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Satsang thread - Glory of Lord Narayana

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Swamy Desikan refers to the marriage between Veda Sthrees and the Lord of SrIrangam

assisted by Swamy NammAzhwAr ( SaThaari Soori) in SrI RanganAtha PadhukA Sahasram

slOkams (785 and 869) .


SubhapraNAdhA Bhavathee srutheenAm

KaNDEshu Vaikuntapathim varaaNAm

BhadhnAsi noonam MaNipAdharakshE

Mangalyasoothram maNirasmijALai :


---SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA Sahasram: sLOkam 869


(Meaning): Oh PadhukE ! Veda Sthree desire the Lord as their

husband . On the necks of these Sthrees , You help the Lord

tie the Mangala Soothram in your role as Bruhaspathy and

recite auspicious utterances .Oh PaadhukE ! You spread Your

auspicios rays from Your gems as Thaali Saradu to be used by

the Lord .


On this KaaradayAn Nonpu day , a special adai ( pancake ) is made

from ground flour and jaggery and offered to the Lord as PrasAdham .

They symbolize subhishti (plenty of days with happiness ) and sweetness .


With Best wishes for a most enjoyable KaradayAn Nonpu celebraton !


Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama:

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1. Sri Narad uvaca, indradi deva vrndesa tatesvara jagat pate,

mahavisnor nrsimhasya kavacam bruhi me prabho

yasya prapathanad vidvan trilokya vijayi bhavet


"Sri Narad Muni said: my dear father and lord, master of the Universe, lord of the multitude of demigods headed by Indra, kindly tell me the kavaca mantra of Lord Nrsimha, the incarnation of Visnu. O master, reading this kavaca aloud, a learned man will become victorious throughout the three worlds."


2. sri brahmovaca, srnu narada vaksyami putra srestha tapodhana

kavacam narasimhasya trailokya vijayabhidam


"Lord Brahma said: My dear Narad, please hear me. O best of my sons, who are rich in austerity, I shall speak this kavaca of Lord Narasimha, which gives victory over the three worlds."


3. yasya prapathanad vagmi trailokya vijayi bhavet

srastham jagatam vatsa pathanad dharanad yatah


"My dear boy, by recitation of this kavaca an eloquent person will become victorious throughout the three worlds. It is by reciting this and meditating deeply on it that I (lord Brahma) am the creator of all these planetary systems."


4. laksmir jagat trayam pati samharta ca mahesvarah

pathanad dharanad deva babhuvus ca digisvarah


"It is by reciting and meditating upon this that Laksmi maintains the three worlds, and Lord Siva destroys them. Also the demigods in this way became controllers of the different directions."


5. brahma mantra myam vaksye bhutadi vinivarakam

yasya prasadad durvasas trailokya vijayi munih

pathanad dharanad yasya sasta ca krodha bhairavah


"I shall speak this essence of all Vedic mantras, which wards off all kinds of ghosts and hobgoblins. By its grace the sage Durvasa became victorious throughout the three worlds, commanding respect and most fearful in his anger."


6. trailokya vijayasyasa kavacasya prajapatih

rsis chandas ca gayatri nrsimho devata vibhuh


"For this kavaca, which is directly perceived as giving victory over the three worlds, I (Brahma) am the Rsi, Gayatri is the metre, and the all powerful Nrsimhadev is the Deity."


7+ 8 ksraum bijam me sirah pati candra varno maha manuh

"ugram viram maha visnum jvalantam sarvatomukham

nrsimham bhisanam bhadram mrtyu mrtyum namamy aham"

dva trimsad aksaro mantro mantra rajah sura drumah


"One should place Lord Nrsimha's mantra bija, ksraum, on one's head, thinking, 'May my head be protected by the moon coloured one, who is the greatest among humans. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one, who's faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, (or who can overcome death).' One should place this mantra, composed of thirty two syllables, upon his head.It is theking of all mantras. It is like a wish fulfilling tree for the demigods and devotees."


9. kantham patu dhruvam ksraum hrd bhagavate caksusi mama

narasimhaya ca jvala maline patu mastakam


"One should also place ksraum firmly upon his neck for protection. Placing the word bhagavate upon his heart, narasimhaya upon his two eyes, and jvala maline on the top of his head, one meditates upon the different parts of this narasimha mantra protecting the different parts of his body."


10. dipta damstraya ca tatha agni netraya ca nasikam

sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya ca


"One should place on his nose the syllables dipta damstraya agni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya. (Obeisances unto Him, whose teeth are blazing, whose eyes are fire, and who destroys all ghosts and raksasas.)"


11. sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca dvayam

raksa raksa sarva mantra svaha patu mukham mama


"Meditationg on the protection of one's face, one should place there the syllables sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca paca raksa raksa. ksraum ugram viram maha visnum jvalanatam sarvatomukham nrsimham bhisanam bhadram mrtyu mrtyum namamy aham. ksraum bhagavate narasimhya jvalamaline dipta damstrayagni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya svaha.

