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Important Hymns from the RigVeda

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Important Hymns from the RigVeda


Important Hymns from RigVeda dedicated to Lord Vishnu.


Many Important Hymns in the RigVeda are dedicated to Lord MahaVishnu - the Supreme God.

Rig Veda clearly shows that "Lord MahaVishnu" is the Supreme God (Parabrahma).


Vishnu - The Supreme God

The Gods be gracious unto us even from the place whence Visnu strode

Through the seven regions of the earth!

Through all this world strode Visnu; thrice his foot he planted, and the whole

Was gathered in his footstep's dust.

Visnu, the Guardian, he whom none deceiveth, made three steps; thenceforth

Establishing his high decrees.

Look ye on Visnu's works, whereby the Friend of Indra, close-allied,

Hath let his holy ways be seen.

The princes evermore behold that loftiest place where Visnu is,

Laid as it were an eye in heaven.

This, Vishnu's station most sublime, the singers, ever vigilant,

Lovers of holy song, light up.

As soon as, at libations of his mother, great Visnu had drunk up the draught, he plundered.

The dainty cates, the cooked mess; but One stronger transfixed the wild boar, shooting through the mountain

Strong in their native strength to greatness have they grown, stepped to the firmament and made their dwelling wide.

When Visnu saved the Soma bringing wild delight, the Maruts sate like birds on their dear holy grass

Yea, Pusan, Visnu, ye who run your course, enrich our hymns with kine;

Bless us with all prosperity

Be Mitra gracious unto us, and Varuna and Aryaman:

Indra, Brhaspati be kind, and Visnu of the mighty stride

I WILL declare the mighty deeds of Visnu, of him who measured out the earthly regions,

Who propped the highest place of congregation, thrice setting down his footstep, widely striding.

For this his mighty deed is Visnu lauded, like some wild beast, dread, prowling, mountain-roaming;

He within whose three wide-extended paces all living creatures have their habitation.

Let the hymn lift itself as strength to Visnu, the Bull far-striding, dwelling on the mountains,

Him who alone with triple step hath measured this common dwelling-place, long, far extended.

Him whose three places that are filled with sweetness, imperishable, joy as it may list them,

Who verily alone upholds the threefold, the earth, the heaven, and all living creatures.

May I attain to that his well-loved mansion where men devoted to the Gods are happy.

For there springs, close akin to the Wide-Strider, the well of meath in Visnu's highest footstep.

Fain would we go unto your dwelling-places where there are many-horned and nimble oxen,

For mightily, there, shineth down upon us the widely-striding Bull's sublimest mansion.

To the great Hero, him who sets his mind thereon, and Visnu, praise aloud in song your draught of juice,-

Gods ne'er beguiled, who borne as 'twere by noble steed, have stood upon the lofty ridges of the hills.

Your Soma-drinker keeps afar your furious rush, Indra and Visnu, when ye come with all your might.

That which hath been directed well at mortal man, bow-armed Krsanu's arrow, ye turn far aside.

These offerings increase his mighty manly strength: he brings both Parents down to share the genial flow.

He lowers, though a son, the Father's highest name; the third is that which is high in the light of heaven.

We laud this manly power of him the Mighty One, preserver, inoffensive, bounteous and benign;

His who strode, widely pacing, with three steppings forth over the realms of earth for freedom and for life.

A mortal man, when he beholds two steps of him who looks upon the light, is restless with amaze.

But his third step doth no one venture to approach, no, nor the feathered birds of air who fly with wings.

He, like a rounded wheel, hath in swift motion set his ninety racing steeds together with the four.

Developed, vast in form, with those who sing forth praise, a youth, no more a child, he cometh to our call.

FAR-SHINING, widely famed, going thy wonted way, fed with the oil, be helpful. Mitra-like, to us.

So, Visnu, e'en the wise must swell thy song of praise, and he who hath oblations pay thee solemn rites.

He who brings gifts to him the Ancient and the Last, to Visnu who ordains, together with his Spouse,

Who tells the lofty birth of him the Lofty One, shall verily surpass in glory e'en his peer.

Him have ye satisfied, singers, as well as ye know, primeval germ of Order even from his birth.

Ye, knowing e'en his name, have told it forth: may we, Visnu, enjoy the grace of thee the Mighty One.

