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Hinduism and compatibility with any religion

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From the little knowledge I have about Hinduism, I wonder if one cannot say that hinduism can be practised/followed together with any other religion; whether a christian can be a hindu (because his/her behavior follows the good principles of hinduism), whether a muslim could be a hindu or a jew or anybody from any other religion, as long as the hindu principles/beliefs if good actions are accepted and good deeds are done.


Please, kindly clarify this point to me - politically driven and/or racially inclined answers are not realy welcomed. Thank you.

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Hinduism is Compatible with all the religions.

There are lot of practices and rituals even within the hindu fold, that over the years, hinduism has become accomodating.

Hinduism is infact the mother of all religions in the world and just as the mother accomodates all her children, so does hinduism accomodate all other religions.

All other religions can be attibuted to a founder, and if you speak anything against the founder, thats blashpemy.

Hiduism does not believe in conversion because there is not need to convert at all.

Even great Hindu saints like Swami Sivananda has written about the greatness of Christ.

Individual freedom is another attribute of hinduism. If you dont want to go to temple, hinduism says OK NO PROB.

YOu can watch your favorite TV shows on a Sunday morning, and go to a Hindu temple on a Monday evening. The temples have Trikala Pooja. So there is no need that you have to go to a temple only during certain time of the week.




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Let us not make it a point to argue. Whatever name you call it.


If we are talking about the same thing it does not matter.


A Cat is called Cat in English, Poonai in Tamil, Billi in Hindi. and they all mean the same animal.

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I dont care a Damn about Sanatana or Dharma.

I am from Tamilnadu. I dont know sanskrit or Hindi, and I dont want to know sanskrit or Hindi. For me tamil is enough.

There are enough literature and mantras in tamil to praise Lord Siva or Lord Vishnu ( which your Sanatana Dharma also does in a different language.)


Now tell me what is Sanatana Dharma. Whether I am a Sanathana Dharmi or a Hindu?


If you tell me I am a Sanatana Dharmi, I dont even know what it is, as I dont know sanskrit or Hindi, and I cannot read the Vedas, but I still pray the same gods that you do.


If you tell me I am hindu, then I am not a Sanatana Dharmi, then I should not pray the same gods, that Sanatana Dharmi's pray.



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Answering question with another question does not make you smart.


I just wanted to know if not knowing sanskrit or a north indian language has any bar on praying Siva, Vishnu or other gods.

I repeat, again, Tamils dont care to know Sanatana or Dharma.


So do you mean to say Tamils are not hindoos? Or Do you mean to say they can pray Siva and Vishnu only if they know sanskrit?


Rather than trying to answer that question, dont divert the topic. And if you cannot face the questions that I have raised, allow some knowledgeable person to answer rather that making an exposure of your ignorance.

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you're making everything very well worshipping vishnu and shiva and there's no need in learn sanskrit, my only objection is when you have said that hinduism is the mother of religion.. because it is not true


hinduism means nothing because there's many opposite religions inside and all over the world, in origin (=eternally except for kali yuga), there was sanatana dharma (=the eternal duty of every living being) who is vaishnavism. i.e. worshipping sri vishnu as the supreme personality of godhead, all devatas as his servants and consdiering brahman his effulgence.


now hinduism has inside also very different ideas from this one, opposite, so hinduism is different from the dharma (=path, religion, school) who has generated it and others religion in the world


there's non indian religions that are closer to the original/eternal/ancient sanatana dharma than some paths classified now as hinduists

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Actually, it all started with Nature worship. The prayers to the Sun god, the rain god, the concept of soul, transmigration of soul, the law of karma etc etc and evolved into what is today.


It is immaterial if you call it Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism.



What all I am trying to say is, these sets of practices, philosohies, languages are all something external. It is all aimed at achieving self realisation. Thats what is the bottom line.






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That's why I was always attracted to hinduism. The total freedom. Some people,like certain muslims have made the comment that there is not rules. But there are,they are just flexible,right? There is rules to everything.