(Unto He who vanquishes all fevers, oblations. Burn and burn, cook and cook, protect protect. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one whose faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, or who can overcome even death. Unto the Personality of Godhead Narasimha, garlanded with blazing energy, whose teeth are glowing and whose eyes are fiery, who kills all raksasas and demons and annihilates the ghosts, to You my oblations)"


12. taradi ramacandraya namah payad gudam mama

klim payat pani yugmam ca taram namah padam tatah

narayanaya parsvam ca am hrim kraum ksraum ca hum phat


"Meditating on the protection of one's rectum, one should first sip water for purification and chant om Ramacandra namah. Sipping water again one should place the bija mantra klim on both of his hands together. Thereafterone should place om namah on his feet and narayanaya on his side, as well as the bija mantras am hrim kraum ksraum hum phat."


13. varaksarah katim patu om namah bhagavate padam

vasudevaya ca prstham klim krsnaya uru dvaram


"Praying for the protection of one's waist, one should place there the varaksara Om. One should place the syllables om namo bhagavate upon his feet, vasudevaya on his back, and klim krsnaya upon his two thighs."


14. klim krsnaya sada patu januni ca manuttamah

klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah payat . dvaram


"Upon his knees, one should place the mantra klim krsnaya, thinking that the Lord may always protect me in His form as the best of human beings.Then one should sip water for purification and place the mantra klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah upon his feet."


15. ksraum narasimhaya ksraum ca sarvangam me sadavatu


"One should meditate upon the constant protection of the body, placing the mantra ksraum narasimhaya ksraum upon all his limbs."


16. iti te kathitam vatsa sarva mantraugha vigraham

tava snehan myakhyatam pravaktavyam na kasyacit


"Lord Brahma continued: My dear boy, thus I have told you the embodiment of the potencies of all mantras. Because of your great affection I have explained it to you, although it is not to be spoken to just anyone."


17. guru pujam vidhayatha grhniyat kavacam tatah

sarva punya yuto bhutva sarva siddhi yuto bhavet


"Having performed worship of the spiritual master, one may accept this kavaca. Having become enriched in his pious activities he will attain all perfections."


18. satam astottaram caiva purascarya vidhih smrtah

havanadin dasamsena krtva sadhaka sattamah


"Performing the ritualistic ceremonies of purification (purascarya) one hundred and eight times is equal to one tenth the effect received by that best of devotees who chants this kavaca."


19. tatas tu siddha kavacah punyatma madanopaman

sparddham uddhuya bhavane laksmir vani vaset tatah


"Laksmi, the Goddess of fortune, and Sarasvati, the Goddess of speach and learning, reside in the home of that fortunate soul who has become perfected by this kavaca, giving up the intoxication of competing with others for supremacy."


20. puspanjalyastakam dattva mulenaiva pathet sakrt

api varsa sahasranam pujayah phalam apnuyat


"Simply offering eight times puspajali and reading only once the original version, one attains the result of even a thousand years of worship."


21. bhurje vilkhya gutikam svarnastham dharayed yadi

kanthe va daksine bahau narasimho bhavet svayam


"If one write this down on a leaf or bark of a tree and keeps it within a golden capsule on his neck or right arm, Lord Nrsimhadev will be personally present."


22. yosid vama bhuje caiva puruso daksine kare

vibhryat kavacam punyam sarva siddhi yuto bhavet


"A woman may keep it on her left arm, a man on the right hand. Certainly this most auspicious kavaca brings all perfection to the bearer."


23. kaka vandhya ca ya nari mrta vatsa ca ya bhavet

janma vandhya nasta putra bahu putravati bhavet


"A woman who is totally barren, or who bears only one child, or whose sons are lost or dead may become possessed of many sons."


24. kavacasya prasadena jivan mukto bhaven narah

trilokyam ksobhayaty eva trailokya vijayi bhavet


"By the grace of this kavaca, a man becomes jivan mukta, liberated soul even within this life time. He is able to move the whole universe, and certainly becomes victorious throughout the three worlds."


25. bhuta preta pisacas ca raksasa danava ca ye

tam drstva prapalayante desad desantaram dhruvam


"Certainly bhutas, pretas, pisacas, raksasas, and danavas all immediately flee from the country and go to another upon seeing it."


26. yasmin gehe ca kavacam grame va yadi tisthati

tam desantu parityajya prayanti catidurantah


"In the home or even the same village where this kavaca exists, all such demoniac creatures, once having understood its presence, give up that placeand go far away."

Thus ends the Sri Nrsimha kavaca, of the Trailokya vijay in the samhita of Brahma.






Sri Nrisimha Kavacha of Prahlad from Brahmanada Purana.

