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While taking bath this morning a thought ran through my mind and I wish to share this thought with all you good people. Now, most of us Hindus, Christians, Muslims and many other denominations are praying to something or someone whom we believe to be very superior to all living species on this planet. We have been thought to believe that this superior energy is called God who is the creator of this whole universe, which you could not deny or disagree totally. We have seen his wonders in many ways such as the nature surrounding as and the variety of living species and the ever-changing atmosphere from extreme cold to hot and vice versa. The night that brings out the shinning stars in the dark blue sky, the lovely moon that illuminates the night and many other wonders at the bottom of the ocean, which none of us could create by saying be. All these things would not have just sprang out of nothing. Surely there must be a seed or something that would have started the whole process of creation and evolution and there must be some sort of superior force that would have ignited this process and that force could be the God all religion is fighting to keep as their own.


With all this confusion did any one of us ever thought that all these are the work of our own doing. I mean what if our forefathers had been much more intelligent and the power to create this universe. Imagine the powers they had possessed and what they could have achieved in their time. May be over the millenniums in the process of evolution we have lost that unique power and so the generation that came on later up till the present have become an ordinary mortal without the ability to use that power.


The power I am talking about is the psychic power where one can communicate through mind, which is called ESP and powers that can annihilate anything within the contact of the eye. Powers that can foresee what is going to happen in the new future. Powers that would give a person control over others mind. All these are within us and yet we are unable to make use of it for reasons not know yet to man. May be before the verdict time such powers were abused by unscrupulous people for selfish reason and so it just vanished over generations. Coming back to my thoughts I believe that we are the Gods who have lost the greatest gift that could have changed the whole of mankind and that is why we are in search of the unknown God whom we think can help us in our quest in life. Why I say we are the Gods because we can reproduce or create another human life and we can concentrate and focus in order to take charge of our actions. We have all this but something is still missing and that is the power to inspire. Create visions and conquer our enemies through the use of mind and have a weaponless war in order to annihilate our enemies. Now this is the power one should seek. I believe the devil and god is within us. If we develop such powers for good use than we are Gods and if used for evil we are the devil. I believe there are those who right now are in the process of such development in various places around the world in remote hill caves where no one would distract their meditation to gain such powers. So, in short I believe we need not look for God elsewhere but in ourselves. We are the Gods everyone is seeking and we are also the Devil who is hated by the righteous people. And so friends, my advice to you today is do good deeds and become God coz the haven is within us and not elsewhere.



21st. 03. 04


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god has no necessities, because he's not slave or subjected by anything


so if you need to go in the bathroom it means that this need is superior to you


so you are not god, god is meant to control universes, worlds, devatas, people, nature... and you in a short time will have to go to bathroom even if you do not want


and your mind will be totally disturbed if you resist half an hour


so how can you be god?

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< --- so you are not god, god is meant to control universes, worlds, devatas, people, nature... and you in a short time will have to go to bathroom even if you do not want --- >


god also incarnated in human form (such as rama, krsna). at that times he would have also done the daily chores that a normal human do. do u tell that rama,krsna are not gods just because they also did their daily chores.

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<< So, in short I believe we need not look for God elsewhere but in ourselves. We are the Gods everyone is seeking and we are also the Devil who is hated by the righteous people. And so friends, my advice to you today is do good deeds and become God coz the haven is within us and not elsewhere. >>


wow, am insigificant jiva in the gigantic creation thinks not only he is god, but all are gods?


if you are a god of the muslims, tell them, and see the reaction. go na a mosque and do so.


if you are god, then make the ben ladin and party to give up jihad. if you cannot do any of these, then never pretend you are god, and never tell the hindus.


barney, you have multiple or mixed personality.

i do not like your above post.

it does not say what krishna has said in gita.


no vedic scripture has said heaven and hell are within us.

although there is a point in such a statement. we who have heaven within us, need to take out the hell out of those who live by the barbaric ideology of the desert. else that heaven within us has no use. those who have hell within them will put us in hell pretty soon. no, they already have.



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Dear Madhavji,


Barneyji has supported "Shuddhadvaita" by putting this post.


Barneyji is slowly coming near to "Shuddhadvaita". Note his post closely you will see "Shuddhadvaita" hidden in it. so his post carries the truth.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namah Sivaya

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya


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god also incarnated in human form (such as rama, krsna)

•••no, it's not human form, this is transcendental sat cit ananda form of the lord... we have a form similar to the one of god, not that god is similar to us.. different


at that times he would have also done the daily chores that a normal human do.

••god is trancendental, his form is transcendental... if bala krsna as a lila makes the activity to pass urine in gopi's place it is not that he has the urge.. he's god, he's in complete control... his body is not human, matter comes from spirit not the opposite


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How are we all Gods?


God is superior and is beyond Humans and all life. If we are all God, why do we still suffer, get ill, desease, etc? It's can't just be maya. How can God get deluded by it's own maya? Although Advaita has scientific explanations, how is it practical to follow in life?


