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Made for Each Other

The Third Position

From Paul Fromm to David Icke to Wiebo Ludwig

The Radical: You Can't Judge This Book by its Cover

What Is at Stake?

The criticisms of Icke levelled in CD apparently enraged The Radical's

editor, Arthur Topham, who sent a heated e-mail to Anti-Racist Action,

an email also published in The Radical:


Like most huge events in history, the fall of the Berlin Wall shook our

world. In doing so it also changed the ground rules of politics.


Whether you call it paradigm shift or merely the temporary triumph of

neoliberalism, the dust from the Wall's collapse has clouded our vision

for nearly a decade. Without exception, currents of the Left around the

world have found themselves disoriented and scrambling to create a new

vision and a new political framework within which to organize and to

fight. This has not only been true for the traditional Communist

parties, but for the non-Stalinist and anti-Stalinist Left as well.


The Left has not yet been able to reconstitute a coherent vision of the

new world we want to see issue from the ashes of the old, nor have we

articulated the strategy or programme or organizations necessary to make

that happen. As a result, radical left politics have remained largely

confined to "anti" politics for a decade or more: anti-corporate,

anti-globalization, anti-capitalist. We have remained locked down behind

the relatively easy bulwark of what we're against, rather than venturing

out into the exposed and more dangerous terrain of defining what we're

for. In addition, in some sectors there have been marked tendencies to

view the capitalist system through the lens of conspiracism and

irrationality, where plots and conspiracies replace class interests and

mass politics as the motor forces of human society.


This weakening of its culture, institutions and politics have rendered

some sectors of the broad Left vulnerable to the conscious and organized

predation being carried out in Canada by a specific current of the far

right. In the U.S. this dates back as far as the Gulf War, where

neo-fascist currents like the Larouche organization and Spotlight sought

to attach themselves to the movement against the war.


Is the Canadian Left immune from this sort of targeting? No.


Is the situation any different now, a decade later? Yes and no.


Yes, because Seattle has led to Washington, and from there to

Philadelphia and L.A. and Windsor and Prague. Quebec will be next, and

it won't be the end. The rise of the struggle in the streets against

globalization marks the end of 10 years of demoralization and confusion.

There is a new dynamism and a new optimism, and if the path ahead is

only partially visible, at least we're collectively underway again.


However, one has only to look at Seattle to see that the growth of

far-right currents within and alongside the left and progressive

movements has increased visibly over the decade. There are also

indicators that point to a change -- during the Gulf War, the far right

was active on the fringes, but by Seattle it seemed to be active at the

very centre of things. While the young militants faced down the cops and

the gas in downtown Seattle, on a leadership level elements of that

movement were being increasingly compromised politically by a de facto

convergence between Ralph Nader and the most important far-right leader

in the United States, the semi-fascist Pat Buchanan. Five months later,

during the April 16 mobilizations in Washington, Buchanan shared a stage

with Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as an invited guest of the AFL-CIO.



Anti-globalist politics are not the exclusive preserve of the Left.

Though it springs from different roots, Buchanan's opposition to

globalization and free trade is as genuine as ours. He just takes it in

a direction diametrically opposed to everything else we stand for

--protectionism, racism, exclusion. Not only that, there have been

plenty of examples this century to show the far right can be

anti-globalization too. Throughout the 1920s Hitler's Nazi Party

contained a minority current led by Gregor and Otto Strasser that was

inalterably opposed to the German trusts ... as well as the Jews, the

Communists, social democrats, gays and lesbians, unions, etc.


Nor is the far right confined solely to the hardcore neo-Nazism of the

Heritage Front or the Northern Hammerskins. It's relatively easy to ward

off the interventions of groups that put swastikas on their literature.

It's considerably more difficult when the politics of the groups in

question are cloaked in progressive rhetoric and hidden behind coded

language. Between Wolfgang Droege, and Stockwell Day there is a whole

swamp of currents and organizations -- conspiracist, anti-Semitic, some

with hidden fascist agendas, some totalitarian, some merely far right.


Some of these are targeting the Left. There is reason to be concerned.



Made for Each Other



Although they're based at each end of the country, they seem to be made

for each other.


The Radical in a monthly tabloid published in Quesnel, B.C. since June,

1998 by Arthur Topham, a self-described anarchist who regards himself as

"a natural, sovereign and unique critter who doesn't need any

centralized forms of authority telling me how to run my life."


Discourse and Disclosure is a more irregularly-published bimonthly, also

a tabloid. It has been put out by editor Sue Potvin since May, 1996.