.. shrii nR^isi.nhakavachastotram.h ..


nR^isi.nhakavachaM vakshye

prahlaadenoditaM puraa .


sarvarakshakaraM puNyaM

sarvopadravanaashanam.h .. 1 ..


## I shall now recite the Narasimha-kavacha, formerly spoken by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja. It is most pious, vanquishes all kinds of impediments, and provides one all protection. ##


sarva sampatkaraM chaiva

svargamokshapradaayakam.h .


dhyaatvaa nR^isi.nhaM deveshaM

hemasi.nhaasanasthitam.h .. 2 ..


## It bestows upon one all opulences and can give one elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation. One should meditate on Lord Narasimha, Lord of the universe, seated upon a golden throne. ##



sharadindusamaprabham.h .



vibhuutibhirupaashritam.h .. 3 ..


## His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon. He is embraced by Lakshmiidevii on his left side, and His form is the shelter of all opulences, both material and spiritual. ##


chaturbhujaM komalaaN^gaM

svarNakuNDalashobhitam.h .



ratnakeyuuramudritam.h .. 4 ..


## The Lord has four arms, and His limbs are very soft. He is decorated with golden earrings. His chest is resplendent like the lotus flower, and His arms are decorated with jewel-studded ornaments. ##



piitanirmalavaasasam.h .



sphuranmaaNikyadiiptibhiH .. 5 ..


## He is dressed in a spotless yellow garment, which exactly resembles molten gold. He is the original cause of existence, beyond the mundane sphere, for the great demigods headed by Indra. He appears bedecked with rubies which are blazingly effulgent. ##



sankhachakradihetibhiH .


garutmatma cha vinayat.h

stuyamanam.h mudanvitam.h .. 6 ..


## His two feet are very attractive, and He is armed with various weapons such as the conch, disc, etc. GaruDa joyfully offers prayers with great reverence. ##



kR^itvaa tu kavachaM pathet.h .. 7 ..


## Having seated Lord Narasimhadeva upon the lotus of one's heart, one should recite the following mantra: ##


me shiraH paatu

lokarakshaarthasambhavaH .. 8 ..


## May Lord Narasimha, who protects all the planetary systems, protect my head. ##


.api stambhavaasaH

phalaM me rakshatu dhvanim.h .


nR^isi.nho me dR^ishau paatu

somasuuryaagnilochanaH .. 9 ..


## Although the Lord is all-pervading, He hid Himself within a pillar. May He protect my speech and the results of my activities. May Lord Narasimha, whose eyes are the sun, and fire, protect my eyes. ##


paatu nR^ihariH

munivaaryastutipriyaH .


naasaM me si.nhanaashastu

mukhaM lakshmiimukhapriyaH .. 10 ..


## May Lord Nrihari, who is pleased by the prayers offered by the best of sages, protect my memory. May He who has the nose of a lion protect my nose, and may He whose face is very dear to the goddess of fortune protect my mouth. ##


vidyaadhipaH paatu

nR^isi.nho rasanaM mama .


vaktraM paatvinduvadanaM

sadaa prahlaadavanditaH .. 11 ..


## May Lord Narasimha, who is the knower of all sciences, protect my sense of taste. May He whose face is beautiful as the full moon and who is offered prayers by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja protect my face. ##


paatu me kaNThaM

skandhau bhuubhR^idanantakR^it.h .



nR^isi.nhaH paatu me bhujau .. 12 ..


## May Lord Narasimha protect my throat. He is the sustainer of the earth and the performer of unlimitedly wonderful activities. May He protect my shoulders. His arms are resplendent with transcendental weapons. May He protect my shoulders. ##



nR^isi.nhaH paatu sarvataH .


hR^idayaM yogisaadhyashcha

nivaasaM paatu me hariH .. 13 ..


## May the Lord, who bestows benedictions upon the demigods, protect my hands, and may He protect me from all sides. May He who is achieved by the perfect yogiis protect my heart, and may Lord Hari protect my dwelling place. ##


paatu hiraNyaaksha\-

vakshaHkukshividaaraNaH .


naabhiM me paatu nR^ihariH

svanaabhibrahmasa.nstutaH .. 14 ..


## May He who ripped apart the chest and abdomen of the great demon HiraNyaaksha protect my waist, and may Lord Nrihari protect my navel. He is offered prayers by Lord Brahmaa, who has sprung from his own navel. ##


koTayaH kaTyaaM

yasyaasau paatu me kaTim.h .


guhyaM me paatu guhyaanaaM

mantraanaaM guhyaruupadR^ik.h .. 15 ..


## May He on whose hips rest all the universes protect my hips. May the Lord protect my private parts. He is the knower of all mantras and all mysteries, but He Himself is not visible. ##


manobhavaH paatu

jaanunii nararuupadR^ik.h .


jaN^ghe paatu dharaabhara\-

hartaa yo.asau nR^ikesharii .. 16 ..


