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Robbing the Vedic past: a message for the gurus

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Below is the quote from Siffy news:



New government likely to roll back 'distorted' history

New Delhi: India's history books, rewritten by the outgoing Hindu nationalist government, are likely to be revamped again once a new Congress-led government takes power, party leaders have indicated.



an anti-vedic person would re-write the histoy of the vedic people.


the education system and the institutions would be mis-used

to strip off the hindus from their real history and fed with a fake history to create cowards who would learn to hate hinduism, gita and the vedas, and gurus.


i am writing this for the attentions of the hindu gurus and swamis and leaders. can you see a common enemy? if so, is it not a strong enough reason to unite and act?


historians are paid to write a history that suits their employers. they do not care for the truth.


who would care for the truth?

who if not you?

who can lead if not you?

who values dharma and the vedic rashtra/world more than you?


would you lead and the vedic masses, awakening them,

motivating them to act, or just be selfish for your own moksha and get out in seclusion?


who can agree "all religions are same"?

if same, then why are you sticking to hinduism and not islam? why the muslims of india are not giving up islam and become hindu if hinduism is same as islam?

why xians spend so many $s in india to conevrt hindus if xianity is same as hinduism?


jyota se jyota jagAte chalo..

dharam dhajA pharakAte chalo..


per bhagavatam, dharma stands on only one leg in kali yuga: satya. would you let the politicians and historians and educationalists kill satya?




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i am writing this for the attentions of the hindu gurus and swamis


guru means master... so a pupil cannot suggest anything to the master, otherwise the master is not a real one


swami is one who control the senses (goswami)... to control the senses means also to know perfectly the truth... so how being not perfect, can we suggest anything to the perfect ones?


madhaav... you cannot be a hindu fan behaving in an anti hindu way


if you find real guru and real swamis, bow down, sit and listen.. your (and my) opinion means nothing

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<< swami is one who control the senses (goswami).>>




<<.. to control the senses means also to know perfectly the truth... >>


that is not aggreable or a logial or rational deduction.

if this were true, then every court and police or investigation/research dept will keep one who controls senses and finds the truth about the criminals or suspected criminals or any other truths. why not you or you guru (i respect him who ever he/she is) tell bush where ben ladin is residing now, and save some lives of the soldiers who are trying to find him?


the telephone, and internet we both are using are using the truths of the nature that are not found by those who control their senses in the sense you are talking.


<< so how being not perfect, can we suggest anything to the perfect ones? >>


you mean even after having a guru who gave you god,

you still are not perfect?


now let me answer your question.

a child is not perfect, but still it can ask any question to its mother and father. becaue i know my guru loves me, i can ask him any question, or request him any thing, that comes to my mind. a hindu guru is not a hitler or a pope. a hindu guru is a lover, a he loves his disciples more than his own life.


i said it, but i have no hope it will help you.

some others may understand what i am talking.

any way, have the kind of relation with your guru

as he wants. that way at least you both will satisfy each other.


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It's becoming more apparent that the Congress gov (in an effort to appease muslims, christians and marxists) is going to be very unfair to Hindus in the years to come, not to mention as they were in the past.


I just hope the Hindus of India, do not take it sitting down, this is the time to stand up and let them know that Hindus mean business and if they want to change history to their view there gonna have to be up for a tough fight.


Alot of this anti-hindu attitude of the Congress has little to do with M.K Gandhi's view of Hinduism and is totally the idea of Nehru, whose agenda was to destroy all religion in India in the longrun. Nehru was really ashamed about his Hindu heritage as he was a pretend-Englishman. As he was an Atheist he wanted to push his ideas on all of India. The first one they wanted to destroy was Hinduism as it was the largest obstacle in India, then they would slowly work on islam and christianity. They would side with other religions while working against Hinduism, before turning on them. This is a Marxist strategy that needs to be exposed.

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that is not aggreable or a logial or rational deduction.

if this were true, then every court and police or investigation/research dept will keep one who controls senses and finds the truth about the criminals or suspected criminals or any other truths


....because a goswami engages himself in spiritual activities, in this material world there ever will be murderers and murdered


why not you or you guru (i respect him who ever he/she is) tell bush where ben ladin is residing now, and save some lives of the soldiers who are trying to find him?


