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Whereabouts of Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami

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You obvious didn't read his mailing policy. "You no write me, I no write you." Posted Image


He doesn't maintain a mailing list, but makes a new one each month. Sometimes you get in for one issue by a recomendation or something, but then you won't get the next issue unless you write him a letter.


He tries to keep it more personal, where the receivers are people who actually communicate with him.

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"You no write me, I no write you."

Ha ha ha... Posted Image This is true, now that you mention it. He does say this. I always assumed it was just a joke, but I guess thats why I haven't been getting any newsletters lately. I once sent him a funny cartoon which he published in his newsletter and sent to me.

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Latest HED (June 22, 2002)


TODAY, Friday we're in Cuenca, Ecuador. Its 6,000 ft,

cold mountain air, but nice preaching. Since last HED

we did little more preaching in La Paz and then went to

Cochabamba in Bolivia. Ramaprasada, former member of

Parliament is converting his tri-plex into a temple.

About half done and some regular programs. Vere nice

but only one night there.


THEN ... <THEN> ... Began our version of Walt

Disney's, "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to Ecuador":


At 5:45AM we were supposed to leave the house/temple in

Cochabamba to go to the airport. But Ramaprasada

couldn't find his keys so he ran off down the road

while we stayed with the devotees.

He found a sleeping taxi driver who drove us to the

airport, but at the entry gate one tire went flat. We

took the luggage in hand and ran the final one kilomete.

Arrived in La Paz 45 minutes later with only 45 minutes

connect time. Mathuresha was waiting with our suitcase.

Stood in line at Taca and came to the desk:

Your flight to Lima is confirmed but not from Lima to


What! We confirmed both sectors.

I'm sorry, you´ll have to go through customs in Peru

and try to get on Stand-by.

Ayee! Chiuauaaaaa!

Arrived in Lima and there we're devotees there looking


for their lost luggage: Hey, Hanuman Swami. Are you

going to Guayaquil? The devotees want to know.

HpS> Ayee! Yes, in two hours if I can get standby.

Devotees> O.K. We'll let them know and help you.

HpS> (Thank you Krsna!) (The Immigration guys in La Paz

we're hard: Are you religious? Why are you in La Paz!!)

We got on Stand-by with only one seat not claimed one

hour before loading. The guy whose seat it was came up

just after they'd given us the ticket. We ran to the

gate not looking back. Ugh!

Plane then went from Lima to Quito to Guayaquil!}Phew!

Five airports, 11 hours door-to-door.

In Guayaquil the weather was warm. There´s a nice park

along the river front. Full devotee and outside

programs. Lunch is 25 preparations. Its hard to figure

out what to eat. Rice and beans! Went to the ocean for

Ganga-puja and Mother Ganga gave us a very nice bamboo

stick for our gong. Best gift in a <<long-time>>.

Ganga-mayi Ki Jai!

Now we are in Cuenca in the mountains for Nama-hatta

programs and then back to Guayaquil for Sunday feast.

Next week we'll report from Chile.

Feel like a small part of a big machine, nice machine.

Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!


-Complete CALendar next HED (29 June).

- Mexico still not fixed. Maybe Texas, Mexico as soon

as we reach USA (24Jul). Waiting for news of

Mexico-Madrid-Mexico ticket prices.

- No news from Nestor about Kartik tour.


*Kindergarten - Still keeping 25 rounds. Tough/nice. So

many things whirling around us, even death, that we

often have to chant just to do material things.


A smooth as sali-grama silas

They serve Krsna in five kinds of lilas.

Beads, one-hundred and eight,

Though only wood you are great.

*Primary - NOI seminar in Guayaquil.

*Secondary - Got a sample of the VIHE Bh. Sastri Exam

for the VMP Refresher course. Now have to exam it and

see if we can work toward it.

- KB, Krsna is just Marrying Five Queen's. Next week

interesting talk between K and Rukmini, K's family in

Dvaraka etc.

*Graduate - SAR, Canto 8, 14 Manvantars.