## May He who is the original Cupid protect my thighs. May He who exhibits a human-like form protect my knees. May the remover of the burden of the earth, who appears in a form which is half-man and half-lion, protect my calves. ##


raajyapradaH paatu

paadau me nR^ihariishvaraH .



paatu me sarvashastanum.h .. 17 ..


## May the bestower of heavenly opulence protect my feet. He is the Supreme Controller in the form of a man and lion combined. May the thousand-headed Supreme enjoyer protect my body from all sides and in all respects. ##


puurvataH paatu

mahaaviiraagrajo.agnitaH .


mahaavishhNurdakshiNe tu

mahaajvalastu nairR^itaH .. 18 ..


## May that most ferocious personality protect me from the east. May He who is superior to the greatest heroes protect me from the southeast, which is presided over by Agni. May the Supreme Vishnu protect me from the south, and may that person of blazing luster protect me from the southwest. ##


paatu sarvesho

dishi me sarvatomukhaH .


nR^isi.nhaH paatu vaayavyaaM

saumyaaM bhuushhaNavigrahaH .. 19 ..


## May the Lord of everything protect me from the west. His faces are everywhere, so please may He protect me from this direction. May Lord Narasimha protect me from the northwest, which is predominated by Vaayu, and may He whose form is in itself the supreme ornament protect me from the north, where Soma resides. ##


paatu bhadro me

sarvamaN^galadaayakaH .


sa.nsaarabhayataH paatu

mR^ityor.h mR^ityur.h nR^ikesharii .. 20 ..


## May the all-auspicious Lord, who Himself bestows all-auspiciousness, protect from the northeast, the direction of the sun-god, and may He who is death personified protect me from fear of death and rotation in this material world. ##



prahlaadamukhamaNDitam.h .


bhaktimaan.h yaH pathenaityaM

sarvapaapaiH pramuchyate .. 21 ..


## This Narasimha-kavacha has been ornamented by issuing from the mouth of Prahlaada Mahaaraaja. A devotee who reads this becomes freed from all sins. ##


dhanavaan.h loke

diirghaayurupajaayate .


kaamayate yaM yaM kaamaM

taM taM praapnotyasa.nshayam.h .. 22 ..


## Whatever one desires in this world he can attain without doubt. One can have wealth, many sons, and a long life. ##



sarvatra vijayii bhavet.h .



grahaanaaM vinivaaraNam.h .. 23 ..


## He becomes victorious who desires victory, and indeed becomes a conqueror. He wards off the influence of all planets, earthly, heavenly, and everything in between. ##



vishhaapaharaNaM param.h .



duurotsaaraNakaaraNam.h .. 24 ..


## This is the supreme remedy for the poisonous effects of serpents and scorpions, and Brahma-raakshasa ghosts and Yakshas are driven away. ##


talapaatre vaa

kavachaM likhitaM shubham.h .


karamuule dhR^itaM yena

sidhyeyuH karmasiddhayaH .. 25 ..


## One may write this most auspicious prayer on his arm, or inscribe it on a palm-leaf and attach it to his wrist, and all his activities will become perfect. ##



svaM svameva jayaM labhet.h .


ekasandhyaM trisandhyaM vaa

yaH paThenniyato naraH .. 26 ..


## One who regularly chants this prayer, whether once or thrice (daily), he becomes victorious whether among demigods, demons, or human beings. ##



bhuktiM muktiM cha vindati .



pathet.h shuddhaatmanaaM nR^iNaam .. 27 ..


## One who with purified heart recites this prayer 32,000 times attains the most auspicious of all auspicious things, and material enjoyment and liberation are already understood to be available to such a person. ##


kavachasyaasya mantrasya

mantrasiddhiH prajaayate .


anena mantraraajena

kR^itvaa bhasmaabhirmantraanaam.h .. 28 ..


## This Kavacha-mantra is the king of all mantras. One attains by it what would be attained by anointing oneself with ashes and chanting all other mantras. ##



tasya grahabhayaM haret.h .


trivaaraM japamaanastu

dattaM vaaryaabhimantrya cha .. 29 ..


## Having marked ones body with tilaka, taking aachamana with water, and reciting this mantra three times, one will find that the fear of all inauspicious planets is removed. ##


yo naro mantraM

nR^isi.nhadhyaanamaacharet.h .


tasya rogaH praNashyanti

ye cha syuH kukshisambhavaaH .. 30 ..


## That person who recites this mantra, meditating upon Lord Narasimhadeva, has all of his diseases vanquished, including those ofthe abdomen. ##


garjantaM gaarjayantaM nijabhujapatalaM sphoTayantaM hatantaM

ruupyantaM taapayantaM divi bhuvi ditijaM kshepayantam kshipantam.h .


krandantaM roshhayantaM dishi dishi satataM sa.nharantaM bharantaM

viikshantaM puurNayantaM karanikarashatairdivyasi.nhaM namaami .. 31 ..


