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Afzal Khan’s tomb, Holy? on the Vedic land?

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Afzal Khan was a tall pathan and general of Auranzeb's army.

Aurangzeb was a muslim like osama ben ladin. he has slaughtered many hindus and sikhs, and destroyed many temples. and the muslims of india worship his tomb as holy?

what kind of attitude this minority muslims who follow the invaded ideology on the vedic land hold?


please read below article.

i have inserted my comnets in { }.



VHP vows to demolish Afzal Khan’s tomb

Friday September 10 2004 19:19 IST

(Source: www.newindpress.com)




MUMBAI: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad plans to tear down the controversial tomb of a 17th century Muslim general on Sunday, in a grim echo of the 1992 razing of a mosque that sparked some of India's worst religious riots.


Thousands of police have been deployed around the tomb near Mahabaleshwar, a hill resort about 250 km (155 miles) from Mumbai, to prevent communal violence as tensions rise ahead of elections for the Maharashtra state Assembly next month.


Some Hindus want the tomb of the general, Afzal Khan, removed because it lies near the fort of Shivaji, whom many people worship like a god.


{ the real eason is that Afzan Khan was an enemy if hindus and hinduis. and he was a sinner, not a holy man.}


"Afzal Khan is an insult to Hindus. We will climb the hill and demolish his tomb," said Vyankatesh Abdeo, a leader of the VHP, which started the campaign.


The campaign organisers say they will bring 30,000 people to the site.


Muslims consider the tomb holy,


{ what is holy about it? }


and for years, several have travelled there to offer prayers and seek help. But a year ago authorities closed off the site because of the controversy.


Afzal Khan, an envoy of the Mughal ruler Aurangzeb, met Shivaji to initiate peace talks on the hillock where the tomb - and the ruins of Shivaji's Pratapgadh Fort - now lie.


The general tried to assassinate Shivaji, but the king stabbed him instead and buried Afzal Khan where he fell.


{ this is not what i learned in school history books.

Afzal Khan invated Shivaji in the king's assembly to honor him. Shivaji knew that Khan may try to kill him. So he went prepared. In the assembly Khan stood up from his chair and invited Shivaji to embrace him. Short shivaji embraced tall Khan, and then Khan pulled out dagger and raised his hand to strike Shivaji. Quickly shivaji tore apart his stomach with the tiger claw weapon in his hand and ran away from the assembly.


So, per this story, Khan did not die at the place of the tomb. i have seen that the muslims in india purposely make tombs near hindu sites. i have seen a tomb on the top of an ancient temple. such tombs must be removed, if the hindus want to hold any dignity and self respect. }


A statue of Shivaji now also stands on the hill and the Shiv Sena, organisers of the campaign against the tomb have not explained why they are moving to destroy it now after years of controversy.


{ because it is an insut to the hindus in their own vedic land. }


But the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) -- an ally of the VHP and Shiv Sena -- hopes to make a comeback in next month's state elections after it was unexpectedly dumped from power in New Delhi in May.


"The tomb has been there for hundreds of years. Why has the issue been raked up now?" asked Feroze Mithiborwala, a convenor of the Muslim Youth of India.


{ just because it si there, it does nto get right to be there. same for islam in india. }



"They are trying to build a momentum before elections. This shows that there is total bankruptcy of ideas for right-wing parties in the country."


India's long and varied history has left hundreds of places across the country where Hindu and Muslim holy sites stand side-by-side, sometimes triggering bloody conflicts.


{ and that is why there is no need for the invaded islam sites in india. }



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Rather than destroying the tomb why not write a memorial like this"HERE LIES A CRUEL MUSLIM INVADER WHO COMMITTED HEINOUS CRIMES AGAINST HINDUS IN THEIR OWN LAND" Now this would help generate tourist dollar and at the same time remind the muslims in the area what a demonic general Afzal Khan was during the reign Auranzeb. Tell the VHP people not to destroy historical facts be it evil or good for it will teach the future generations what muslims had done to India.

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<< Rather than destroying the tomb why not write a memorial like this"HERE LIES A CRUEL MUSLIM INVADER WHO COMMITTED HEINOUS CRIMES AGAINST HINDUS IN THEIR OWN LAND" >>


not a bad idea. thanks. each hindu who passes from there should hit the tomb with a stone or spit on it.


<< .. and at the same time remind the muslims in the area what a demonic general Afzal Khan was during the reign Auranzeb. >>


with this the feel joy. such characteristics are "holy" to the muslims. jesus said, "love thy enemy". that to the muslims is cowardice. muslims get inspiration to convert and kill as koran says.


now, the hindus need to figure quickly what message they want ot get out of the tomb: keep the demoniac ideology in the homeland or out.


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Afsal khan's a loser madhav.He was defeated by shivaji.If we have a stone where we print the whole story of his defeat near his tomb,people will be very happy.


We can visit the tomb as "vijay diwas" and celebrate the victory of samrat shivaji.


I feel that near every destroyed hindu temple we should put a stone inscription about which sultan demolished it and in which year after killing how many residents.That should stand forever in history as a testimony for the injustice commited.


If we remove tombs our future generations will read it only in books and will have no proof.BUt if they see destroyed idols and if they visit places like Humpi, they will know what sort of monster our ancestors truimphed.

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<< Afsal khan's a loser madhav.He was defeated by shivaji. >


yes, but no one shoudl think the tomb is holy.


<< If we have a stone where we print the whole story of his defeat near his tomb, people will be very happy. >>


hindus will be, and not the musilms;

but the hindus need to assert their will in the matter.


<< We can visit the tomb as "vijay diwas" and celebrate the victory of samrat shivaji. >>


sure, but still islam is a problem to bhart and the hindus.

need work to solve the problem.


<< I feel that near every destroyed hindu temple we should put a stone inscription about which sultan demolished it and in which year after killing how many residents.That should stand forever in history as a testimony for the injustice commited. >>


i like the idea. but it should motivate the hindus as to how to solve the current islam problem.



<< If we remove tombs our future generations will read it only in books and will have no proof.BUt if they see destroyed idols and if they visit places like Humpi, they will know what sort of monster our ancestors truimphed. >>


only some triamphed, millions other hidnus got slaughtered.


there were wars against the temple destroyers to save the temples. the hindus lost some of these wars, and the temples were destroyed. jains and some hindus chose to bury secretly teh moorties from destruction. over time all forgot where the moorites are buried. therefore, sometimes moorits are found buried unexpectedly.


hinduism has survived islam onsalught of 1000 years,

but the hindus have lost a lot of land, temples, lives, and dignity. islam is still bullying over the hindus in their own hindustan.


by correctly folowing krishna's message in gita,

the hindus will solve the islam problem in bharat.

it needs unity, sacrifice, and some quick and persistant actions.


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