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Insults on Vaishnavam by christians

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This is with reference to the program telecast on God TV in India on 2nd march'04

at 11am IST a program by CBN TV where the so called miracles supposedly done by jesus were explained. In one such incident, a self proclaimed ex-Hare Krishna

Devotee goes on to narrate his experiences and calls Hare Krishna the devil. Further

the anchor (an old man) goes on to say that "Hare Krishna is the Axis of evil" and

Lord Krishna as the "devil" and goes on to compare Hinduism, Buddhism, alcoholism, drugs, sex, as the acts of devil.

This is totally uncalled for insults on our religion. By telecasting this program,

The GOD TV channel is guilty of blasphemy. The real axis of evil is the missionaries who are polluting the peaceful communal harmony in India and sowing the seeds of hatred in the minds of non-christians. If this is you peoples attitude find what was done to Michael stains and his family is justified. These people should not go scot-free for airing such filth. They should pack their dirty bags and QUIT INDIA!!I request you to kindly take this matter with appropriate people and punish the offenders of India and Hinduism.

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It's disgusting that programmes like this are shown in India - the Land of Hinduism, Buddhism Sikhism, etc. but I wonder, even though Hindus are offended, what are they doing about it? They should do something influential so that this sort of stuff doesn't happenb again. The other day I saw the 'stardust award' which contained a comedy sketch in which Hindu Sadhus were made fun of. Not everyone in the audience found it funny, but they didn't do anything to show their disapproval.


I think that there is legitimate criticism of the Bible, Christ and Christians which we should bring to light, it will put these nutcase missionaries in an embarassing position when you raise questions they have no answers for. And when the historicity of christ is drawn upon, you can see them get uncomfortable.


Hindus should also answer their false proaganda and not let them get away with spreading their garbage on Hinduism.

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the problem is that any religion who insults another religious is insulting no other than himself


if an hindu insults a christian or christ or a christian insults hindus or vishnu. atheists and materialist people will see that we are more materialist than them and they never will choose to accept any path to reach god


so criticism of bible, vedas, christ, krishna is never legitimate, let us not behave as materialists or we will have some discussion with sri yamaraja in very short time... if we will say "oh... but other religious have criticized my religion"... it will be absolutely useless

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Karunanidhi is one best example of anti hindu politician you can find in India.

Leave alone christians, Karunanidhi alone is enough.

He ad his family needs to be taught a lesson.


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"the problem is that any religion who insults another religious is insulting no other than himself"


I totally disagree with you! I'm not talking about Insulting, I'm talking about reasonable legitimate criticism. I don't think you're familiar with the fact that Hindu scholars have debated since time immemorial with other religious scholars (both Hindu and non-Hindu) especially at Vanarasi. If we have criticism of any religious school why not Christianity and Islam also? There's alot there to criticise! Why bury our heads in the sand and wish the christians to stop insulting Vaishnavas or Hindus, when it can be easily solved by debating with them...intellectualy of course and all the criticisms should be legitimate. We can withstand their criticisms but they can't even stand being criticised...it's quick to shut them up. I find that when a Hindu is clued up on his/her religion they can stand up to criticism and defend it well, that people would think twice about converting.


Christianity is NOT the same religion as Hinduism, OK!

One believes in heaven/hell and fate, the other believes in Moksha, reincarnation and karma. One belives it is the only true path and all others go to hell, the other believes there are many paths to God. The fact that some Hindus don't like to face facts, shows laziness on their part.

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"the problem is that any religion who insults another religious is insulting no other than himself"

I totally disagree with you! I'm not talking about Insulting, I'm talking about reasonable legitimate criticism

•••if i say insult, i mean insult.. if you agree that insulting is useless you agree with me... maybe you are simply disagreing with your imagination



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Yes, but I don't see that even if a person insults anothers religion, how are they insulting themselves? If they insult another religion they obviosly don't respect it, so they don't care what people of other religions think of them, since they don't believe their concept of God is the same as another, so they are really insulting another person's opinion. Insult is something that people feel.


Insulting is not the right way, but debating certainly is, the whole point is to get people thinking.

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Yes, but I don't see that even if a person insults anothers religion, how are they insulting themselves?

••because atheists think that religions are false and religious pratictioneer are hypochrites. If we show the same tendence to be envious and insulting we help people to lose respect to religion as a whole. If they see a hindu who shows that a christian is stupid, people do not think "oh, let us join hinduism not christianism", they think: "they're simply quarrelling like we are very able to do.. so they're like use, they do not have a better behaviour... so to be religious is useless"


Insulting is not the right way, but debating certainly is, the whole point is to get people thinking.

••i have nothing against debate, i am here to debate everyday... let us only think that many people consider religion as a whole, for example the islamic terrorism causes in the majority of people the belief that religion is a bad thing, or that following faithfully a religion is bad, not that only islamic religion is a bad thing and the others are nice


so i vote for debate, exchanging realizations, solving doubts to help ourselves to understand more on spiritual reality, not with the mere purpose to beat others.... some christian fanaticism in india is not the whole behaviour of all christians

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