## Lord Narasimha roars loudly and causes others to roar. With His mulitudes of arms He tears the demons asunder and kills them in this way. He is always seeking out and tormenting the demonic descendants of Diti, both on this earth planet and in the higher planets, and Hs throws them down and scatters them. He cries with great anger as He destroys the demons in all directions, yet with His unlimited hands He sustains, protects, and nourishes the cosmic manifestation. I offer my respectful obeisances to the Lord, who has assumed the form of a transcendental lion. ##


.. iti shriibrahmaaNDapuraaNe prahlaadoktaM

shriinR^isi.nhakavachaM sampuurNam.h ..


## Thus ends the Narasimha-kavacha as it is described by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja in the BrahmaaNDa PuraaNa. ##













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Bramhamurarri surarjita lingam

Nirmala bashita shobita lingam

Janmaja duka vinasaka lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingm

Devamuni pravarajita lingam

Kamadahana karunakara lingam

Ravanadarpa vinashaka lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingam

Sarvasuganda sulapitha lingam

Budivivardhana karana lingam

Sidha surasura nanditha lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingam

Kanakamahamani bushitha lingam

Banipathi vashitha shobitha lingam

Dakshasu yagna vinasaka lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingam

Kunkuma chandana lapitha lingam

Pankajahara shushobitha lingam

Kanchitha papa vinashaka lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingam

Devaganarchitha saavitha lingam

Bavarbakthibi varchita lingam

Dinakarakoti prabhakara lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lilngam

Ashthadala parivachitha lingam

Sarva samubdhava karana lingam

Ashta daridra vinasaka lingam

Tatpranamami sadashiva lingam



Sura guru sura vara poojitha lingam

Suravana pushpa sadarphitha lingam

Parama padam paramathaka lingam

Tatpranami sadashiva lingam


Lingashtakam edam punyam pathichitha shivasanidhoou


Shivaloka mavaplotha shivana sahamoodatha.






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Shri Veerabhadra, Shantha Durga, Mahaganapathi Temple


Udupi is an important holy pilgrim town in the undivided Dakshina Kannada District in the old Madras province, presently divided as Kasargod District (in Kerala) Dakshina Kannada and Udupi District ( in Karnataka). Udupi is famous for the Lord Krishna Temple established by the famous Dwaitha philosoper Sri Madhwacharya. There are several other temples situated in and arround Udupi.

It is believed that the Padmashali’s in Dakshina Kannada originated from coastal Andhra Pradesh and migrated via Chennai, Kanchi and Madurai areas of Tamilnadu and settled in Dakshina Kannada about five to six centuries back. There are 16 Veerabhadra Temples in Dakshina Kannada spread from Kanhangad in the South to Barkur in the North. The Padmashali’s of the District remain members of one of the 16 Temples of the District.

During the year 2904 Padmashali’s of Udupi and surrounding areas like Bannanje, Shirva, Karandadi, Athradi, Parika, Mattu, Udyavara, Heribettu, Alevoor, built at Temple of their diety Sri Veerabhadra, in Kinnimulky. On the main road, very near to Swagatha Gopuram. The southern entrance to the Udupi Town.

During the last 100 years the Kinnimulky Veerabhadra Temple developed as a religious, social and cultural centre of the Padmashali’s living in Udupi and surrounding areas. About 350 householders are the members and worship in Sri Veerabhadra Temple, Kinnimulky as their Kuladevatha.

The main diety worshipped in the temple is Sri Veerabhadra. During the year 1997-1998 the Temple was renovated by the liberal contributions made the members of the temple and Public. Two more idols of Mahaganapathi and Shantadurga were installed during the renovation in 1998 and Temple has now developed as Shiva-Shakthi Kendra in Udupi. In addition to these idols there is a Naga Sannidhi in front of the Temple and Daivasthana of Dharmadevathas by the southern side of the Temple.

A sabha bhavana named Veerabhadra Kalabhavana was built during the year 1980-1987 by the Sabha Nirmana Samithi headed by Dr. S. Vysaraya Shettigar Mundkur, President Sri K. Mahabalesh Padmashali, secretary and Sri B. L. Padmashali treasurer and 15 other members. The Religious functions of the temple and other social and cultural functions are held regularly in the Veerabhadra Kalabhavana, which has a capacity of 500 seats.

Every year during Pournami day of Suggi (Meena) month the annual Mahothsava is held for 3 days. In addition special functions/poojas are held on Nagara Panchami, Rugupakarma, Ganesh Chathurthi, Deepavali, Karthika Amavasya and Mahashivarathri. During Navarathri, special poojas are held on all the 9 days with Chandika Parayana and on Durgashtami, Chandika Mahayaga is performed.