The Sovran Varuna and both the Asvins wait on this the will of him who guides the Marut host.

Visnu hath power supreme and might iliat finds the day, and with his Friend unbars the stable of the kine.

Even he the Heavenly One who came for fellowship, Visnu to Indra, godly to the godlier,

Who Maker, throned in three worlds, helps the Aryan man, and gives the worshipper his share of Holy Law.

Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific, seed: their functions they maintain by Visnu's ordinance.

Endued with wisdom through intelligence and thought, they compass us about present on every side.

Incline the Asvins to show grace, and Pusan, for power and might have they, their own possession.

Friendly are Visnu, Vata, and Rbhuksan so may I bring the Gods to make us happy.

The Maruts deck their beauty for thy glory, yea, Rudra! for thy birth fair, brightly-coloured.

That which was fixed as Visnu's loftiest station-therewith the secret of the Cows thou guardest.

O Agni, Indra, Varuna, and Mitra, give, O ye Gods, and Marut host, and Visnu.

May both Nasatyas, Rudra, heavenly Matrons, Pusan, Sarasvati, Bhaga, accept us.

Indra and Agni, Mitra, Varuna, Aditi, the Waters, Mountains, Maruts, Sky, and Earth and Heaven,

Visnu I call, Pusan, and Brahmanaspati, and Bhaga, Samsa, Savitar that they may help.

May Visnu also and Vata who injures none, and Soma granter of possessions give us joy;

And may the Rbhus and the Asvins, Tvastar and Vibhvan remember us so that we may have wealth.

To Visnu, to the Mighty whom the Maruts follow let your hymns born in song go forth, Evayamarut;

To the impetuous, strong band, adorned with bracelets, that rushes on in joy and ever roars for vigour.

Come in a friendly spirit, come to us, O Maruts, and hear his call who praises you, Evayamarut.

Like car-borne men, one-minded with the mighty Visnu, keep enmity far from us with your deeds of wonder.

May Adid through holy works be gracioas, and may the Maruts, loud in song, be friendly.

May Visnu give felicity, and Pusan, the Air that cherisheth our life, and Vayu.

May this our song of praise reach you, O Maruts, and Visnu guardian of the future infant.

May they vouchsafe the singer strength for offspring. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

May Adid through holy works be gracioas, and may the Maruts, loud in song, be friendly.

May Visnu give felicity, and Pusan, the Air that cherisheth our life, and Vayu

Agni, to these men's hymns, from earth, from heaven, bring Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and Agni,

And Aryaman, and Aditi, and Visnu. Sarasvati be joyful, and the Maruts.

With offerings I propitiate the branches of this swift-moving God, the bounteous Visnu.

Hence Rudra gained his Rudra-strength: O Asvins, ye sought the house that hath celestial viands

While we accelerate these our sacrifices, may we win strength from both of you, O Agni:

Ne'er may the Maruts, Indra, Visnu slight us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings

MEN come not nigh thy majesty who growest beyond all bound and measure with thy body.

Both thy two regions of the earth, O Visnu, we know: thou God, knowest the highest also.

None who is born or being born, God Visnu, hath reached the utmost limit of thy grandeur.

The vast high vault of heaven hast thou supported, and fixed earth's eastern pinnacle securely.

Rich in sweet food be ye, and rich in milch-kine, with fertile pastures, fain to do men service.

Both these worlds, Visnu, hast thou stayed asunder, and firmly fixed the earth with pegs around it.

Ye have made spacious room for sacrificing by generating Surya, Dawn, and Agni.

O Heroes, ye have conquered in your battles even the bull-jawed Dasa's wiles and magic.

Ye have destroyed, thou, Indra, and thou Visnu, Sambara's nine-and-ninety fenced castles.

Twain smote down a hundred times a thousand resistless heroes of the royal Varcin.

This is the lofty hymn of praise, exalting the Lords of Mighty Stride, the strong and lofty.

I laud you in the solemn synods, Visnu: pour ye food on us in our camps, O Indra.

O Visnu, unto thee my lips cry Vasat! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.

May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

NE'ER doth the man repent, who, seeking profit, bringeth his gift to the far-striding Visnu.

He who adoreth him with all his spirit winneth himself so great a benefactor.

Thou, Visnu, constant in thy courses, gavest good-will to all men, and a hymn that lasteth,

That thou mightst move us to abundant comfort of very splendid wealth with store of horses.

