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A part of vedas is by (?)/dedicated to female gurus. And female is a compliment of male in spirituality.Like Radha Krsna, Shiva parvati. Mother is given a higher status than father when it comes to wrship? And we have many woman gurus in India. But what disturb me the Manusmriti verses in 9 chapter? Can anyone of you please guide me in what context are these. ANd does the smriti somewhere have other contradicting views ? and how authentic is smriti? And whats its position in hinduism?

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To my knowledge all the scripts that we have

(handed on to us from countless number of generations)

are all real/true and they have to be understood philosophically than in any other way.


I don't know if we can find the right context by just

going through a paragraph or a chapter. More over we may

just be reading the tranlated versions, instead of them

in the divine language.


All the scripts have come from the same divine knowledge,

and they are all related. Generally people talk about, 'there is no independence to women' or 'there is no independence men'. But it is looking in materialistic aspect, the real independence is the 'spiritual independence', which one has attain individually on their own whether it is man or women.


You may think that I am trying to distract the topic, but let me give you an example. I have lived with a German-American family for few years. And I have come across many questions from the family members as well their friends as well. I consider these people like my second family.

In one instance one of the friends of this family showed up

and during discussions she told me that she has read Gita couple of times. Her comment was that why in the book it keeps saying 'Man/Men should this, Man should do that', why does not it talk about 'Women'. Then I told her that she should read it as 'Human' to be more appropriate and hopefully get the inner philosophical/spiritual meaning.


'Ardha-nareeswara' tells exactly what we humans are made up

of. It seems every human being has both Male and Female component. At the same time individually as 'Women' or 'Man' there are particular duties to be done and to be followed. In this 'day and age' things have changed so much that we may not even understand what they are talking about 'Manu-smriti' other than just literally tranlating it and probably drawing different conclusions.


In Gita Lord says that everything including Sapta-rishis, Sounakadi-muni's, Manu and so on have all come from 'him', the lord.


I hope I did not confuse you. But Gita has all the answers, we may have to read it 'n' number of times.


Best wishes.


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dear hindu,


in this times, we hindus have our interests, and we need to unite for it. we do not need to give the enemies reasons to bang on us and hinduism because manusmriti says something.

we simply do not follow manusmriti a this time. so why talk about it? it does not help.


we need to follow gita very well,

to unite and succeed in achieving our hindu goals.


the other thing is that according to vedic aacharyas, we need to accept all our scriptuers fully. if we keep on rejecting one part today, then some one else will reject another part tomorrow, and so; and finally we will not have any scriptue for us at all. as an example, one cannot says, "my this hen gives me eggs from the rear but eats my grain from the front. so, i will cut off the front, and just keep the rear." this does not work. manusmriti does have positive things in it, and we need to respect it, and could talk about it too. we are free to apply anything from our the scriptures that solves our problems at a time.


besides, manusmriti was never followed strictly as a law book of hinduism just as koran is followed by the muslims.


would you agree?

no need to argue within.


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