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2003 GBC Resolutions?

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I saw this message posted on www.dipika.org and www.chakra.org:


"Please see http://www.mayapur.info for the latest 2003 GBC resolutions. In addition to these resolutions, the website is being updated daily with news and festivities related to Sri Mayapur Dhama."


However, when I go to that web page, I can't find anything regarding this year's resolutions. Can anyone find them?


Hare Krishna



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I think the resolutions will be posted on that site when the meetings are done. Right now it is just giving a daily update of activities and news.

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They don't even allow the association with the vaisnava sadhus in the holy dhama, on account of betraying the institution and Srila Prabhupada.

If someone tries to take such an association over a long period of time, he will be "excomunicated", I belive.

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Some time you could full all the (western) devotees

Some (western) devotees you can full all the time

But you cannot full all the (western) devotees all the time

(George Orwel?!)


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Who preaches Hari Katha? Who is the preacher?


vaco vegam manasa krodha-vegam

jihva-vegam udaropastha-vegam

etan vegan yo vishaheta dhiraú

sarvam apimam prithivim sa shisyat


There are at least some assistants?


Whom assisting preaching?


Without the bonafide guru (the sat guru)

which is the backbone of bhakti,

bhakti would colapse.

There would be no bhakti but some kind of bhakti abhasa.


Srila Rupa Gosvami says: go to guru and take diksha, serve him, and ask questions...



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  • 1 year later...

For an article in The Globe and Mail, I would like to interview members of the Hindu community who go to St. Joseph's Oratory as a sacred place. My phone number is 416-585-5146.

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  • 2 weeks later...

prabhupada specifically wanted disciples not to associate with other movements outside iskcon, unless the specifically had some practical benefit e.g. getting help from Gaudiya Matha for accomodation when devotees were new to India.


- what did so many do after Prabhupada's departure lila?


they disobeyed him and left ISKCON...



...now if you have problem with ISKCON then fine,


...but ISKCON is the best way to promote and preach Krishna Consciousness in the world, of that there is no doubt...if everybody were independent of ISKCON, there would be no limit to the different movements which may result...and all the while people will not know what is Krishna Consciousness ...they will think KC is a sect with millions of separate sects...disunity...



basically, if u don't like iskcon and choose not to engage with them then fine, but stop criticising and thus damaging the preaching mission to fulfil Caitanya's prophecy...



...rememeber the name of Krishna has to be chanted in every town and village...we must make that a reality...

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prabhupada specifically wanted disciples not to associate with other movements outside iskcon

--false... this was said to some disciples, about some envious godbrothers, for well know reasons. This instruction is updated by his statements near his departure


but ISKCON is the best way to promote and preach Krishna Consciousness in the world

--iskcon means society of krsna consciousness... who is krsna conscious is iskcon, who's not krsna conscious is iskcon even if he belongs to iskcon organization


if everybody were independent of ISKCON, there would be no limit to the different movements which may result

--spiritual world is full of variety.. variety does not hurt. If you like unity start to search collaboration between vaishnavas instead of sectarian war

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Hare Krishna



"--false... this was said to some disciples, about some envious godbrothers, for well know reasons. This instruction is updated by his statements near his departure"



prabhupada, out of compassion and knwoledge of the consequences, certainly placed limits on his disciples association with other non-iskcon vaishnava movements. And today we can see why he placed those limits. it's a mess to say the least...




"iskcon means society of krsna consciousness... who is krsna conscious is iskcon, who's not krsna conscious is iskcon even if he belongs to iskcon organization"


ISKCON means the society to propagate Krishna Consciousness. Yes not all are totally Krishna Conscious, but together they are more effective than thousands of conflicting movements.



"spiritual world is full of variety.. variety does not hurt. If you like unity start to search collaboration between vaishnavas instead of sectarian war "


Yes, but we are in the material world. Preaching cannot be effective without unity. One cannot say 'Everything goes'. Otherwise Krishna Consciousness will become like modern day Hinduism - full of competing movements...


Collaboration is going ahead. Many ISKCON devotees are in influential positions in the World Vaishnava association. All I am saying is one must have a sense of unity without abandoning the society that is most associated with the beloved acharya Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna


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And today we can see why he placed those limits. it's a mess to say the least...

--my opinion is the opposite... the reason of the "mess" is the fact that many offences to elder vaishnavas were made by young neophites. If you read the last pages of lilamrita you easily will see that prabhupada explains the reasons of his giving limits and he clearly asks for collaboration ("if we go together in the west the mahaprabhu's prophecy (in every town and village,,) will be fulfilled.." or something like that..).

Of course, as in the real life, collaboration is a difficult art and it has to be done with discrimination... but, anyway, there's no justification to a general opposition to collaboration and association between vaishnavas.


Yes not all are totally Krishna Conscious, but together they are more effective than thousands of conflicting movements.

--english is not my language... what i wanted to say is that to be ISKcon or Krsna Conscious is a synonim.. or.. who is really krsna conscious is a prabhupada's follower, and who's not, even if he is officially in the organization, he's not really iskcon.


Preaching cannot be effective without unity.

--so search unity in preaching..or at least do not be mentally closed to find it. This is happening all over the world


Otherwise Krishna Consciousness will become like modern day Hinduism - full of competing movements...

