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A muslim Demands this from me. Help pls

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This is what the Muslim Question me:


Here's a simple test. Can your prove that your scripture is from God? What is the source of its origin? Can you show miracles from your book? The Quran can do all of the above, and thus we know this is From God.




Can anybody give their opinions.

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You did the person may be willing to listen or may not be.


heres some advice, and my experience: While explaining


Either they are open minded, or they are actually envious or, they are arrogant and foolish, do not think, just because somebodys talks in a fasion which sounds nice, will not become snake-like, if you are after defeating this person good luck, my own advice is, anybody who is arrogant to say theres is the only book from God, must think they have a monoploy on Gods mercy, and we have nothing.



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Can your prove that your scripture is from God?

--spirituality is a school.. if he wants to prove he has to join the school and study. Also for islamism, blind faith is atheism


What is the source of its origin?

--no birth, no death.. the scripture is the word of god. Being god eternal, also vedas are eternal


Can you show miracles from your book?

--he must join the school and he himself will be a miracle


The Quran can do all of the above, and thus we know this is From God.

--if he has immediate demonstration of quran authenticity, he knows god.. and if he knows god he's realized so knows and appreciates vedas. If he do not appreciates vedas he's a cheater and he do not know even his religion

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If your friend wants to question our faith than he too must be prepared to answer our question about Islam.


1. How sure is he that the Koran is word of God? What makes him believe so?


2. Koran testifies Tora[OT] but the Jews do not accept the Koran why is that so?


3. Why does a crescent moon plays a significant part in Islam?


4. Who wittnessed the Angel Gabriel speaking to Mohammed?


5. Why is Islam not open to debate to proof its claims whereas other religions are free to be discussed and debated.


6. Which is more important the Koran or the Hadith? Why are Mulsims more inclined to the Hadith than the Koran?


7. Why must the Koran and Mohammed be the final book and prophet, does he not believe that God would make changes according to evolution and need to send messangers from time to time so that man's faith in God would not decline in the nuclear age?

8. Why are there so many interpretation of Islam and different sects with different ideologies? Explain the difference between these divisions:

a. Sunni Muslims


b. Shi'ite Muslims


c. Sufi Muslims


d. Wahabi.


9. Is God of Islam merciful or revengeful?


I the the above question are only part of many other questions but I think for the moment this will sufice.


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what is the point of wasting time with this muslim? i have had some experience of debating with muslims and they will never listen to your argument. they have been brainwashed to believe blindly-let these muslims continue to wander in their spiritual abyss, devoid of any love for God and compassion for fellow human beings.


you must be firm in your own faith. remember you can always request this muslim to leave you in peace-why should you be harassed? ask yourself these questions.......


muslims are always labelling hindus as idolaters, but who is the true idol-worshipper? muslims say that God can have no form-by saying this they instantly limit God's infinite power. The Hindu concept of God is correct-God is formless but He is also capable of taking any form at any point in time. Muslims say God is formless but then give Him a name and attributes?????? Does God have a name tag? If one says God is formless, He must also be nameless and attributeless i.e. beyond definition. The complete picture is this: God is nameless, formless and attributeless-but God is capable of taking name, form and attributes. By denying God has the ability to take form, muslims are placing their human limitations on God.


Secondly, ask this muslim to try and define God in time and space. The only logical answer is that God is infinite-in space and time (no beginning, no end). Muslims will never accept that God is infinite in space-they argue that God is separate from creation. Instantly God becomes finite, again human limitations are being placed on God.


Thirdly, there are holes in the major Western faiths-Christianity and Islam. they both argue that redemption/salvation can only be attained by becoming a muslim/jew. what about the million of humans who preceded these religions??? Did God create these souls only to consign them to some Hell for eternity. What about those souls living in isolated far-off places (islands etc) where they will never hear about Islam/Christaintity? Is it their fault? Contrast this with Sanatana Dharma which clearly states that ALL souls irrespective of religion, colour, sex etc will ultimately escape Samsara and merge in Eternal Bliss with the Divine.


Finally, I will ask you a question. As Hindus we are immediately labelled as kafirs/infidels by Muslims and condemned to Hell for eternity. This is irrespective of the good deeds we may have done in this and previous lives. This means that, if Islam is a true path, great souls such as Vyasa, Bhogar, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Aurobindo etc are at present being tortured in Hell for eternity. On the flip side, muslims who have killed, maimed, beheaded others are reaping the rewards in Paradise??? Is this consistent with your view of God? Who can possibly believe in this Islamic concept of God who is vicious, merciless and unjust, a God who rewards wrong-doers?? If this is what muslims are arguing for, I will happily reside in their 'hell' with the likes of Ramakrishna Paramahans.


