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Stop Abusing and Offending Adi Shankara

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But Shankara did not `misinterpret holy vedas`,he was talking from his own experience of enlightenment and his knowledge of the Veda`s.In fact he was the greatest authority on the Veda`s of his time,defeating anyone who discussed vedic philosophy with him.But his philoshophy comes from his own actual understanding.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

My friend....Sri Raghavendra never proved/ said / thought that he is god. Please dont mislead people. He is one great saint amongst 1000s of great Dwaita saints who certainly is at exhalted postion and is reverred by all. Having said that, Mantralaya mahaprabhu Sri raghavebdra never proved he is god. All he did was with the power of none other than Sri HanumaBheemaMadhwa antargatha Sri Sita Sameta Moola Rama Devaru....


So let us not make this forum more complicated and confusing.



One of your Vaishnavas is trying to compare Raghavendra with Shankara.

and says Shankara is nothing. Dont you call it offending?



mayavadi listen this [re: atanu]

03/15/04 01:03 PM Edit Reply





Dvaita was propounded by Sri Madhvacharya & Sri Raghavendraswamy.


Sri Raghavendraswamy knows all . He preached Dwaitam only. So we foolish mortals have no right to criticize it by telling it as defective.


if you people dont like "Dvaitham", then keep away from it rather than committing blasphemy of criticizing it.


Do you think u know better than Guru Raghavendra. of course comparing to Raghavendra swamy your so called ****************"adi-shankara" is nothing***********. TILL NOW I HAVENT HEARD ANY ADI-SHANKARAS RUSHING TO CALL OF THEIR DEVOTEES, ONLY RAGHAVENDRASWAMY IS DOING IT.


So Raghavendraswamy has proved himself as God (even he had not declared himself due to his humbleness) by blessing his devotees till now (he is even giving darshans to his true devotees).


Hello Mr.Atanu Sri Guru Raghavendraswamy has proved ur so called "Advaitham" as false. do u think urself greater than rayaru.


humbly agree what rayaru tells. otherwise be silent.


Ure not a acharya to give ur views.


we (vaishnavas) agree wat our acharyas said instead of giving our own views.

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  • 9 months later...

I am a Ramanjua follower, and I am ashamed to see any Vaishava believer scorn the Sankara Sampradaya or anyone else. To think that there can be no great devotee or noble person outside my sampradaya is a kind of fanatism. Quarrelling is a waste of time; debates are healthy but using ad hominem attacks will only create bad tamasic feelings within us.

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  • 9 months later...

First of let me Introduce myself. I am a Madhwa Brahmin and my family members do follow Dwaita and Sri Guru Madhwa Pricniples very strictly. Coming to your points of arguments.. First of all I have never heard of any ADvaita Guru or their followers abusing Dvaita in fact the other way around is the true and we madhwa's take a dig at them whenever we find an opportunity which is not at all healthy. secondly, I myself personally have read and talked with people who have experienced miracles performed by Sri Kanchi mahaPeriyavar, Sri Ramana maharishi and Sri shringeri Swamigal and these can be very well read in the blogs written by the people who experienced that in their own life. And I have a question for you, when we read the books written by the Origin of Dvaita philosophy or the one which was established by Sri madhva, we understand gods and angels pleaded Sri Vishnu to send an Devata worthy to combate Advaita and establish Tatva marga. Instead They could have pleaded Vishnu about 2500 years before madhwa's time and could have stopped Adi sanakra being born and this way they could have established dvaita directly and thus saved lots of "Good souls" why this was not done. In my opinion, Madhwa philosophy is just like any other western philosophy of evangelism or dualism where in God remains the king for ever and all the other souls are his slaves this is very typical of any Western philosophy. However, only Advaita which is the essence of Sanatana dharma spoke about the self realisation and liberation and knowing the self as there is only one that exists. It is a practical Vedanta and science proclaims that all the molecules in our body can be found in the external environment of the Universe as well as all the material things of the earth that is what exactly advaita proclaimed "ONE THAT EXISTS" where there is division there comes the problem of discrimination. We all came from the Star dust initially and will go back to the same. But we madhwa's will never be able to enjoy the life with such a freedom as we have sold our freedom in the name of Dualism. if one understands, setting aside all the miracles stories and puranas for a while, one will know our existence has absolutely NO significance in this Vast universe and we are inferior than a tiny bit of ants when compared to this universe and when we die we have a conceit that angels of hell are waiting to punish for our sins and rebirths awaiting. This absolutely nonsense. if one understands pure advaita they will no longer be Afraid of death and rebirths. Becos they know that in realisation we submerge into that one which is Never two. All the best to you and my request to young madhwa people not to get too much emotional and angry to defend dvaita and abuse others.

