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prove to me that you are real.

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if the question is "are you real?" u bring duality.


the sentiment of yours is advaitic. the question is "am i real?".


who am i...what am i....are all echoes of the sentiment you actually wanted to express.


when u know what YOU are...u know everything else. for evrything else...including this reply is in the gamut of your perception. its always"I"...THE PERSONAL that needs to be sought.


"if we were justhe eternal one's dream, then would His dream be real, are dreams real? or only the eternal one's dreams? "


did u never feel like there was no difference between yesterday and a dream u had...both appeared real at that time...now?...they appear distant and dreamlike. trite.


perception,conciousness, ego,....everything is in the gamut of the "I"...seek the meaning of that. question that.


this is the salvation for existential angst....the sheer worry as to what we really are in this huge creation.


welcome to advaita.



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