Potvin, formerly a resident of Ottawa, now resides in Greenwood, Nova

Scotia. She is considerably less forthcoming about herself than is



Both publications share common positions on many different issues. Both

are opposed to globalization, the WTO, the MAI, NAFTA, the World Bank,

the IMF, and now to the FTAA. Both are opposed to the increasing

corporate domination of the economy and most other sectors of everyday

life. Both have editorially supported the mobilizations against

globalization, from Seattle to Prague. Both have condemned NATO, and the

West's aggression against Yugoslavia. Both oppose clearcutting and

support many environmental causes. Both are strongly supportive of

Canadian nationalism. Both have even run articles endorsing gay and

lesbian rights, and have been outspoken in support of Native struggles

from Ipperwash to Gustafsen Lake.


Each has survived hand-to-mouth for years, with very shaky finances, and

so the announcement in the November, 2000 issues of each publication

that they were moving towards appearing as a joint publication made a

whole lot of sense. The Radical is distributed widely throughout the

hinterland of B.C; Discourse and Disclosure appears to have a broader

national distribution. Both share a number of regular contributors. To

move toward joint publication is a completely logical step in extending

the reach of two papers that have essentially identical editorial



In fact, the similarities go far deeper, but this requires you to get

out a fine-tooth comb and start a much closer examination of both

publications. Both papers are riddled with conspiracy theorists. Both

have supported the politics of David Icke, the new age anti-Semite who

argues the world is being run by a conspiracy of blood-drinking lizards.

Both regularly feature and support the activities of the far-right Detax

movement. Both exhibit numerous links to various prominent anti-Semites,

militia supporters and white supremacists. Both have become important

vehicles in English Canada for the politics of the third position

current of Canada's far right -- third position because this current of

the right rejects capitalism AND Marxism.



The Third Position



Although a definite current of the far right, the third--position

current is distinct and apart from the mainstream of the neo-Nazi

movement, which often attacks it in vitriolic terms. D&D's editor has

herself been directly criticized by a fascist website in the following

terms: "Sue Potvin publishes a Canadian tabloid titled Discourse and

Disclosure ... [which] believes aboriginals (Native North Americans) are

the planet's chief (no pun intended) victims and contains an enormous

amount of White guilt and rants about not only what Whites have 'done'

to these sacred aboriginals, but to the world in general. There is also

so much ranting about corporations that it's hardly distinguishable from

your local Marxist/communist publication."


Clearly it would be a misrepresentation to equate Potvin's publication

with mainstream neofascism, as this is simply not the case. However,

it's also undeniable that the political content of both The Radical and

Discourse and Disclosure extensively overlaps the politics of

neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism and some of the most crazed conspiracy

theorists on the planet. Judge for yourself:


* On more than one occasion D&D and Potvin herself have quoted

extensively from the U.S. newspaper, The Spotlight, which has been

described as "the most significant voice of the far right." It is

published by the Liberty Lobby, itself described as "the major source of

anti-Semitic propaganda in the United States," and whose leader, Willis

Carto, has been publicly quoted as stating that "only a few Americans

are concerned with the inevitable niggerification of America" and "the

Jews came first and remain Public Enemy Number One."

* The December, 1999 issue of Discourse and Disclosure appeared

with a guest editor, Jim McKee. McKee has contributed frequently to the

paper on numerous topics. Three months earlier a letter from him

appeared condemning immigration and stating that "in recent years, we

have been bringing most of our immigrants from countries where the

predominant religions are non-Christian, and the cultures are quite

different from ours. Integrating these people into Canadian society

poses problems that didn't exist for the British and European

immigrants. ... Our heritage of Christian standards is being swept

aside." McKee's racism assumes even sharper definition when it's

recalled that on May 13, 1997 he held a public meeting in his Glenarm,

Ontario home, which was addressed by Paul Fromm. Fromm, the head of

several racist organizations, gained notoriety ten years ago when the

Toronto Sun obtained a video of his appearance on stage at a December 8,

1990 meeting of the Heritage Front, flanked by a huge Nazi flag and

giving a Nazi salute.

* D&D features a regular column on the activities of the Canadian

Action Party written by Carla Marie Dancey, CAP's representative to

Elections Canada. In 1997, Dancey was the Reform Party candidate in

Ottawa South, where she immortalized herself on the topic of "ethnic"

immigration. An article in the May 18, 1997 Edmonton Journal reported

that "Canada's immigration system is racially driven to ensure at least

85 percent of people who come into the country aren't white, a Reform

candidate said May 17. 'If you look at the immigration system right now

... they've got it divided according to racial lines,' said Carla

Dancey. ... 'Eighty-five percent of the people coming into the country

have to be ethnic and 15 percent white, because before they had 85

percent white and 15 percent ethnic and they decided that was racist.'"