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Quote"we (vaishnavas) agree wat our acharyas said instead of giving our own views." unquote This is exactly the essence of Western religions. But Original Hindu dharma gives freedom to every ones view. Based on that very freedom only Madhva acharays spoke against advaita now speaking against dvaita is wrong or wht? Our Sanatana dharma never had the view of dualisam. Dualistic principles are from western thinking of 2nd century

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Vijay Sai Ram P.

I salute to all acharyas. I am no one to talk about Acharyas. But couldn’t see that some are insulting the acharyas. Do you know if you insult any acharya neither Lord Vishnu nor Lord shiva will accept you. It’s the biggest sin. 

I am a Vaishnavite.. My grandfather has written Sri ramakoti (1.3 crore times). I pray to Lord Vishnu(goddess lakshmi), Lord Shiva, Shakti goddess, Lord Subramanya, Lord Ganesha. I pray to them equally. 

Sri Adi Shankaracharya too is a Vaishnavite. Sri Adi shankara’s parents gave him his name. Their family diety is Lord Krishna. His name doesn’t mean he is devotee of lord shiva only. Adi shankaracharya wrote hymns on all Gods and explained how we should worship every god. His 1st hymn was krishnashtakam.

What is the difference between we vaishnavites and Muslims, Christians. They all say their god is the only god. 

AdiShankara also wrote
bhaja govindam, Vishnu shatpadi stotram, nrusimha karavalamba stotram, narayana stotram, 

The other great acharyas ramanju, madhava saw every god as lord Vishnu. That doesn’t mean that other gods were ignored by them. Shankaracharya approach was different in the sense he too sees the same in all gods. But he took that extra effort to explain the concept of multiple gods clearly so that we don’t fight on these things. 

Eeshwara is the ultimate divine power, who does one functionality for the sake of the universe. Venkateshwara is the one who cuts of the sins. Similary Rudreshwara has his own functionality. 

I am explaining how i manage to worship all the dieties with equal devotion. I pray to Lord Shiva in the Night and Lord Venkateshwara in the morning. Before starting my Puja or any activity I pray to Lord Ganesha and to Lord Vishnu. This can be done before any activity.

Lord Shiva bestows with the energy (in the form of goddess shakti). This happens in the night when we take rest,sleep(lower form of meditation). Now in the day(when you are active) how to utlize that energy is crucial.

If you use it such way that it follows dharma, then Lord Vishnu who is the project manager(administrator) will see to that you are saved from evil. Else if
you dont follow the dharma , Lord Vishnu makes sure results are bestowed as per the karma. 

Even if you are shaivaite and dont follow dharma, Lord shiva doesnt interfere in Lord vishnu functioning to deal with that person. For example Ravana. Lord shiva's job was to fill Jeeva Shakti into you and live harmoniously in the universe. Gain the knowledge, let your soul evolve and attain god. You didnt pay heed to Lord Shiva intention and you misused it. So lord vishnu will deal with you. 

Note::If you observe kings, kshatriyas they do meditation and tapasya for many years to attain astra and shastras. Why do they meditate and then only achieve these. Why cant they be alive and be in public and attain those tremendous energy. Because its very tough to do so and i guess least likely to be done. 

You cannot worship lord shiva and say i will not worship lord vishnu at all Or Vice versa. because both of them get the energy from Supreme Lord Eeshwara. They are equal with different functionality to do. Worshipping any of them leads to final destination Lord Eeshwara. Lord Eeshwara is all Gods combined. This is whom muslims refer to Allah. And chistians refere to as Jesus's father. The Hindus mastered the art of seeing the same in all Gods and able to worship gods as per the situation. 

For example :: Annamacharya is devotee of lord venkateswara prayed to lord narasimha while he was tied ot being tortured by the king. Because the purpose of Narasimha avatara is to protect his devotees immedeately. Why didn’t he pray to lord venkateswara in that case ? 

Adi shankara was protected by Lord Narasimha when he was attached by kapalikas. 

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Guest vijay sai ram paruchuri


“And such was the heart of Shankara that he burned to death lots of Buddhist monks by defeating them in arguments (quarrel?). What can you call such an action on Shankara’s part except fanaticism?”


