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how to defeat Islam?

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Forgive me if I don't share your sense of humor.


Do you know that the famine in 1980s and what happening now in Africa and many parts of the world IS result because of having a lot of kids?


Have one or two kids is enough as long as the children are raised with love, proper education and knowledge of God. Such children will be more useful to the world with his/her intelligence than 12 Muslim children who were trained to strap bombs in their bodies.

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I was trying to say that Islam is growing, because of bigger families. I'm not promoting it. I wouldn't want 12 kids nor does anyone with common sense. Obviously you don't share my sense of humor, because I was joking. The bottom line is women are having less kids, and that's a good thing for society. I agree with totally, but I was just making a point.

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Yeah, put that's not possible, living in a democracy. Only communist countries can ban religion and they'd ban all religions. What I'm counting on is time. Over time women will get sick of being suppressed. Over time people will get sick of being tortured under the flag of religion. Eventually people will grow tired of daily bombings, rapes, and murders. The soul will grow wary and the people will revolt. The question is, when? Saldy I doubt it'll be in our lifetime.

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that a democratic nation shouldn't ban religion but then again, Islam and Christianity are destructive political ideologies that harm Hinduism. They are not religions but harmful cults, so there's no harm in banning them.

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You need to start with telling nominal indian muslims who were forced into islam, that it's ok to come back to Sanatana Dharma. Alot of muslims see islam as the end all of religious beliefs. Meaning you are born a muslim you die one. Also believing you can't convert from islam and fearing the penalties of doing so. Another solution is get rid of missionaries runnig around willy nilly using deceitful lies to convert poor Hindus. These people tell lies to convert Hindus into christianity, like they did after the tsunami. I mean how more disgusting and pathetic can you get. People who are suffering and dying and your main issue is still trying to recruit. They operate under the umbrella of charity, but are up to much more. Also what would be of great help is a Religious Hindu Acadamy, llike Catholics have for christianity. I don't know if there's one, but it would benefit those who want to learn their faith from a non-biased or non-western point of view. I highly doubt India will take a step back from secularism and ban Islam and Christianity. Another idea is give any muslim, who hates India and think they get unfair treatment, a ticket to Pakistan for a week to live as a minority Hindu there. Them when they get home tell them to write an essay about the differences between Hindu(Indian) hospitality Muslim(Pakistani) hospitality. Ask them which country do you think you'd rather be a minority in. Let them decide what they want to live under. I wonder what they'd choose. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Islam and chirstianity have strong means of holding on their converted lot and prevent reversal of their conversion. Two basic points they use:


1. Once converted they are no longer considered as athiests like all those outside their religion

2. It becomes the duty of a religious follower to covert athiest into theist in their religion. (For eg. settling in pakistan is no accepted choice for an indian muslim, neither living in india an opportunity)


So all the minority communities and the athiest/theist maniacs are an uncontented lot living in india, (1) as they believe they live amidst athiests (2) their duty, if not opportunity, to convert others into their religion and live amidst more theists in their perspective.


The formula to defeat islam has to destroy branded religions in general. It may not be specifically targetable at one branded religion such as alone.


For now one has to learn from the christian and jew relationship. They are the two religions which do not consider each other as atheists, atleast not that we hear sitting in india. If only this becomes the way Christians and Islam accept the majority following in india, then they would see india as their home country and experience the possibility of contentment.

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I was trying to say that Islam is growing, because of bigger families.


Truth cannot be potraty by mass of people who follow it alone. Having a lot of kids do not means that what they are following is true.


If Islam use such method (making others think they are true because of sere number of people following it), then they are wrong and act in mode of ignorance.


They are ignorant ... you want to follow ignorant ways also?

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<< Yeah, put that's not possible, living in a democracy. Only communist countries can ban religion and they'd ban all religions. >>


it is possible with unity.

democracy is the gov. of the people, by the people for the people. if the world tolerates almost every muslim counry that has only Islam as legal, no one whoudl complain about only islam as illega in a mon muslim country.


besides, hinduism is inherently secular,

and so it does not need foreign concept of secularism imposed on it.


we are sovereign, and we can make our laws as we want it

to suit our needs. only god is above us; no one else.



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They can do what they want. The only problem is Hindus probably won't go for it. I seriously doubt they would ban Islam and Christianity. You have a muslim president, and that Sonia Gandhi lady. It would take alot of working backward to accomplish. Besides Hindus are too sentimental to ban something as personal as religion. Also India is on the verge of being a potential superpower. By banning a specific religion that would cause even more strife within the country. Making it even harder to become a world power. If you have 160,000,000 indian muslims angry, than that would put them off, from being patriotic towards India. They would work against your country and walla a terrorist organization is born. To much trouble for nothing, but more trouble. Besides indian hindus seem to go out of their way to promote other religious philosophies.

