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God has no gender.

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Esoterically, it must be admitted that none of the Gods has a wife. Their consorts are not to be considered as separate from them, but as aspects of their being, as their shakti or power. The Mahadevas who live in the Third World cannot be likened to men and women who live on the earth. They exist in perfectly evolved soul bodies, bodies which are not properly differentiated by sex. They are pure beings made of pure consciousness and light; they are neither male nor female. To better understand these Divine Gods, we sometimes conceive them as being the man if they are strong in expression or the woman if they are gentle and compassionate. There are no husbands and wives in the vast, superconscious realms of the Third World. The husband/wife notion is a puranic myth. The term Goddess can refer to a female perception or depiction of a Third World being (Mahadeva) in its natural state, which is genderless, or to a Second World being residing in a female astral-mental body. For example, Lakshmi and Sarasvati are not wives of Vishnu and Brahma, but personified powers of a sexless Deity who extends abundance and learning through the motherly empathy of a female form. And many of the village deities who protect children and crops are actually souls living close to earth in the astral plane, still functioning through the astral female or male body that is a duplicate of their last physical body.

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That's a really interesting concept. I think the only real reason for saying "He" when referring to God though is tradition more than anything. I mean let's face it, when most religion's holy books were written it was a VERY sexist time. So it only makes sense that almost all religions refer to God as a Him, because it would command much more respect in a completely sexist society. It is interesting to say though that the wives of the demigods are parts of them, say their more feminine side that actually took a "physical" form independent from the male version of that energy.

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As I have said earlier I speak from my heart and not from my mind. Do not look at surface value, we must undersand the core value of religion. Scriptures may be interpreted as per undertsnading but one must understand the real meaning and the changes it brings into one's life. But no harm if you hate Sai Baba or any one for that matter. Most important you are a Hindu and who follows the Dharma is well and good for salvation. May the force be with you and all.

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But no harm if you hate Sai Baba or any one for that matter. Most important you are a Hindu and who follows the Dharma is well and good for salvation.



What if you're not a Hindu? :P

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