Here are a few choice quotes from the koran about the islamic concept of Hell. Makes for disturbing reading. Is it any wonder that while we live in the 21st century, the islamic world is so regressive?


Koran 22:19-22:23

Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: 'Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'


Koran 18:28-30

For the wrongdoers We have prepared a fire which will encompass them like the walls of a pavilion. When they cry out for help they shall be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. Evil shall be their drink, dismal their resting-place.


Koran 40:67-40:73

Do you not see how those who dispute the revelation of God turn away from the right path ? Those who have denied the Book and the message We sent through Our apostles shall realize the truth hereafter: when, with chains and shackles round their necks, they shall be dragged through scalding water and then burnt in the fire of Hell.


Koran 43:74

..The unbelievers shall endure forever the torment of Hell. The punishment will never be lightened, and they shall be speechless with despair. We do not wrong, themselves.


Koran 55:41-52

..That is the Hell which the unbelievers deny. They shall wander between fire and water fiercely seething. Which of your Lord's blessing would you deny ?


Koran 76:1-5

For the unbelievers We have prepared chains and fetters and a blazing Fire...


Koran 73:12

We have in store for the unbelievers heavy fetters and a blazing fire, choking food and harrowing torment: on the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains, and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand.


Koran 21:96-21:101

..The unbelievers shall stare in amazement, crying: 'Woe to us! Of this we have been heedless. We have done wrong.' You and your idols shall be the fuel of Hell; therein you sall all go down.


Koran 33:7-12

...But for the unbelievers He has prepared a woeful punishment...


Koran 44:40-49

..The fruit of the Zaqqum tree shall be the unbelievers's fruit. Like dregs of oil, like scalding water, it shall simmer in his belly. A voice will cry: 'Seize him and drag him into the depths of Hell. Then pour out scalding water over his head, saying: "Taste this, illustrious and honourable man! This is the punishment which you have doubted."


Koran 52:1-52:15

..On that day they shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell, and a voice will say to them: 'This is the Fire which you denied...Burn in its flames. It is the same whether or not you show forbearance. You shall be rewarded according to your deeds.'


Koran 31-37

And burn ye him in the blazing fire. Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits. This was he that would not believe in allah Most high amd would not encourage the feeding of the indignant. So no friend hath he here this day. Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds.


Koran 56:52-56

Ye shall surely taste of the tree Zaqqum. Then will ye fill your insides therwith, and drink boiling water on top of it. Indeed ye shall drink like diseased camels raging with thirst. Such will be their entertainment on the day of Requital!


Koran 69:30-37

We shall say: 'Lay hold of him and bind him. Burn him in the fie of Hell, then fasten him with a chain seventy cubits long. For he did not believe Allah the tremendous, and urged not on the feeding of the wretched. Today he shall be friendless here; filth shall be his food, the filth which sinners eat...


Koran 2:39

Those who reject faith shall be the companions of the Fire.


Koran 2:89-90

The curse of Allah is on the unbelievers... humiliating is the punishment.


Koran 13:13

..He hurls his thunderbolts at whom he pleases Yet the unbelievers wrangle about Allah..


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Contrast this with Sanatana Dharma which clearly states that ALL souls irrespective of religion, colour, sex etc will ultimately escape Samsara and merge in Eternal Bliss with the Divine.



are you muslim? /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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"As Hindus we are immediately labelled as kafirs/infidels by Muslims and condemned to Hell for eternity. This is irrespective of the good deeds we may have done in this and previous lives. This means that, if Islam is a true path, great souls such as Vyasa, Bhogar, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Aurobindo etc are at present being tortured in Hell for eternity. On the flip side, muslims who have killed, maimed, beheaded others are reaping the rewards in Paradise??? Is this consistent with your view of God? Who can possibly believe in this Islamic concept of God who is vicious, merciless and unjust, a God who rewards wrong-doers?? If this is what muslims are arguing for, I will happily reside in their 'hell' with the likes of Ramakrishna Paramahans."


