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It's strange that we human being with six sense sometime are minus with all the sense. We are born with a unique organ we call the BRAIN. In general one can explain what the brain's functions is but not everyone is able to fully utilize the service of the brain. Let's forget about the retarded and brain dead people but what about normal beings, as far as science is concern only a fraction of the world population makes full use of their brain. This gift one can say is from the creator we call God but what would non -believers say? For them it is nature's gift to man. Animals too have brain but theirs are utilized solely for survival whereas man has to use it for expansion of his species in all aspects. Finding remedies for sickness, developing technology for the comfort of human society on the whole and looking beyond earth for future survival. But when the subject of religion is discussed many differ in thought. The reason is our brain, as it provides the thinking capacity for reasoning and cultivating intellectual thoughts. But there are those or some human beings who do not have such capacity although their brain functions as normal otherwise. It does not give the signal for thinking further and so becomes dysfunctional [in not activating full use] in certain areas.


Sages or Rishis as we know them be discovered the theory of God and their writings, which we call scriptures, provides vital information of the creation of the universe and beings. They did not attend Harvard or obtained any PhD to write volumes and volumes of scripts providing information in science and medicine. We accepted their theories as the solemn truth without question or rather people of that age did so. They categorized human race by class and treated the lower class as dirt. That is the truth and no one can deny that. The learned were considered of the highest class [brahmins were the only learned at the time] while the warriors are considered as the second class and the business people were considered as third class and the workers such as farmers, grave diggers, sweepers and herders were considered the lowest class. It was considered a standard of practice of the era as it was the Sages who were considered to be above all and rulers abide by their advice. It is stated in the Vedas that man is considered the body of God for reason that the Brahmin was created from the mouth of God, business people were created from his stomach, warrior from his knee and worker [the untouchables] were created from his feet. Common sense would tell us that if we consider man was created from his body than we should respect all classes, as we love God. But we do not do so and why is that? The answer lies in the misinterpretation of our scriptures. In India there are two class of Brahmin one in the north and the other in the south and this too is divided into race Brahmins according to the spoken language. From there again it is divided into several sub class such as the Vaishnavas and Shivaits and so on. Between them they disagree on the practice and belief. One group would say Vishnu is supreme while the other would say Shiva and it does not end there. You will find those who worship mother Durga [sakthism] would say she is the supreme power, while people of other class would just have listen to them and obey what they say without question because when one questions he would be considered nastigan [unbeliever] as they believe the others do not have the qualification to question or debate the issues at hand. Well, such days are gone and we are in the twenty first century and India is not ruled by kings who or sages. Time had passed for such and it is now time to explore and question.


I am not writing this to ridicule the Brahmin cast or question the existence of the Almighty God in whatever form he may be. We do not have Vysa or Vashista or any other sages today to clarify their claim but we have our brain to think and explore the truth. Through the study and understanding of our scriptures I can only say this, no matter how powerful the sages were of the time they fail to realize the power of the brain. They did not realize that whatever they perceived from their meditation and knowledge received did not make them understand that it was their own doing and that is the power within. The atmosphere is absorbed in energy of the universe and all one has to do is absorb that energy and your atman will be ignited. That is what precisely what the sages did and how their brain systematically worked out all details. The Brahmins who came after that did not know of the secret but just followed what was written in the scripts of the past. To my assumption the seven sages where none other than super humans with ability to do anything out of the ordinary but the generation below them lost that power due to ignorance and blind faith. God as I have said earlier is but all in our mind and we created him to be so. He or the super energy is within all man and to tap that energy needs discipline and righteous life and you become self-Brahman. What is lacking in a human being today? God is not sitting somewhere daily creating babies. It’s man who is creating the new life through the union of woman who is equally important in this world. I’m not saying God is not Krishna or Vishnu or Shiva or Brahma. These are all one and names given by the sages of later period not of the early period. It is the energy that man first began to honor and pray. Sun the most powerful energy that illuminates the whole world, which cannot be conquered but can be tapped for useful purpose, is an energy that first man began to receive onto him. Sun, was regarded as life giving God in early days of man because without it man would live in total darkness for twenty four hours a day not knowing when to go to bed and when to rise. Without the sun there would be no oxygen and we could not survive. Without sun there would not be any growth and we would not be here today. The Sun plays an important part in all living entity but only man knows its importance and was considered as God by the early man. But the most important is the energy that is produced by the Sun which man should absorb in order to attain the highest level as our ancestors who were regarded as direct representatives of God. The truth is that they too were Gods whom the later sages did not realize. They misinterpreted the truth in realizing that man himself is his own creation and the power to attain that is within us. Don’t be despair, in actual fact the energy that we seek can be called in any name such as Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha, Durga or Muruga. The names, mentioned as God are all within us and it is up to us to fuse ourselves into that energy. Call me a fool if you want but if you do not explore you would be left in the dark till next life. Do not seek God elsewhere but within thyself because out there is nothing but stars and galaxies. You can condemn me for my thoughts but if you do not realize the truth than you become the fool in the end. So, Sai Baba calling himself God is not wrong, as he knows the truth whereas those who are ignorant are seeking God elsewhere not realizing he is within them.