Three times strode forth this God in all his grandeur over this earth bright with a hundred splendours.

Foremost be Visnu, stronger than the strongest: for glorious is his name who lives for ever.

Over this earth with mighty step strode Visnu, ready to give it for a home to Manu.

In him the humble people trust for safety: he, nobly born, hath made them spacious dwellings.

To-day I laud this name, O gipivista, I, skilled in rules, the name of thee the Noble.

Yea, I the poor and weak praise thee the Mighty who dwellest in the realm beyond this region.

What was there to be blamed in thee, O Visnu, when thou declaredst, I am Sipivista?

Hide not this form from us, nor keep it secret, since thou didst wear another shape in battle.

O Visnu, unto thee my lips cry Vasat! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.

May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

MAY Visnu form and mould the womb, may Tvastar duly shape the forms,

Prajapati infuse the stream, and Dhatar lay the germ for thee.


Maha Vishnu as "Virata Purusha" - The Parabrahma

FROM Fervour kindled to its height Eternal Law and Truth were born:

Thence was the Night produced, and thence the billowy flood of sea arose.

From that same billowy flood of sea the Year was afterwards produced,

Ordainer of the days nights, Lord over all who close the eye.

Dhatar, the great Creator, then formed in due order Sun and Moon.

He formed in order Heaven and Earth, the regions of the air, and light.


MahaVishnu as "Virata Purusha" - The Parabrahma - Creating The Universe

At that time there was neither

existence nor non-existence,

neither the worlds nor the sky.

There was nothing that was beyond.

There was no death, nor immortality.

There was no knowledge of the day and night.

That one alone breathed, without air, by itself.

Besides that there was nothing.

Darkness there was enveloped by darkness.

All this was one water, without any distinction.

It was inactive, covered by void.

That one became active by the power of its own thought.

There came upon it at first desire,

which was the first seed of the mind.

Men of vision found in their meditative state,

the connection between the Being and the Non-Being.

All gods were subsequent to this creative activity.

Then who knows from where this came into existence!

Where this creation came from ,

whether He supported it or not,

He who is controlling it from the highest of the heavens,

He perhaps knows it or He knows it not ! (Rig Veda X.129)


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Many Important Hymns in the RigVeda are dedicated to Lord MahaVishnu - the Supreme God.

Rig Veda clearly shows that "Lord MahaVishnu" is the Supreme God (Parabrahma).




Oh No! What fanaticism! The Vedas are sacred, very very sacred, to ve Hindoos. But that does not mean ve vant to know vhat they say! No, no, no! You should not quote Vedas to say that Vishnoo is supreme God! Even though Vedas say that, only Hare Krishnas say that! We don't vant to know that Vedas say it too!

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Oh No! What fanaticism! The Vedas are sacred, very very sacred, to ve Hindoos. But that does not mean ve vant to know vhat they say! No, no, no! You should not quote Vedas to say that Vishnoo is supreme God! Even though Vedas say that, only Hare Krishnas say that! We don't vant to know that Vedas say it too!



All vedas, puranas & upanishads does agree that Vishnu is the Supreme God. If u think Hare Krishna's are fanatic then the vedic scriptures they refer to & following also, u can categorise it as fanatic. In what way does the vedas do get polluted if Krsna is being glorified? Can u answer my question plz? Everyone knows the origin of vedas is Narayana Himself & Narayana is the master who taught Brahma to create. Are you telling me not to read the vedas but keep it as a museum. Then what's the reason Krsna gave us all this knowledges like vedas, puranas & Bhagavadgita? These vedas are manuals for humans. No one bothers about the truth lieing inside it but claim themself to be proud as a believer of vedas. Such a nonsense. A student with a book is no good compare to a student who studies the book. Here are few quotes from my side for u :-


In Gita-Mahatmya (verse 7) Lord Shiva states that:-


ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam

eko devo devaki-putra eva

eko mantras tasya namani yani

karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva



In this present day, many people are very eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. Therefore, let there beone scripture only,one common scripture, for the whole world which is Bhagavad-gita. And let there be one God only for the whole world which is Sri Krsna. And one hymn, one mantra, one prayer only—the chanting of His name: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva: And let there be one work only—the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


In Brahma Samhita (chapter 5.1) Lord Brahma sings the glories of Lord Krishna. In this verse below Lord Brahma mentions that Lord Krishna is the origin & source of all. So, He is not created by anyone but whom creates others :-


isvara paramah krsnah

sac cid ananda vigrahah

anandir adir govinda

sarva karana karanam



Kṛṣṇa who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.