Paul Fromm's thoroughly racist Canadian Immigration Hotline liked this

quote so much it was promptly republished on its website.



From Paul Fromm to David Icke to Wiebo Ludwig



. Almost every recent issue of Discourse and Disclosure features at

least one article by Tom J. Kennedy, the Ottawa tour organizer for David

Icke in 1999. Kennedy's main area of activity centres around the Detax

movement. He has published material on the Internet that he has

reprinted from neo-Nazi and Holocaust Denial websites, and he has also

publicly admitted to a friendship with Ernst Zundel that goes back

nearly 20 years. Currently, Kennedy has a brief tribute on the Web

naming his friends, mentors and leaders; this list includes not only Sue

Porvin, but also Paul Fromm, Ernst Zundel, David Icke, David Irving,

Glen Kealey and no less than 10 leaders of the Detax movement.


* Potvin herself has editorially promoted the Detax movement, an

ultra-right tax-denial movement that is in many respects the Canadian

equivalent of the Posse Comitatus, the U.S. current in the 1980's that

was one of the key predecessors of today's militia movement. Writing in

a front-page article in the May/June, 1997 issue of her paper, entitled

"Canadian Challenges The Illegal Income Tax System," Potvin extensively

profiled David Butterfield's B.C.-based "Shareholders of Canada" and

echoed its claim that no one need pay income tax, since "it's illegal."

However, Potvin's editorials have rarely been as overtly far right as

those of her other regular contributors. On occasion she has even

publicly distanced herself from some of her most extreme contributors.


. Other D&D articles continually harp on the same conspiracist themes,

whether it's on the New World Order plot that murdered Princess Diana

(Sydney White, September-October, 1999), or the New World Order plot to

take away our guns (John Welham, Sept./Oct., 1998), or the conspiracy of

the Illuminati to control the world economy (Fred Kirkman, August,

1998). And as for Canadian nationalism, contributor Ed Benson gave a

flavor of D&D's politics in the August, 1997 issue when he wrote that

Canada has been "reduced to being the major financial and atomic

benefactor of Red Communism; a country which condones the jailing of

people for displaying a sign in English; a country that allows

democratic votive fraud and military sedition; and a country that

permits bare-breasted women on the streets."


Discourse and Disclosure functions as the public voice of a far-right

current that first came clearly into sight during the 1993 campaign of

the National Party of Canada. Since the National Party's demise, many

D&D supporters have remained active in its successor organization, the

Canadian Action Party, particularly in CAP's leadership. Regular

contributors to Discourse and Disclosure include party leader Paul

Hellyer, Connie Fogal, CAP's national president, at least three CAP

regional directors, and more than 10 per cent of CAP's candidates in

both the 1997 and 2000 federal elections. D&D supporters have also been

visibly active in and around numerous other organizations since then,

including several PIRG organizations, Concerned Citizens Against Free

Trade, David Orchard's campaign for the leadership of the Progressive

Conservatives, the Council of Canadians, various anti-globalization

groups, and others.


The Radical appears to have taken a completely different trajectory,

only to wind up at the same spot. Where the D&D current appears to have

set out to penetrate various sectors of the Left, The Radical appears to

have engaged on a process of political evolution away from anarcho/green

politics towards those of the far right. Both papers share both a common

editorial approach and a common pool of writers. David Icke has appeared

repeatedly in both papers, and has been listed on the masthead of both

as a contributor. (The May/June, 2000 issue of Canadian Dimension

features an assessment of Icke and his backers in greater depth than is

possible here). Numerous other writers appearing regularly in both The

Radical and Discourse and Disclosure include Bey Collins, Joseph Duggan,

Robert Rodvik, John Welham, Eva Lyman, Pat Bennett, Kevin Annett and

Connie Fogal. Joseph Duggan is David Icke's main Vancouver organizer,

whose speakers' bureau, Strong Eagles Productions, organizes tours in

Vancouver and the rest of B.C. for much of the conspiracist right.