Is Hitler, Bin Laden also God?

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They have brought out the devil in them and so we see the dark side of human being. The same Hitler or Bin Laden could have become God if they had compassion for all living being. What is GOD? Love and Truth is GOD. Why do we say God is all loving and merciful? Have you been ever showered with loving care and kisses by God directly? Surely not, but it would have been your mother who would have loved you very much and shown her love by carrying you on her shoulder, by feeding you her milk, by hugging you when you cry and it was your mother who had cared for your well being. All this could only be done by God who is the form of LOVE and TRUTH and so your mother is GOD in person and so will you if you have that love and compassion for others otherwise you are a DEVIL [sorry not you, I mean all of us].

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You are like the Muslim fanatics in my country who would not accept logic. But if that is how you think or imagine God than I have no comment as small mind have small thoughts. And I would not force you to think in my way coz that would be like brainwashing you. I am what I am and you are what you are. We are between the DEVIL and the deep blue sea. So, it is our individual choice to break away from the chain that binds us from knowing the truth.

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The same Hitler or Bin Laden could have become God if they had compassion for all living being.

••god does not lose his qualities, and god is eternally god, not that sometime's god, sometime's common human, or evil human.. god is SAT.. eternal


Love and Truth is GOD

••qualities of god


you cry and it was your mother who had cared for your well being. All this could only be done by God who is the form of LOVE and TRUTH and so your mother is GOD in person

••no, my mother is not god, she's now old and senile, and she has many health problems... let us say that love comes from the love of god



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You are like the Muslim fanatics in my country who would not accept logic.

••wich logic, that i am god?


But if that is how you think or imagine God than I have no comment as small mind have small thoughts

••a big mind is very competent and expert in giving explanations, but you say your theories and if you do not receive approvation you insult


And I would not force you to think in my way coz that would be like brainwashing you.

••if you think that explaining is brainwashing why are you writing in a forum?


We are between the DEVIL and the deep blue sea

••you have said that we are god, have you changed?


So, it is our individual choice to break away from the chain that binds us from knowing the truth.

••if we are chained we are not god, god is free, this is the truth

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Take a look at whoo created this

the universe we're made of this

its expandin within us

along with outside us

no Im not imaginatin this

our seeds are livin in us

and it takes love to divide us

and thats where the penatration is

the next generation lives

thats where information is

hopefully they can experience what liberation is


whos to tell me that God does not feal the same emotions as me

whos to say that God dosnt have the same battle of good and evil within him

whos to say that me and all of you dont live inside God right now

whos to say that us as people are not the reflection of Gods mind

the same energy that holds me together is the same energy that holds this universe together its mulecular disign is identical so whos to say that the universe is not never ending because it is spreading within and beyond us. I mean I have enough sperm inside me to populate who knows how many planets and whos to say that Im not their God.

this is just an idea just as barney proposed. its just that I have come to understand that everything is a part of God and travels the path that it is saposed to take, and it is erational to think that we know everything about everything when the powers of God are so mysterious.



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<no, my mother is not god, she's now old and senile, and she has many health problems... let us say that love comes from the love of go>


It looks like she had lost that quality whe she found out she had brought forth a child who rebels and disobeys. You have seen and experience the love she had showered on you and yet you do not even value her sacrifices she made in order to raise you to what you are today. But instead you are lookng for something that is unseen without realizeing it is within us. So, it would not serve any purpose in explaining further to someone who does not know what God is all about.


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It may take sometime for you to understand but eventually you will if you explore further. When I say we are all Gods it does not mean we should possess the power in hand. It should be developed and it is not as easy as ABC. Rishis or Sages had taken hundreds of years in meditaions and self control in order to acheive that stage. But those before the verdic period already had such qualities and as I have said it slowly deminished over time because men became selfish and egoistic. When you can control all five senses in your body you would have reached half way to becoming God. This has been proven by many great divine souls.


None of this HKs or the Vaishnavas would want to agree because it distrubes their belief in Krishna. Krishna was a projection of the inner conscience of Arjuna and to relate his experience he had related in parables so that ordinary people would understand the concept of God and to lead a righteous life to attain moksha. That is all to it. The power of mind is very great, greater than the out put of an electric generator. It can be focused to create visions that you cannot imagine. It is like a time capsule. We are only using a small fraction of it. Use it fully for generating love and compassion and you will realize the truth that you are looking for. Do not just brush it side. Those who have acheived are those we call Gods today because we feel we cannot be like them or do not possess their qualities. But to deny it is ignorant. One such person who proved it was Saint Ramalingam of Valladur. Read his life story and you will know where the truth is.

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You have seen and experience the love she had showered on you and yet you do not even value her sacrifices she made in order to raise you to what you are today

••to give value to my mother i have to say that she's god?


So, it would not serve any purpose in explaining further to someone who does not know what God is all about.

