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How doesthe theory of karma harpson Newton'sprinciple of action & reaction?

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Here is an article that I received from the About.hinduism.com



The article talks about the theory of karma & newton's principle of action & reaction. I also got a similar article from Kamakoti.org too. I am confused in connecting the law of karma to newton's principle on action & reaction. Can anyone help me understand?


Thank you.

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for every action, there is reaction.

when a bullet move forward, it pushed the gun backwards.


similary when yuu do some karma,

there is a reaction to karma, generally.


however, if a karma is done for to please krishna only,

then there is no bad reaction.

that karna has no reaction.


"karmanye va dhikarast maaphaleshu kadaachana"


there are similariteis between spiritual am material laws.


sky is every where, so is god.

sky is not a person or consciousness, god is.


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Their scopes are entirely different. Law of karma does not prove Newton's third law and Newton's third law does not prove law of karma. I am not saying that they are contradictory. They are not. It is just that they talk of different things.



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>>The similarities are very superficial and there really is no need to draw a comparison. Maybe some people think Hinduism will appear more scientific if we draw parallels to modern scientific theories, but it is really unnecessary, especially when they are not closely related. << - jn das


urdhva mUlahm adhah shAkham ashvattha prahuravyam...

- Gita 15.1


the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world.

so, the spiritual laws are reflected as the material (scientific) laws in material world. reflections have distortions also.


This is not written to make Hinduism 'appear' scientific.

the fact is Hinduism (sanatana dharma) IS most scientific.


Most HK's were hippies, without any education of science or mathematics. Additionally, prabhupada spoke bad for all the scientist, rather than the atheist scientists. Consequently, most Hk's hate scientists, and it should not be so. However, if A want to hate B, no one an stop A.


A scientists tries to find truth by a method called bottom-up. A devotee tried to find truth by top-down. Both seek truth. Why? because it could help solve problems people have. (The material world however is such that if you solve one problem, it would create new problems.)


Let me clarify what a scientist is. He has interest to study nature and figure how it works. He observes, and theorizes a phenomena. Then he scientifically makes experiments to see if his experimental observations

match what is predicted by his theory. If it does, then he declares it to the world and asks other scientists to challenge the hypothesis, analytically, mathematically and experimentally. When no one at the time can prove it is false, then the theory is valid for the time and is useful

to predict how nature works.


Now this knowledge discovered by scientists is used by engineers to solve problems of the world. Engineer does not know how to make a formula, but he knows how to use it.


In the world there are all kinds of people who have variety or demands for services and goods. Engineers can provide these services and goods working as self employed or as an employee of a company.


Goverments of the world have largest demand for scientists and engineers. Defense departments need superior weapons. No govt. can survive without weapons. HKs are safe because there is police and military who use weapons. No society can be safe without kshatriyas, and ksnatriyas need weapons.

Therefore, they need scientists and engineers. So, tt is not fair to slander them all. Those who are atheists and who cheat by their manipulated experimetns and measurements or conclusions only are bad, but not all. I also believe that most Hindu scientists from India are theists.


So, when some one sees similarities between matirial and spiritual laws, then he certainly he can talk about it.

So, the inquirey is not artificial for any mean purpose, but is an observation.


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I don't see karma as a spiritual law. Metaphysical(subtle) but not spiritual.


One difference is that karmic law is placed on beings that evloved to a point where they have a certain measure of choice in their actions. Not like an impersonal law like Newton was speaking of. If a ram hits an object with his head with x amount of force it will have a predictable result. If a human hits the same onbject in the same way with an equal amount of force the result will be the same. Right Avinash?


But karma can be rewarded in different ways according to the will of those whose job it is to administer it. Like a judge in a court proceeding. Or it can be forgiven if God wills. So many variables.

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If a ram hits an object with his head with x amount of force it will have a predictable result. If a human hits the same onbject in the same way with an equal amount of force the result will be the same. Right Avinash?


Yes, you are right. Assuming the other factors are same, the result will be the same.


I remember an incident. A few years back, I was helping somebody solve a problem in Mechanics in which there was a pully of a given mass and a given radius and which could rotate. There was a rope hanging across the pulley. There was a stone of mass M1 tied to one end and another stone of mass M2 tied to another end. After solving the problem, I just replaced the stone of mass M1 by a monkey of the same mass. I had pains to explain to that person that the result will be the same.


In Newton's law the intention does not matter, which matters a lot in the law of karma.

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There cannot be exact parallels between these two realms as the former belongs to the spiritual arena whereas the latter belongs only to the material world. Everybody has to pay for three types of Karmic reactions: 1) Kriyamana Karma: Immediate fruit is available for the action done, e.g. drinking water (action) and satiation of thirst (the result), 2) Sanchit Karma: Fruit of the action is available after some time: e.g. After writing exams (action) results are available after few months (result of the action), 3) Prarabdha Karma: Many Sanchit Karmic actions are such that, it might take years for them to bear the fruit and some times the fruits may not bear in this birth. In that case, the fruits of such Sanchit Karma comes to us in the form of Prarabdha Karma. In fact, it is because of our Prarabdha Karma, we take births. After all this explanation, I feel, there is nothing much similar in the theory of Karma and the Newton's laws.

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Most HK's were hippies, without any education of science or mathematics.



You seem to have some personal problems you need to work out before you continue posting. This thread and these boards have nothing to do with Hare Krishna's, with hippies, nor with Srila Prabhupada's view of Hinduism as distinct from the soul. Sort out your personal problems, and then come back and participate in these discussions progressively. That means you actually should read what is being posted by others, and reply accordingly. It's called communication.

Additionally, prabhupada spoke bad for all the scientist, rather than the atheist scientists. Consequently, most Hk's hate scientists, and it should not be so. However, if A want to hate B, no one an stop A.



Please read my above paragraph a dozen times or so to get a clue.

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Pound is a unit of weight. So, they will weigh the same. Now, let us twist the question a little.


Using a spring balance, I find the weight of iron of mass 1 kg.


Then, I find the weight of feathers of mass 1 kg (again using a spring balance).


Which of the two results will be more?

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Oh, if we are now talking mass then obviously the feathers are more, as it takes more feathers to weigh a pound than iron. Take a down pillow for example. Also which bird were the feathers taken from? Some birds have feathers that are heavier than others.


Also has the mass of feathers been fluffed? We cannot fluff iron, so that mass cannot increase.


Of course, I never took science in school. I figure its all intutive anyway.

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  • 2 years later...

The similarities are very superficial and there really is no need to draw a comparison. Maybe some people think Hinduism will appear more scientific if we draw parallels to modern scientific theories, but it is really unnecessary, especially when they are not closely related.


I come from a Muslim Forum and there, I have notice that both Muslims and Christians draw as much comparison to their beliefs from Scientific background, by showing that their beliefs are actually advanced and for all ages.


Yet, I see here is the opposite going on. Hindus do their best to separate Science from Hindusm, even so it is proven in history that people who are in the past combined both and made amazing discoveries.

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