Bev Collins made the cryptic comment in the April, 1999 issue of The

Radical, "are you prepared for an American military officer under United

Nations command to enter your home and remove you and your family

because of Y2K?", and went on to hint darkly about a battalion of

British troops on "training exercises" at the time outside Rossland,

B.C. This has been one of her main preoccupations for a long time. In

August, 1996 she authored a long piece in D&D entitled "U.S. Militia

Victim Of Negative Image Makers," which stated that "more than three

million patriots in the U.S. today have joined With law enforcement and

a cross-nation militia organization network." She went on to add that

"the militia is not, as those in power would have you believe, some

extremist band of thugs." On the contrary, she wrote, "militia members

are said to be everyday, ordinary American citizens who care enough to

take steps to protect their country against corrupt government." She

pooh-poohed the armed Freemen standoff taking place in Montana by simply

declaring the Freemen were not really militia, after all, which probably

came as news to them.


Collins' links to militia activity do not seem to be confined to

ideological support alone, either. According to David Lethbridge of the

Salmon Arm Coalition Against Racism, "not long before the 1997 federal

election, Collins attended and spoke at a secret meeting of the Texas

Light Infantry, one of the earliest militias to be set up after the

[1992] Estes Park gathering, which founded the contemporary militia

movement." Bob Holloway, one of the key organizers of the Texas Light

Infantry, is an associate of Louis Beam, Grand Dragon of the Texas

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Lethbridge went on to note that

"subsequently, Collins ran as a candidate of Paul Hellyer's Canada

Action Party."


John Welham has written for both papers as well. He authored a piece in

the July, 1998 issue of The Radical entitled "Why Federal Income Tax Is

Illegal". The following month his article was picked up by Discourse and

Disclosure and reprinted verbatim. On more than one occasion Discourse

and Disclosure has published four-page supplements on Butter field's

group, and The Radical has also repeatedly run ads for various Detax

seminars and public events.



The Radical: You Can't Judge This Book by its Cover



If you judge a book by its cover, you'd have to conclude that The

Radical is radical after all, every issue is festooned with peace

symbols, anarchist A's, hemp plants and (cruellest joke of all) little

pictures of Che. It would be much more accurate to say that, while the

layout may be radical, the editorial content's been taken so far to the

right that it's off the page. And it's not like Arthur Topham is the

first, either. Throughout the last century, every single current in the

broad Left has seen defectors from its ranks crossing over to the far

right. Benito Mussolini left the Socialist Party to lead the Italian

fascist movement. Many sections of the Comintern experienced losses to

fascism during the 1930s, like the split of the Jacques Doriot wing from

the French Communist Party. Lyndon Larouche came out of the Trotskyist

SWP. Why should we expect hippie anarchism to be any different?


The problem is, The Radical, like D&D, has connections and it has

influence. The current November issue demonstrates this clearly. It

contains articles by militia supporter Bev Collins, Detax activist Tom

Kennedy and Wiebo Ludwig supporter Allan Johnston. It has a column by

Hans Krampe stating that this federal election "may very well be our

last chance to deal with despotic and treasonous systems in a democratic

and relatively peaceful manner. After that, who knows what will happen,"

accompanied by an editorial calling on readers to refuse to register

their guns. But others are present as well. There is an article by the

Prince George Green Party. There is an article by Vancouver Parks Board

commissioner Roz Cassels, elected on the Green Party slate. There is a

letter from 72-year-old Betty Krawczyk, currently serving a one-year

prison sentence for her participation in the logging blockades in the

Elaho Valley.


This is where we find the danger from this current. They have a hearing

within our ranks, and it looks like a pretty big one. Both papers have

systematically courted sectors of the Left, the green and anarchist

currents, most spectacularly in the case of The Radical. Over the last

year Topham's paper has featured front-page articles on the Elaho

blockades, Toronto Green mayoralty candidate Tooker Gomberg, the

Vancouver Mayworks Festival and the David Suzuki Foundation. The March

issue featured a full-page ad on the back cover placed by the World

March of Women for International Women's Day. Articles and letters have

been printed from and about the Western Canada Wilderness Committee,

Friends of the Earth, the Cariboo Green Party, Vicki Husband of the

Sierra Club of B.C., Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, the Valhalla

Wilderness Society, the Council of Canadians and others. Articles by

Noam Chomsky appear regularly. And the paper continues to be distributed

not only by the progressive Magpie Magazines, but by the leftie Peoples'

Coop and Spartacus bookstores.



What Is at Stake?



Third-position politics are a threat to the Left, the green movement and

progressive organizations in general. To counter them, first and above

all we need to expose them to the light of day. Many of the cases above

have a very simple explanation; Potvin's and Topham's politics are

largely concealed from public view, and therefore neither known or

understood. This is pretty common with crypto-right currents. But there

will undoubtedly be those who defend The Radical and Discourse and

Disclosure, just as there are at least some who appear prepared to

accept Wiebo Ludwig as an ally, and David Icke as a guru. This will

require not only exposure, but political struggle as well.


