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Mahatma Gandhi as a sanatani Hindu.

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<< gaudya vaishnava sampradaya, from the beginning, does not identificate itself with hinduism.. that's it >>


i have not heard or read this.

please give some quotes from reliable sources.


<< So, being peaceful with everyone, there's no purpose in accepting the same denomination >>


a am asking to unite against those who are barbaric.

a am asking to expose the barbaric ideologies.

if you have difficulty to unite against this common eenemy, then fine, but do something to fight with them , not with the victims of them.


<< So, being peaceful with everyone, there's no purpose in accepting the same denomination >>


just as we all share same earth, same sky, same sun,

and still have different yogas to practice. your aboe statement is like , "i do not want to share the same earth."

if there is attck coming for some external planet, then even muslims would have to unite with the jews to fight it.


here i am giving ground to unite agaisn the barbaric ideology. still if it does not make sesnce to you, then fine. does it makes sense to you to fight the barbarians or to fight the victims of barbarians?


<< Chaitanya mahaprabhu in the 14th century had more problems with caste "hindus" than with muslims. >>


please post evidences in suppor of this.

i have not seen any yet.


still remember that hindus' slaughters by muslims invaders was started even 500 years before chaitanya amd has contined for another 500 years after him. that some how does not seem adharmic to you. being out of india, you have not seen it or suffered it. can you imagine it?


<< simply there's no reason and common ground to reunite all these opposite theories and ideas under the same name >>


you do not like it, but we both are sharing the same earth, and same deity. even devas and danavas also once united for samudra manthan. i am asking the vedic people to unite against the asuras.


<< ••the final goal is not the same, love for krsna, love for siva, merging in the oneness or annihilating our existence are not the same goal >>


okay, but these advaitis or sunyavadis do not come to forcibly conver you. eh muslims are and will. it is jsut a matter or time - if theyget close enough and have teh might.

again, all hindu are not advaitis. most are bkahtas.


<< ••so why not use the original denominations of the various schools (advaita, shaiva, vaishnava etc) instead of using the same name for opposite things? >>


against an external (anti vedic)threat we need to unite on the ground that we all are vedic.

within us, no one is forcing another a yoga, and no one shouls say "i am right, you are wrong" do what you think is right, and then the law of karma will take care of the rest.

this is vedic mentality.


<< a dharma, has not the name of a nation. >>


hindu is not a name of a nation.

hinduism is not a name of a nation, but

those who live in india since the time of brahma are sanatana dharmis (hindus -a new name).

just as you can be identified by your father or mother,

you can be identified by the place of your birth.

birth place of sanatana dharma (hinduism) is india or bharat. from there it came to the hippies.

a new name of bharat also is hindustan nmeaning the place of the hindus. israel is the place of jews, right?


<< There's not shortage of policemen and soldiers in hare krishna, >>


but no one should think the terrorism as the hindus have suffered for 1000 years and 9/11 teh west suffered recently are something a police should handle. it is war, and is global war.


<< under hinduism you put many opposite dharmas >>


i do no. what is in gita and vedas is hinduism PERIOD.

tell it to all the hindus and the world.


<< ••the acceptance of the words of the guru is not against logic... if you say something that for me is right and logic i have not any difficulty to accept it >>


you say so, and may be wishig it too, but i do not see it in action. a truth you know in your bones and the deepest core of your heart must have more weight over your own guru if the guru differs. hinduism is a persuit of truth.

sure you can make mistake, and as soon as yourealise youwere wrong, you give it up, and hold on to latest realized truth. a good guru admiers a disciple who is commmitted to realized truths. he does not say, "you never never disagree with me." that is the checks and balance system of guru-sadhu and shastra. a hindu loves his/her guru, but can argue with the guru also, and still both could love each other. if the ations differ for same goal, then both can part respetfully. vallabha bhatt was chaitanya's disciple, he differed, and he inagaurated pustimarg. he is known as one of five great vaishnav aacharyass. it seems you will have difficulty with him also.

swami narayans also are vaishnavas in the line of ramanuj, they say. their temple in amdavad was attacked and it did not bother you. why? becaue you are not born on that devabhoomi.


if any reader can understand what i am saying,

and have better way to explain the points i make to yd,

please try. howeer, the mission of the hindus will not stop if yd cannot agree.


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(if any reader can understand what i am saying,

and have better way to explain the points i make to yd,

please try. howeer, the mission of the hindus will not stop if yd cannot agree.)




We Hindus do not have any difficulties understanding each other, you are doing quiet a good job explaining the points but if someone refuses even to acknowledge that Bhagvad Gita speaks of many paths then unfortunately we can not do any thing about it, even though we do not stop trying.