"K knew the inhabitants of Dvaraka would be afraid to

enter the tunnel, therefore He asked them to rermain

outside. Then He himself entered the dark tunnel to

find Rksa, Jambavan". Interesting, the Dvarakavasi's

and the Brijavasis. Brijavasis ready to die entering

Yamuna to save K from Kaliya. I´m still very attached

to matter. Gotta get out.


Our number-one focus is still this HED. Please help.

AGT Gaurava Prabhu for his steady help in posting it!

We are keeping a Wanderin Miscreants Journal on Bhakta

CIDCO and can send it July 24th when we reach USA.


-ISV: There is a committee to find a larger building.

How was CCD's house warming? Jaganmangal is better.

Subal is working 24 hours a day for Krsna and also

planted some flowers for Radha Madana-Gopal.

-Nimsar: Raktak is reporting little rough times in

getting started. But I'm pushing to keep to our

agreement to try it out for six months.

SMS ("Science Made Stupid" by Guy (Uncle) Gismo, Warp

World IX)

Ecuador Social Sciences.

The economy here is better than the USA. Bananas are

100 pounds a dollar. You can live for $450/month

nicely. Applying the Street Dog Index things are O.K.

They are well fed. Clean and lots of them (bottom of

the food chain).

Before the government was robbing the people by banks

etc. etc. but now the "economy is good".

Haw! Haw! Haw!

Be careful. That's just a trick so you'll earn a lot of

money again and then they will find another way to rob


In USA lower class is mostly driven out on the street

of hovels and then take to drugs and sex to survive for

some time, but die quickly. Hence, no "problem" with

lower class like in Ecuador etc. (Fifth Class). Also

true of dogs. No street dogs in USA.

But its not so great in Ecuador either. Like Arizona

1905. Robbers assault people in the street. Guards with

pistols, shotguns, rifles and even machine guns in the

department store portals.

GT - Nothing.

LTE - Nothing. We answer the letters with URGENT in the

Subject field first!

Please write with news. It helps a lot.

Your fallen servants,


Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink!



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One of the great joys I recall of receiving his newsletters was that I never knew what to expect. They never followed any set pattern. They were personal creations. Parts would be written in spanish, parts in english. There would be cut out articles pasted in, and a comic strip or two that had something to do with spirituality or such. And Hanumatpresaka Swami would draw his own cartoons in the margins, and around the articles. He would list his itinerary, and also give letters sent to him with his responses. Then he'd just xerox copies and send them out. They were a lot of fun to read. I'll see if I can get back onto the list.


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 06-28-2002).]

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Great to read Maharaja's trip in South America. I lived in Ecuador for more than 2 years and Cuenca has lots of nice people. Once we had a program there and we stayed in some hotel because wasn't a temple yet and we had the loudest kirtan in one of the rooms until they told us to shut up. The funny thing about that progran was that the TP's were in a funny mood and decided "no more dhotis and hindu stuff for the devotees", a few ladies were with saree. The visiting maharaja was very upset for this and called them "mormons" because they wore suits and ties. Next day we had a yagna for iniciations and a wedding and with the exception of the ones getting married, the initiates and me nobody else was with devotional cloth, I ended up helping Maharaja do the yajna.

Guayaquil is so hot and humid that I don't remember wearing a sweater ever, we got a really nice house with pool included just outside the brahmacarini ashram, it was really convenient. One day I was alone at the temple because I was ill and I heard glasses falling arond the pool, I looked out of my window and I saw many iguanas basking in the sun, moving with their tails the glasses lefy by the devotees...Such ugly creatures (the iguanas). They have a park in the middle of the city where are so many of them that if you seat in a bench one may fall on your head! I swear, they are crawling all over the place and so many in the trees. I know the devotees have a nice building in the middle of Guayaquil and my friend Manjari is a great cook, I'm sure she contributed in those 25 preparations.

Once we had the First Lady coming for prasadam, she really loved it.


I didn't know HPS goes to those lands so far away. I remember him from Mayapur.

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