In BhagavadGita 7.10 Lord Krishna claims Himself to be the source of all as below:-


bijam mam sarva bhutanam

viddhi partha sanatanam

buddhir buddhimatam asmi

tejas tejasvinam aham



O son of Prtha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men.



All Vedic literature agrees that Krsna is the source of Brahma, Siva and all other demigods. In the Atharva Veda (Gopala-tapani Upanishad 1.24) it is said,


yo brahmanam vidadhati purvam yo vai vedams ca gapayati sma krsnah



"It was Krsna who in the beginning instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge and who disseminated Vedic knowledge in the past."


Then again the Narayana Upanisad says,


atha puruso ha vai narayano kamayata prajah srjeyeti



"Then the Supreme Personality Narayana desired to create living entities."


The Upanisad continues,


narayanad brahma jayate, narayanad prajapatih prajayate,

narayanad indro jayate, narayanad astau vasavo jayante,

narayanad ekadasa rudra jayante, narayanad dvadasadityah



"From Narayana, Brahma is born, and from Narayana the patriarchs are also born. From Narayana, Indra is born, from Narayana the eight Vasus are born, from Narayana the eleven Rudras are born, from Narayana the twelve Adityas are born." This Narayana is an expansion of Krsna.


It is said in the same Vedas,

brahmanyo devaki putrah:

"The son of Devakī, Krsna, is the Supreme Personality."

(Narayana Upanisad 4)


Then it is said,


eko vai narayana asin na brahma na isano napo nagni-samau

neme dyav-aprthivi na naksatrani na suryah


"In the beginning of the creation there was only the Supreme Personality Narayana. There was no Brahma, no Siva, no water, no fire, no moon, no stars in the sky, no sun." (Maha Upanisad 1)


In the Maha Upanisad it is also said that Lord Siva was born from the forehead of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Vedas say that it is the Supreme Lord, the creator of BRahma and Siva, who is to be worshiped.


In the Moksa-dharma Krsna also says,


prajapatim ca rudram capy

aham eva srjami vai

tau hi mam na vijanito

mama maya-vimohitau


"The patriarchs, Siva and others are created by Me, though they do not know that they are created by Me because they are deluded by My illusory energy."


In the Varaha Purana it is also said,


narayanah paro devas

tasmaj jatas caturmukhah

tasmad rudro bhavad devah

sa ca sarva-jnatam gatah



"Narayana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and from Him Brahma was born, from whom Siva was born."


Hope you read for urself & see it for urself. Take care.

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All vedas, puranas & upanishads does agree that Vishnu is the Supreme God. If u think Hare Krishna's are fanatic then the vedic scriptures they refer to & following also, u can categorise it as fanatic.



That was my point... I was being sarcastic. You can probably guess at whose expense.

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They also glorified the following and does this mean they too are supreme. Do not take anythng out of context and say this is the truth. The real truth has no face and you are giving one and saying this is it. How ignorant one can be. How about these followng hymns than?



Marvelous Indra,

always to be worshipped

with hymns and salutations.

Those who desire to observe the eternal rites

and those who desiring riches

are wise enough to invoke you

and seek your presence.

Like loving wives

touching their loving husbands,

their thoughts touch you, O mighty Indra. (Rig Veda I.62)



Dawn, daughter of the sky,

rise with your riches for our welfare.

Rise with ample food.

O Goddess of the dawn,

rise and give us your wealth. (Rig Veda I.48)



Like a boat over the river,

take us across for our welfare.

O Fire, let our sins depart from us. (Rig Veda I.97.8)


The one and the many

...They call Him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni,

and even the swift winged celestial bird Gautaman.

The learned speak of the One Reality in many ways.

They call Him Agni, Yama and Matarisvan. (Rig Veda I. 164.)



O Fire, lead us to riches along the right path.

Shining God, you know the minds of all.

Separate us from the sin that moves crookedly.