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Having read the scriptures and chanting hare krishna is not spritual knowledge. One has to merge with it. You can write and quote from Gita and so forth but that does not give you the authority to condemn another coz you do not know the depth of one's spritual understanding and closeness one has with God. You are following something that some one discovered but why can't you discover the same in a different perspective? The reason is you have inadequate comprehension of the unseen God and so you blabber like parrot which I can understand is your nature. I'm more happy to leave this body as soon as possible coz I dislike the state of this world. But, I have to live up to karma and it's destiny set forth by my pervious birth. You have no control or authority over atman and it is foolish of you to tell me to be serious about spritual knowledge shows you do not comprehend what was hidden in my writing. This clearly shows your stupidity and I forgive you as it is your karma to behave as such.

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Please explain the qualities of God, which I think you should know by now. It's not to test your intelligence but to make it more clear to others. How does one feel the presence of God? What is within your self but you cannot see but feel? What is kundalani and its final stage? Need your clarification before I go further.



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Having read the scriptures ...... is not spritual knowledge. One has to merge with it


who said the opposite?


but better to know the exact theory and not practice than have a mind full of confusion

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Sages or Rishis as we know them be discovered the theory of God and their writings, which we call scriptures,



OMG..... this guy is way off. And so he just throws the whole concept of apaurusheya out into the dustbin.


This is what happens when you listen to too much Sai Baba.


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<< Please explain the qualities of God, >>


in short god has all the good qualites.

god has all the six opulenecs.

a verse says that if saraswati uses as much ink as he ocen to write the gunsa os god, still shhe woul not be able to describe all the gunas.


<< How does one feel the presence of God? >>


all are not able to feel. therefore we have many atheists.

different people people believ god because of different rationale.


<< What is within your self but you cannot see but feel? >>


one can not see one's brain or heart in hand.

one may believe one is the sould within the body but still one cannot see it materially.


<< What is kundalani and its final stage? >>


i am a bkakti yogi. so cannot answer it well.


<< Need your clarification before I go further. >>


i am not clarifying, just answering what you asked.


i however have more interest to discuss how to furhter our dharma and rashtra interests, than debate on the current topic. most of the time your post are good, but some time i feel like commenting.


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Your explanations are vague. Need to be specific about God's qualities and needs.


....How does one feel the presence of God?...


Here I did not touch on atheist so I do not need to know what they feel but waht about the believers and specially Hindus is what I need to know as we are only discussing about Hinduism.


....What is within your self but you cannot see but feel?...


You gave me a wrong answer for the above which mean to tell me that either you do not undestand my question or your knowledge of spritual bliss is zero. I'm sorry to say it bluntly but most who speak about the gita and greatness of Krishna are just parrots being tought only to quote but fail to understand the hidden meaning in it. I do wish to further this as I know your level of knowledge.

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Your explanations are vague. Need to be specific about God's qualities and needs.


....How does one feel the presence of God?...


Here I did not touch on atheist so I do not need to know what they feel but waht about the believers and specially Hindus is what I need to know as we are only discussing about Hinduism.


....What is within your self but you cannot see but feel?...


You gave me a wrong answer for the above which mean to tell me that either you do not undestand my question or your knowledge of spritual bliss is zero. I'm sorry to say it bluntly but most who speak about the gita and greatness of Krishna are just parrots being tought only to quote but fail to understand the hidden meaning in it. I do wish to further this as I know your level of spritual knowledge fom your answers to my quetion.

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  • 7 years later...

Well I'm no philosopher or great scholar...but I feel that Bhakti marga is the best way to realize God and when you ask about "how does one feel the presence of God" I say that: God is within us. He is situated within our heart. The feeling which we get "we cannot see or feel" is love. What I mean is spiritual love. You feel intimacy about God. This love is not bounded to a particular entity. It must be universal and effusing. Above all it must not be driven by greed for material possessions or for exacting favour from God. God gives for He is the provider but when you love him unconditionally without expecting anything or for exacting any favours he looks upon you as a mother to a child. You can worship any form of God, love him unconditionally and pray for him to be with you and he will be with you...you may not see him but you can feel his presence in your heart. For eg: When you help a needy, poor person from the bottom of your heart the satisfaction you get...that feeling can be likened to God as He is present in our soul. Well I hope I wasn't too confusing...since I'm just a beginner... :D

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