Rainbow is beautiful, someone may prefer one or the other or all of the colors, Hindu Dharma is like that, stick with it. you are doing a good job.


Jai Shree Krishna


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ganeshprasad ji,


yes i agree what you said.


the organised anti vedic religions did harm us for long ( and still harming),

and here one group who hijaceked a major part of hinduism is saying the hindus that we are not hindus and krishna bhakti is not a part hinduism. only ggood good thing they have is they also are orgainsed and they do understnad bhakti and most do bhakti too.


we however (all our gurus) need to untie, and gita does give a way to unite.


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<< gaudya vaishnava sampradaya, from the beginning, does not identificate itself with hinduism.. that's it >>

i have not heard or read this.

please give some quotes from reliable sources.

...it is enough the fact that vaishnavism consider advaitism a blasphemy, so there's no possibility to stay in the same path


a am asking to unite against those who are barbaric.

..so let us unite for specific purposes, if we decide that is allright, without unnecessarily mixing religion


does it makes sense to you to fight the barbarians or to fight the victims of barbarians?

..this has nothing to do with accepting the same religious denomination


<< Chaitanya mahaprabhu in the 14th century had more problems with caste "hindus" than with muslims. >>

please post evidences in suppor of this.

i have not seen any yet.

...chaitanya charitamrita.. hindus were not happy because he was distributing freely the harinama to every caste and religion, they called the muslim governor to stop harinama samkirtana. Chaitanya mahaprabhu explained to the governor the superority of harinama with quran and vedas, the muslim governor became a gaudya vaishnava devotee. it is a very famous story, you have also quoted it some times


being out of india, you have not seen it or suffered it. can you imagine it?

...i have nothing to do with islamism and i have no intention to justify barbaric behaviours under islam's name. I am only saying that accepting a common denomination without sufficient common ground is useless and a disadvantage for everyone. that's it


<< ••the final goal is not the same, love for krsna, love for siva, merging in the oneness or annihilating our existence are not the same goal >>

okay, but these advaitis or sunyavadis do not come to forcibly conver you. eh muslims are and will. it is jsut a matter or time

...already said, to fight terrorism has nothing to do with accepting whimsically a common denomination


a truth you know in your bones and the deepest core of your heart must have more weight over your own guru if the guru differs

..no one pays me to follow my guru... and i do not understand why you need to put religion under your interests and simultaneously call yourself hindu or whatever. Why you are blaspheming who you want to unite with?


and here one group who hijaceked a major part of hinduism is saying the hindus that we are not hindus and krishna bhakti is not a part hinduism.

..not exact.. we were saying the same thing centuries ago when all gaudya vaishnavas was a little group in bengala


madhaav.. you have an agenda, right or wrong we will decide.. but you are not god, you cannot change religion and instruct masters for your own purposes... be sincere and stop saying that you follow some religion, because you want to be followed by religion

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<< Converting Hare Krsna's to so-called Hindus, >>


no, govindaram ji.

in my mind they are hindus (sanatana dharmis.)

i do not want them to be wishi washi in their bhakti to krishna. a sadhak needs to be ekanisthTa.

bhakti has to be avyabhichariNi.


my concern is that while we are tolerant of various yogas and deity worship, (and i know it is not most intelligent)

they have difficulty in giving due respect to such a thing.


they are hindus but they do not care for hindu interests.

they (some) even are more friendly to muslims (islam) more than they are to the hindus. this is so despite the fact that many hindus support KC movement and hardly any muslim supports them. they fail to understand the 1000 years of pain suffered by us hindus under islam invasions.


all i am sayiing them is to give due respect to the hindus who gave them KC. KC was not kept alive by the hippies under barbaric islam rules and invasions. The hindu have saved that vedic way for the world.


their attitude towards hindus is like a son saying her mother "i am not your son." it hurts. we love them because they are good krishna devotees, and they have difficulty understanding us and our interests.


my call is for unity against the brbrians.

islam will not spare KC or HK's if islam gets power or oppertunity.


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i do not want them to be wishi washi in their bhakti to krishna.



who are you the overseer of Bhakti?


What sampradaya do you belong to, what is your position in the society, that makes you have such a high position, what Math are you the Archarya of? Who are you recognized by as a Vaishnava?


I am not asking for your Guru Maharaja's name,


just some basis information.

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Krishna is only mention in the puranas so what is the value of Krishna in the Vedas?




Vyasadeva by the intruction of Narada complied Srimad Bhagavatam the cream of all the Vedas.