Profuse words of praise we offer you. (Rig Veda I.180.1)



O Rudra, through the cures administered by you,

may we pass through a hundred winters.

Drive away from us haters.

Destroy our sins completely

and destroy the spreading sicknesses. (Rig Veda II.33.2)




We meditate upon

that adorable effulgence

of the resplendent Savitur, the life giver.

May he stimulate our intellects. (Rig Veda II.62.10)



Obeisance is all powerful.

I perform obeisance.

Obeisance is the pillar of the earth and the heaven.

Obeisance to the gods.

Obeisance wins them over.

With obeisance I rectify the wrongs,

I might have done to them. (Rig Veda VI.51.8)



O My lord Indra, do not

subject us to the rule of him

who speaks harshly and insultingly,

and who is mean and selfish.

May my thoughts be with you. (Rig Veda VII.31)



Whatever offence we

might have given to the divine beings,

or whatever moral order we

in our ignorance might have violated,

O Varuna, punish us not for such sins. (Rig Veda VII.89.3)



To the sun let your eyes go,

to the wind your life-breath.

By the good deeds you have done,

go to the heaven and then come back again

to live on the earth or take to the waters

if you are comfortable with it.

Remain in the herbs with

the bodies you intend to take. (Rig Veda X.16.3)



He who abandons a friend

who knows his duty of friendship,

has no worth in what he speaks.

What he hears is also false and he

does not know the path of righteous action. (Rig Veda X.71.6)


A Marriage vow

I take hold of your hand for good fortune,

so that with me, your husband,

you may attain to old age.

The gods, Bhaga, Aryaman, Savitur and Pushan

gave you to me for leading the life of a householder. (Rig Veda X. 85.36)


A marriage blessing

Bounteous Indra,

endow this bride

with great sons and fortune.

Give her ten sons and

make the husband the eleventh. (Rig Veda X.85.46)


Your heart is the abode of God

...Like a lotus turned downwards is the heart,

a span below the neck and a span above the navel.

Know that heart to be the abode of God.

Surrounded by nerves, it hangs down like a lotus bud.

At its end is a subtle nerve,

in which is established the Being, who is everything.

A great fire is at its center, which has

flames all around, spreading in all directions.

It is the first partaker, the ageless knower,

who digests and circulates food.

Above and below are its spreading flames.

It keeps its body hot from head to feet.

At its core lies a flame, tapering finely upwards,

like the awn of corn, yellow, bright and subtle,

flashing like a lightening in the heart of a dark cloud.

At the center of this flame is installed the Supreme Being.

He is Brahman. He is Siva. He is Indra.

He is the indestructible Supreme Being, the lord Himself. ( Excerpts from the Taittariya Aranyaka III.13)


Sharing of wealth and food

The gods have given not hunger but death.

And he who eats is subject to deaths.

The wealth of the generous never decreases.

The miserly person has nothing

that can give him happiness.

The mean minded gathers food in vain.

I speak the truth, it is indeed his death.

He who nourishes neither the god nor a friend,

he who eats alone, gathers sin. (Rig Veda X. 117)


The Hymn of Creation

At that time there was neither

existence nor non-existence,

neither the worlds nor the sky.

There was nothing that was beyond.

There was no death, nor immortality.

There was no knowledge of the day and night.

That one alone breathed, without air, by itself.

Besides that there was nothing.

Darkness there was enveloped by darkness.

All this was one water, without any distinction.

It was inactive, covered by void.

That one became active by the power of its own thought.

There came upon it at first desire,

which was the first seed of the mind.

Men of vision found in their meditative state,

the connection between the Being and the Non-Being.

All gods were subsequent to this creative activity.

Then who knows from where this came into existence!

Where this creation came from ,

whether He supported it or not,

He who is controlling it from the highest of the heavens,

He perhaps knows it or He knows it not ! (Rig Veda X.129)




---------(22/8, Rigveda)


The sun, the giver of all Siddhis (powers) is rising. The rising sun is the giver of Energy, heat and is the giver of all powers. In the same way you also alike the rising sun (Sun God) give all equal knowledge and inspiration by which we benefit. Alike the energy and heat of the sun which beneficial, you also can realise the importance and be blessed by happiness and prosperity.




--------(65/2, Rigveda)



The gods [here it is plural many Gods]adhered to all types of penances such as truth and fulfillment of other vows. It is because of their constant efforts that earth became happy as the heaven.


