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Rg veda 5.2.8 (follow the truth)

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hR^iNIyamaano apa hi madaiyeH pra me devaanaam vratapaa uvaacha.

indro vidvaa.N anu hi tvaa chachaksha tenaahamagne anushishhTa aagaam ..## Rg. 5.2.8## (this is ITRANS transliteration)


"O adorable Lord, you have gone away from me, as if in anger. The protector of truth, the resplendent self has told me this: "Follow Truth". having been so advised, may I follow the instruction." Rg. 5.2.8


Does anyone have a purport from any vedic aacharya on this verse? As of now, i understand it as follows:


O adorable Lord, you have gone away from me, as if in anger. (You were with me once as you were with arjun.) The protector of truth, the resplendent self (the voice of my heart and soul) has told me this: "Follow Truth". Having been so advised, may I follow the instruction (of god, given in gita or the vedas).


for most of us, krishna is not with us as he was with arjun.

so, we need to follow His words given in gita, till we can come so close with Him that we directly communicate with Him.



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How about if you interpret it in a different way. Arjuna is God too and Krishna is the truth or God in him that projected out of his conscience to debut with him. It could have been possible at that time as I have said humans of that era had very unique power, which in todays world we would call it illusion of the mind as scientist would put it. Like David Copperfield walking through the great wall of China and vanishing a huge elephant in thin air. But I am not saying DC is God as he could do all this but it is an example of what human mind can do to creat an illusion where it would make others wonder in amaze fo his tricks.

May be you do not understand what I mean to say as you have already locked your mind in the thought that Krisha is smoewhere in the clestial world.


Open your mind and you will find what I and trying to say. It is all in the mind as we all know that the mind is the most mysterious organ of all our body parts. Computer may be the the most amazing wonders of all human creations but who created the computer, it was the human brain. The capacity of the brain has no limit like the hard drive in a computer but if properly used as what the sages and rishis had done in verdic times and beyond that period surely man would have been God who had the capicity to create and control the universe. I may not know how to put it in words but if you start thinking and visualize than it would fall in place. God is but a creation of our own sub-conscious mind because it was there and has been there in our

genes but we are not aware of it until scientis discovered that we could clone ourselves from the DNA our hair which we would not have known some thirty to forty years back than. Do not just stick to what you believe but explore and see whatelse you can discover. There is no end to discovery. May be we all have taken the vedas for granted and believe that all the interpretations are as what it is whiout realizing that there are hidden secrets or may be some kind of code to tell us who we really are. I am sorry if I am not in any way convincing but that is what I see and what Saint Ramalingam has discovered some two hundered years ago.

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<< May be you do not understand what I mean to say as you have already locked your mind in the thought that Krisha is smoewhere in the clestial world. >>


truth is one.

gita shows krishna's words. that is truth.

i care for truth only.


you can open your mind and imaigine any different things.

they will not help. if all do as you say,

no one would agree what gita says. and then gita becomes useless for them all.


krishna does not want to screw you up by telling in gita something so difficult to understand. he loves you and tells you in simple way so that you can understand it and benefit from it.


i pray you benefit from gita,

and never tell any one like you told above - open mind, etc.



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Arjuna is God too and Krishna is the truth or God in him that projected out of his conscience to debut with him.

-where you find it written in the gita?


May be you do not understand what I mean to say as you have already locked your mind in the thought that Krisha is smoewhere in the clestial world.

-there's other kinds of comprehension that could say that you are locked in the extreme illogic and illusory strangeness to feel to have the possibility to became god... and it is very strange


there's not a word in your message sustained by you with a little logical demonstration, and it is again very strange, because philosophers in advaita line of thought are famous for their eloquence and ability in debate

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God in Human Form is not limited to the Avatars


God is everywhere. He is all-knowing, he is all-pervasive, he is all-powerful. He is not limited to the body. His power is not limited to the karma performed through bodies. The divinity is not just a particular body called Rama, born in a particular age, or another body called Krishna, born in another age. Those incarnations served as exemplary models for mankind to follow. But, the principle of divinity is not limited to any given body. The divinity is omnipresent and omniscient.


Again and again this truth has been taught to mankind. Krishna spoke of this to Arjuna. He said, "Arjuna, in remote antiquity, in many ages gone by, I have taught this Gita to the sun god. Then others in a long lineage of sacred beings came to know of the Gita when the sun god passed it on to the many great sages of those times. But thereafter, slowly and gradually, this knowledge became hidden and was finally lost. But it is this same ancient, sacred knowledge that I am now teaching to you here today."


When Arjuna heard this, a number of doubts entered his mind. He began thinking, "The sun god is a very ancient entity. Krishna was born only recently in this present age. How could Krishna have taught the sun god who is so ancient?" As soon as Arjuna had these thoughts, Krishna, who knows all minds and all hearts, spoke up immediately. He said, "Well, Arjuna, I know your doubts." With a smile on his lips, he continued, "You see, Arjuna, I am not this particular body. I am the one who has no birth. I transcend all time and space. I am not limited by circumstance. I exist in all ages, in all times. Basing your conception of me on my body, you are thinking that I belong to this particular age. But all these ages and all these eons are within me. Do not try to limit me to this body and to a given time. Bodies change but I never change. I take on different bodies, at different times, in order to perform karma and to fulfill a particular mission." The moment Arjuna heard this, spiritual understanding dawned within him and he recognized the timeless, unchanging principle of divinity.





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God in Human Form is not limited to the Avatars

--because god never become an human and he has a form even in his original form source of all avataras, so the correct way is tha we have a form similar to god's one, not that god has a human form


God is everywhere. He is all-knowing, he is all-pervasive, he is all-powerful.

--qualities, names, charachter, personality.... form


He is not limited to the body.

--because his body is transcendental, not human.... if we have bodies, these bodies have to come from spiritual realm, otherwise how can material nature have something more than spiritual nature?


His power is not limited to the karma performed through bodies.

--because god's body is not a karmic body


The divinity is not just a particular body called Rama, born in a particular age, or another body called Krishna, born in another age.

--agree, they are eternal, they perform some lilas in the earth and ignorants and atheists see them as ordinary human beings with birth and death.


But, the principle of divinity is not limited to any given body.

-- and also by a non body... divinity is free and omnipotent and, as you limited man express yourself through a limited body, divinity express himself through an unlimited body. God is omnipotent


the remaining of your message it is your ficticious story, we have plenty of bhagavad gitas in the web... bring verses and chapters


Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation




sarva-dharman parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisyami ma sucah



sarva-dharman--all varieties of religion; parityajya--abandoning; mam--unto Me; ekam--only; saranam--surrender; vraja--go; aham--I; tvam--you; sarva--all; papebhyah--from sinful reactions; moksayisyami--deliver; ma--not; sucah--worry.



Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.


(YOU arjuna, surrender unto ME, I shall deliver YOU, YOU do not fear... there's no revelation by krsna to be a projection of arjuna, krsna is an individual, and arjuna's another individual, and this is considered the most inportant verse of gita. If you are a hindu, or you are studying vedas and other scriptures as a religious man, be respectiful and read what it is written, not what you want them to say to fulfill your theories)

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