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Anwar Shaikh of Great Britain

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Sun Jun 8, 2003 11:28 am

Islam: the Arab national movement


Anwar Shaikh of Great Britain


Interviewed By: Dr. Ranjit Kanwar

(First published in the Chandigarh

Times, India)


R. Kanwar: We have heard your name in

India, yet we do not know much

about you. Will you tell me something

about yourself?


A. Shaikh: I was born in 1928 in a

village near the city of Gujrat

(Pakistan). Religion has been part of my

family tradition. Naturally,

I was brought up to be a scholar of

Islam. To the best of my

knowledge, it was my great grand father,

who had embraced Islam. He

was a Kashmiri Pandit. After conversion,

he became an Imam-i-Masjid,

a fervent preacher of Islam. My

grandfather was conscious of his

Brahmin ancestry, and resented if anyone

spoke ill of the Vedas yet

he could not return to his roots owing to the psychological

grounding he had received over the years.


In Pakistan, I was a teacher and then became headmaster of a high

school. Though economically life was bearable, socially it was not. I

emigrated to Great Britain in 1956. After initial hardships, I struck

lucky. At the height of business success, I suddenly realized that I

wanted to do some reformative work instead of indulging in

money-making. It was in 1978 that I started winding up my commercial

activities and am glad that I did so because it gave me a chance to

re-educate myself, especially in philosophy and religion.


Kanwar: I have read your book, "Islam - The Arab National Movement"

which is becoming world famous rapidly. Did you write it to oppose



Shaikh: Its purpose is not to oppose but to expose Islam: it is a

serious work based on long research and personal experience. There is

not one word of lie, insolence or intentional misrepresentation in

this book. Since it is based on truth and nothing but the truth, it

is an open challenge to those who use Islam as the tool for personal

gain, politically and religiously.


So great is the force and authenticity of this book that no Muslim

scholar has come forward so far to refute its contents.


Kanwar: Are you another Rushdie?


Shaikh: I am being labelled as such. For example, the Urdu Daily

Pakistan and Weekly Maharat of Lahore, have called me "a satan of

much greater stature than Rushdie and Taslima," and the Daily Jang of

London has described me, "a Rushdie whose writings are infinitely

more dangerous to Islam than Rushdie and Taslima put together." The

Muslim readers of the Jang have written to that newspaper repeatedly

begging the mullahs and other scholars of Islam to answer my

questions to "save" Islam but they have deliberately kept quiet to

the utter annoyance of the believers, who are really worried by the

contents of "Islam - The Arab National Movement." They had

demonstrated against Rushdie in every country through public

meetings, processions, slogans and murders, but about my book they

have wilfully observed a conspiracy of silence because they do not

want the world to know the truth about Islam. This clearly shows

that I am the exact opposite of Rushdie. His work is fiction based

on insult to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, whereas my book is

a serious work founded on scholarship, reason and research. At the

most, Rushdie is an artistic protestor whereas I am a challenger to

the very concept of Islam.


Kanwar: I see. But has your book any relevance to India?


Shaikh: My book has relevance to the entire mankind but it has

especial relevance to India because before the coming of Islam, India

was a prosperous, peaceful and proud country, which has not only been

reduced to extreme poverty and ignorance by the Muslim predators and

the Islamic rule, but has also been fragmented into geographical and

political units.


The book clearly demonstrates that, as Islam seeks to impose Arab

cultural imperialism on other nations through a doctrine of divide

and murder, India and Islam cannot live together. This book is a

must for India.


Kanwar: Do you realize that this book exposes you to serious danger?

Aren't you afraid?


Shaikh: Truth has its price which I am prepared to pay. I have not

resorted to swearing or falsification simply to uphold the dignity of

truth. Fear is a part of human nature and it will be wrong of me to

deny it. However, I must add that by making me a martyr, they will

sound the death-knell of Islam.


Kanwar: It is a revolutionary book with profound consequences. What

prompted you to write it?