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by newhindu05


I said it was a joke! I get it, one or two kids. So I'm not ignorant, ok!


OK. I didn't say you were ignorant, I said don't follow ignorant people's methods.


1 or 2 kids OK but make sure to teach them about Hindusm. That is the best way. More people who teach their children about Hindusm (AND LIVE according to it), then more reasons for society to develop.



I seriously doubt they would ban Islam and Christianity. You have a muslim president, and that Sonia Gandhi lady. It would take alot of working backward to accomplish. Besides Hindus are too sentimental to ban something as personal as religion. Also India is on the verge of being a potential superpower. By banning a specific religion that would cause even more strife within the country. Making it even harder to become a world power. If you have 160,000,000 indian muslims angry, than that would put them off, from being patriotic towards India. They would work against your country and walla a terrorist organization is born. To much trouble for nothing, but more trouble.


That's the stupid part, is it? They know the problem but not willing to do something about it by being sentimental.


When Christianity came to Japan, in less than 20 years, despite of having thousands of Japanese followers, the ruler banned it. He didn't hold any sentiments toward his own people because he knows what is the problem and how to fix it.


If India were to go back to becoming Hindu Country, IT MUST make such approach and as soon as possible. Just to satisfy 160, million people, Hindus willing to sacrifice beliefs of a 1 Billion people. That is stupid.


And the sad part is ... IF India do not do something NOW, Muslims will multiply like rabbits and the number will increase and so does the recluctant of the people to do something. Maybe that is why Islam promote Muslims to produce children like rabbits on heat. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Besides indian hindus seem to go out of their way to promote other religious philosophies.


Then they should be the first to be identified and removed from the centre stage. Second could be Atheists for they are useless.


Once Hindus who are enemies and atheists removed from the picture, Hindus should concentrate on Christians first. Stop all incoming Christian missionaries. Ban ANY and ALL outside missionaries and send them back if they found preaching within India. Stop ALL supports to Christians and Christians Society.


When that is done (or been done successfully), then and ONLY then, the attention can be turned toward Muslims who are over 16% of Indian society.


Remember what Sage Wisvathan said when Duryodhana was born and all the bad signs and omen appeared. He said - For sake of a family, ONE child CAN be sacrificed; for sake of a Village, ONE family CAN be sacrificed; for sake of a Country, ONE village CAN be sacrificed; and for the sake of the World, ONE country CAN be sacrificed.


Japanese followed Sage Wisvathan's advice, even so they never heard of him ... when is Hindus going to follow the same advice?

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Come on, Hindus aren't going to displace or kill 160,000,000 indian muslims and 18,000,000 indian christians. It's just not logical. Those people are indians and they have a legit claim to Bharat more then a white or black convert to Hinduism. When India becomes a superpower it can do what all superpowers do. Promote their philosophies and way of life on a international scale. That's what I'm counting on. The bottom line is the damage is done. All you can do is get rid of missionaries and get all anti-Hindus of your government. It is very important that you do act know. Sacrificing a 160,000,000 for 1 billion does seem worth it when were just talking numbers. In actuality when human people enter the equation it changes things quite a bit. What would you do with all these people? Send them to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Then you have 160,000,000 million new enemies who hate Bharat. Then this will mean jihad for then, which means they can justify killing you, because you pushed them off land they believe is their's. So know we have another Israel/Palestine type issue on our hands. These thing will go on for an eternity, because it can be justified in their beliefs. India needs to focus on gaining international clout, this can be used in your advantage in the near future. Christian missionaries came from western countries that had enough money to send then. When India gets enough money and clout it'll do the same. India is about 79%-80% Hindus and that's enough to take control know while you still have the numbers. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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What makes you think something called 'religion, of any variety, or any cultural root, has to be 'defeated'?


It doesn't take much observation to see that all ‘religion’ and all cultural roots are ridiculous ad-hoc rubbish, of practically no specific or particular importance.


If you could see that, you would get continually hung-up on nothing.

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With people like you, no wonder India is suffering. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


It is not suffering because it is attacked by Christians and Muslims, it is suffering because Hindus have no backbone and have no interest to fight. Even in the Net, they show their backboneless attitude rather than to fight, despite of have ALL justifications of doing it.


