Is it - 'Prajapati', Agni, Indra, Vishnu, Soma, Mitra, Varun, Shakti, Krishna or anyone else? All of them are described in the Vedas as the creator. Who the real Creator is still continues to be a riddle to be resolved by those who

believe in Hinduism.


Does all this not leave the impression that the Vedic scriptures are books

written by men about God which is filled with no clear statements on who really created the Universe.





The Hindu Trimurti consists of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Hindus ordinarily refer to Brahma as the -Creator, Vishnu as the -Preserver and Shiva as the -Destroyer. However, Shaivites (followers of Shiva) insist that Shiva is the primal person and source of the universe. Vaisnavites (worshippers of Vishnu) believe that he is the Creator-God and relate him to

the omnipresent, primeval waters believed to exist before the creation of the world.


Basic to Hinduism is the belief that the creation came from a primordial substance referred to as prakriti. Many teachers in Hinduism propose a pantheistic, monistic view of creation (-that the universe, with its substance, laws and phenomena, is actually God in manifestation and that all things in the universe are of one essential substance. This monistic view is termed Advaita) a concept that also insists the natural creation is not real. It is an illusion, perpetrated by God (a condition called Maya).


In Hindu cosmogony, there is no absolute beginning point assigned to the creation of the universe. Instead, there are an infinite number of cycles of creation and dissolution. The creation stories are understood to mean the periodic emanations of God into the form of the material universe.

Furthermore, the word for creation in Sanskrit is srishti. It does not imply creating something out of nothing; it rather means the transformation of a subtle or spiritual substance into a physical or material one. So the more proper description might be that the universe is the (projection of the Supreme Being,) not an act of creation.

(Ref: Bansi Pandit, The Hindu Mind (Glen Ellyn, Illinois: B & V Enterprise






Dear Mr. D'Costa,


Indeed it is very interesting to go through the contradictions!. No doubt, these exist not only in everyones mind but in Veda too.


Before we enter into these matter, just let us simply ask one question that every one needs an answer. What is the meaning of life, birth and death ? Is it just a cycle that caused by nature or does it imply any reactions to the past and future? (before we are born and after our death) ?


Is there any life after death? Does it exist and apply for every creature on this Universe? Practically, those who have seen, never spoke about it and those who speak about these never seen it. (This is according to the Vaishnavite Azhwars Divya Prabhandam phrase in Tamil)


Lord Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita (this in itself is with many more contradictions), that He Himself is everything. And this script is widely accepted by every sect and sub-sect of Hindu faiths/followers. Further more, Bhagavad-Gita is essence of the four Veda known as Rig, YAJUR, Saama & Adharvana.


Lord Sri Krishna Himself declared that He is the one for Saama Veda. Saama Veda is in poetic form and sung with Raaga. Does this mean that He is not in favour of other Veda or He just recommends only Sama Veda to all?


I do agree, there are contradictions aplenty even within one

chapter to other in any specific Upanishad. It is the

interpretations and individual understanding that matters. The splinter groups within Hindu religion are, no doubt, a creation of the confused lots.


To state that Sri Krishna or Srimann Naaraayana is Supreme to other Demy & Semi Gods is - one small conclusive evidence in every Vedic scripts - viz.: a surrender note. This is recited (by all the Brahmans from Dwaitham/ Adwaitham & VISHISHTAATHVAITHAM) at the end of their daily prayers & after finishing each and every rituals, all the Brahmans used to offer their Karma to Sri Krishna, who is known with 1008 Names. (This even the Shaivites who worship Shiva, recites at the end of each and every rituals!).



Dwaitham, Adwaitham and VISHISHTAATHVAITHAM - are the three major groups formed within the Brahman society. But at the end of each performance, rituals and routines, all the three sects including the Shaivites, offer the benefits to Lord Sri Krishna with two different slokhas, which are common to all. (Versus rough translation):




If I had erred in my offerings, whether in Mantra

(recital of Slokhas), Tanrta (in practice) or in Bhakti (in my

devotion), Oh Lord, please Pardon me and accept these offerings, the benefits of it belong to You, Sri Krishna. This is the rough translation of the following slokha or versus.


(Mantra heenam, kriyaa heenam, Bhakti heenam,

uthaasana: yaththu thamthu mayaa deva, paripoornam thathasthuthe.

Praayachithaani, aseshaani, thapapa karma aathmakaanivai, yaani desham aseshaanam, sarvam Sri Krishna anusmaranam param).




Whatever just I did perform & Spoke/recited, (including the daily prayer, any special puja etc) the Heart & mind as power, the entire benefits of which I dedicate to the Lord Srimann Naaraayana.