Shaikh: This is an excellent question and proves your competence as a

journalist. Having lived in the West for such a long time, one day it

crossed my mind why the white people love their countries but the

Muslims of India hate their Motherland. There is no exaggeration in

it because they think of Bharat not as their Motherland but Darul

Harb i.e. the battlefield, where people murder, plunder and deceive

out of hatred and greed. Having given this point further thought I

soon realized that Islam was based on the doctrine of hating and

murdering non-Muslims and reducing them to the status of political

slaves. It is totally false to say that Islam is the ambassador of

international brotherhood. Again, it is completely untrue that the

Muslims of all countries are one nation. It is the law of nature

that nationality is constituted by blood ties and geographical

boundaries, that is, the homeland. A nation being an expanded form

of family, is subject to the familial rules of identity. Of course,

a person can adopt another nationality quite legitimately but it is

an exception and therefore cannot change the basic rule. Calling

Muslims of all countries as one nation is wrong because all these

nations have their separate homelands with their independent

interests and different policies. Pakistan was soon split into two

halves, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. The government of Pakistan in

1951 stopped entry of all Indian Muslims into Pakistan despite the

fact that they were the people who had made most sacrifices for the

creation of Pakistan; even more shameful is the treatment of

Pakistanis from Bihar, who stood by Pakistan against the



Muslim nationality is a myth which is extremely injurious to the

non-Arab Muslims but highly beneficial to the Arabs. And this is what

leads to the inevitable conclusion that Islam is not a religion but

the Arab National Movement.


Kanwar: Good Lord! Is it what Islam is? Do you mind explaining this

point a bit further?


Shaikh: The philosophy that lies behind Islam is stunning and proves

the consummate political skill of the Prophet Muhammad: by declaring

all Muslims as one nation and the non-Muslims as another, he created

the Two Nation Theory perpetually setting Muslims against non-

Muslims. Again, he stressed that in this struggle the Muslims would

be victorious. This is exactly the theory Karl Marx had adopted after

many centuries. Presenting his dialectical view of history he

emphasized that all material progress owed itself to eternal social

strife between the capitalists and the proletariats, in which the

latter would win the struggle.


However, Karl Marx did not show the mastery that the Prophet Muhammad

did: by creating the Two Nation Theory, he subjected all non-Arab

Muslims to the cultural imperialism of Arabia. He achieved this

purpose with a mind boggling subtlety: he made Arab-worship the

cornerstone of Islam. Thus, those who embrace Islam naturally feel

inferior to Arabia as a devotee believes in relation to his Goddess.


Kanwar: This is an unusual explanation of Islam. Can you tell me how

the Prophet Muhammad raised the reverence of Arabia sky-high and made

it an article of faith for his non-Arab followers?


Shaikh: Here is a small summary of steps the Prophet took to realize

his dream:

1. He declared that when Adam was evicted from paradise, he came to

Mecca where he built the first House of God. Thus he identified

Godliness with Kaaba, a Sanctuary of Mecca where God lives! Not only

that, Abraham, the Jewish patriarch, also came to Mecca to rebuild

the House of God!


2. For the purpose of imposing Arab psychological superiority on

non-Arab Muslims, he decreed that they must prostrate five times a

day facing Mecca. This is not only an act of submission to Mecca, the

capital city of Arabia, but also proves beyond a shadow of doubt that

God lives in Mecca; otherwise why should people prostrate in that



3. A Muslim must not defecate himself or answer the call of nature

facing Mecca. It is a blasphemous act in view of the sanctity of



4. When Muslims die, they must be buried facing Mecca, which is the

guarantee of their salvation.


5. To make sure that the Arabs enjoy economic opulence, the Prophet

made Hajj an obligatory ritual for his followers. It is a pilgrimage

to Mecca. There are countless Indian Muslims who sell their homes and

personal belongings to undertake this journey. I can give many

examples to this effect but it is enough to explain the real purpose

of Islam.