....again you behaviour to put in ridicule spiritual authorities. A guru says whate he wants to say, not what you want them to say


a child is not perfect, but still it can ask any question to its mother and father. becaue i know my guru loves me, i can ask him any question, or request him any thing, that comes to my mind. a hindu guru is not a hitler or a pope. a hindu guru is a lover, a he loves his disciples more than his own life.


...you are not humbly expressing some doubts.. "oh, guru maharaja please, i do not understand this point.." , you are regularly saying that gurus have to put aside religion and teach to fight. This is not love for guru


i said it, but i have no hope it will help you.

some others may understand what i am talking.


...again your behaviour... i understand very well.. simply i have a different opinion. After gurus you want also rule on me?



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But you have to understand, there is no PROOF of the Vedic history, nor any conclusive proof of any other kind.


The best we should hope for is for the schools to offer classes on Hinduism and Vedic way of life, but as an OPTION rather than a requirement. Children shouldn't be taught ancient history, but they should be taught how to analyze data properly, and be objective evaluators of their own. They should not be influenced by any kind of thinking, so they can prove to be unbiased participants and contributors to determining the truth.



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Teaching Vedas is not biased...it is the most wide-ranging scriptures existing...no matter what your inclination, be it Godly, material, atheist, impersonalist...there is information there that will help you fulfil your desires...


the theory is that if people start reading the bona fide uncorrupted Vedas, then even if their motives are impure, they will gradually be purified...look at Duryodhana - he was demonic, yet he kept to Vedic principles of Kshatriya duty and waking up early etc...We are probably much much more demonic than even the worst of the Mahabharata...why? Because we don't even follow a Vedic lifestyle properly...Karna woke up before sunrise every single day, gave respects to Surya, and we can't even do that...because we have no discipline...Sure, all this discipline doesn't change the fact that Duryodhana and Karna had demonic tendencies, but at least they were bound by their duty, meaning there was a limit to how much suffering they would be able to cause others and themselves....


There is no question of influencing one's thinking...VEdas is about discovering your SELF, not someone else telling you what is the self...

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if u want to increase viability of Vedas, take iniative yourself, don't give advice to the gurus...


Krishna said 'this knowledge can and will never be destroyed'...so we don't have to worry about that, so long as we keep copies of bona fide scriptures...


The best way to influence the world is by example, by living according to Vedas, we will do much more good then by asking others to save the Vedas...we must do it ourselves...

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**there is no PROOF of the Vedic history, nor any conclusive proof of any other kind.**


It depends of what you mean by 'Vedic history'. If you mean the stories of the Puranas as literal truth, then I would agree that there is no concrete proof, though there are some indications of ancient kingdoms. But if you mean there are no proof of a Vedic civilisation, then you'd be wrong not just in Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa, but in Dwarka, Mahabalipuram, etc.


**Children shouldn't be taught ancient history, but they should be taught how to analyze data properly**


I think they should be taught ancient history as other countires with ancient civilisations teach their own history, why should India be any different? The question is but how ancient will you go? Would you start at Chandragupta and Asoka period or would you go before that? And would they promote the Aryan invasion theory or Aryan migration theory or that the was no invasion of Aryans? Ancient Indian history that we know of was great but for some reason Congress likes to stress emphises on the british period or mughal invasion. They would teach about Asoka but ignore all the other ancient kings. It's this bias that the congress has had in the past, which makes people suspicious of their influence.


**They should not be influenced by any kind of thinking, so they can prove to be unbiased participants and contributors to determining the truth.**


They should be taught to seek out the truth, but as the congress government itself is biased they are going to teach their own version of history.

The 'Marxist' historians of India often ignore important points when studying history so they can give their own version more credit. It's quite dangerous when you've got these kinds of people in education, you really need totally unbiased people in there who will tell history as it was.


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by robbing the past i meant:


- not telling (in the school/college history books) the true known history of the barbaric islam invasions and rulings over hindus in india for 1000 years.


- not telling the true history of the milleniums before 1000 AD.



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**not telling (in the school/college history books) the true known history of the barbaric islam invasions and rulings over hindus in india for 1000 years.**


I agree with you 100%. They do not like to print the full story about the history of the mughal invasions because they think it will cause religious tension...yet they print the Aryan Invasion Theory as if it was the truth. There's no way they can make people forget the Mughal Invasions history, so they should get used to it. The truth should be known to all, no civilised country censors their history, no matter how bad it was, only India which shows how pathetic it can be sometimes. It really shows how immature the people in charge of educataion really are.


