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Jaya Parvati Vrat

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Hello friends


Can anyone give me further information about this fast? The story behind it, its significance, what one should eat/not eat? I know one is supposed to grow wheat, and eat something made of wheat, whilst avoiding salt.


Many thanks.



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  • 3 months later...
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i read ur message. u know what im confused too, as i thought anyone can fast but i read its only for married woman. dont know what to believe. anway its starting on 30th june i guess gud luck if u fast. if u want to email me email me on dreshl@




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umA maheshvara vratam

When observed

This is one of the aShTa mahA vartams told in ska.ndha purANam. It is observed on the full moon day when the sun is shining in the vruchchika rAsi that is in the month of kArthikai(Mid Nov to Mid Dec).


Way of observing

Getting up early in the morning on that full moon day, finishing the daily duties, one worships the form of shri umA maheshvara made of gold or silver, with various sacrad materials of worship and offerings. Later going to a temple one anoints the pArvati-paramEshvara with panychAmrutam (fruits mixed with sugar) and other substances, salute with offerings and tAmbUlam, pray the Lord making the gestures of salutations. Coming back home donating to the love hearted devotees of Lord shiva, one eats with them only once that day or may eat fruits and sweets along with them. The idol of the Lord umA maheshvara is given to a shivanyAni.



One who observes this vrata sincerely, would get the material benefits of the world. Afterwards would get the liberation too. A sightless muni called dhiraNabin^dhu observing this vrata got beautiful eyes. A lady by the glory of this vratam revived her dead husband, gave birth to a child and got to reach shivalOka. viShNu following this vratam in kR^iShNAvatAram got many children. braHmA got married to gAyatri, sAvitri, indra got the son jayantan, vaShiShTar received kAmadEnu for doing his yagnya, gautamar got the son sadAnanta mahaR^iShi, janaka got the daughter sIta. A dumb minded person called sudharman, mocked by the people about his stupidity, observed this vratam in devotion. By the Lord's blessing he got the grace of goddess sarasvati and he became a pundit. The king sindhusenan was chased away by the enemies. He observed this vratam as per the advise of saint agastiyar. On the Lord's order kubera won back the kingdom for him and handed over to him. This vratam gets to the observer the wealths and takes to the path of liberation.


The glory of performing the VARALAKSHMI VRATAM, narrated directly by Lord Shiva Himself, is elaborately discussed in the Skanda Puranam. This is a festival to propitiate Shri Varalakshmi (Mahalakshmi ) - the consort of Lord Vishnu, who is the abode of all mangalam (auspiciousness) , prosperity and wealth. The Varalakshmi Vratam is to be performed on the shrAvaNa shukla shukra vAram , that is, the Friday immediately following the full moon day (Purnima) in the auspicious month of Shravanam (corresponding to August - September). This Vratam is undertaken by the sumangalis (whose husbands are still living) for good progeny, good health, and wishing long life for the husbands.


Lakshmi is symbolic of eight forces - wealth (shrI), earth (bhU), learning (sarasvati), love (prIti), fame (kIrti), peace (shAnti), pleasure (tuShTi), and strength (puShTi). Each of these forces is called a Lakshmi, and collectively they are known as ashTa lakshmi. Worship of Varalakshmi is rendered equivalent to the pUja for ashTalakshmi. Since She is ever ready to grant boons to her true devotees, she is usually referred to as "vara lakshmi".


The Worship


The rituals of worship during the Varalakshmi Vratam differ from region to region in south India, but they all have the same basic format. The performer begins the day with a holy purification bath, and wears clean clothes. The arena is decorated with kolam (rangoli). A geometrical design known as mandalam is then drawn on the clean surface of the floor (with the picture of a lotus upon it). A sacred pot (kalasham) is filled with pure water and rice (akshata), topped with a bunch fresh mango leaves, and a coconut (unbroken, with its kudimi on) smeared with turmeric powder is placed atop. Also, sandal paste and kumkumam are applied to the kalasham, and a cloth is tied around it before placing it on the mandalam. Some people further beautify the kalasham with a picture of Varalakshmi drawn on it and decorated with jewels. Then, Goddess Lakshmi is invoked. Fresh flowers and grains are used in the worship, indicating growth and prosperity.