Kanwar: It does show the Arab national tendency of Islam; but the

non-Arab followers of Islam do not have to adopt a slavish attitude

to the Arab national Institutions to prove their Islamic faith. Do



Shaikh: I regret to say, Sir, like countless non-Muslims, you do not

know the master stroke of the Prophet.


Kanwar: I have never heard of this master stroke before. Can you

enlighten me in the interest of humanity?


Shaikh: I am referring to the Prophet's declaration that Allah has

made him the Model of Practice for his followers. It has come to mean

that the Muslims must copy him in everything; they must eat, drink,

walk and talk like him, even must look like him, that is, they grow

beard like his, have a similar hair-cut and dress like him.


This is what is called following the Sunnah, i.e. the Prophetic Model

which is the guarantee of salvation. One can easily say that Islam

has been designed to induce love and respect for Arabia. There are

express commands of the Prophet, which state that a person is not a

Muslim until he loves him more than his own father and mother. The

idea is that people must be weaned away from their own nationalities

and motherlands and attached firmly to Mecca. This is the reason

that the Muslims of India call their own homeland as the battlefield

and Arabia the fountain of peace and celestial glory.


Now, it is perhaps, easy for you to understand why the Muslims of

India partitioned their own Motherland for practicing the Arab

cultural values in Pakistan (and Bangladesh).


Kanwar: What is likely to happen if the non-Arab Muslims do not

follow the Prophet in loving Arabia even if it involves unpatriotic

practices against their own homelands?


Shaikh: The Muslims must love Arabia because the Prophet did so. They

must follow him as the Divine Model of Practice. This is what Islam

expects; if they don't, they are sure to enter hell because the

Prophet will not intercede on their behalf.


Kanwar: What is intercession?


Shaikh: This is the special power of the Prophet Muhammad. He will

recommend paradise for his followers on the Day of Judgement. His

recommendation is final and Allah cannot deny it. It is available to

all murderers, rapists, arsonists, cheats, thugs, pickpockets and

pimps provided they are followers of the Prophet.


On the contrary, all Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Christians will be cast

into a flaming hell, no matter, how pious and God-fearing they may

have been; piety has no meaning and value without believing Muhammad

and the greatness of his homeland.


Intercession is the climax of the Prophet's national wisdom. It is

this Muslim belief which gives them the hope of free sex and economic

abundance, and they feel obliged to kill in the name of Islam. This

is why they are ever ready to stab their motherland. After all,

caring about one's country entails sacrifices whereas the comforts of

paradise are sweet and splendid. And it is specially so when they

involve no moral responsibility.


Kanwar: Poor India! "Islam - The Arab National Movement" seems to be

the book, not only for every Indian, irrespective of religion, but

also for every Pakistani and Bangladeshi as well. After all, they all

belong to the Indian subcontinent. What have you done to propagate

its contents?


Shaikh: By writing this book, I have discharged my duty. Its

propagation, I believe, is a duty of everyone.


Kanwar: Will you be prepared to allow translations of this book into

various languages without expecting any financial reward?


Shaikh: I shall be delighted to do so provided such task is

undertaken for public good and not as a trade.


Kanwar: What is the price of the book and can people get in touch

with you?


Shaikh: The book costs 5 only and the address is: Anwar Shaikh, P.O.

Box 918, Cardiff CF2 4YP (UK)



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thanks brney!

here i post the same, but wel formatted.


Sun Jun 8, 2003 11:28 am

Islam: the Arab national movement


Anwar Shaikh of Great Britain


Interviewed By: Dr. Ranjit Kanwar

(First published in the Chandigarh

Times, India)


R. Kanwar: We have heard your name in India, yet we do not know much about you. Will you tell me something about yourself?