(Kaayenu Vaacha, manase Indriyairva,

Bhuddiyaathmanava, prakruthe: svabhaavaath. Karomi yathyath sakalam parasmai Naaraayanaayethi samarpayaami).


Thus irrespective of the Sects and Sub sects including the

Shaivites, they begin their rituals with "Achyuthaaya

Nama:" (the first of the 1008 names of Lord Sri Mahavishnu)

and finish it with above offering the same to Lord Krishna. Is it not in itself a proof that all the divisions within the Brahmans accepted Lord Sri Krishna as Supreme?


I agree there are millions of Gods and demy Gods in this sub

continent. Yes, you name a subject; you will find a God in that name in one or other corner of this land called Bharat

i.e. India. Alas! All the human creations.


About Religion, to the best of my knowledge, what I learnt from the olden scripts and also through ages, generations and experience, I found that Hinduism is by far the flexible one for everyone to follow of on own. No compulsions, no forces or pressures. Here one is free to adhere or leave it if he/she doesn't like.,


For the sake of knowledge, I did read the other religious books, to some extent, but firmly settled with Hinduism, maybe it is because I was born in the Community. But what I Could I sum up in few line is the following paragraph:





" Shiva or Vishnu? Who is great? Who stands tall? What

qualitative difference is going to happen by knowing who's

greater than whom?




It's a very childish idea. Greatness and other concepts have killed the sensitivity in man. He does not bother about real things, whereas he is ready to argue about the things which he doesn't know really, he just collected the bookish knowledge and started arguing about this.


Wonder how people could accept the concept of God without really had the inquisitiveness to know about it. They think it is the cheapest thing in the world! But you have to put yourself at stake! That's why it is dangerous to accept mere theologies any religion, be it Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Jainism or any other you name it.


Now, here I agree with Shri. Bansi Pandit (Ref: Bansi Pandit, The Hindu Mind (Glen Ellyn, Illinois: B & V Enterprise). His theory is most acceptable one than others views.


People are carrying the corpses instead of real-life experiences. Thousands of people killed all over the world every day in the name of dictates from any religion. Hatred and enmity spread venom amongst each other. Does this world need such of these religions really ?


If the world drops the so-called religions, then the world would have a different dimension of living. People would take responsibility for what they are doing they will not simply dump it on the ' one above '. Then the real freedom happens. Freedom leads to responsibility, Joy and Happiness"



In my personal opinion, religions are creations of the society, which wanted to have full control on the growing populace. To make sense and also to discipline them, they made several conditions put forth for the commons. Veda is immortal. But the interpretations by many people at different stages manipulated the entire value of the Subjects. That is the fact one will come to conclusion.


The great known saints who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries are more enlightened ones on Religion. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda is a few to mention. And about Sri Krishna mission (ISKON) I am not making any comments. The Bhakti is there but with some mixtures of west and east. Surely not traditional way of worship.


About Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the less said the better. He has some magical powers. This any magician can do. He just cannot claim to be an avatar. Lord Himself need not boast his own image! But I appreciate his efforts in doing a lot of social works such as building hospitals, free treatment, educational institutions, water and irrigation projects etc. He too preaches non-violence and love etc.


I am not a scholar nor I claim any religious status for me. I am a layman with ordinary qualities. I am not preaching/ propagating Srivaishnavam culture. My aim and intentions are just to publicize the inner meaning of rituals performed by Srivaishnavites and make them understand what they do. I never mentioned any Vedic reliance, slokha or versus from any Upanishad.


I know this letter does not give you any reply to your search. Yet, it is a small way of clarification as a layman I can extend. If the world drops the isms & Religion, then we can see a more different dimensions in life! That is the TRUTH.


Thank you very much for your patience to go through this lengthy mail and

I remain,

truly yours,

trs iyengar

Dec. 21, 2002




This is not concluded. I shall post the replies I receive from the person concerned, with whom I am corresponding now. Please send in your comments and supportive materials. I shall publish same in these pages for readers clarifications. Or you may E-mail to Mr. D'casta at : elias_dcosta@usa.net and communicate directly for giving your views. Thanks,


trs iyengar



To my above mail the following reply was received by me from Mr. D'Costa on the 20th Jan :





Trs Iyengar,


Thank You for the New Year Wishes. I also like to wish you a very blessed and prosperous New Year 2003.


I could not reply earlier, because I was on vacation.


I am glad that you recognize the contradictions in the Hindu Vedic

Scriptures. In the course of history, Hinduism has spawned four other religious movements that have since become world religions: Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Bahaism.


Buddhism was born rejecting Hinduism. When Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (563 - 483 BC) saw suffering, sickness, pain and death. And when he was convicted by the ascetic. He rejected Hinduism on two counts.

