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Treating a cow the best

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Why is it that the cow is the most importan animal in hte krishna belives when you're not treting the cow for it's best? You're drinking it's milk. When u take a cows milk you are taking away the milk the cow-child is supose to have, that IS why a cow has milk. And when u take more milk then it's natural for the child, it produces more milk and the cow get pain from this. This is th truth. A cow can easaly cry and it is crying when it's in pain from the overproduction of milk we are causing on it. If u want to treat the cow with respect, don't take from it's own body and cause it pain =(

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vedic people treat cow like mother.

cow naturally produces more milk than the calf needs.

we take that milk and in return care for the cow, calf and bulls. cow does not feel pain in giving milk when you treat her like mother.


now, if you are worried about we taking milk from cow,

what you are doing about peole slaughtering cows?

don't you think you need to advise them to stop killing cows?


BTW, are you drinking milk, eating cheese, or eating beef?


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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yes.. I do care about that and I am doing something about it, trying to make people stop eating dead animals. But I don't care if u SAY that u are treating a cow like a mother. Eaven if it says so, have you talked to the cow? What is the cow saying about this? Cows and all animals have the best life without any of our needs and us disturbing them. Let the cow have it's own life and don't force it to be amoung humans. What if I came and said that YOU are a mother to us, we have to use u as we need. I don't care what u say, I just think that u are a mother to me.

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<< .. have you talked to the cow? >>

vedic people do talkto cows.

there is description in bhagavatam that

krhisha was calling each cow by name,

and the cow would come running to him

even now shephards in inda do talk to cows by name.


Have you talked to cow?


<<Cows and all animals have the best life without any of our needs and us disturbing them.>>


coud not agree to this. cows need protection, even from humans who eath them.


<< Let the cow have it's own life and don't force it to be amoung humans. >>


first stop humans from eating cows.


<<What if I came and said that YOU are a mother to us, we have to use u as we need. >>


i am not a cow.


<< I don't care what u say, >>

when you dont care what one says here,

then there is no reason to ask for answers or give advice without asking. internet forum is not one way communication.


<< I just think that u are a mother to me. >>

my child, thinks as you like.

respect your parents.

listen to them.

but walk as you talk.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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When I'm saying that I don't care what u say, I mean that I don't care about what you've been reading. Just cause your way of lifes writings says so, that doesn't mean that it is logical or the best for a cow. I do not eat cow or any dead animals. Of course a cow rsponds to a name when u call him, we learned them that. Didn't we?


By the way; I am not your child :s Who are you?


Cows don't need our protection if u would leave it alone and the rest of the world did so. If the cow is holy to you, u seem to put yourself higher then the cow.

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He had many cows.

He ate milk and butter.


The whole vraja was in the business of keeping cows and selling milk. If you think this was wrong, then it will be a long time before you become really a krishna conscious person. i respect you for being a vegetarian. keep up.


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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Cows don't need our protection if u would leave it alone and the rest of the world did so. If the cow is holy to you, u seem to put yourself higher then the cow.



1. Cows that are left free to roam in India live by eating remnants from the trash. It would be much better for the cow to be maintained and protected by a loving and caring person.


2. Scientifically it has been shown that cows, if given the chance, will graze endlessly until they literally die from over eating. Thus it is required that someone take care of the cow to monitor their eating and restrict them from over eating.


3. A cow produces more milk than its calf can drink, and there is no way for the cow to remove the excess milk. Thus it is necessary for the cow to be milked by a human to remove this excess milk and avoid health problems.



Though your sentiments may seem noble, they are based on ignorance.

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the cow doesn't need to ne milked after the calf has been drinking what ha want's. We are the ones woh creat the pai for the cow, and then it needs to be milked. If u leave the cow alone, it wount get pain from the milk it has. I'm not talking about the situations for the cow today acutally. I'm thinking about the story and how krishna and his menn treaded the cow (if the story is true that is!). You're just doing what the book tells you and forget about the logics and the truth we are prooving now. Let the cow be alone as the cow leaves us alone. mutual respect. fight good with good. Krishna killed to fight.


I'm just trying to make u see and don't get cheated into something that isn't the best. Good for Good and keep God within if u have him. If u have him u don't need one of the many storys out there. Krishna is just one of them and it has the same good and bad as any other religions.


I wish u all a happy life and love your next. If we all did that we would have a perfect place to live /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Not sure about the process in India but in the Westdairy cows are kept alive only while they are prducuing maximum milk. Then they are sold for slaughter.


When they give birth the male calves are separated and sold to be used for veal. They spend weeks standing in a stall so small they cannot turn around or even lay down. They do not allow them any excercise to keep their young flesh soft and tender.


They are soon slaughtered for the taste of their young flesh.


In the West at least if you drink milk you are a slaughterer of cows. Being vegetarian in the West is good but it doesn't go far enough.


There is no resemblance whatsoever with Krsna's pastimes with the cows and calves in Vrndaban. None.


Protect the cows please.

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a solution for this is that Hk's need to go in dairy business.


- the labor would be cheap becaue Hk's get spiritual benefit also by serving cows.


- the dairy product could be sold a bit higher price because of it's organic and spiritual value. Horizon dairy claims they treat cows humanely, and sell their milk and products at higher price than ordinary dairies.


- the profit could be used to make more dairies, and eventually take over dairy business of the country.


- farming can go hand in hand with dairy, with organic products that give higher income.


- the venture needs some leaders with business experience and education.


i pray krishna to make it happen.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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As I understand it that is basically what Prabhupada wanted. Self-sufficent farming communities to supply the temples and prasadam resteraunts.


That would be hard enough without trying to compete with the other dairies although that is a nice vision.


But until then each devotee must decide for themselves if their glass of milk is worth the torture and slaughter of dairy cows and calves, and if it is really worth it.

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Soy and rice milks are commercialy available but making them at home before offering would be the best thing. Also nuts and seeds make good milks and used in blender drinks along with some fresh fruit make highly nutritious drinks.


Very easy to avoid animal slaughter if we try a little.


Sometimes vegans call the devotees onto the carpet for their support of the demonic dairy industry while preaching cow protection. Unfortunately the devotees have no solid answer as of yet.


We can offer vegan drinks to Krsna also.


I want to say again I am only familiar with the issue from a Western perspective. I am not saying one way or the other if basic consumption of dairy products is good or bad. For me it's all about opposing animal slaughter.

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the commercialization of dairy product is the cause that forces competition and lower price which in turn causes neglect of the cows and bulls by un-vedic people.


if the villages in india are kept as they are, surviving on agriculture, then all would get good fresh products and cows would not be mistreated in india unless if some farmer gets greedy and less KC.


the trend in the west is for yoga and organic foods, natural living. so, if HK's enter into dairy/organic food market, then they would be able to sell their products with spiritual value at higher prices beating the competition.


please spread this idea among the rich Hk's.

such business is doable.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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