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Vedic context of Revathi : Rg Vedam


The word Revathi is seen in every one of the four VedAs . In the oldest of Vedams ,

Rg Vedam , at the very beginning ( Rg I.30.13 ) , an appeal is made to Him :


rEvathir na: sadhamadha IndrE santhu tuvivAjA:

kshamanthO yAbhir madhEma


(Meaning): Oh resplendent Lord of immeasurable wealth ! May Thou share Your

spirtiual joy ( BrahmAnandham) with us ! May we in this world have abundant

(spiritual) nourishment ! May our intellect be clear and sharp( dhiyO na: prachOdayAth)

and in a state of parama bhakthi to enable us to have perfect communion with You !


Revathi and Yajur Vedam


MahAnAmnyO rEvathyO visvA aasA: prabhUvaree

maigIrvidhyuthO vaacha:soocheebhi: samyanthu ThvA

--Yajur Vedam: XXIII


Here the reference to the singing of Raivatha Saaman arising from

Revathi . This manthram prays for the directions and far spread regions

of earth and sky to resonate with with Raivatha Saamans and

MahAnAmni Saamans . May the Lord ( of SrIrangam ) be pleased with

those Saama ghAnams !


Yajur Veda Manthram ( X.14) talks about the Revathi Saamans and Pankthi

Sakvaari Saamans to ascend to zenith to please the Lord ( UrdhvamArOha

pankthisthvaavathu Saakvara-RaivathE SaamAni---)


The third place where Yajur Vedam appeals to Revathi Saaman as Vedic

speech to reamin at the altar of the YajamAnan during the Yaj~nam

in progress . This manthram ( Yajur Vedam III.21) requests the Lord

not to stay at the consecrated spot and not to move from the house

of Yaj~na Kruth .This manthram appeals to the Lord not to move away

and to remain right there :


Revathee ramadhvamasminyOnaavasmin ghOshtEasmimlOkEasmin kshayE,

ihaiva stha maapaghAtha -----Yajur Vedam III.21


Sathapatha BrAhmaNam echoes the very same prayer and appeals to

the Lord to " Stay right here and go not thence " ( Vaagvai Revathee ).


Atharva Vedam's visualization of Revathi


Revathi is viewed here as a star in the lunAr mansion as well

as an integral part of the cosmic scheme of the Universe :


vidhyujjihvA maruthO dhanthA Revathee-greevA : KrutthikA

skandhaa gharmO vaha: ( Atharva Vedam: IX Canto: Hymn VII.3)


(Meaning): Lightning is the tongue ; the winds are the teeth ;

Revathee is the neck , the KrittikAs (Third of the lunar mansions)

are the shoulders and the Summer is the shoulder-bar .


The 26 manthrams of this hymn view the Universe as a homogenous entity

made up of every entity and Tatthvam created by SarvEswaran .


The 23rd , 24th and the 25th Manthrams celebrate SrI RanganAthan

as the Lord of the animate and inanimate universe and invokes Him as

a freind , who looks upon the created universe with eyes filled with Mercy.

He is invoked as One with joy (aanandham) , when He pervades all

objects created by Him .He is recognized as our friend in dhyAnam

and a protector of human kind in SamAdhi ( deep state of union with Him).

He is adored as an Omnipotent Lord free of all karmAs. He is saluted as

the One behind this Naama-Roopa prapancham (Universe with many

names and forms). He blesses all those who surrender to Him with

Joy . According to the last manthram of this hymn ,

BhaagavathAs , who know this Lord of many auspicious attributes

are described as being the fittest objects of worship by all .


Such is the glory of Revathee Nakshathram , the birth star of

the Lord of SrIrangam .