After performing the initial worship of Lord Ganesha (seeking removal all obstacles), prayers are offered to the kalasham. A toram (which consists of nine threads and nine knots) is tied to the Goddess. Then they worship the thread (raksha). Now the main worship of Lakshmi begins, with a second worship of the sacred Thread. Finally, it is tied around the right hand of the performer. Prayers in the form of Lakshmi Ashtottara shatanAma and sahasranAma are then chanted. Another sumangali is then chosen, and she is offered auspicious articles as gifts and food. The function concludes with the singing of several hymns and songs in praise of Varalakshmi.




There are several varied legends associated with this festival. Goddess Parvathi once asked Lord Shiva to recommend her a vratam, which would be beneficial for the womenfolk on earth who seek prosperity. Then, Lord Shiva preached her about Varalakshmi Vratam (as mentioned in Skanda Puranam). To illustrate the sanctity of this vratam, Lord Shiva then narrated the story of one Charumati (of Kuntinapura in the Maratha desham). Charumati was a true pativrata (devoted to husband in all sincerity). Pleased with her true and undivided devotion to her husband, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in her dream and advised her to undertake the Varalakshmi Vratam on the auspicious day of shrAvana shukLa shukRa vAram. Charumati performed this pUja with utmost devotion, the same day, in the dream itself (mAnasIka pUja). The next day she narrated this dream to her husband, and with his full consent, to all other women folk in town. On the auspicious day, she did not fail to perform Varalakshmi vratam as prescribed to her by Goddess Parvathi. Then some miracles took place. As the womenfolk stepped out of the house, they saw all houses decked with riches and gold, and a golden chariot awaiting them outside Charumati's house. Everything seemed bountiful! Ever since, this Vratam has been regularly performed in households.


Another legend is that a person by name Chitranemi was once cursed (to become a leper) by Parvati for showing partiality toward Lord Shiva in a game, in which he was the judge. Chitranemi got shApa vimochanam (relief from this curse) when he watched with great attention, the Varalakshmi Vratam performed by some pious ladies.


Legend also says that this Vratam was later conveyed by sage Suka to Shaunaka and other sages. There are numerous varying legends too


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  • 2 weeks later...
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hello, it seems our questions have not yet been answered. i have started the vrat today but am unsure exactly what i can/cannot eat and why - more importantly.


please could someone shed some light on this for me and others who also ask these questions.


thank you



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It seems it is for your husband's long life. You can perform it before you are married for your future husband. Usually you leave the last vrat (minimum of 5) until you are actually married.


This is my 3rd year. I am eating - fruit, potatoes, nuts, milk, cream, sugar, chappatis (once a day only), cucumbers (I think once a day only - but not sure - I make a raita), yogurt, jeera, black pepper, mogo, penda's and burfi's etc, mango pulp, BUT NO SALT or Vegetables or rice or any other grains. You can get unsalted crisps and make a dip of avacado with lemon and black pepper - I just thought of it this lunch time and I will try it tonight.


You have to do a Jaran all night on Sunday until 5am I think. I need to check this.


Do you guys not have any aunties you can ask about this?


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I am doing the vrat too and as far as i know u dont eat the salt , u can eat fruits and u can also eat once like roti and dahi(yogurt) or shrikhand (sweets). But i am not sure though u can ask someone just to make sure.

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what i know from my aunties etc. is that you're suppose to do the vrat for 5 years. but your 5th year you do when you are married and you celebrate it with your husbands family by feeding a group of unmarried girls poori and kheer on the 6th day (goirni). what most people do is stop the fast after 4 years and then do the 5th year after they're married.


what you are allowed to eat is normal ferrari stuff like potatoes, fruit, milk, yogurt, mogo, nuts etc. but no salt. then you ek tarno (once a day) where you can eat either rotli or rice (you pick one and only one and stick to the same thing for 5 years) and eat with yogurt or tomatoe curry, or potato curry etc.- again no salt.


you have to also grow wheat (javera) which you do chandlo to everyday and also wrap a khanti aroun it every day (this is a string of cotton wool separated by kankoo at a few intervals). and do abhisheka (pour water milk then water again on a shivling) whilst chanting om namah shivai. the other thing you have to do is get 5 leaves 5 pieces of fruit, 5 sopari- with money under it and a coconut and place it on a thali. put kankoo and kum kum and rice on each of the sopari, and offer it to shankar bhagwan, this only has to be done on one of the 5 days- i do it on the last.

on the 5th day you have to stay up until sunrise- then take a bath, pray and break your fast.

on the 6th day you must put your javera on the river or something equivalent.


i hope this helps.