--gaudya vaishnava is full of branches from his very birth.. we have to use it as a creative opportunity, there's no possibility to make him a monolyth or a vatican. Variety is in the ontologic nature of sanatana dharma. Even parampara acharyas change many things in comparison with the predecessor. So variety is necessary in itself and as a necessary adaptation to place, time and circumstances


Many ISKCON devotees are in influential positions in the World Vaishnava association

--so iskcon has to be more open to welcome vaishnavas to serve in collaboration


All I am saying is one must have a sense of unity without abandoning the society that is most associated with the beloved acharya Prabhupada.

--the main instruction of prabhupada is "tad viddhi pranipatena..." find a pure devotee, a "tattva darshina", one who sees directly the ultimate truth, sri krsna and take shelter chanting hare krsna under his guidance.. This is following prabhupada.. other things are inessential





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Hare Krishna


So why did Prabhupada not engage any of his godbrothers in preaching in the west? The fact is he tried to, but many were envious. Many are also not envious, and are very good devotees, but with our imperfect senses we can not judge. I'd rather keep with Prabhupada's organisation. After all he is founder acharya.


One who is really Krishna Conscious is a follower of Prabhupada. And a follower of Prabhupada does not criticise his own organisation, ISKCON. He has the freedom, however, to choose not to associate with ISKCON if he feels more comfortable that way.


Variety is necessary, but if the teachings of the others are even slightly inconsistent to Prabhupada, then we must avoid.


"find a pure devotee"


we are not pure devotees, how can we judge who is pure? At least if we are within ISKCON, the teachings of Prabhupada are being followed according to his instructions, his books, his lectures etc. Therefore even if we take shelter of someone who is not pure, he is still sincerely preaching Prabhupada's message.


Hare Krishna

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So why did Prabhupada not engage any of his godbrothers in preaching in the west?

--there's many reasons... and they are explained by Prabhupada himself near his disappearance. Then Prabhupada asks for collaboration and prophetizes: "if we go together in the west we'll fulfill the prophecy of sri chaitanya..". So please read Lilamrita


Many are also not envious, and are very good devotees, but with our imperfect senses we can not judge. I'd rather keep with Prabhupada's organisation

--for the same principle you cannot even recognize if what you call prabhupada's organization is really prabhuada's organization. I am not saying that iskcon is bogus, i am only saying that to search and recognize the guru is up to you and it cannot be delegated to an organization. read iskcon laws. they say that the responsability is up to you.. not of the gbc's


One who is really Krishna Conscious is a follower of Prabhupada. And a follower of Prabhupada does not criticise his own organisation, ISKCON.

--what can be criticized is not the iskcon's principle, who is exactly the gaudya vaishnava's principle.. but is implementation by conditioned humans


He has the freedom, however, to choose not to associate with ISKCON if he feels more comfortable that way.

--or one can associate and collaborate keeping the eyes wide open and not being sectarian against vaishnavas of other families


Variety is necessary, but if the teachings of the others are even slightly inconsistent to Prabhupada, then we must avoid

--if you want to avoid vaishnava's association because you do not bear little style's difference it is your problem. And it is not a vaishnava behaviour.. prabhupada has not come to make us sectarian


At least if we are within ISKCON, the teachings of Prabhupada are being followed according to his instructions

--if there's no purity the following is only superficial... so let us go in iskcon and let us listen to devotees, no problem, but we have to take shelter in pure devotees, otherwise the message is not transmitted even if there's written iskcon on the door.. this is the meaning of parampara, we have to discriminate


Therefore even if we take shelter of someone who is not pure, he is still sincerely preaching Prabhupada's message.

--if he's not pure... he's not sincere


the bhagavad gita says that the spiritualmaster is "tattva darshina"..one who sees directly the truth.. krsna. If he is not like that he is not a master, he knows it and he's not sincere..






please do not make prabhupada's message a cheap thing saying that pure devotees are not needed to teach krsna consciousness




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so what are your criteria for deciding who is a pure devotee?


prabhupada said he is pure if he is following instructions of his spiritual master sincerely...


...and the devotees in iskcon are doing that, preaching Prabhupada's books, lectures and teachings...


...in my humble opinion, one cannot know if one is following prabhupada's teachings when they are outside iskcon - because there is no requirement of following his teachings in the other movements...


...my aim is not to get you to come back to iskcon, it is to get you to stop criticising the organisation and advising people to do things outside iskcon. Why damage iskcon's preaching mission? Just practice Krsna consciousness the way you want to, without damaging the preaching mission...

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so what are your criteria for deciding who is a pure devotee?

prabhupada said he is pure if he is following instructions of his spiritual master sincerely...

--and that's exactly my opinion... who is following is pure, not who is simply belonging to an organization


...in my humble opinion, one cannot know if one is following prabhupada's teachings when they are outside iskcon - because there is no requirement of following his teachings in the other movements...

--prabhupada is not teaching something new.. iskcon and krsna consciousness are ancient and traditional. So who is following the path of chaitanya mahaprabhu is a prabhupada's follower


...my aim is not to get you to come back to iskcon

--i am not outside iskcon.. your suspect is wrong


Why damage iskcon's preaching mission?

--you are damaging iskcon showing the message of srila prabhupada as sectarian


read (the last part of) lilamrita and forget sectarism against other vaishnavas.. who criticizes iskcon in inda is in need of people like yu to demonstrate that we are a new sect and not a traditional vedic path


so be careful please


hari bol

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