A. Shaikh: I was born in 1928 in a village near the city of Gujrat (Pakistan). Religion has been part of my family tradition. Naturally, I was brought up to be a scholar of Islam. To the best of my knowledge, it was my great grand father, who had embraced Islam. He was a Kashmiri Pandit. After conversion, he became an Imam-i-Masjid, a fervent preacher of Islam. My grandfather was conscious of his Brahmin ancestry, and resented if any one spoke ill of the Vedas yet he could not return to his roots owing to the psychological grounding he had received over the years.


In Pakistan, I was a teacher and then became headmaster of a high school. Though economically life was bearable, socially it was not. I emigrated to Great Britain in 1956. After initial hardships, I struck lucky. At the height of business success, I suddenly realized that I wanted to do some reformative work instead of indulging in money-making. It was in 1978 that I started winding up my commercial activities and am glad that I did so because it gave me a chance to re-educate myself, especially in philosophy and religion.


Kanwar: I have read your book, "Islam - The Arab National Movement" which is becoming world famous rapidly. Did you write it to oppose Islam?


Shaikh: Its purpose is not to oppose but to expose Islam: it is a serious work based on long research and personal experience. There is not one word of lie, insolence or intentional misrepresentation in this book. Since it is based on truth and nothing but the truth, it is an open challenge to those who use Islam as the tool for personal gain, politically and religiously.


So great is the force and authenticity of this book that no Muslim scholar has come forward so far to refute its contents.


Kanwar: Are you another Rushdie?


Shaikh: I am being labelled as such. For example, the Urdu Daily Pakistan and Weekly Maharat of Lahore, have called me "a satan of much greater stature than Rushdie and Taslima," and the Daily Jang of London has described me, "a Rushdie whose writings are infinitely more dangerous to Islam than Rushdie and Taslima put together." The Muslim readers of the Jang have written to that newspaper repeatedly begging the mullahs and other scholars of Islam to answer my questions to "save" Islam but they have deliberately kept quiet to the utter annoyance of the believers, who are really worried by the contents of "Islam - The Arab National Movement." They had demonstrated against Rushdie in every country through public meetings, processions, slogans and murders, but about my book they have willfully observed a conspiracy of silence because they do not want the world to know the truth about Islam. This clearly shows that I am the exact opposite of Rushdie. His work is fiction based on insult to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, whereas my book is a serious work founded on scholarship, reason and research. At the most, Rushdie is an artistic protestor whereas I am a challenger to the very concept of Islam.


Kanwar: I see. But has your book any relevance to India?


Shaikh: My book has relevance to the entire mankind but it has especial relevance to India because before the coming of Islam, India was a prosperous, peaceful and proud country, which has not only been reduced to extreme poverty and ignorance by the Muslim predators and the Islamic rule, but has also been fragmented into geographical and political units.


The book clearly demonstrates that, as Islam seeks to impose Arab cultural imperialism on other nations through a doctrine of divide and murder, India and Islam cannot live together. This book is a must for India.


Kanwar: Do you realize that this book exposes you to serious danger? Aren't you afraid?


Shaikh: Truth has its price, which I am prepared to pay. I have not resorted to swearing or falsification simply to uphold the dignity of truth. Fear is a part of human nature and it will be wrong of me to deny it. However, I must add that by making me a martyr, they will sound the death-knell of Islam.


Kanwar: It is a revolutionary book with profound consequences. What prompted you to write it?


Shaikh: This is an excellent question and proves your competence as a journalist. Having lived in the West for such a long time, one day it crossed my mind why the white people love their countries but the Muslims of India hate their Motherland. There is no exaggeration in it because they think of Bharat not as their Motherland but Darul Harb i.e. the battlefield, where people murder, plunder and deceive out of hatred and greed. Having given this point further thought I soon realized that Islam was based on the doctrine of hating and murdering non-Muslims and reducing them to the status of political slaves. It is totally false to say that Islam is the ambassador of international brotherhood. Again, it is completely untrue that the