In the final analysis, the rejection and marginalization of

third-position politics require many of the same political discussions

that will be integral to any process of rebuilding the Left. What is at

stake? A rejection of irrationalism, of conspiracy theories, of

scapegoating. Repudiating Canadian nationalism. Moving beyond a

reflexive anticapitalist politics to begin to develop a broad vision of

the world we want to be able to leave to our children. Articulating what

we're for, and how we intend to get there. Redefining socialism. And

reconstructing the Left.






By Will Offley




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.since 1800


Antisemitism: Persecution of Jews along Racial Lines:

Subsequent attacks against Jews tended to be racially motivated. They were perpetrated primarily by the state. The Jewish people were viewed as a separate people or race.


1806: A French Jesuit Priest, Abbe Barruel, had written a treatise blaming the Masonic Order for the French Revolution. He later issued a letter alleging that Jews, not the Masons were the guilty party. This triggered a belief in an international Jewish conspiracy in Germany, Poland and some other European countries later in the 19th century.

1846 - 1878: Pope Pius IX restored all of the previous restrictions against the Jews within the Vatican state. All Jews under Papal control were confined to Rome's ghetto - the last one in Europe until the Nazi era. On 2000-SEP-3, Pope John Paul II beautified Pius IX; this is the last step before sainthood. He explained: "Beatifying a son of the church does not celebrate particular historic choices that he has made, but rather points him out for imitation and for veneration for his virtue."

1858: Edgardo Mortara was kidnapped, at the age of six, from his Jewish family by Roman Catholic officials after they found out that a maid had secretly baptized him. He was not returned to his family but was raised a Catholic. He eventually became a priest.

1873: The term "antisemitism" is first used in a pamphlet by Wilhelm Marr called "Jewry's Victory over Teutonism."

1881: Alexander II of Russia was assassinated by radicals. The Jews were blamed. About 200 individual pogroms against the Jews followed. ("Pogrom" is a Russian word meaning "devastation" or "riot." In Russia, a pogrom was typically a mob riot against Jewish individuals, shops, homes or businesses. They were often supported and even organized by the government.) Thousands of Jews became homeless and impoverished. The few who were charged with offenses generally received very light sentences. 1

1893: "...anti-Semitic parties won sixteen seats in the German Reichstag." 2

1894: Captain Alfred Dreyfus, an officer on the French general staff, was convicted of treason. The evidence against him consisted of a piece of paper from his wastebasket with another person's handwriting, and papers forged by antisemitic officers. He received a life sentence on Devil's Island, off the coast of South America. The French government was aware that a Major Esterhazy was actually guilty. 3 The church, government and army united to suppress the truth. Writer Emile Zola and politician Jean JaurХs fought for justice and human rights. After 10 years, the French government fell and Drefus was declared totally innocent. The Dreyfus Affair was world-wide news for years. It motivated Journalist Theodor Herzl to write a book in 1896: "The Jewish State: A Modern Solution to the Jewish Question." The book led to the founding of the Zionist movement which fought for a Jewish Homeland. A half century later, the state of Israel was born.

1903: At Easter, government agents organized an anti-Jewish pogrom in Kishinev, Moldova, Russia. The local newspaper published a series of inflammatory articles. A Christian child was discovered murdered and a young Christian woman at the Jewish Hospital committed suicide. Jews were blamed for the deaths. Violence ensured. The 5,000 soldiers in the town did nothing. When the smoke cleared, 49 Jews had been killed, 500 were injured; 700 homes looted and destroyed, 600 businesses and shops looted, 2000 families left homeless. Later, it was discovered that the child had been murdered by its relatives and the suicide was unrelated to the Jews. 4

1905: The Okhrana, the Russian secret police in the reign of Czar Nicholas II, converted an earlier antisemitic novel into a document called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." It was published privately in 1897. A Russian Orthodox priest, Sergius Nilus, published them publicly in 1905. It was promoted as the record of "secret rabbinical conferences whose aim was to subjugate and exterminate the Christians." 5 The Protocols were used by the Okhrana in a propaganda campaign that was associated with massacres of the Jews. These were the Czarist Pogroms of 1905.

1915: 600,000 Jews were forcibly moved from the western borders of Russia towards the interior. About 100,000 died of exposure or starvation.

1917: "In the civil war following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the reactionary White Armies made extensive use of the Protocols to incite widespread slaughters of Jews." 5 Two hundred thousand Jews were murdered in the Ukraine alone.

