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Will somebody help me in this?I am heartbroken for many days thinking about these issues.


1)I am an NRI in USA.My income is nothing great.Very low.I live in a shared 2 bedroom house with my wife.Another couple share the same house.So we have kept swami photos in bedroom.We do pooja for that.But recently one friend said keeping swami photos in bedroom will take me to hell.We dont have another room to keep it,since its a shared house.Is it ok?If I cannot keep it there, I cannot keep it anywhere else.I am confused a lot by this.


2)My wife reads purusha suktham daily.Again I heard that ladies cannot read vedhas.I heard that you have to chant purusha suktham in an official way.Can she read purusha suktham?


3)I eat french fries daily.Thats one vegetarian snack which I like a lot.That's very cheap also.But I read in mcdonalds recipe book that they mix beef extract in it.Even after reading it, I ate it today,since I was very hungry.Now my consciousness is killing me.If I tell this to my wife,she will never talk to me.


4)When I was in India I made so many promises to lord Balaji in tirupathi.I prayed that if he gives me a son I will walk seven hills and shave my head.But I came to usa without doing it.My wife says if i dont walk and shave my head balaji will punish me severly.I will never go back to India.Is there any alternative?


5)I wear socks and do poojas.Is it acceptable?


Kindly forgive me for these offenses.I am greatly confused by all this.I am very devout,but very lazy also.Kindly advise me as of what to do.I once again humbly apologise to all you devotees for these mistakes of mine,thinking that you are all equal to lord vishnu,since you are all his devotees.

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1. Keeping photos is okay. But if you have some moorthis then you need a seperate place for puja. even for the photos you can keep them in a shelf which has a door.


2.if ladies cannot read vedas , then how come a lady (gayathri is called the veda matha)


3. Eating after knowing that it had beef extract is a mistake.


4.God does not need anything from you. if you have promised something and have not fulfilled it , ur conscience will keep nagging and i think that punishment is enough for you.Dont treat god like human beings, taking back revenge or punishing you.


5.Acceptable based on weather conditions, when i went to pasupathinath Nepal, the pujaris used to wear sweater and socks during puja as you cannot stand on the floor as it is very cold. But if you are sitting in the comfort of your bedroom and doing the same thing then i wish you dont do that.

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A house without and prayer room or an altar is a play ground for the devil. A house holder's duty is to perform daily puja in the house in order for have peace and prosperity. If you negelect to do so would bring hardship to you as well as you spouse. I know it would be difficult under the circumstances but you need to find a place to make an alter so that you can do your daily puja before you leave for work. Of course you can always pray in your heart but that is not the same as pujawali. If you are staying in such an apartment you could at least divide a small portion by using a yellow drape to protect the altar on the wall. I suggest that is what you can do and I'm sure God would understand your situation as long as you are sincere in you thoughts.

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<< 1).. So we have kept swami photos in bedroom.We do pooja for that.>>


very good. no problem.


<< But recently one friend said keeping swami photos in bedroom will take me to hell.>>


he does not know.

you are shraddhavaan, and krishna understands your situation.


<< 2)My wife reads purusha suktham daily. >>


no problem. sya my namaskar to her.


<< Again I heard that ladies cannot read vedhas. >>


it is a social tradition, not a vedic direction.

the reason is: f tehladies become sanyasis, then brahma's work would slow down, or some may force sex on lady sanyasis, because ladies are weak and sanyasis have no home.


<< I heard that you have to chant purusha suktham in an official way. >>


i think there is a tradition like that.


<< Can she read purusha suktham? >>


yes. any act for going closer to god never hurts, it always benefits spiritually.


<< 3)I eat french fries daily.Thats one vegetarian snack which I like a lot.That's very cheap also.But I read in mcdonalds recipe book that they mix beef extract in it.Even after reading it, I ate it today,since I was very hungry.Now my consciousness is killing me.If I tell this to my wife,she will never talk to me. >>


pray krishna that you would not eat it again.

there are alternatives. howeve, if it is a matter of life and death, you make eat it just to save your life.


<< 4)When I was in India I made so many promises to lord Balaji in tirupathi.I prayed that if he gives me a son I will walk seven hills and shave my head.But I came to usa without doing it.My wife says if i dont walk and shave my head balaji will punish me severly.I will never go back to India.>>


why so? you can, some time.


<< Is there any alternative? >>


yes, meet a saint, swami, and he/she would show a way.

if i were you, I would read gita every day, and in dhayaan, I would walk the seven hills as i promised. i still could shave my head.


<< 5)I wear socks and do poojas.Is it acceptable? >>


no problem. but that is Hk's pratice.

could do without shocks also. it does not do harm.


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Hi friends,thank you all for your postings.I thank Mr.madhava a lot for his helpful reply.Thanks to others too.I said I wont go to India only since I have a dispute with my relatives and am not welcome there in my village.Thank you all.

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