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you are correct,

how ever it is not necessary that you do 5 years of it, it can be any amount as long as it is a odd number.. e.g.. 3, 7. etc,, and many as you want until you are married or even until after you are married. and yes you celebrate/save the last one until when you are married how ever you can also start them when you are married. the Last one is celebrated with your husband and family by feeding women ( known as Goirni) the amount you feed depends on the number of years you have done the fast for.) and this would be celebrated on the 6th day (after your last fast Ideally you should invite married ladies whose husbands are alive and in good health.

My Bahbi is doing her 5th one (last one this year) and it is her first year as a wife, and on the 6th day has invited 5 married ladies over to be the (Goirni) I am doing my first one this year although I am already in my first year of marriage, like anything to do with our Hindu religion the person must have the self willingness/wanting to do any type of vrat. And this one in particular is for the happiness, health, wealth and long and good life for your husband - if you start them before you are married you are doing them for your future husband to be and praying and wishing the best in him/for him and what you get.

And it was as I understand something that Parvati done to show her love for Lord Shiva, and he was pleased with etc.. so then she asked all woman to follow to please their husbands/future husbands to be. etc...


so basically everything else you said sounds about right. and the puja you can do on the last day.

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hey, just read your messages and to some extent has confussed me. is there any chance that any one can tell me what its all about and what you have to do on a daily basis,




and good luck to everyone doing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have been doing this vrat for a while now and the way in which I have always done it is as follows:


Two days before vrat starts you need to do the Agiyaras which is the 11 day of the month vrat is to start.


You then start vrat on the 13th day of the month.


In the morning after having your bath you should

firstly do pooja, then read the vrat story followed by singing the arti.


The pooja is fairly short and i have an english version of the pooja listing, story and arthi should you wish to use it. I have read several of the replies given and I have never heard of anyone eating cucumber or vegetables such as potatoes. Should you want any more detail i will be happy to oblige



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  • 1 month later...



my name is sheetal and i was wondering if you would'nt mind giving me your version of the vrat katha and aarti please as this will really help me, if possible could you email is to me

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  • 9 months later...
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Hi there, I am hoping to do the vrat this year. You say you have the english version, would it be possible to email it to me at also is it right u do the agyaras before the vrat? Please advise. And also is it true that u can only do jaya parvati if u have done morakath. I'm sorry if i sound ignoronat its just that I dont knw much about this although I am a hindu.

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{Somebody please go into details, I need to find a husband too. Can I specify what kind of husband I want? *laughed when I saw this post* }


Life is one long journey. We all need to experiment and find out for ourselves. Performing Gauri Puja is recommended for all brides and brides-to-be. During the time of Lord Krishna, the Gopis performed Gauri Puja to get Lord Krishna as their Husband. Rukmini was engaged in Gauri Puja when Lord Krishna appeared and whisked her away to safety. Even if a husband will not become readily available upon doing the Puja, spiritual satisfaction cannot be beat.



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  • 1 month later...
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Hi, I am also interested in doing this vrat. Can u please send me the English version and all the details to

Thanks and lookign forward to your reply..

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i would like to know about activites held on the jagran night to keep us awake.

i would also like the form of prayers in English if possible and what we can/can't eat.




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I went thru the postings on this site, and there is some conflicting information about the celebration at the end of 5th year when one is married. This is my last year and my first year of marriage and I will be celebrating this Sunday. What is conflicting is that do I call 5 unmarried or married females to celebrate?


Any insight on this and also the english verson of the katha/vrat would be helpful. Please email me at psoni8@hotmail.com



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I was wondering if you could please send me the english version of the aarti and pooja. This is my 6th yr doing it and i've been keeping an eye out for an english version but never found one.

Thanks very much




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello, I am new to all this. I would love to keep vrats and do pooja's . I read som articles online as to how to do this vrat and asked my boyfriend if we can keep it in his house as he is going thru some financial issues .. he loves the idea but does not want his parents and sister to be invited as guests..feels it would be like a formal announcement he was making that I am going to be life partner..afraid of committment now.


I want to keep this vrat...so I can sort issues between us and help solve his problems and my family problems.

I need to get married soon. What all can I do for this Vrat? Please advise...Thankyou.. please send me any mantras or stories or anything that I need to chant for that day or everyday - you can mail it to my_love_sanjive@

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