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The Milk Issue

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I tried veganism myself but i have to reckon i do not thrive on such a diet so i reverted back to lacto-vegetarianism... I have a couple of food allergies that makes it somewhat difficult for me to stick to veganism... I feel so ashamed whenever i have a glass of milk or yogurt... With all the bad press around dairy... Skip the health aspect part cause i do not think cow's milk is bad for you (Sure, the hormones, chemicals, etc that you ingest due to factory farming practice are) but that's a whole seperate issue altogether and i do not want to get in all that right now... But how about the cows being slaughtered and mistreated? Should iskcon devotees buy commmercial milk? The other option is organic milk but the cows still get slaughtered... I read somewhere that to drink the milk of a cow that gets slaughtered afterwards is very inauspicious... So i'm wondering from where do iskcon temples get their milk supply for prasadam, panchamrita, etc? I've heard that some temples do have farms where they raise cows but not all of them... So for the devotee that doesn't have access to such farms what's the more humane option? I'd say organic milk (at least the cows are spared from chemically processed foods, hormones and the likes...) but i'd like to have the opinions of the devotees on this forum. Is there any iskcon devotee raising cows and supplying milk to other devotees in the toronto area? I'm curious to know...

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Guest guest

why do you thinks something that evil would create something so beautiful and full of love? and if you say hes not evil thats what satan means so if you dont mean that you mean god

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Guest guest

Cow's milk is meant for the little baby calf. Human have their own milk for their babies. So, humans are stealing milk from the baby calf. Not nice humans.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

that why would the devil, meaning evil, would create something so beutiful like the earth. and if he thinks that the devil will forgive him in hell he is wrong. hell is a horrible place

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<< Cow's milk is meant for the little baby calf. >>


nature always produces more milk in cow than the calf needs.

we take care of the cow like a mother,

and take milk from her.


when you say it is stealing, i suppose you do not eat meat.


and stealing this way is lot sin-free than eating a cow.


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Guest guest

I'm from london and at Bhaktivedanta manor we have at least 30 cows. their milk is used to make the Lords preparations and mangal-arti sweets!!!



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