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Krishna has given up on me .....

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when it clearly says in Gita all paths are His....;)




By the above logic, even Charvaka's philosophy must be a valid path.


Sheesh. Why don't some individuals make an attempt to understand the Gita instead of pulling out one or two slokas out of context to use as slogans?


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If you not agree are agree the power of president of country, it is there.

Same way if you agree or not agree the power of god and demigods are there.

So only question is to think how to come out of sufferings.

It is not wise to thing why I fell down in a ditch. First think of coming out of ditch.

Rejection is avoiding the debate and neglecting reality. We can not see everthing and anything. Sometimes we use someones eyes and ears.

That is why we opened so many schools and universities, which will teach us material knowledge.

But unfortunately there is no spiritual college or university.

Be careful by saying hahaha.


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well,,i met a great KRSNA devotee,at a time when i thought i would force my friend into KRSNA CONSC.

he(krsna devoteee) told me that devotion is soooo supreme and divinely contagious that it automatically spreads and purifies the people next to u and the atmosphere.THIS APPEALED TO ME!


1. give her the prasadam EVERYDAY.this would open her closed minds.


2.instead of forcing her by mouth,force her by ur actions,by ur UNFAILING devotion to HIM.stand as an EXAMPLE to show the beauty in GOD REALISATION.let her see ur calmness,the TEJAS in ur face,ur coolness and ur UNWAVERING truthful devotion.

WITHOUT Ur forcing her,she wud automatically become a great devotee of our LORD.


3(most important):PRAY PRAY PRAY to OUR LORD SHRI KRSNA to make her HIS devotee,for HE can do what we humans cannot!PRAY TO HIM for all the love/concern that u have 4her.


my friend,i was in ur shoes once upon a time,BELIEVE me,THE MERCIFUL LORD SHRI KRSNA has changed my life,my dear friend,may be my futurehusband(i donno) is now a very great KRSNA DEVOTEE.






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