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Yes, I agree with you. The coming generation should know the true facts of India's history. How India, particularly the north was conqured in the seventh century, just decades after the beginning of Islam, India was invaded by Muslims. In the tenth century, the Punjab was conquered by the Turkish chieftain, Mahmud. In the thirteenth century, the Turk Qutb-ud-din, invaded the Punjab and established the Dehli Sultanate which remained in power until Babur's invasion. Babur was a barbaric muslim moghul invader who was crossed breed between Mongolian and Timur. Still, the Islamic Sultanate did not protect India from Muslim invasion. In 1398, Timur invaded from the west and utterly destroyed Dehli. Although the Sultanate survived, Timur's invasion left the entire area politically shattered. All this happened because of disunity among the ruling prince of the states. They were only interested in having more concubines and enjoy the rich harvest of their states. They negleted the interest of the poor farmers and the security of their states and that resulted in easy downfall of India the Muslim and British invaders. So, the children should be thought the actual facts of history and who was the cause of such downfall. Now the polictcians are doing the same without realizing the repercussion of such an act. May God save India.


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<< So, the children should be thought the actual facts of history and who was the cause of such downfall. Now the polictcians are doing the same without realizing the repercussion of such an act. May God save India. >>


yes, barney.

but just praying is not enough.

we need karma yogis to awake the hindus who would awake more hindus and so on.


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Thursday, 27 May , 2004, 15:36

Eulogies no longer suffice for Sonia Gandhi, who captured the nation's imagination by refusing to become Prime Minister. Admirers are now planning to put on her on a pedestal. Literally.

The Sonia Gandhi Vichar Prasar Kendra will build a temple dedicated to the Congress president at Ramtek near Nagpur. And although 'Sonia Mandir' is to be a monument to her school of thought, it won't stop short of deifying her.


Discuss: Sonia's swept Vajpayee under the carpet



While Sonia's sculpture will adorn the Stupa-like central hall called the 'Ekatmata Smarak', prayer halls for different religions will drive home her message of secularity.


The Gandhi 'bahu'-turned-reluctant politician should be in good company - busts of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi will also be on display. Plaques recounting Sonia Gandhi's speeches, her pictures and achievements along with carvings are expected to adorn the edifice.


'Sonia Mandir' is the brainchild of Sandip Agrawal, convenor of the newly formed Kendra. Agrawal, who also happens to be the vice president of Maharashtra Congress Farmers and Farm Labour cell, admits he has for a long time now nurtured the idea of paying homage to the thoughts and principles of the Congress party.


"However, Soniaji's unprecedented act of sacrifice recently, prompted me to convert the monument into a Sonia temple," he says.


According to Agrawal, the Congress leader's decision to turn down the top job in the country is without parallel in a day and age when politicians are willing to do anything for the smallest benefit.


8.50 acres of land has already been identified for the proposed shrine. The site, insists Agrawal, is significant despite its rural backdrop.


Ramtek is looked upon as a place of cultural confluence with a Ram temple, Kalidas Smarak, Buddhist excavations and a Sanskrit university all in the near vicinity.


V N Khare, architect for the ambitious project, says he has understood Agrawal's concept and will ensure that his design is in harmony with its surroundings.


The architecture will convey the philosophy of the Congress party, its accessibility and affinity to the downtrodden, he adds.


'Sonia Mandir' is not going to be an exercise in sycophancy, Agrawal promises. A library with literature on the Congress, training centre for Congress camps, playground, rest house, old age home, a school and dispensary are planned around the stupa-like structure to make it socially relevant.


However all this won't come cheap. Rs 10 crore is likely to be spent on the project. Agrawal, who has come out with brochures explaining the concept, is confident that people from all over the country will contribute handsomely to help him realise his dream. He himself intends to share a part of the costs.


While Sonia is not yet aware of Agrawal's plans, he says he will be in Delhi next week to seek her permission. Then, probably reminded of her penchant for denial, which incidentally became the inspiration for the project, he adds, "Does it matter? After all, it's a matter of faith!"


10 crore ??? too muc. It s not worth it.

better to spend the money for poor people or invest or build a REAL MANDIR


hare krishna

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