I personally feel that a faith does not have to be super stirct and rigid,to be effective.

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As far as I know, mother of christian religion is jewish religion, but how sanatana dharma{vedic dharma ?} is the mother of all religions{jewish religion, muslim} ? I don't know.

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Actually, it all started with Nature worship. The prayers to the Sun god, the rain god, the concept of soul, transmigration of soul, the law of karma etc etc and evolved into what is today.

--your speculation, vedas say differently, it is more easy to find scientific and rational proofs in the way vedas recall their history than in your average darwinist version. Spirituality and religion's history is a school, blind faith or evolutionist positions have no place... because both are non demonstrated


It is immaterial if you call it Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism.

--no, very important, because these two names are related to different things


What all I am trying to say is, these sets of practices, philosohies, languages are all something external.

--if you say that everything comes from tribal worships it seems that you consider them not only external but fake


It is all aimed at achieving self realisation

--something aimed at the self realization cannot be partially a lie... said this, because it is for the self realization, it is the more important thing one has to do, so it is necessary to be extremely careful and discriminative. If one's inaccurate he's not serious and achievements will be impossible

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because before kali yuga world was all bharata varsa.. all the religions are nothing but more or less adulterated version of the same original principle


if you study them, hinduist ones included, you will find more common principles than differences

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Hinduism is the mother of all eastern religions, not semetic religions. It is incompatible with Christianity and Islam.


Teachings are law of karma, reincarnation, moksha, etc unlike heaven, hell, predestination as with Christianity and Islam. Hinduism believes there are more than one path to God, Christianity and Islam believe only their path are true. While some Hindus may see Christ as a spiritual reformer of his age, they don't see him as their personal saviour or the only way to God.


There are some rules in Hinduism, but they are more like guidelines rather than rigid rules and allow freethinking, it's all to do with Dharma.

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Gnostic Christianity is supposed to have very similar beliefs to Hinduism, compared to Orthodox Christianity.


In any case, just like Hinduism's origins are being examined and disputed, Christianity is undergoing the same problem, as there is dispute over whether Christ really existed at all, or if it was some great ploy by a group of people to create a new religion.

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if you want to know something of religion you have to study carefully


only one thing:


if you say that vedas are not at the origin of anything and that there's a different source for the birth of other way to worship god you are simply negating vedas making them not the eternal dharma, but another phenomenon depending from darwinistic evolution


then, studying carefully other religions and civilizations you will understand this simple concept

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for your insightful comments. I do have the feeling - without real knowledge - that Hinduism is the softest and most accepting of others and of differences, compared to what we learn in any "religion". And, it seems to me - but agian, I would need to understand it much more, than it is a realy peaceful path to God/Reality/Eternal Power. Agian, thank you.

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if some thousand years ago there was sanatana dharma all over the world, all the religion came after are corrupted versions of sanatana dharma


so romans, egyptians, mesopotamic, hebrew, grecians, hindus, buddhists... from hebrews christians, from hebrews plus some tribal tradition and the preaching of muhammad we have islam


evrything comes from sanatana dharma, and as you say sanatana dharma is more similar to christianity than some hinduist schools

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<< evrything comes from sanatana dharma, and as you say sanatana dharma is more similar to christianity than some hinduist schools >>


i did not say it because it is not true.

it is clear that you are xian and hate hinduism.

so why waste time here?


go and stop the spread of islam,

else there will not be any xianity.


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i did not say it because it is not true.

it is clear that you are xian and hate hinduism.

so why waste time here?


when you have no logical answers it seems that your style is insult and speculate

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I certainly did not wish my question to raise such an outburst of anger and heated debate that have nothing to do with the subject. I really wished a scholarly and intelligent comment and explanation.


Thank you for the first person who did answer the question at hand. More views/insights from knowlegeable and unbiased forum users are welcomed. I am trying to understand something here, that is all, in a learning and calm environment.

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