Muslims of all countries are one nation. It is the law of nature that nationality is constituted by blood ties and geographical boundaries, that is, the homeland. A nation being an expanded form of family, is subject to the familial rules of identity. Of course, a person can adopt another nationality quite legitimately but it is an exception and therefore cannot change the basic rule. Calling Muslims of all countries as one nation is wrong because all these nations have their separate homelands with their independent interests and different policies. Pakistan was soon split into two halves, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. The government of Pakistan in 1951 stopped entry of all Indian Muslims into Pakistan despite the fact that they were the people who had made most sacrifices for the creation of Pakistan; even more shameful is the treatment of Pakistanis from Bihar, who stood by Pakistan against the Bangladeshis.


Muslim nationality is a myth which is extremely injurious to the non-Arab Muslims but highly beneficial to the Arabs. And this is what leads to the inevitable conclusion that Islam is not a religion but the Arab National Movement.


Kanwar: Good Lord! Is it what Islam is? Do you mind explaining this point a bit further?


Shaikh: The philosophy that lies behind Islam is stunning and proves the consummate political skill of the Prophet Muhammad: by declaring all Muslims as one nation and the non-Muslims as another, he created the Two Nation Theory perpetually setting Muslims against non-Muslims. Again, he stressed that in this struggle the Muslims would be victorious. This is exactly the theory Karl Marx had adopted after many centuries. Presenting his dialectical view of history he emphasized that all material progress owed itself to eternal social strife between the capitalists and the proletariats, in which the latter would win the struggle.


However, Karl Marx did not show the mastery that the Prophet Muhammad did: by creating the Two Nation Theory, he subjected all non-Arab Muslims to the cultural imperialism of Arabia. He achieved this purpose with a mind boggling subtlety: he made Arab-worship the cornerstone of Islam. Thus, those who embrace Islam naturally feel inferior to Arabia as a devotee believes in relation to his Goddess.


Kanwar: This is an unusual explanation of Islam. Can you tell me how the Prophet Muhammad raised the reverence of Arabia sky-high and made it an article of faith for his non-Arab followers?


Shaikh: Here is a small summary of steps the Prophet took to realize his dream:


1. He declared that when Adam was evicted from paradise, he came to Mecca where he built the first House of God. Thus he identified Godliness with Kaaba, a Sanctuary of Mecca where God lives! Not only that, Abraham, the Jewish patriarch, also came to Mecca to rebuild the House of God!


2. For the purpose of imposing Arab psychological superiority on non-Arab Muslims, he decreed that they must prostrate five times a day facing Mecca. This is not only an act of submission to Mecca, the capital city of Arabia, but also proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God lives in Mecca; otherwise why should people prostrate in that direction?


3. A Muslim must not defecate himself or answer the call of nature facing Mecca. It is a blasphemous act in view of the sanctity of Mecca.


4. When Muslims die, they must be buried facing Mecca, which is the guarantee of their salvation.


5. To make sure that the Arabs enjoy economic opulence, the Prophet made Hajj an obligatory ritual for his followers. It is a pilgrimage to Mecca. There are countless Indian Muslims who sell their homes and personal belongings to undertake this journey. I can give many examples to this effect but it is enough to explain the real purpose of Islam.


Kanwar: It does show the Arab national tendency of Islam; but the non-Arab followers of Islam do not have to adopt a slavish attitude to the Arab national Institutions to prove their Islamic faith. Do they?


Shaikh: I regret to say, Sir, like countless non-Muslims, you do not know the master stroke of the Prophet.


Kanwar: I have never heard of this master stroke before. Can you enlighten me in the interest of humanity?


Shaikh: I am referring to the Prophet's declaration that Allah has made him the Model of Practice for his followers. It has come to mean that the Muslims must copy him in everything; they must eat, drink, walk and talk like him, even must look like him, that is, they grow beard like his, have a similar hair-cut and dress like him.