[Vivekananda: Complete Works vol. VII, p. 117 ff.]

I have not come across any such line in this book.   You are misleading people.    Boss to forth argument you should first tell what you follow and whom you follow. So that one can argue in your way.    



Please dont take acharyas as filmi heroes and compare them.   LIke Shahrukh fans  versus Aamir khan fans.    Sharukh versus Salman.        

You are doing lot of harm to yourself.   



Let me give you one example.     In Andhra Pradesh ,  Brahmasri Chaganti Koteshwara rao garu  comes from lineage of Adi Shankaracharya teachings. 

He is the officially appointed by TTD to spread knowledge about Lord Venkateshwara.       That itself means they are taught about all Gods not just one.  


He gives teachings about all Gods, rivers, temples,  personality development etc.    If you follow those teachings you will know what is each Gods role.   



Adi shankaracharya told,  Have atleast  5 dieties in your puja room.    Who ever is you ishta deva have that god diety in the centre and rest to his left , right.

And these are    Lord Ganesh,  Lord Vishnu,  Lord Shiva,  Godess Shakti (combination of all goddesses  parvati,  lakshmi,  saraswati),    and Lord sun.


The sixth one Lord Subramanya also should be there but he is jyothi swarupa. So the light(Diya) we put represents Subramanya swamy.



Now tell me who explained these things clearly about sanatana dharma.     The other acharyas tell worship on this god thats it.   They are not  wrong.  They see their favourite god in all. 


Take the divine Salagramas which represent Lord Vishnu.   Now why do we have Shiva salagram.     

Take Rudraksha  which represent Lord Siva.   But the    10 mukhi,  19 mukhi  represent Lord Vishnu   and   8 mukhi Lakshmi devi.     14 and 11 mukhi represents   Lord Hanuman.  


How can you say i will worship only one God and ignore the other.  I would agree with you if you say all gods are same and i see my favourite god in all of them . Then i agree. 

To say i dont agree other gods exist is too foolish.    


And you know one thing, Until you know all tattva(gods)  you cannot attain the final destination.  No way.    If you follow narrow minded teachings its a regressive step. As you tend to hate or show arrogance towards other gods(tattvas). 


Mandana Mishra   is worshipped in Sringeri.  He was the fiercest ideological  opponent of Adi Shankaracharya.    



Why did sitva devi install so many shiva lingas.   Why did Rama, Laxman, Hanuman,  Pandavas establish shiva lingas in temples like  Sri kalahasti and Srisailam.


Do you know Pandavas (lord krishna disciples) build kedarnath temple (lord shiva).


Keesara gutta  near hyderabad is a shiva temple where lingas were installed by Lord Rama, Lord Hanuman.   


Rameshwaram, Krishneshwar in dwaraka.  


Goto  Aundha Nagnath or watch the youtube video of the temple..  You will a beatiful  Lord venkateshwara deity in Garbhalayam..


And remember  Lord vishnu deity in Lord shiva temple is the most poweful.    Similarly the shiva linga in lord vishnu temple is most powerful..   

This is what is taught by   Chaganti guruji.  


I wasnt so religious,  one pujari asked us to listen to his teachings when my wife was pregnant.  It will help the kid inside learn good things from childhood.


 There we started listening to his teachings.   What i typed here is gist of that.    


there are  7 main spiritual chakras in your body.    


one chakra belongs to lord Ganesh.    Two Chakras are governed by Vishnu tattva .  Two chakras by Shiva tattva.

There are two main nadis which start from bottom of spine and end up at place where we put tilak on forehad.   


These two nadis are like two snakes.  Which meet only these two points  (bottom of spine and forehead).  You can see these image in net.

These are controlled by lord subramanya.     


The kundalini shakti represents goddess Shakti.       Now if you say i dont believe in Lord Vishnu,  please cut your body where he controlls. 

Now if you say i dont believe in Lord shiva.   Cut your body where Shiva controls.   


If you say you dont believe in goddess Shakti  then you shouldnt be able to move a single part of your body at all.  Like Ahalya who was stoned. 



Grow up guys. Grow up.    Even if you reject now, in the next birth from the luck you create yourself , you will ultimately learn what all tattvas mean.



Just saying i wont believe that god this god is regressive.   Think first when should i pray to which god.   


I go for lord shiva abhishekha on Monday and Lord Venkateshwara  every saturday.     I will be depressed if asked to worship only one god.  

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