I totally agree with you! It's quite laughable as well as tragic that they believe in stuff like that. Even non-muslim people who have done good for this world and helped others will be burning in hell for eternity, according to Islam! Well even IF that was true, that concept of God deserves no repect. If you think about it that means that Bin Laden and Islamic fundamentalists will be in heaven for eternity, whereas all the great non-muslims such as the Hindu sages, Buddha, the Sikh gurus as well as countless humanists will all be buning in hell! Well I'd say it's far better to suffer with the greats than to hang around heaven with terrorists! Isn't that god just as bad as the devil?


Imagine meeting Bin Laden and Al Qaida in heaven? You'd have to know them for eternity! Now that IS a Fate worse than hell!


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Tell him that you believe your religion is true.


Then ask him to prove Islam is true. Muslim replies are standardised. Once he had given the answers, you can easily find websites that demolish his arguments.

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Vedas are the word of the truth (Sat) revealed through by the rishis( sages ). These are words which came to them direct from God after they had undergone prolonged penance and meditation. Vedas are the basic books of knowledge which give us immortal spiritual truths


The Vedas contain the revelation of the spiritual state attained by the Rishis when they contemplated on the mysteries of the existence of the entire cosmos.


The first portion of the Vedas called the Samhita are the result of their curiosity about the nature of creation , about who created life and who created nature. The Vedic thinkers ascribed creation to celestial beings and god. Hence the Samhitas are largely a collection of hymns in praise of the deities of creation [pamchaboothas] wihout which the univeste could not sustain life form.


Making of material offerings followed by songs and hymns eulogising the panchabootas to God. Since fire has the capacity to consume any thing, the the Lord of fire became predominant in this form of worship. The second section of the Vedas called the Brahmanas contains mantras dedicated to the manifestations and description of the offerings of suitable foods during worship.


The Brahmanas gives examples of the many different kinds of ritual ceremonies. This was the ceremonial phase of religious life, which was elaborate, exotic and dramatic. But this phase too passed into another to answer the new curiosities of man, the new phase developed as an answer to a new question--- what if this elaborate ceremonial life was not possible then what path was there for people to follow?


It was then that the third section of the Vedas was produced, called the Aranyaka. Aranya means forests and aranyaka denotes that which relates to forests or forest life. In the Aranyaka are prescribed various kinds of meditation upon the manifestation of God in various forms.


Turned inwards away from the objects of the world, the mind of man became concentrated. The clarity of vision increased manifold and took them to transcendental, spiritual levels of the mind and consciousness. There were direct, intuitive glimpses of spiritual philosophical truth. Thence came the last section of the Vedas, the Upanishads.


They were called the Vedanta.


Vedanta- the end of Vedic thinking.


Vedanta - the completion of the thinking of their authors.


The Upanishads tell us to pursue knowledge in order to have a fulfilling life. Towards this end they reveal the truths regarding God, the soul and the world.


In realizing the true nature of the soul lies the fulfillment of mans life. Towards this realization of the self, Contemplation (sadhna) is necessary. And the Sadhana is that of knowledge(vichara) The Upanishads show us this very direction. You may now ask ---- how can these so very ancient directions be applied to the modern world and life?


The answer to this is that, all that advances of the modern world have done is to touch the externals, the objective part of life, none has touched the internal, the core of man. Has not the structure of man remained the same. Our hearts, brain etc etc. are in the same place as designed originally---isn't that so. Our needs, ideas, desires have remained the same. And, so the Vedanta is as relevant today as it was that many years ago for it answers the same questions that plagued man then and today




The Vedas consist mainly of:


1. Samhitas. Basic texts for hymns, formulas and chants

2. Brahmanas. Directions for performance of rituals.

3. Aranyakas. Contain Mantras and interpretations of rituals.

4. Upanishads. These are a number of texts revealing the ultimate spiritual truths and various suggestions of ways to realize them. The word Upanishad is composed of Upa(near), Ni (down) and Shad (to sit). An Upanishad is a teaching taught by the Guru to his disciples.


To question the validity and authenticity is like question you own mother of her chaste.



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proof that veda was from god


It wasnt from god.It was heard by rishis when they were mediatating.


What is the source of its origin?


It had no source and no origin


show mircales from your book.


vedic mathamatics,surgery,astronomy,quantum science all evolved from vedas.What else is required?


quaran can do all the above

quaran says sun goes around the earth.If you can prove it it will be a miracle.

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  • 4 months later...

dear friend,


Hare krishna


I wouldnt get angry on this muslim person who asked this question ; rather I would ask you to reqest him to chant Hari nama (which is priscribed in the scriptures for this age), and then let him percieve the miracle himself !



For everything to be working the person whoasked this question must be an honest one

hari bol



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