This is what is called following the Sunnah, i.e. the Prophetic Model which is the guarantee of salvation. One can easily say that Islam has been designed to induce love and respect for Arabia. There are express commands of the Prophet, which state that a person is not a Muslim until he loves him more than his own father and mother. The idea is that people must be weaned away from their own ationalities and motherlands and attached firmly to Mecca. This is the reason that the Muslims of India call their own homeland as the battlefield and Arabia the fountain of peace and celestial glory.


Now, it is perhaps, easy for you to understand why the Muslims of India partitioned their own Motherland for practicing the Arab cultural values in Pakistan (and Bangladesh).


Kanwar: What is likely to happen if the non-Arab Muslims do not follow the Prophet in loving Arabia even if it involves unpatriotic practices against their own homelands?


Shaikh: The Muslims must love Arabia because the Prophet did so. They must follow him as the Divine Model of Practice. This is what Islam expects; if they don't, they are sure to enter hell because the Prophet will not intercede on their behalf.


Kanwar: What is intercession?


Shaikh: This is the special power of the Prophet Muhammad. He will recommend paradise for his followers on the Day of Judgement. His recommendation is final and Allah cannot deny it. It is available to all murderers, rapists, arsonists, cheats, thugs, pickpockets and pimps provided they are followers of the Prophet.


On the contrary, all Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Christians will be cast into a flaming hell, no matter, how pious and God-fearing they may have been; piety has no meaning and value without believing Muhammad and the greatness of his homeland.


Intercession is the climax of the Prophet's national wisdom. It is this Muslim belief which gives them the hope of free sex and economic abundance, and they feel obliged to kill in the name of Islam. This is why they are ever ready to stab their motherland. After all, caring about one's country entails sacrifices whereas the comforts of paradise are sweet and splendid. And it is specially so when they involve no moral responsibility.


Kanwar: Poor India! "Islam - The Arab National Movement" seems to be the book, not only for every Indian, irrespective of religion, but also for every Pakistani and Bangladeshi as well. After all, they all belong to the Indian subcontinent. What have you done to propagate

its contents?


Shaikh: By writing this book, I have discharged my duty. Its propagation, I believe, is a duty of everyone.


Kanwar: Will you be prepared to allow translations of this book into various languages without expecting any financial reward?


Shaikh: I shall be delighted to do so provided such task is undertaken for public good and not as a trade.


Kanwar: What is the price of the book and can people get in touch with you?


Shaikh: The book costs 5 only and the address is:


Anwar Shaikh,

P.O. Box 918,

Cardiff CF2 4YP (UK)



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Guest guest

So many weaknesses in this guy's comments:


a) Divide and rule? That has been around for ages in every religion, including Christianity, Judaism (with it's obsession with separation from non-Israelites)...the point is that all mleccha dharma is like that...it is a problem that people misinterpret...not that Muhammed himself wanted this to be the interpretation...


b) love Mecca, love Muhammed...so? We love Krishna more than our family...We love Vrndavan and India more than any other place on this earth...


c) Day of Judgement...same is said by Christianity 'I am only way to heaven'...Krishna says 'those demoniac reach the lowest and will never reach me'....all scriptures preach the only way...


Basically, your flirtation with these kind of racist Anti-Muslims is dangerous for two reasons:


a) you run the risk of making Hinduism lose it's tolerance aspect...


b) you cause offence to Shiva who sent down Islam for the most down-trodden souls of Age-Kali...


Please think b4 u carry on with this attitude...