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Sree Vigyneshwara Ashtotra


Shuklambaradharam vishnum

Shasi varnam chaturbhujam

Prasannavadanam dhyayet

Sarva-vighnopashan-taye ||


Om Vinayakaya namah

Om Vignna-rajaya namah

Om Gouri-putraya namah

Om Ganeshwa-raya namah

Om Skanda-grajaya namah

Om Avyayaya namah

Om Putaya namah

Om Dakshaya namah

Om Adhya-kshaya namah

Om Dvija-priyaya namah

Om Agni-garbha-chide namah

Om Indhra-sri-pradaya namah

Om Vaani-pradaya namah

Om Avyayaya namah

Om Sarwa sidhi-pradaya namah

Om Sharwa-tanayaya namah

Om Sharwa-priyaya namah

Om Sarwat-makaya namah

Om Srusti-karte namah

Om Devaya namah

Om Anekar-chitaya namah

Om Shivaya namah

Om Shudhaya namah

Om Bhudhi-priyaya namah

Om Shantaya namah

Om Bramha-charine namah

Om Gajana-naya namah

Om Dvaimatu-raya namah

Om Munistut-yaya namah

Om Bhakta-vigna-vinasha-naya namah

Om Ykadhantaya namah

Om Chatur-bhahave namah

Om Chatu-raya namah

Om Shakti-samyu-taya namah

Om Lambha-daraya namah

Om Shurpa-karnaya namah

Om Haraye namah

Om Bramha-viduttamaya namah

Om Kalaya namah

Om Graha-pataye namah

Om Kamine namah

Om Soma-suryag-nilo-chanaya namah

Om Pashajku-shadha-raya namah

Om Chandaya namah

Om Guna-titaya namah

Om Nirajanaya namah

Om Akalmashaya namah

Om Swayamsidhiya namah

Om Sidharchita-padambu-jaya namah

Om Bhijapura-phala-saktaya namah

Om Vara-daya namah

Om Shashwa-taya namah

Om Krutine namah

Om Vidwat priyaya namah

Om Vita-bhayaya namah

Om Gadine namah

Om Chakrine namah

Om Ikshu-chapa-dhrute namah

Om Sridaya namah

Om Ajaya namah

Om Utpala-karaya namah

Om Sripataye namah

Om Stuti-harshi-taya namah

Om Kuladri-betre namah

Om Jati-laya namah

Om Kali-kalmasha-nasha-naya namah

Om Chandhra-chuda-manaye namah

Om Kantaya namah

Om Papaharine namah

Om Sama-hitaya namah

Om Aashri-taya namah

Om Srikaraya namah

Om Soumyaya namah

Om Bhaktha-vamchita-daya-kaya namah

Om Shantaya namah

Om Kaivalya-sukha-daya namah

Om Sachida-nanda-vigrahaya namah

Om Gynanine namah

Om Daya-yutaya namah

Om Dantaya namah

Om Bramha-dvesha-vivarji-taya namah

Om Pramatta-daitya-bhaya-daya namah

Om Srikantaya namah

Om Vibhude-shwaraya namah

Om Ramar-chitaya namah

Om Nidhaye namah

Om Nagaraja-yagyno-pavitaye namah

Om Sthula-kantaya namah

Om Swayamkarte namah

Om Sama-gosha-priyaya namah

Om Parsmai namah

Om Stula-tundaya namah

Om Agranye namah

Om Dhiraya namah

Om Vagishaya namah

Om Sidhi-daya-kaya namah

Om Dhurwa-bilwa-priyaya namah

Om Avya-ktamurthaye namah

Om Adbhuta-murthi-mate namah

Om Shailendhra-tanu-jotsajga-khelanotsuka-manasaya namah

Om Swalavanya-sudha-sarajita-manmadha-vigrahaya namah

Om Samstha-jagada-dharaya namah

Om Maeine namah

Om Mushaka-vahanaya namah

Om Hrustaya namah

Om Trustaya namah

Om Prasannatmane namah

Om Sarwa-sidhi-pradaya-kaya namah


Sree Vigyneshwara Ashtotra samapatham


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hari-Vayu Stuti - http://www.dvaita.net/pdf/stotra/h_v_stuti_r.pdf

Lagu Vayu Stuti - http://www.dvaita.net/pdf/stotra/l_vAyu_stuti_r.pdf

Vayu Stuti - http://www.dvaita.net/pdf/vadiraja/vayustuti.pdf


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dhupa Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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'Sri Jagadguru Madhvacharya' and 'Sri Raghavendraswamy' has told to respect Rudra also & they have asked us to worship Rudra also.


Mahasivarathi is celebrated in a grandscale in many Madhva mutts including Mantralayam.


Also in many Madhva sites u can see "Lingashtakam" & "Shiva Ashotram" displayed.


Also as a sourashtrian, sourashtrians worship "Ganesha, Surya, Saraswathi, Durga, Rudra , Mahalakshmi & Vishnu (krishna)". Madhva sourashtras additionally worship "Vayudeva".


But we still accept "Hari" as "Sarvothama" even though we worship other deities.


Many people here think me as a fundamentalist. actually i am not. i only oppose to fanatical thoughts & wrong philosophies.


Every monday i perform milk-abhisekha to shiva-linga.


Above all Rudra is one of the 4 vaishnava jagad-gurus (Rudra, Lakshmi, Brahma, Kumaras). so we should respect him.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dhupun Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Sri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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Rudra is a vaishnavana jagadguru since when ? Since Hari is sarvothama , why are you worshipping other gods. Iam sure madhva acharya didnt tell you worship other gods or did he?

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do Maadhvas worship Rudra devaru ?

Maadhvas and Rudra devaru

There is a very popular misconception that Maadhvas do not worship Rudra devaru (Shiva). This is totally wrong and is easily refuted by looking at the great amount of devotional literature created by maadhva ascetics, haridaasas and scholars idolizing Rudra devaru. He is accorded a very high place in the hierarchy of gods and worshipped as manobhimani (the patron deity who controls our mind and thinking). His grace is needed if we are to acquire right knowledge and proceed in the right path. He also blesses us with vairaagya (detachment) and keeps us away from the enticements of the material world. He is revered as a very great Vaishnava and the beloved pupil of Lord Vayu. His wife Parvati is revered as vaagdevate (the patron deity for speech). However, Maadhvas do not exceed the limit in this worship and treat Rudra devaru as paramaatma or parabrahma (the exalted Supreme Being), since this goes against the hierarchy enshrined in our holy scriptures. Another distinguishing feature is that their worship is directed towards Lord Sankarshana (or Lord Narasimha) enshrined within bhArati-ramaNa mukhyaprAna who is within Rudra devaru.


