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The Hindu is the Highest Man

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The Hindu is the Highest Man believing in the Supreme God, the Divinity of Mankind, the path of non-violence in deed and thought, knows the essence of Love and believes in Karma and Reincarnation that states "The law of Karma postulates that in this world there are no rewards or punishments; it is simply a case of inevitable consequences. As you sow, so shall you reap! Sometimes others reap what you have sown. There is an interlinking and inter-connection all round and at every level, in time and in space. No one lives, or can possibly live, in isolation. The past is linked to the future, the world to the next, men to their fellowmen, thoughts to actions, actions to reactions, living spirits to the departed ones. The law of karma governs all."


A Hindu does not discriminate against race, class or any kind. He believes all are equal in the eyes of GOD. Hinduism teaches that each and every living being, from unicellular organisms to Human beings, are in a process of evolution to higher planes of Consciousness, spirituality and life leading to God Himself, the eternal Abode and Goal. Therefore a Man who is an atheist is also a Hindu, trying to define God in his own way, trying to discover God, finding no explanation that can satisfy his reasoning and doubts, comes to a conclusion that God doesn’t exist at all. This thought is a result of his ignorance at that particular point of time, but he evolves, experiences and gains knowledge and gradually may come to Truth, however long this process may take- maybe hundreds of lifetimes- but He is on the Path- The path to God, although he may not realize that. Biologists and modern science may know about only one form of evolution- the physical ladder of arrangement of all living beings into species and classes, their differentiations and similarities in their embryonic stages, but The Vedas proclaim a Higher and the True Evolution. All living things participate in this process and every member of this process evolving towards truth.


Moksha (Freedom or Salvation)


Moksha means freedom from the cycle of birth and death. The ultimate goal of Hindu religious life is to attain freedom from the cycle of birth and death, or union with God. This union is achieved through true knowledge (jnana), devotion (bhakti), or right work (karma). Purity, self-control, truthfulness, non-violence, and compassion toward all forms of life are the necessary prerequisites for any spiritual path in Hinduism. There is no concept of Savior. You have to free yourself by your own effort. No savior can help you achieve God realization without your personal effort.



"I am alike to all being.None is hateful or dear to me. But those who worship me with devotion are in me and I in them. The Rig Veda, the Upanishads. Hinduism lays emphasis on direct Experience rather than on authority. Indian people have been powerfully and continuously affected from ancient times by the idea of religion as direct experience of the Divine.



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You're dangerous and selfish to the people around you with words like that. I would never want to keep in touch or get close to you in real. You scare me my friend to say that You are a person being "the highest" above other people who doesn't belive the same you do.


I'm ashamed! How can u belive that people will become more "one" and love more when u disrespect people, look down on people and see people less importan and so diffetent from you?

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You dont' get it do you. Simple message and yet you are having a though time understanding it. Well, eventually you will find that what is said above is ture to its meaning. Read over and over again only than you will realize what it is all about. After that I'm sure you will love me for what I am.

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Barney? What's going on with you? Love you for what you are? Love you? Isn't there any operators here that can see that this man needs help? Can't u block him and write him, talk to him alittle? Isn't there some deasent person controlling this who are able to see that this man is on his way to something made up. He is eaven mis-reading words from the history. This is a mind who is way of topics, history and himself=( Barney, you scare me :-S


Please take sodme time off and forget about what you read. Just go outside and see what u see and be happy for that only for a while =( Take it easy man!

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