••you simply never started to explain or demonstrate, you have shown some beliefs and you are angry and ready to judge who does not accept blindly your theories. if you are god, you will find easily satisfying explanations, god has given vedas, upanishads and so on


When I say we are all Gods it does not mean we should possess the power in hand. It should be developed

••god is eternal, how can he lose the power to be god to have at a certain point the need to develope it? god is often translated with vishnu, he who sustain the universe, so who sustains when vishnu has no more the consciousness to be god and practices to return to his status?


Rishis or Sages had taken hundreds of years in meditaions and self control in order to acheive that stage

••and failed... miserably failed, because it is illogic


But those before the verdic period already had such qualities

••in the vedic, not verdic, period if you went before arjuna or yudistira saying "i am practising to became god" you had to come back home without your head


None of this HKs or the Vaishnavas would want to agree because it distrubes their belief in Krishna.

•.and you are very nice and mercyful if you destroy this illusion, but you have to do it with intelligent and rational demonstration, not simply showing your idea then giving easy judgements on who do not agree


Krishna was a projection of the inner conscience of Arjuna and to relate his experience he had related in parables so that ordinary people would understand the concept of God and to lead a righteous life to attain moksha.

••demonstrate it... the more logic thing is that if i see in a book written john and mary i read that john is jonh, not a projection of the conscience of mary. So if you say such strange thing on gita you have to give ample demonstration on it... otherwise why believe in you?


there's no harm in having strange ideas, but if you want that others follow and believe you have to demonstrate it better and be more able to sustain a discussion. if you want to destroy the other's beliefs you have to give very satisfying reasons

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<--- None of this HKs or the Vaishnavas would want to agree because it distrubes their belief in Krishna. --->


Do you think saivatees believe in some formless brahman as you think ? they are also similiar to vaishnavas. only thing is vaishnavas see vishnu & saivatees see shiva. "Linga" is a archa rupa of God. if you want to worship some "formless" brahman, then only "islam" is suited. so dont think only vaishnavas are opposed to ur view, i think saivatees are equally opposing ur idea.



Just like "Gokul" has correctly said in this thread that your idea is connected with suddhadvaita. so you are coming in right way. only difference is you have to be more broad mined and see also "krishna" as brahman rather than imagining a alienic formless force. krishna is within us. hes everywhere. we are all part of him. thats what its said in Gita. so dont oppose Gita/vaishnavam. whatever you said are supported by Gita. Actually, YOU ARE SUPPORTING GITA UNKNOWINGLY. SO I SALUTE UR DIVINITY.


Jai shri Krishna




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We are not Human Beings on a spiritual Journey.....

We are Spiritual beings on a Human Journey....


We are just a bubble from the fullness...

We hence have the properties of the full....

Only the Chemical sheath that covers the fullness has limitations...

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Krishna continued, "I want to tell you one other thing, the blind father of these evil cousins of yours had 100 sons, yet in the end there was not even one of them left to perform his funeral rites. What is the reason for this? All these sons were the children of God, but the blind king considered them as his. Arjuna, you are also becoming a brother to him. You are deluding yourself with the idea that this body is yours when it really is not yours, at all. By thinking that you are the body, you are developing the same blind outlook. That is complete ignorance. Unless you drive away this ignorance, you will not be able to realize wisdom. You have to develop discrimination and self-inquiry in order for wisdom to enter into you.


"Within your body is the spiritual heart, and within that heart is God. Also in your body is the individual soul. These two, God and the individual, appearing to live separately inside the body, are playing together, acting out their parts in a grand drama. They come together and go apart again, as directed by the author who has written this play. He assigns all the separate roles of good and bad, virtue and sin. But, in truth, there is only the one divinity that plays all these parts.


"From the standpoint of the body, there is the individualized soul manifested as this particular person of body and mind, and there is God who is the indweller of the heart. As long as you have the delusion of the body, these two, God and the soul remain separate entities enjoying their play with each other. As soon as the delusion disappears, they merge into the one all-pervasive divine principle. When you remove the false delusion of body consciousness, you bring about the union of the individual and God. Then you are established in divine consciousness and enjoy eternal bliss."


Teaching in this way, Krishna was able to impart to Arjuna the knowledge for becoming a wise being and the means for reaching the bliss of non-duality. He said, "Arjuna, always have the sense that everything which exists is one and the same entity. Do not allow the senses to pull you away from this feeling of unity and equanimity. Let your heart be free from sorrow and elation, attachment and hatred. Be unaffected by censure or praise. Treat all people equally."


Krishna told Arjuna, "When you firmly believe that everything in this creation is the manifestation of divinity, then you will become steeped in wisdom and freed from illusion. Then you will have realized the true purpose for which you have been born as a human being. Arjuna! Carry out my commands! See me everywhere! Know me to be your very self, the atma! Realize the atma and be forever free!"



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It is your task to search and understand since you deny they are from the Gita. Gita has been interpreted by many so go find the real source and you will know what I am saying. I have found God but you are still searching so keep on searching till you find him.

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