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What the Vedas say about Varnas

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Chatvar Varna Ashram of Vedas (Main Points), by P.K.Sabhlok


A: Regarding 4 Varnas - Brahmin, Kshatriya(Rajanya -vedic term), Vaish

and Shudra *** by birth, *** there is NO MENTION in the Vedas.


B: origin of 4 Varnas (Divine Professions)


Rig Veda 10-92, 10 to 12, Atharva Veda 19-6, 6, Yajurveda 31-11, 13 &

17, Brihadenyaka Upinashad 1-4, 11 to 14 mention as below (summary):


"In the beginning, there were only unskilled workers, society did not

flourish. Then came traders and agriculturists but society still did not

flourish. Society finally began to flourish when rulers (kings / elected

presidents), bureaucrats, Armed Forces became a part of society. Thus

came the 4 Varnas of Divine Origin. In this society, a Father could be

an unskilled worker, whereas children could be traders, bureaucrats,

soldiers or preceptors."


C: So long as these 4 groups based on divine professions follow Dharma

(righteousness) & Rta (cosmic laws of social, moral and political

order), they remain part of 4 Varnas otherwise, they become Avarnas,

Vritas (Rta defaulters) and Kimidin (evil minded persons, bribe takers

etc). Atharva Veda 3-21-5, Sama Veda 179, 913 - Hydra-headed corruption

(of 9 kinds) from 99 sources enter the body & make them follow ignoble

and non-divine activities.


D: Avarnas/Vritas include bribe takers (those who directly/indirectly

help in reducing the revenue of the State) are thieves (Rig-Veda

1-43-3). Such Avarnas/Vritas are the 5th non-divine group.


E: Followers of the 4 divine varnas can eat and drink together (Atharva

Veda 1-5-2,4)


F: Allocation of Varnas: Chatvar Varna Ashram is based on merit,

ability, capacity and aptitude. These Divine professions are alloted

based on a comprehensive three tier Vedic Education System. Starting Ist

with mother upto 5 years of age, IInd with Father till the age of 8

years and the IIIrd with a preceptor (Guru) from 8 to 48 years. Faliure

in various exams at different ages results in allocation of varnas- e.g.

Ist failure results in the allocation of Shudra Varna, failure at a

later age - Vaisha, still later Ribhu (manufacturer). Passing the exam

at the age of 24 years- Kshatriya i.e. bureaucrats, scientists, armed

forces officers, rulers etc. Those who continue Studies become Brahmins.

Amongst Brahmins are Rudrai and Adityas who study upto 36 & 48 years

respectively. Brahmins are priests, preceptors (Gurus), metaphysicists

(risis), and philosopher cum wandering sages (Munnies). They are expert

in Arts, Sciences, Military Service, Music, divine and spiritual



G: Even later scriptures like the Mahabharata, Uttha Dhyan Sutra 25-3

mentions that one is a Brahamin, Kshatriya, Vaish of Shudhra by deeds

and not birth. The Bhagwad Gita 4-13 & 18- 41 to 48 maintain that the 4

orders of society are based on duties and not birth.


H: Many Examples:


1] Vyasa risi - author of the Mahabharata was born of a fisherwoman and

a Brahamin not through a recognised marriage.


2] Vishwamitra - son of a Kshatriya became a metaphysicist (maharisi)

i.e. a Brahamin.


3] Valmiki - author of a mytholigical epic was a follower of non-divine

& ignoble activities studied Vedic knowledge and became a maharisi



4] Kvaish Aylush - a maharisi and highly learned Aditya was born to a

Shudhra father and mother and became a Brahamin.


5] Kautilya made a low caste poor boy (Chandragupta Maurya) the

strongest ruler (Kshatriya) of India. In the Arthshastra, there is no

mention of Varna by birth (though in Vedas, these 4 Varnas are equal in

status, the Arthshastra cites the brahamins as the superiormost and the

shudhras as the lowest - a drift from the Vedic Chatvar Varna Ashram)


I: Role of a Brahamin in Vedas is to spread vedic knowledge covering

Brahama Gyan (divine knowledge of God, Soul, Spirit, matter etc),

Kshatriyas to defend the society, Vaish to create material riches for

the society through trade (both domestic and global) and Shudhra -

unskilled workers to assist others. The Rig-Veda 10-90-1 to 6 mentions

Shudras as 'of sound health, very handsome and of very high character'


J: No varna is superior or powerful to the others. Vedas aim at

egalitarian society and ensure that all 4 followers of Varna Ashram

serve each other selflessly based on the philosophy of 'Idd Nan Mmam'

(nothing for self-all for society)


K: This institution started drifting first towards superiority of

Brahamins in Manusmriti, Arthashastra, etc., and later by birth in

Purana, tantras and interpretations by Brahamins owing to vested




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