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Was the Taj Mahal a Vedic Shiva Temple?

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Was the Taj Mahal a Vedic Temple?


The Photographic Evidence


This presents photographs (listed below) that show the Vedic influence found in such buildings as the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, and other structures in India. It also presents photos of drawings and art that have been discovered from other parts of the world, such as Arabia, Egypt, Greece and Italy, that show a definite Vedic influence. No matter whether you accept all of this or not, it nonetheless makes for an extremely fascinating and interesting story. Take a look and decide for yourself what you think. Also, let other people know about these, or download them to print and use them for your own displays in your temple, office or home.




We have all heard how the Taj Mahal, which is considered one of the great wonders of the world, was built as the preeminent expression of a man's love for a wife. That it was built by emperor Shah Jahan in commemoration of his wife Mumtaz. However, in our continuous effort to get to the truth, we have recently acquired some very important documents and information. There is evidence that the Taj Mahal was never built by Shah Jahan. Some say the Taj Mahal pre-dates Shah Jahan by several centuries and was originally built as a Hindu or Vedic temple/palace complex. Shah Jahan merely acquired it from its previous owner, the Hindu King Jai Singh.


This controversy is something I have explained more thoroughly in my book, "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence." So, for those who want to know the details of this issue, you can find it there. And here is the photographic evidence that will provide greater insights into this. The point to consider is how much more of India's history has been distorted if the background of such a grand building is so inaccurate.


These photographs are taken from an album that was found and then smuggled out of India. On the back of each photo there is a stamp mark that says, "Archaeology Survey of India." This signifies their authenticity and that they were the property of that institution. This means a number of things: That the Archaeology Survey of India (ASI) has been researching the evidence that proves the Taj Mahal and many other buildings were not of Muslim origin, and that they know this information but remain silent about it. It also shows that in spite of this evidence they refuse to open up further research that would reveal the true nature and originality of the buildings, and lead to understanding another part of the real history and glory of India. This attitude is something that must be changed.


It is because of the manipulation of history by invaders that the true greatness of India and Vedic culture has been stifled or hidden. And it is time that people everywhere realize how numerous lies and false propaganda have been passed around as if it were the truth in regard to India and its past, as well as its art, archeology, and the wonder of its culture. India and its Vedic society was one of the preeminent civilizations of the world, as I explained in "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence." Now, through the increasing amount of revealing evidence that is being uncovered, that greatness of India's past and its contributions to the world are gradually being recognized. It is because of this that it is now time to rewrite the history of India.


These photos are black and white and were found in a simple photo album in India. Except for old age and some water damage on some of them (creating white spots in areas), most are still in relatively good condition. Each photograph was accompanied by a typed caption taped in the album near the photo, each of which gives a very interesting explanation of the subject and the Vedic influence recognized on the building and what it means. The captions accompany the photos on the following pages just as they were written in the album, so the style of English and the explanations are kept the same. They are obviously written from an Indian perspective. Whatever I may say about the photos are displayed in brackets . Otherwise I let the captions and photos speak for themselves. Some of these photos will show areas of the Taj where the public has no access, or what is rarely seen or noticed. [However, due to occasional high traffic of people viewing the same photos at times, sometimes the photos do not appear on the screen. So if you get a message saying this page is not viewable at this time, try again later or try a different photo.]







"The Question of the Taj Mahal" (Itihas Patrika, vol 5, pp. 98-111, 1985) by P. S. Bhat and A. L. Athavale is a profound and thoroughly researched and well balanced paper on the Taj Mahal controversy. This paper goes well with the photographs listed below. It uncovers the reasons for the rumors and assumptions of why it is said that Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal, and presents all the inconsistencies of why that theory doesn't hold up. It also covers such things as the descriptions found in the old Agra court papers on the Taj; descriptions and measurements of the building in the old records; Aurangzeb's letter of the much needed repairs even in 1632 which is unlikely for a new building; records that reveal Shah Jahan acquired marble but was it enough for really building the Taj or merely for inlay work and decorative coverings; the observations of European travelers at the time; the actual age of the Taj; how the architecture is definitely of Indian Hindu orientation and could very well have been designed as a Shiva temple; the issue of the arch and the dome; how the invader Timurlung (1398) took back thousands of prisoner craftsmen to build his capital at Samarkhand and where the dome could have been incorporated into Islamic architecture; how it was not Shah Jahan's religious tolerance that could have been a reason for Hindu elements in the design of the Taj; how the direction of the mosque does not point toward Mecca as most mosques do; the real purpose of the minarets at the Taj; the Hindu symbolism recognized in the Taj which would not have been allowed if it was truly Muslim built; and even as late as 1910 the Encyclopaedia Britannica included the statement by Fergusson that the building was previously a palace before becoming a tomb for Shah Jahan; and more. A most interesting paper.