I do not expect you to understand this nor can you,

being devoted to Lord Siva, you do not pray to him as a Krsna Bhakta, but you pray to Lord Siva as he was Supreme Godhead, so how can you possibly understand Krsna.


If you changed your method, Lord Siva would shower his blessings upon you, then you will realize maybe just 1 percent the greatness of Lord Siva. And how Lord Siva is always serving KRSNA, haribol.

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dont want to be Hindus, why force them? It is not as if they have any ideological difference, but it is their gnawing desire for a separate identity that makes them declare that they are non-hindus. WHy bother with such people? If there are HKs who dont mind calling themselves hindus, fine. But if they are making a hue and cry, let them go away. We dont need such hypocrites. Whenever there is a financial problem, HKs come running to the Hindu community, but if things are okay, the same HKs ridicule Hinduism and Hindus. So why bother arguing with these perverts?


As for Gandhi, he was the greatest fraud of the twentieth century along with Mother Teresa.

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"Krishna is only mention in the puranas so what is the value of Krishna in the Vedas? "



How much of the Vedas do we have access to today? All of them, no. So you went through all the Vedas and didn't find a mention of Krishna eh. If you don't want to find him in there you won't. He's mentioned in Chandogya Up., in Rig Veda and perhpas more places.


Puranas are mentioned in Vedas to be the fifth Veda. They too are eternal and emanate from the breath of Narayana.

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I think you are missing the point, if Hare Krsna's declare they are Hindu's, then they are going against the teaching of Vaishnava Archaras, on the other hand if they say they are, then some Hindus are happy, as far as asking Hindu community for help etc, that is thier duty, there are Hindu bodys which make up the Hare-Krsna Movement as well, don't forget, hare krsna.


Krsna is for everybody /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Ps. Nobody called Gandi a fraud, neither Mother Teresa.

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"if Hare Krsna's declare they are Hindu's, then they are going against the teaching of Vaishnava Archaras"


Which Acharyas? Any besides Prabhupada? Caitanya had no problem with the word 'hindu'. Do any other Gaudiya sects have a problem with the word hindu? What's the big deal about being called hindu anyway?

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Whenever there is a financial problem, HKs come running to the Hindu community, but if things are okay, the same HKs ridicule Hinduism and Hindus.

...this is simply not true and in many pages of discussion no one has ridiculed hinduism or the people practising it


So why bother arguing with these perverts?

..your name is Ram Bhakta.. do you know that you are heavily insulting who is bringing Ram Nama all over the world?



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Which Acharyas? Any besides Prabhupada?

...all vaishnava acharyas does not ideintify with hinduism.. it is not the greatest problem of the world, but that's it


Caitanya had no problem with the word 'hindu'.

...chaitanya wanted to spread freely harinama and to make everyone devotee withoout consideration of religion and caste.. he had many problems by so called traditionalists and never identified himself as an indian movement or school


Do any other Gaudiya sects have a problem with the word hindu?

...not big problem.. simply not joining or identificating


What's the big deal about being called hindu anyway?

...hindu denomination puts (whimsically) together people with opposite beliefs, so it is unjustified and useless

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I think the reason Hare Krishnas don't want to be called Hindus is to do with how srila prabhupads viewed their movement in realtion to his view of what is Hinduism. He described Hinduism as being "Useless dried up branches of the vedic tree". Alot of HK's can't tolerate other sects and don't want to be lumped together in the same category as 'Hindus' with others who come under the tradition as shaivite, smartha, shakta, etc. It's a superiority complex they have that they want to maintain.


As Ram Bhakt says HK's come running to 'Hindus' whenever they need help, this is VERY true and quite funny.


As for Gandhi, he did alot for India's independence, but wasn't the only one. He is not a mahatma or perfect by any means. He made alot of mistakes in his life, he even didn't have any time for his son, who converted to Islam and then to Arya Samaj just to get back at him. He believed in pacifying muslims at the neglect of Hindus - big mistake!

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<< Chaitanya mahaprabhu in the 14th century had more problems with caste "hindus" than with muslims. >>


please post evidences in suppor of this.

i have not seen any yet.


<< ...chaitanya charitamrita.. hindus were not happy because he was distributing freely the harinama to every caste and religion, they called the muslim governor to stop harinama samkirtana. Chaitanya mahaprabhu explained to the governor the superority of harinama with quran and vedas, the muslim governor became a gaudya vaishnava devotee. >>


Please give exact reference (chapter #, para# , page# etc.)where I can read it in the book. Sorry I have no time to fish thought 3 inch thick book with font 8 or 9. Or better, please do a cut/paste if you have a CD.


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