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I think you got me wrong. It is not racist Anti-Muslims we are talking abut here. It's Islam and the interpretaion that its followers believe in. When question the ullams give a different variation of the interpretaion from the act of its followers. All throughout history Islam has displayed hostile towards other faith. Hinduism is an open book always can debated by all walks of life irrespective of belief. But that is not the case in Islam, a non Muslim cannot debate about Islam to a Muslim. It has happened to me personaly. When I opened the subject about the prophet I was immediately ask to shut up by a close Muslim friend saying I do not have knowledge of Islam and that I am not a Muslim so, I should not talk about their prophet. Tell, me now if I am anti-Muslim. When cornered they try to tell us that we are not Muslims so we would not understand the Koran or the hadis. They always tell that Islam is the only true religion and the rest are agents of SATAN. Can you accept that. Why must its prophet say such when he knew very well that before his religion there were others with better knowledge of the Supreme Being and more tolorant while he preached hatred towards others belief. Morever the Muslims are a very agressive and intolorant sect. They only care for their own kind and happy to see others suffer. Tell of any Muslims organisation that had helped a non Muslim country or people. Its the non Muslim countries and people who have always helped in kind and cash when disater strikes the Muslim nations. We have our valid reason for bombarding but not suicide bombing.

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Once again, the Koran does not say that all followers of other faiths are agents of Satan...the mullahs interpret it that way...


My criticism of Anwar Sheikh is that he is criticising Mohammed, and Islam....instead of just criticising the inaccurate interpretations of the holy Koran...


I know plenty of Muslims who one can have enlightening debates with...your one friend does not represent the attitude of all Islam followers...

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If that is the case why are the Muslim scholars keeping mum and not saying a word about all the suicide bombers and the atrocities being committed by Islamic fundamentalist in countries like Suddan, Afghanistan[Taliban Government], Bangldesh, Algeria, Indonesia and many other Islamic countries? Even in saudi it is happening and yet non comes forward to give the correct interpretation. Why can't they call for a fatwa to ex communicate these Islamic fanatical groups [who call themselves defenders or Soldiers of Allah] who are killing innocent people in the name of Islam and Allah?

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<< Basically, your flirtation with these kind of racist Anti-Muslims is dangerous for two reasons:


a) you run the risk of making Hinduism lose it's tolerance aspect...>>


so you want the hindus to remain cowards for ever.


<< b) you cause offence to Shiva who sent down Islam for the most down-trodden souls of Age-Kali...>>


there is no vedic scriptural support to this idea.


this is a very ingenious asuraic argument

to make the hindus cowards.


i am sure some guests here are muslim or anti-vedic or their agents.


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<< My criticism of Anwar Sheikh is that he is criticising Mohammed, and Islam....instead of just criticising the inaccurate interpretations of the holy Koran...>>


so, why you waste time here with the victims of islam?


why not go preach your peaceful and tolerant interpretation of koran to the wahabis and ben ladin and his party?


or are they the ones who sent you here to delude us?


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Guest guest

ah, so u go against all vedic evidence and you conclude, against vedas, that tolerance is equal to cowardice?


Yudhistira was a coward?


Narada Muni was a coward?


Qualified Brahmins are cowards because they are tolerant?


Bhavishya Purana = vedic evidence for Islam sent down by Shiva


Basically, as for Muslim scholars, if they are not doing anything then by definition those scholars are NOT muslim...they are not following the teachings of the Koran...i know many Muslims who have spoke out against terrorism...the problem is that the Muslim scholars with the power to call a fatwa are the ones not following Koran properly....so we should then denounce Mohammed, Koran, and Islam for this? Or denounce the so-called Muslim scholars?


I prefer the latter approach...


The former approach is the racist, non-vedic approach of asuras

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<< ...i know many Muslims who have spoke out against terrorism...>>



but a tolerant musslim - one who does not do jihad or support jihad - is a hypocrat muslim.


so why he not give up islam than be a hypocrat?


if they do not give up islam, then you never know when they will become serious muslims and begin jihad.


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"i am sure some guests here are muslim or anti-vedic or their agents."


sometimes i have this suspect about you... you make great efforts to give to others the impression of a fanatic, violent, dull, ridicule and intolerant hinduism



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When question the Muslims say the Koran had never been distorted and is the same throughout the world and how come Muslims from various sect have different interpretations? Another question is could you please tell me in which book of Islam it is foretold that Mohammed is the messenger and the chosen prophet of Islam? I need your conformation please.

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