"An Architect Looks at the Taj Mahal Legend" by Marvin Mills, is a great review of the information available on the Taj Mahal and raises some very interesting questions that make it obvious that the Taj could not have been built the way or during the time that history presents, which makes it more like a fable than accurate history. This suggests a construction date of 1359 AD, about 300 years before Shah Jahan.


Mr. P. N. Oak is another who has done much research into this topic. He has presented his own conclusions in his books, most notably Taj Mahal--The True Story (ISBN: 0-9611614-4-2). You can order his books from the Publisher: A. Ghosh, 5720 W. Little York # 216, Houston, Texas, 77091.


Here is a summary of evidence that shows Shah Jahan did not build the Taj Mahal, but that it was originally built at least 500 years earlier in 1155 AD by Raja Paramardi Dev as a Vedic temple. It provides an overview of the research by P. N. Oak and lists the 109 proofs of how the Taj Mahal was a pre-existing Hindu temple palace: http://www.caribbeanhindu.com/taj_mahal.htm.


This site gives the BBC's view on the Taj Mahal and briefly explains both sides of the story, that maybe Shah Jahan built the Taj and maybe he didn't: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A5220.


The Letter of Aurangzeb ordering repairs on the old Taj Mahal in the year just before it is said to have been completed.


The Badshahnama is the history written by the Emporer's own chronicler. This page shows how Aurangzeb had acquired the Taj from the prevous owner, Jai Singh, grandson of Raja Mansingh, after selcting this site for the burial of Queen Mumtaz.





The following photographs are divided according to content and accessed through the links. Click on the photo number for access:


Taj Mahal Photo #1 Aerial view of the Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal Photo #2 The interior water well

Taj Mahal Photo #3 Frontal view of the Taj Mahal and dome

Taj Mahal Photo #4 Close up of the dome with pinnacle

Taj Mahal Photo #5 Close up of the pinnacle

Taj Mahal Photo #6 Inlaid pinnacle pattern in courtyard

Taj Mahal Photo #7 Red lotus at apex of the entrance

Taj Mahal Photo #8 Rear view of the Taj & 22 apartments

Taj Mahal Photo #9 View of sealed doors & windows in back

Taj Mahal Photo #10 Typical Vedic style corridors

Taj Mahal Photo #11 The Music House--a contradiction

Taj Mahal Photo #12 A locked room on upper floor

Taj Mahal Photo #13 A marble apartment on ground floor

Taj Mahal Photo #14 The OM in the flowers on the walls

Taj Mahal Photo #15 Staircase that leads to the lower levels

Taj Mahal Photo #16 300 foot long corridor inside apartments

Taj Mahal Photo #17 One of the 22 rooms in the secret lower level

Taj Mahal Photo #18 Interior of one of the 22 secret rooms

Taj Mahal Photo #19 Interior of another of the locked rooms

Taj Mahal Photo #20 Vedic design on ceiling of a locked room

Taj Mahal Photo #21 Huge ventilator sealed shut with bricks

Taj Mahal Photo #22 Secret walled door that leads to other rooms

Taj Mahal Photo #23 Secret bricked door that hides more evidence

Taj Mahal Photo #24 Palace in Barhanpur where Mumtaz died

Taj Mahal Photo #25 Pavilion where Mumtaz is said to be buried



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In fact the people of India after gaining independence from the British bulldogs should have torn down all structures of foreign elements as it is India's right as a sovereign nation. When the Muslims invaded India they tore down all temples as it is against their religion to have a pagan temple which showed they had no respect for others belief. And so it is India's right to do the same. But it is too late now as the Taj Mahal has been gazetted as an heritage building. But it is never too late coz the Talibans in Afghanistan blew up the 1000 years old Buddha's statue. To teach the barbarians you must become one. The question now is who will initiate the move in India? But you must remember that it has to be under legal ground with clear evidence and has to be approved by the court of law and parliment not by hooliganism. You have to go through the UN and claim the right. The question here is do you have the money and time here?