1920: The Protocols reach England and the United States. They are exposed as a forgery, but are widely circulated. Henry Ford sponsored a study of international activities of Jews. This led to a series of antisemitic articles in the Dearborn Independent, which were published in a book, "The International Jew."

1920: The defeat of Germany in World War I and the continuing economic difficulties were blamed in that country on the "Jewish influence." One antisemitic poster has been preserved from that era. 6 It shows a German, presumably Christian woman, a male Jew with distorted facial features, a coffin and the word "Deutschland" (Germany)

1920's, 1930's: Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." The Protocols are used by the Nazis to whip up public hatred of the Jews in the 1930's. Widespread pogroms occur in Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Rumania, and the USSR. Radio programs by many conservative American clergy, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, frequently attacked Jews. Reverend Fr. Charles E Coughlin was one of the best known. "In the 1930's, radio audiences heard him rail against the threat of Jews to America's economy and defend Hitler's treatment of Jews as justified in the fight against communism." (12) Other conservative Christian leaders, such as Frank Norris and John Straton supported the Jews. 7

Discrimination against Jews in North America is widespread. Many universities set limits on the maximum number of Jewish students that they would accept. Harvard accepted all students on the basis of merit until after World War I when the percentage of Jewish students approached 15%. At that time they installed an informal quota system. In 1941, Princeton had fewer than 2% Jews in their student body. Jews were routinely barred from country clubs, prestigious neighborhoods, etc. 8


1933: Hitler took power in Germany. Jews "were barred from civil service, legal professions and universities, were not allowed to teach in schools and could not be editors of newspapers." 2 Two years later, Jews were no longer considered citizens.

1934: Various laws were enacted in Germany to force Jews out of schools and professions.

1935: The Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws restricting citizenship to those of "German or related blood." Jews became stateless.

1936: Cardinal Hloud of Poland urged Catholics to boycott Jewish businesses.

1938: On NOV-9, the Nazi government in Germany sent storm troopers, the SS and the Hitler Youth on a pogrom that killed 91 Jews, injured hundreds, burned 177 synagogues and looted 7,500 Jewish stores. Broken glass could be seen everywhere; the glass gave this event its name of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. 9

1938: Hitler brought back century-old church law, ordering all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David as identification. A few hundred thousand Jews are allowed to leave Germany after they give all of their assets to the government.

1939: The Holocaust, the systematic extermination of Jews in Germany begins. The process only ended in 1945 with the conclusion of World War II. Approximately 6 million Jews (1.5 million of them children), 400 thousand Roma (Gypsies) and others were slaughtered. Some were killed by death squads; others were slowly killed in trucks with carbon monoxide; others were gassed in large groups in Auschwitz, Dacau, Sobibor, Treblinka and other extermination camps. Officially, the holocaust was described by the Nazis as subjecting Jews "to special treatment" or as a "solution of the Jewish question." Gold taken from the teeth of the victims was recycled; hair was used in the manufacture of mattresses. In the Buchenwald extermination camp, lampshades were made out of human skin; however, this appears to be an isolated incident. A rumor spread that Jewish corpses were routinely converted into soap. However, the story appears to be false. 10

1940: The Vichy government of France collaborated with Nazi Germany by freezing about 80,000 Jewish bank accounts. During the next four years, they deported about 76,000 Jews to Nazi death camps; only about 2,500 survived. It was only in 1995 that a French president, Jacques Chirac, "was able to admit that the state bore a heavy share of responsibility in the mass round-ups and deportations of Jews, as well as in the property and asset seizures that were carried out with the active help of the Vichy regime." 11

1941: The Holocaust Museum in Washington DC estimates that 13,000 Jews died on 1941-JUN-19 during a pogrom in Bucharest, Romania. It was ordered by the pro-Nazi Romanian regime of Marshal Ion Antonescu. The current government has admitted that this atrocity happened, but most Romanians continue to deny that the Jews were killed on orders from their own government. 12

1941: Polish citizens in Jedwabne in northeastern Poland killed hundreds of Jews, by either beating them to death or burning them alive in a barn. According to the Associated Press: "The role played by Polish citizens was suppressed for nearly six decades until publication of a book by a Polish emigre historian, Jan Tomasz Gross. After release of the book in 2000, the Polish government launched an investigation. 'The role of the Poles was decisive in conducting the criminal act,' [prosecutor Radoslaw] Ignatiew, said. The book, 'Neighbours,' sparked national soul-searching among Poles, many of whom could not believe that anybody but the Nazis would have committed the atrocity." 13

1942: From JUL-28 to 31, almost 18,000 inhabitants of the Minsk ghetto in what is now Belarus were exterminated. This was in addition to 5,000 to 15,000 who had been massacred in earlier pogroms in that city. This was just one of many such pogroms during World War II. 14

1946: Even though World War II ended the year before, antisemitic pogroms continued, particularly in Poland, with the deaths of many Jews.


