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I would like to Buy a Krishna Image..how too..

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no prayer is needed


the only thing is if you want to fix some standard


if you decide that from now on, you will ever offer to your krsna's picture or statue two incenses, one at 7 o clock, one at 21 o clock, if one day you stop it is basically an offence even for a simple thing like that


this is the real meaning of rules and regulations for murti worship (archana)... they are persons and you cannot treat them whimsically


if you take home a statue of krsna, if you put him in a room where there's no smoking, no meat eating, no alcohol, no gambling or futile exchanges.. possibly when no one enters with shoes... this room is a temple


the only thing where there's no rules is chanting the mahamantra.. take your divine image and chant hare krishna... he will be very pleased


especially merciful and not worried by rules and regulations are sri sri gaura nitai

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do whatever you can do without stopping it after a few days, months, years


if you are not sure to take responsabilities, just chant hare krishna

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when you buy a moorti from a store,

it is just a stone.


then you need to host a program for praan pratishThaa.


a devotee or a poojari who knows the process

would do it, and all the invited audience would witness it.

there would be bhajan, kirtan, and prasadam.


this ritual invites or invokes the god that the deity represents to reside in the moorti.

after this ritual the moorti is not a stone any more.

it is god or the devata itself in person.

all the devotees see it that way and treat it that way.


the process of invoking god in the moorti is such that

we common people generally are not so spiritually advanced to be able to invite god in persondirectly, so, we (the poojari/devotee) first invites the great personalities like vyasa, narad, hanuman, garuda, prahpad, arjun, vaishnav aacyaryas, various tirthas like dwarika and vrindavan, holy rivers like ganga, holy mountains like kailas, etc., saints like mira, chaitanya, tukaram etc.. afther they are invited and given a seat in varous water pots, the then in turn are requested to invite god or the deity of the moorti and request Him/Her to reside in the moorty in person.


when finally prana prathitha is completed, the moorti is the god him self, this moment is a climax of joy and ecstacy to the audience. every one says loudly and joyfully and dancing raising hands, jai jai, hari hari, hari bol hari bol, jai radhe, OM namah OM naham, etc. and cymbals and conch cells roar filling the whole atmosphere. then every one come and bow downs to the deity for blessing. aarti is done, and prasadam is joyfully honored. then after the deity is worshoipped every day.


initially in the program the moorti is kept buried in a heap of uncooked rice. afeter the program ends, devotees take a small bag of this rice home with them to cook and eat as the prasadam. usually there is a big rush to get this rice. this rice is spiritially very potent. could be saved and used to make sickness go away.


It is a very joyous experience when done right with faith and proper process. so, please find a poojari who knows the process from some nearby temple. then follow his direction how to do the program.


wshing you best.


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when you buy a moorti from a store,

it is just a stone.

..the image of the lord is already the lord... installation is basically assuming responsabilities (about food, time schedule, dressing and so on)


so if he's not an initiated brahmin, if he's not prepared to follow any strict daily schedule or program of worship for all life.. better not doing traditional archana installation.. to stop or lower the standard after some time would be a great offence



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