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Divine Wealth - Daivi Sampat

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Divine Wealth - Daivi Sampat

From the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, I.3.1.

"Verily there are two classes of the

Creator's creatures - gods and demons."


From The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16, Verse 6:

"There are two types of beings in this

world, the divine and the demoniacal"


Explanations drawn from the writings of

Swami Shivananda, Divine Life Society, Rishikesh


The Divine Wealth consists of 26 attributes

These are described inThe Bhagavad Gita,

Chapter16, Verses1, 2 and 3


Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 1: The Blessed Lord said :

Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in Knowledge and Yoga, almsgiving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of scriptures, austerity, and straightforwardness


Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 2 :

Harmlessness (Ahimsa), truth, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion towards beings, freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty, absence of fickleness


Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 3 :

Vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of hatred,

absence of overweening pride - these belong to the one who

is born with Divine treasures.


Commentary by Swami Shivananda, Rishikesh:


The 16th chapter of The Bhagavad Gita is called

'The division between the Divine and the demoniacal'.


Daivi prakrti (Divine treasure or Daivi sampat) or the nature of the gods leads to moksha (liberation) or release from the rounds of birth and death The nature of the demoniacals leads to bondage.

The Divine nature must be accepted and cultivated. The demoniacal nature should be abandoned. All these qualities are found in human beings. There are Sattwic people who possess the Divine attributes. There are among human beings those that are endowed with demoniacal qualities, who are filled with excessive Tamas.

In an ordinary man there is a mixture of the three gunas (Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas). Tamas and Rajas pull a man downwards; Sattwa lifts a man upwards. Tamas and Rajas lead to bondage; Sattwa helps to attain salvation.Discipline yourself and develop Sattwa. When the mind is Sattwic, there is calmness in it. Divine light can descend only when the mind is serene and cheerful.


The Sattwic man controls the senses, does selfless service, and practises japa, pranayama, concentration, meditation, self-analysis, and enquiry of "Who am I?" He has no attraction for sensual objects. He has a burning desire to attain moksha (salvation). He is humble, generous, merciful, forbearing, tolerant and pious. He destroys his little personality.


The rajasic man is proud, intolerant, egoistic, self-sufficient, lustful, hot-tempered, greedy and jealous. he works for his own glory and fame and self-aggrandisement. He develops his own little personality.


There is an intimate connection between the gunas and karmas (actions performed by men).The nature of the karmas depends upon the nature of the gunas. A Sattwic man will do virtuous actions. A Rajasic and Tamasic man will perform non-virtuous actions. It is the guna that goads a man to do actions. The Self or Brahman is actionless. He is the silent witness.


Daivi sampat enables the aspirant to attain the highest state of superconsciousness (Nirvikalpa Samadhi), wherein the seer and the seen are united in one; the meditator and the meditated become identical.




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