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I dont know much about the history of jewish persecution however the reasons behind such things are rarely completely unfounded. I know the German people had good reason to be anti-semitic after WW1 as a staggering 90% of department stores in Berlin were under Jewish ownership.

I think in general the reason why the Jews are viewed with suspicion is because the continual interest in the gain and manipulation of money. Stereotypes of moneylending Jews seem somewhat out of place in the out or inward look of modern society however it is the Rothschilds, a Jewsih family, who own Western banks. Considering when you earn money it must by law go straight to the bank before it reaches even the hands of the government or state the question has to be asked who controls the country?


And lets face it how many Jewish bricklayers or plumbers do you know?!

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you guyz ?


look ,you need to read up on the subject, i've posted

stuff that is mandatory if you want an informed



you will see that anti semitism started for political reasons.


when the byzantine empire was losing to the muslim

empire, the catholic church /state had to get out of town,

constantinople,that is ,and the area around it,the heart

of the catholic roman empire, the roman empire had become officially catholic and had moved from rome to constatinople.


they had influence in south east europe, to the west

in france and spain and parts of germany they had little

to no influence, the people there were either "pagan",

meaning anything not biblical, or jewish or a variety of

non catholic christians.


they lived in peace and prosperity, the jews had a large

and long time existence especially in spain and france,

for over 1000 years.


the catholci roman empire was being kicked out by the muslims,and set there sights on the west.


the problem was they were not welcome, at that point it became all out war by the roman empire on west europe.


the albegensian crusade(killing all non catholic christians) and the first inquisition started,(killing jews and pagans)

also the propaganda,mentioned in the above posts.


this was the beginning of a long history,all politicaly motivated, including all the modern conspiracy theories, they were started by a french catholic priest,

the Abbe Barruel, who was the first to write about the dangers of the jewish led Illuminati at the end of the 18th century.

it has always been led by the roman catholic empire,

creating fear and mistrust and hate for their political and economic sake.


all roads lead to rome.

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Guest guest

the war on the jews has been going on for a long time,

part of the method is to propagandize the jews

as being behind the "conspiracy" to control the world,

the facts differ, this is to sow confusion and

lead inspection away from the actual conspiracy,



for example, the jesuits "liberation theology"

is also called catholic marxism, it is in fact

communist dogma with control by religious leaders,

instead of the marxist atheist state.


The sandinista

movement led by the jesuits and liberation theology

was a copy of the original communist state of paraguay, hundreds of years ago,here is the history





here is some more of the more recent political

machinations blamed on the jews, but in fact

that is part of the plan to hide the reality.


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Guest guest


And lets face it how many Jewish bricklayers or plumbers do you know?!




My brother-in-law is a plumber and is Jewish. There are a number of Jewish plumbers in the area where I live.


I am ethnically Jewish, but neither I or my ancestral family has ever been rich or privileged. The only relationship I have with banks is one of being a customer, like everyone else. No one in my family, has ever been a doctor or lawyer, and, in fact, in my life, I have had some of the most proletariat jobs imaginable. I have been an electrician's helper, a postal worker, and even a city sewer worker. SO MUCH FOR STEREOTYPES!!

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  • 1 month later...

I apologize for all the insults heaped upon your ancient race by some of the people here. But please understand that most people, especially Hindus in India, do not believe in stereotyping, nor do they have any animosity toward Jews. All countires, races, cultures have problems, it is not as if only some communities are suffering and others successful. We all need to work together and resolve the world's (human) problems.

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The reason behind ethnic tensions is simply ignorance. You think: "I'm a Jew. I have to support my tribe in their effort to prosper! These other people speaking badly about my tribe are obviously envious of us!" The demonic people are expert at using such sentiments to control others. Be wary of them. You have only allegiance to the Supreme Lord. Some ancient lore researchers say that certain families (some of them Jewish) carry a demonic Rakshasa blood in them and they use their power to control and profit from worldwide confusion. They hide behind ordinary people and manipulate them like puppets. Their power is great but Krishna's power is much greater. When you no longer see yourself as Jew, Pole, American, Indian, etc. their influence over your life is greatly diminished. Chant the Holy Name and purify your vision!