Come on, Hindus aren't going to displace or kill 160,000,000 indian muslims and 18,000,000 indian christians. It's just not logical.


Was it logical when thousands of Muslims invaded India (which at that time inhabited by millions of Hindus) and managed to took over portion of its land (in Rajput)? Was it logical when Christians came and brought Hindus' indepedance from Muslims (invader buying YOUR rights from another invader)?


Those people are indians and they have a legit claim to Bharat more then a white or black convert to Hinduism.


Wrong ... Bharat is for those who are Hindus - whether you are Shavites or Vaishnavas. It doesn't matter. Even if you are a Buddhist or a Jains or a Sikh, it doesn't matter. You are born in India AND your religion is from India, then you have the right.


You don't born in India but choose Hindusm - fine.

You born in India but didn't choose Hindusm - fine also (personal choice as long as you do not interfere).


However, you do not born in India and do not choose Hindusm and do not work for benefit of India - then why should anyone keep you alive in India? Why must India feed parasites like you? Where is logic in that?


When India becomes a superpower it can do what all superpowers do. Promote their philosophies and way of life on a international scale. That's what I'm counting on.


That WILL NOT happen. Even if it happens, India will not be Country of Hindusm, it will be a America's clone.


Surely you are not blind to see Indians themselves are busy promoting all sort of nonsense - western culture, clothing, food and music - in attempt to continue Westernizing India. Are you going to try become a superpower by pushing away all your heritage and culture?


What India is going through today is what Japan went through 1850s. Go to a search engine and search for Meiji Restoration - 1850 - 1910. THIS IS A DANGEROUS PERIOD for India and its culture. You lose it (like what Japan almost did) and you WILL lose it forever, even so you become a Superpower.


Sacrificing a 160,000,000 for 1 billion does seem worth it when were just talking numbers. In actuality when human people enter the equation it changes things quite a bit. What would you do with all these people? Send them to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Then you have 160,000,000 million new enemies who hate Bharat.


And you think this jokers love Bharat now? You are delusion yourself and do not know what Islam is capable of.


In front of their eagerness to go to (Muslim) heaven where 72 Virgins with big eyes, wine and pleasure awaits, your "love" for Bharat means NOTHING to them. Sooner or later, you WILL face them in battle, whether you like it or not.


And besides, Pakistan already entered 3 wars with India and fuel kashmir Separatists since 1960s, what more you want? Might as well push all this jokers to a corner and nuke them to their Heaven. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


India needs to focus on gaining international clout, this can be used in your advantage in the near future.


What Internation Clout? From whom? America? Please ... they are nothing but parasites which feed of Indian's mentality and intelligence.


British? Then Indians are indeed bigger fools to believe that the same bunch who twisted Indian history and culture will help them.


ONLY way out here is by promoting Asian fellowish - enter Asian countries which are not Islamic or Christians and try and gain their support. Do not look for help from the West - you will not get it. Look to the East - to Japan. Learn from them as Malaysia did in 1960s. Learn how they copes their changes and turmoil. Learn how they resurrected their culture. Learn how they learn to love their country and learn how they didn't allow others to step all over them.


India is about 79%-80% Hindus and that's enough to take control know while you still have the numbers.


Problem now is - from that 80%, half support Shavitees and another half support Vaishnavas. Both don't like working together. Some of them do not like to work for India, some don't like to follow its culture and heritage, many are irresponsible in daily life, many are interested in monetary and status gain only and many are stupid politicians and atheists.


You say my equation is changed a bit when you put human factor in it. Guess what ... so is yours. You look at the mass and thing all this people will stand by your side. I look at them and wonder IF a war do occur between India and Pakistan in a wide scale, how many of this jokers will run off like a rat from a sinking ship.

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I'm not indian, sorry if I gave that impression. I also new to Hinduism. I do plan to study sanskrit in India. Anyways India won't lose it's culture and heritage. It's the media's fault for interpreting western culture as fashionable and modern, when in reality it's trashy and morally bankrupt. I see it as a passing trend. Listen, time changes all, trends go in and out of popularity. I do want to work for the benefit of Bharat. I do have a backbone and I do want to fight for Hindus and Hindu causes, but are we jumping in a little too early? Let's fight when it actually comes to our doorstep, not provoke something prematurely. We need unity among ourselves. Shavitees, Vaishnavas, Sikhs, Buddhist, and Jains are Hindus. We need to unite, because muslims don't care, were still all non-believers to them. I agree with you, asian countries should be closely allied with each other, because the west is only has there interests in mind. They do nothing out of the goodness of their heart. Indian kids need to work for their country. They need to stop coming to western countries to help boost up foreign economies. Or at the very least stay in Asia. India will never lose it's culture to to the west. One is steeped in tradition, and lives to better the society. The other is based on decaying morality, money, vanity, and a winner take all mentality. Trust me, I live here. India will stay India, but it is time to shut out foreign influence that do nothing to benifit society. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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<font color="blue"> Nmaskar Sephiroth jee,

You have written nice. This is the real fact regarding Hindus. Sometimes I think, we are dead before death. If someone wake up, no one follows him / her. We are going towards slavery again. We are divided by racism and selfishness. We don't learn lessons while see others.