1) He did not accept the caste system and

2) He did not accept the Vedas as the revelation from God.


You quote:

-I agree there are millions of Gods and demy Gods in this sub continent.

Yes, you name a subject; you will find a God in that name in one or other corner of this land called Bharat - i.e India. Alas! All the human creations



You agree that all the Gods in Hinduism are mans creation and imagination.


It is interesting that Dr Radha Krishnan, one time President of India, who was a professor at Oxford University and holding a Chairman in eastern philosophy at Oxford university a devout Hindu, said the problem with the Hindu Philosophy is that it has opened its arms so wide that when she finally starts to close them, it will strangle it self. He understood the problem.


You quote:

-I found that Hinduism is by far the flexible one for everyone to follow of on own. No compulsions, no forces or pressures. Here one is free to adhere or leave it if he/she doesn't like




Well Trs Iyengar, because of major contradictions in Hinduism, there is no moral standard, creed, or belief and that is why all Hindus believe, that all paths finally lead to one God. But is this True? Hinduism claims many Gods and is a Pantheism in its world view. Islam, Christianity and Judaism claims one God and is a Monotheism, Buddhism and Confucianism claim there is no God.


I like you to refer to this excellent web site, where he compares 11 major religions and cults, and brings out the Truth. www.thetruelight.net


Islam has Impersonal God and claims there is one God called -Allah, who has no son. And Jesus is just a mere Prophet, who did not die on the cross, but was taken to heaven.


Christianity claims a personal God, which is a one God of Trinity (God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit). Jesus being the Son of God was crucified on the cross, for the sins of the whole world, so that mankind may have hope of eternal life.


Paul, who met Jesus on the way to Damascus, writes two letters to Timothy who is a pastor in Ephesus, who admits he is a sinner himself, and if you believe you will have eternal life. (1Timothy 1:15-16 -Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. (16)But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and

receive eternal life)


In this passage John the Baptist who is the cousin of Jesus, proclaims that Jesus is the one who will take away the sin of the world remember the key word -world (John 1:29 -The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!)


What is considered as blasphemous in Islam (Jesus as Son of God, death on cross), is the most important teaching in the Bible. If Jesus did not die on the cross, the New Testament teachings of 27 books is in vain. (Remember the Bible is not mythical, it is historical, references to people and places did exist) Outside of Jesus death and resurrection there is no other hope for mankind where our sins can be forgiven. Jesus was the only person in the world who was without sin, and therefore God the father accepted Jesus death on the cross as a perfect human sacrifice for the whole world.


Orthodox Judaism claims a personal God (God the Father as in Christianity), with no means of idolatry, and associating anybody as son ship or equal to God as blasphemous.


When a system is internal contradictory and, when you see a system, which is externally contradictory, all of them cannot be true. Only one of them can be true. It is possible that none of the religions are true. All religions fundamentally differ in the nature of origin of universe, origin and nature of man, sin, morality and destiny.


If Christianity is true, all the other religions are false. If Islam is true, all the other religions are false. If Hinduism is true, all the other religions are false.


Truth by definition is exclusive, it does not include everything. Truth is that which corresponds to reality. (Truth for everyone, everywhere, at all times)



1) New Delhi is the capital of India. It is possible I might say Singapore as the capital of India, or you might say Calcutta is the capital of India. There is an absolute truth no matter what my evidence or lack of evidence.



2) The Truth statement 7 + 3 = 10 is not just true for mathematics majors, nor is it true only in a mathematics classroom. It is true for everyone, everywhere, at all places.



3) Truth about Signal lights, Red means stop, yellow means slow down, Green means go. It is true for everyone, everywhere, at all places.


In regards to the reference of your friends web site, I have read it with great interest on SriVaishnavam philosophy- Vishishtadvaita. The sad thing is, there is no reference to the vedic scriptures. Anybody can create their own philosophy. I find some major contradictions, my point is not to criticize in what you believe.


I will reply to you in my next e-mail

Jan 19, 2003





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  • 9 months later...

Have you ever thought that the so-called misery is just in your mind?


The World is a cruel world, full of miseries and sufferig but all this miseries and suffering is because your attachment to the World.


By that context, isn't it easy to say that you are miserable because you are too attached to God to see the beauty of the World?


Take a person who commits suicide for example. He is frustrated and tired, and only way to go around it is by eliminating himself.


Same way, you want to go back to God in a hurry but you are not qualified as yet (for some unknown reason). So you feel deattached to the World and whenever you look at it, you feel tired and frustrated, feeling you do not belong here.


You can never go back to God till you learn to live a proper life in this World. If you ignore the World, it will be like tying a rock to your feet and jump off a climb, expecting yourself to soar, only to fall.

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