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Especially when the Buddhas of Bamiyan were blown up, even after protests, requests from most of the other nations ( including India).


The only problem with hindoos is, ( from my personal experience with my friends) most of them say " Ok, Rama's temple existed, Babar destroyed it, It doesn't mean we shud also behave like them".


I donno where this sort of attitude came from.


Another problem is India should have been declared as a Hindu nation the first day it got independence, and that would have been the right time to install dharma in the nation.


To add fuel to fire, we have the Dravidian parties, Christian missionaries, and all funny stuff back home.

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Fortunately south india was a bit safe, and especially tamilnadu has the best and biggest temples in India.


To name a few, Kailasanathar temple, Ekambareswarar temple,

Tiruvannamalai temple, Madurai temple, Rameswaram temple, Tanjai Periya Koil, Chidambaram Natraja temple etc etc.

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madhav Ji agreed that it was a barbaric act by barbarians,


ALso do barbarians have a sense of beauty ? I dont think so. In his life of 48 or even lets say 60 years he had more than 60 battles recorded inhistory, where was the time for planning a 22 years of this building.


Also It is a historical fact that Tejo Mahalaya exsisted in the city of Agreshwar(Agra) where there was such a beautifull white temple that Lord shiva had forgotten baout Sri Kailas Dham.


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if what is being said is true...then the great mahadeva in impeccable ways of His is giving darshan to millions of foreigners and locals alike and sanctifying their birth.


u get wet whether u plunge into a lake or when u are thrown into it.


jai shiva om kara.

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"But it is never too late coz the Talibans in Afghanistan blew up the 1000 years old Buddha's statue. To teach the barbarians you must become one. The question now is who will initiate the move in India?"


First of all it is very unfortuante what the muslim invaders did to india, that is truly barbaric, but

you are asuming that all afghan muslims supported the destruction of budha's statue..thats stereotyping.

I know many afghans who were very saddened by the destruction of their statues. Infact the people who took care of the budhist statues for so long were afghan muslims.


Secondly the taliban were mostly arabs and pakistanis..only a handful of afghans supported the taliban. INfact they had more support in pakistan than in afghanistan.

Look at the egyptians, how they take care of their history and heritage...even though its pagan to them.



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<< To teach the barbarians you must become one. >>


Arjun did not become a barbrian when he fought duryodhan.

to win over asuras, anything is fair.


<< The question now is who will initiate the move in India? >>


The concerened hindus, who else would care?


<< But you must remember that it has to be under legal ground with clear evidence and has to be approved by the court of law and parliment not by hooliganism. >>


no, when the power is in the hands of the crooks.

your above statemet assumes hat currently it is rama rajya in india, and just decisions can be made. that is not true.


concerned hindus (unitedly) need to take action by themselves on the footing of kranti. kranti is nothing but sudden and quick change. it is not a perfect act but it will get the result.


<< You have to go through the UN and claim the right. >>


we owe nothing to UN. UN cannot solve any problem.

it is just a stoodge of powerfuls.


<< The question here is do you have the money and time here? >>


the question is, do the readers understand my point?

if so, tell to others. make a sincere wish to bring about the change. do something, whatever you could, and make all efforts to unite the hindus, make them aware of the problem and how to solve.


no one has cared for our problems.

they actually have caused us problems.

we owe to us to solve our own problems

by our own strength and will.


if sanatana dharma has value, and we know it has,

then following dharma, directly from gita

should get the result we want.


afghanistan will be our true friend when they rebuild buddha statua againas it was. china built it in china.

why not afghanistan?


we need to create an environment in india which whoudl cause the muslims of india to happily remove babri masjid and rebuld rama temple per our vedic direction.

when such enviroment is created, most muslims will willingly give up islam if they prefer to live in india.

ideology is our enemy, not people.

if some barbariands do nto understand,

we would have no choice left but strong hand.


every hindu who has a muslim friend in india, need to help the muslim to understand that it is not a good idea to hold on to islam in india any more. there are reasons for it and i have talked about them before.


islam never had any right to invade india forcibly, and we always have the right to expell the invaded ideology when we know it is enemy to hinduism.



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