According to me, your post may awake some people who read this post. Thank You so much. </font color><font color="brown">


Om Namah Shivaye !


Chelaaraam </font color>

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by newhindu05


Anyways India won't lose it's culture and heritage.


You are not an Indian (born in India)? No wonder you do not see the urgency of this matter. In Asia, Asians are slowly losing their culture and heritage which had been their heritage for a very long time.


You say India won't lose it, I say it WILL unless Indians do something about it.


Take China for example ... it had been under Communist rule for nearly 90 years and slowly, they are deteriotating to nothing more than memories of the past. They kept saying "China did this, China did that, China accomplished this and that" but never for once think, Where is China today? What state of China is today?


You think that is just a special case only? No ... look at African continent. One time, Africa was ruled by black skinned Africans and there were trade, commerce, agriculture and such less than 250 years ago. What is its status now? Almost 40% of African states are in blink of war, starvation and famine is common, disease like AIDS is common. Immorality, lost of culture and heritage, suffering is common.


Are Hindus going to wait till something like that happens and then say - "Oops! We should have acted earlier"?


Sure, you can say - Oh no, that sort of things won't happen as long as we follow Western methods. Wrong ... America itself built on back of Asians (like Chinese) and Red Indians whose lands they have taken illegally. Is this the country which supposed to lead you to become a better India? I don't think so.


British? One who enslaved India and stole her treasures, heritage and such?


Thieves will teach you how to steal, they will not teach you how to become a good person. If you wish to learn to overcome suffering, go and learn from one who had suffered. In Asia, there is plenty of countries who suffered and survived. Even Japan was an aggressor one time but they learn to live with their mistake.


It's the media's fault for interpreting western culture as fashionable and modern, when in reality it's trashy and morally bankrupt. I see it as a passing trend. Listen, time changes all, trends go in and out of popularity.


And what about the damage it had caused? Are you going to say the damaged caused by it on Indian people a passing trends also?


Youngster influence by media goes to drink in pubs, girls dance in discos, flirting their bodies like they are meat in butcher shops, drug problems, social problems, lack of religious understanding, following religious which promote terrorism and so many other problems. Are they all trends which will pass away?


Maybe but it will be like what you see after Tsunami event - dirt and garbage everywhere and it will stink to high heaven. That time, India become super power also no use because it did it on top of garbage dump.


I do want to work for the benefit of Bharat. I do have a backbone and I do want to fight for Hindus and Hindu causes, but are we jumping in a little too early?


And when it isn't too late? When you are in a grave? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

I already think now is too late to "save" some of our youngsters, and you wish to wait a little longer.


To fight, you do not need to take arms. Leave such fighting to people like us (Warriors) who got used to been scold and throw rocks at.


To fight peacefully - learn about your religion, debate peacefully among yourself, promote good understanding and fellowship among yourself (whatever caste you wish to be). The important thing you must do is "Act Responsibly IN EVERYTHING you do". That is YOUR Weapon. That what will differentiate you and Abrahamic followers.


Didn't Shivaties goes around saying to "Be service to the Society is to be Service to God" (Maakal Sevai Maheswaran Sevai)?


Doesn't your Gita say the same thing also - Do everything you do for God? So Act responsible and with notion your actions if for Him and you will be counted for your actions.


Let's fight when it actually comes to our doorstep, not provoke something prematurely. We need unity among ourselves. Shavitees, Vaishnavas, Sikhs, Buddhist, and Jains are Hindus. We need to unite, because muslims don't care, were still all non-believers to them. I agree with you, asian countries should be closely allied with each other, because the west is only has there interests in mind. They do nothing out of the goodness of their heart. Indian kids need to work for their country. They need to stop coming to western countries to help boost up foreign economies. Or at the very least stay in Asia.


Unity ... How to promote unity? That is puzzle I have yet to know answer to.