THe above paragraph is taken from "www.srsmutt.org" during mahasivarathri day. i dunno whether the page is still available or not.


there are four vaishnava sampradayas

1. Rudra Sampradaya - Shuddhadvaita - Vishnuswami Vaishnavam ( Founder : Sri Vishnuswami )

2. Sri Sampradaya - Vishistadvaita - Sri Vaishnavam ( Founder : Sri Ramanujacharya )

3. Brahma-Madava Sampradaya - Tatvavada - Sad Vaishnavam

( Founder : Sri Madhavacharya )

4. Kumara Sampradaya - Dvaitadvaita - Nimbarka Vaishnavam ( Founder : Sri Nimbarkacharya )


Nowadays Shuddadvaita is followed by only small group of people in "Gujarat, Nathadwara, Rajasthan".


"Sri Adi Vishnuswami" is considered to be incarnation of Rudra. Also "Sri sankarsana wodeyar" (Dvaita scholar) are also considered to be amsa of rudra. Also "Sri Satyadharma Swamigalu" (dvaita scholar) are also considered to be amsa of rudra. Also "sri advaita acharya" of "Gaurangism" is also considered to be amsa of rudra.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Jai Shri Krishna

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Dupun Theerthaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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Sir, with all due respect, I am petrified by the narrowness of your mind which you seem to display so effortlessly. Whatever happened to the vedic truth that vishnu is embodied in every aspect of this cosmos-including "non-vaishnavas"? I may not be worthy of such philosophical talk demanding vedic rigour but I see hari with the trinity and never singularly-the balance of this universe depends on the combined existence of the trio. I appreciate your need for a satsang on Lord Vishnu but I am sorry to say the very objective of this purpose would stand defeated if you were to streamline a certain sect while choosing to blatantly override a chance to learn more truth.



Kansas City, MO

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"I may not be worthy of such philosophical talk demanding vedic rigour but I see ......"


so how can you see? if you are not able to talk at the same level go to study and come back expressing your idea with the same competence


otherwise what's the use?i suggest to you to be open to substitute your beliefes with science, study of vedas and other sacred literature

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  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...

even Adi Shankaracharya has accepted ViSnu alone has Saguna Brahman.


In his commentary on Brhadaranyaka Upanishad(3-7-3), he says:


"yaH - IdrugIshvaro 'nArAyaNAkhyaH'


prtivIm - prtivI devatAm


yamayati- niyamayati svavyApAre ... etc"


note that the mantras speak about Parambrahman as the antaryAmi of everything and Sankara identifies parambrahman with Narayana('nArAyaNAkhyaH')alone and not any one else.


there are many more such instances in his BRahma Sutra bhashya, Gita bhashya and Upanishad bhashya where he accepts Narayana alone as Parambrahman in this vyavaharika world.


there is no doubt in the fact that ViSNu and ViSNu alone is Parambrahman as it has been established by Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhva, Sri Lokacharya, Sri Desika, Sri Vijayeendra, Sri Vyasa tirtha etc. even Sankara himself has accepted it ia a sense that in the vyavaharika state ViSNu is parambrahman and that He alone cretes, sustains and destroys the worlds.

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True Vaishnavas are not blind faith followers or any mental speculator according to their capacity.


True devotee of Lord Narayana are called Vaishnava and they have unflinch faith in Vedas and strict adherent to their acaryas so it better to avoid who is not devoted to the supreme lord to take part in it since they cannot able to appreciate.


No body can speculate or imagine the form/quality of the Supreme lord.It will be simply bogus on which if anybody place their faith what will be their end?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Mahantas, please help me..


I'm trying to find since some time a mantra that is described in the Brihad Parashara Hora Shastra in the 86th Chapter. I it the mantra for installing the Kalasha and is beginning with "sarve samudra". Does anyone of you know the full mantra and where it is from. Many pranams,



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Dear Mahantas, please help me..


I'm trying to find since some time a mantra that is described in the Brihad Parashara Hora Shastra in the 86th Chapter. I it the mantra for installing the Kalasha and is beginning with "sarve samudra". Does anyone of you know the full mantra and where it is from.


Please send your reply to lolupa@net.hr


Many pranams,



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  • 1 month later...

Dear sir,

I am a devotee of lord VEERABHADRA.

Iam looking for various VEDA MANTRAMS in related to lord VEERABHADRA to please him, but couldn'nt find any. I saw a reference in your Web site. Thus i request you to kinly supply me with the Mantras available with you and other details in regard to my Lord VEERABHADRA.


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