You must learn to understand the full before making assumption. There is only one energy that does the work of all and the elders had divide it and given names so that a lay man should learn to respect he various aspects of nature. But those calling themselves the intellectuals are no different from an illetrate. Absurd!



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dear barney,


plz read ur post 1st carefully. i dun see any of ur quotes fr vedas glorify indra, rudra, vasus or etc as Parabrahma or Adi Purusha. it is accepted that each puranas & vedas does glorify the gods for they are worshipable because they're providing the needs for humankind. but neither in the vedas or puranas say indra, rudra, brahma or any gods to be Parabrahma, or one without a second except Vishnu. We can see in bold fr my quotes (if u read my message posted here) it says clearly for an example : 'brahmanyo devaki putrah'= Son of Devaki (Krsna) is the Supreme God.

plz read my quotes furthermore it has mentioned that was no one in beginning but Narayana only. So YOU dun do any assumptions b4 reading carefully. plz stop ur argument & lend ur ears 1st. or else get a new pair of glasses for urself.

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Marvelous Indra,

always to be worshipped

with hymns and salutations.

Those who desire to observe the eternal rites

and those who desiring riches

are wise enough to invoke you

and seek your presence.

Like loving wives

touching their loving husbands,

their thoughts touch you, O mighty Indra. (Rig Veda I.62)



Dawn, daughter of the sky,

rise with your riches for our welfare.

Rise with ample food.

O Goddess of the dawn,

rise and give us your wealth. (Rig Veda I.48)



Like a boat over the river,

take us across for our welfare.

O Fire, let our sins depart from us. (Rig Veda I.97.8)




I missed the part in the above hymns where these other deities were declared to be the Supreme God.


The fact that they are worshiped does not make them supreme.



The one and the many

...They call Him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni,

and even the swift winged celestial bird Gautaman.

The learned speak of the One Reality in many ways.

They call Him Agni, Yama and Matarisvan. (Rig Veda I. 164.)




This is proof positive that Vishnu has other names like Agni, Yama, etc which also happen to be names of other devatas. Therefore, one must know from context when names like "Agni," etc are being used, whether the reference is to the Supreme Brahman (Vishnu) or to the subordinate deity by the same name. This is the principle of interpretation used in vedAnta-sUtras also.


It's nice to know that the fanatical devotees of Pedophile Baba, though being completely illiterate in Sanskrit, can neverthless look like they know something through the agency of "copy-cut-paste." All glories to Bill Gates, by whose programming powers, even a pedophile's devotees can appear to be learned vedAntins!



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Pedophile dasa in his infinite wisdom, wrote:



The real truth has no face



And yet, the IsopaniSat mantra 15 says


hiraNmayena pAtrena satyasyApihitaM mukham ||


Funny how the Supreme Absolute Truth has a face according to shruti, and yet has no face according to Pedophile dasa.


Oh, how arrogant of me! We should not believe the shrutis! No, we should believe Pedophile Baba instead!


Please note everyone. Pedophile Baba knows the shrutis better than the shrutis themselves. Therefore, if you think shruti should take precedence over Pedophile Baba's opinions, it is only the fact that you are an arrogant, ignorant, demonic, racist, evil, megalomaniac! How dare you not immediately pay obesiances to Pedophile Baba! Pedophile Baba wants your reverence! And your money! And probably your children too, but never mind that. He is God! You know why? Because you cannot prove that he is not God! Ha ha ha ha by this expert logic I have proven that Pedophile Baba is God.


All glories to Pedophile Baba of Puttaparthi, by whose mercy I do not ever have to think again.

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Oh No! What fanaticism! The Vedas are sacred, very very sacred, to ve Hindoos. But that does not mean ve vant to know vhat they say! No, no, no! You should not quote Vedas to say that Vishnoo is supreme God! Even though Vedas say that, only Hare Krishnas say that! We don't vant to know that Vedas say it too!



Hahahaha that was the funniest thing I've ever read, and I really hope you were being sarcastic and a mock Hindu sterotype. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif But it is fact that the Vedas, the holy books that as far as I know Hindus are supposed to read... in them it is stated time and time again, Lord Vishnu is GOD so all of His incarnations are GOD. Krishna is the one GOD. Hare Krishna

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