India will never lose it's culture to to the west. One is steeped in tradition, and lives to better the society. The other is based on decaying morality, money, vanity, and a winner take all mentality. Trust me, I live here. India will stay India, but it is time to shut out foreign influence that do nothing to benifit society.


Maybe ... maybe not. Whether India will lose herself or not is not something a Hindus should dare bet on. Do you know why? Because if you lose India ... you will become like Jews who have been wondering for nearly 1,000 years all because of their beliefs. Trust me ... you do not wish to suffer the same way.

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You have written nice. This is the real fact regarding Hindus. Sometimes I think, we are dead before death. If someone wake up, no one follows him / her. We are going towards slavery again. We are divided by racism and selfishness. We don't learn lessons while see others.

According to me, your post may awake some people who read this post. Thank You so much.


Thank you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


History is important if you want to learn about other people's mistake before you do the same. Learn the lessons well from other Asian countries. Don't make the same mistake because sometimes, some mistakes are irreversible.


Act with Responsibility - to Society, God and yourself. That is an important key.


Never mind if others are irresponsible. They can learn from you or choose to ignore. It doesn't matter. You start alone, sooner or later, others will join in.

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I wish I could be actively helping India know. I'm seventeen and I have no immediate resouces to contribute. I will fight peacefully to better India and preserve vedic culture. I feel sad, because I'm not there to help. I will learn Sanatana Dharma and act responsible in all my actions. I hope the situation isn't as bad as you described it. I want to see Bharat prosper and maintain it's culture and heritage. I'll be in college soon. I planned to take economics, and south asian studies as my two majors. Some of my schooling will hopefully be in India.

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Dear Sweet Seventeen,


Your intention to help India and Vedic culture is great, but don't worry.


Vedic culture can't be easily destroyed (in fact it can be never destroyed), it is provided by God and protected by Sages. They describe it as "Nithya Gandam Purna Aasyu" i.e., always at peril but lives for ever.


In fact Hinduism will be the only religion suriving after 10,000 AD (the number of people would be small though)


The other group would be scientific/asethic group with a large followers.


The second group will be persecuting the first one for a long long time (approx 4,22,000 years) when Lord Vishnu incarnates as Kalki in the first group destroys the second group and re-establishes the Dharma.


Also no need to worry about the numbers, money, or the lies of the other parties that will be taken care very easily (just read Puranas and see how many dangers came and passed just like that)


Remember this 10,000 years is a golden period for all good Hindus, just by chanting the maha mantra you can attain liberation. So Be a Dharmic, do your karma and chant Maha-mantra--Be truly happy.

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I'm seventeen and I have no immediate resouces to contribute. I will fight peacefully to better India and preserve vedic culture.


Your LIFE is your contribution, nothing else needed. No, I don't mean strap yourself with a bomb and blow yourself up.


If you act in responsible way, with morale and joy at living and working, then your life will be testament to your belief.


And, when other Hindus (who are acting irresponsiblly) sees you living a proper life happy, it will be like a slap to their faces on how they acting and probably will change for the better. One can only hope.


I hope the situation isn't as bad as you described it.


Atheists in the north (Tibet), Barbarians in the west (Pakistan) and idiots from the south (Christians). Only way to look for help is East - toward Malaysia and Japan.


Situation I believe will improve based on what we do today. Like I said, one can only hope.


Me? I always look things seriously and there is nothing more serious for me than God. Maybe I too serious and exaggerated ... maybe. Maybe situation is not as bad it seems. Maybe it's worse. I don't know since I don't live in India (I live in Malaysia).

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I really wish India and Asia in general, would of never heard of christianity or islam. That's only a wish that can't be granted. I'm frustrated, because I agree with you on most things. I want India to be stay India and not become a prototype of America. Being new to Hinduism I feel I have to follow it correctly. Meaning following all scripture and living a dharmic life. Muslims can justify, in the koran, killing people who aren't muslims. Hindus can't do the same without obtaining bad karma. I wish India could be 100% hindu again, but reality says that's unlikely. Hindus just need unity and Bharat will be safe.

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until we get all muslims and christians out of our country. These people are working against Bharat. It's them or us. Muslims don't have a problem with killing innocent people. They've done it throughout history. Believe me, if they get the chance to take over Bharat they will. Sephiroth is right, we need to act know. These people will kill you the first chance they get. You said it yourself, it's justified in the koran. What more do they need? I will gladly take on bad karma to protect Bharat's future. Someone has to, or they'll be no Hindus left to preach our philosophy. The time is know and if not know then when.

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