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Which is more dangerous?

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WMD[Weapons of Mass Destruction] or the MMD[Minds of Mass Destruction]? I feel the MMD is more dangerous coz if one does not plot to kill than the WMD is of no use to any one. But on the other hand if MMD had planed to destroy a country or kill a group of people than the WMD comes into useful purpose. Instead of trying to find the WMD America should find the MMD before it makes a move to destroy civilization.

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The TRUTH is undersytood by only a few but US had been misunderstood by many. You did not lose some 3,000 of your relatives on the fateful day of 9/11. That was the starting point of all what is happening today. Sitting and saying jai sri krishna would not solve any problems. Standing on a pulpit and saying "praise the lord" would not help any one. One should plan the work and work the plan to get result and that is what Bush is doing. I don't know about VP may be he is being worked by others.

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Barney! They DID find one of the minds of distruction. If all this american way of making peace in this world is correct or not is hard to tell really... I mean, if I had a knife on me, a person ready to cut my heart out, would I fight and kill to save my life, save other peoples lifes? What would you do?


If you've seen the movie "The Mission", you can see people fighting with nothing but faith. No wepons, no voilence, only faith in their minds, walking towards soldiers who are killing them down. What we can see in this movie is that they are being killed, that's what we SEE. I recon u think there is something more to it then we can SEE, but there aren't anything more to a human being then what we can SEE really. Beyond what we see is nothing but fiction to a human mind,- you and me.


If u protect with your mind and that's it, I would only see people being killed or mistreated and nothing more. What u would choose to see in your head would only be for you, not for ANY other person in this world.


That's all. Thanx for me.. I'm out. Bye

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The mind of distructions in this world is what? where do you find the most of minds of distructions? in religious minds or in non-religious minds? (not talking about anti-religious minds here!)



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It is your right to save yourself and when citizens life is in danger it is the Government's duty to protect but the world is in danger it is the duy of the super power to defend. Sadam was given an ultimatum to surrender than a warning was given for him to leave the country[the reason was obvious as he had been killing thousands od Shiats by the day]but he refused but all this happened after the 9/11 and I do not blame the US for attacking Sadam's government. The base of the Al Queada is in Baghdad. As far as I know the fanatical Muslim are a vicious barbarians and they do not understand rational thinking or peace talk. So you have to fight fire with fire. But it all boils down to KARMA of the the people of Iraq. There is a reason for all the happenings and as the pages turn you will find more and more stored for us.

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Karma? There is a perfect reason for what's happening, just check the news paper and read WHY they are doing this! It's simply the effect of what you do leads to something, and I am NOT talking about karma! If u throw a stone in the water, it creates waves, it's LEADING to something. If u trow a stone into a place where u don't know about, u might hit something that reacts to that stone you hit them with, and they react. Logics of Karma is totaly not human logic and eaven you can see that it's just a word without nothing but words and no real actions.


Karma's "logic" boils down to that a person could sit still all his life, all alone, without moving a finger, and what you've done in previews life would effect you, and things would just start to happen to you. No no.. People, nature is making things happen all the time. If u would be alone in this world, no person would be there to make things happen to you that way, so nature and you would be the ONLY one doing something to you: weather, where u choose to be, go, sleep, eat, what u would choose to eat, sit, look, fart, pee..



"all things makes waves in the water"

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Karma's "logic" boils down to that a person could sit still all his life, all alone, without moving a finger, and what you've done in previews life would effect you, and things would just start to happen to you.


this is your wrong opinion


it is blind to not see that we act for our own will but also for the consequences of our past actions


if you cough is not because you want to cough but because you have taken some cold yesterday.. this is karma

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That's not hindi karma, my friend. Hindi karma is more about what you've been doing in previews life. With this, we really don't know if there has been a previews life at all. It's so unknown to all of us, so it would be a waist of time to spend time on this, rather then doing something that could do something really good in this world. Previews life is so unreal compared to a tree being real, a person being real and so on.. Don't for get what you have! If u value what's not sure, u value what's allready 100% true and real less.



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That's not hindi karma, my friend. Hindi karma is more about what you've been doing in previews life.

...the logic is exactly the same.... if at the moment of birth you get sufferings that you cannot have caused being born by a very short time... these sufferings have to come from previous actions, before your present birth. Sufferings or manifestation of qualities and skills that one cannot have learned in the short time.


It's so unknown to all of us, so it would be a waist of time to spend time on this,

...to know is never a waste of time.... the waste of time is accept or reject a culture followed by millions of people only by faith and sentiment without studying it seriously. Your suggestion are simply destructive, so they have no value.. no more than the ones of a religious fanatic.. you are behaving as an antireligious fanatic, no difference.


Don't for get what you have!




...be coherent.. 'till now you have suggested "do not think.. there's nothing beyond the sense experience"

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I am not what u think I am. I am not denying anything. I am open to all, eaven things we haven't heard of, cause everything is possible. If I one day would stand before something totaly new, the new can't doom me and say that "you have been denying this/us/me". I simply haven't cornered myself to a religion. Religion is so based and locked in, twisted history and fighting and so many things. Sure, lotes of good things too, coming from the culture, but I don't want to become a part of a culture. To become a part of a culture makes people less free and open, cause you will be picking rules to folow and not be open.


I might be wrong in all, you might be wrong in all, we all might be wrong in all, we all might be right in all. All things we cannot see and/or cannot see clearly is NOT 100%, that's all. I'm sorry, but it's not 100% of it's not 100=(

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Every action there is a reaction and that is call the law of Karma and you call it law of nature that's is all there is to it. "If u would be alone in this world, no person would be there to make things happen to you that way" Now that too is Karma, if that is what I have to live by. the word 'IF' has no end so do not live by doubt. Have faith and all will be well.

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