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As to the original question: Why are Jews being villified? Just like with everything else in this world: the law of Karma makes no distinction - you reap what you sow. Be humble and accept your situation as brought to you by the law. Do not blame others, and that goes for both sides. As nations we DESERVE to be ruled by demons due to our ignorance and sinful activities.

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who posted the above two messages, then let me tell you I am not a Jew. I am simply wondering why everybody is picking on the Jew. Is it because they are small in number, and hence cannot retaliate? Also you said a Jew shouldn't cling to his label, then there would be no problem. That's not true. Suppose all the jews in Germany had said, "We are humans, nothing more." Do you think Hitler would've spared them then? Come on, understanding has to come from both sides. You cannot expect Jews to be the good guys when you are constantly calling them "demons" or "blood-suckers" or what you will. That's a very perverted approach. Jews are people too, who need to be loved and honored.

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Post deleted by Admin5: duplicate post as above. "Guest", this reply you posted three times in a row, in another thread you posted the same reply five times in a row (all but one of which we have removed}. Please only post a reply once and assume it has gone thru.

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"Some ancient lore researchers say that certain families (some of them Jewish) carry a demonic Rakshasa blood in them and they use their power to control and profit from worldwide confusion. They hide behind ordinary people and manipulate them like puppets. Their power is great but Krishna's power is much greater."


**Wow never heard about the Rakshasa blood connection.**


"As to the original question: Why are Jews being villified? Just like with everything else in this world: the law of Karma makes no distinction - you reap what you sow."




Jews have been run out of every country in Europe

Year Place


1. 250: Carthage

2. 415: Alexandria

3. 554: Diocese of Clement (France)

4. 561: Diocese of Uzzes (France)

5. 612: Visigoth Spain

6. 642: Visigoth Empire

7. 855: Italy

8. 876: Sens

9. 1012: Mayence

10. 1181: France

11. 1290: England

12. 1306: France

13. 1348: Switzerland

14. 1349: Hielbronn (Germany)

15. 1349: Hungary

16. 1388: Strasbourg

17. 1394: Germany

18. 1394: France

19. 1422: Austria

20. 1424: Fribourg & Zurich

21. 1426: Cologne

22. 1432: Savory

23. 1438: Mainz

24. 1439: Augsburg

25. 1446: Bavaria

26. 1453: Franconis

27. 1453: Breslau

28. 1454: Wurzburg

29. 1485: Vincenza (Italy)

30. 1492: Spain

31. 1495: Lithuania

32. 1497: Portugal

33. 1499: Germany

34. 1514: Strasbourg

35. 1519: Regensburg

36. 1540: Naples

37. 1542: Bohemia

38. 1550: Genoa

39. 1551: Bavaria

40. 1555: Pesaro

41. 1559: Austria

42. 1561: Prague

43. 1567: Wurzburg

44. 1569: Papal States

45. 1571: Brandenburg

46. 1582: Netherlands

47. 1593: Brandenburg, Austria

48. 1597: Cremona, Pavia & Lodi

49. 1614: Frankfort

50. 1615: Worms51. 1619: Kiev

52. 1649: Ukraine

53. 1654: LittleRussia

54. 1656: Lithuania

55. 1669: Oran (North Africa)

56. 1670: Vienna

57. 1712: Sandomir

58. 1727: Russia

59. 1738: Wurtemburg

60. 1740: Little Russia

61. 1744: Bohemia

62. 1744: Livonia

63. 1745: Moravia

64. 1753: Kovad (Lithuania)

65. 1761: Bordeaux

66. 1772: Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia)

67. 1775: Warsaw

68. 1789: Alace

69. 1804: Villages in Russia

70. 1808: Villages & Countrysides (Russia)

71. 1815: Lubeck & Bremen

72. 1815: Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria

73. 1820: Bremes

74. 1843: Russian Border Austria & Prussia

75. 1862: Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction

76. 1866: Galatz, Romania

77. 1919: Bavaria (foreign born Jews)

78. 1938-45: Nazi Controlled Areas

79. 1948: Arab Countries



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There are some very cryptic passages in certain old editions of the Talmud dealing with the "Dragon" or demonic "seed" being passed in some priestly Jewish families. There are also references to Dragon seed in some less public Mormon writings and secret oral tradition. Lilith, Adams original wife in Eden was one of the dragons (it is interesting to note that she changed into her winged form by invoking a Name mantra). Such references are being systematically removed from public view as time goes by. Dragons usually relate to certain type of Rakshasas or possibly some other species of demons who can breed with humans and carry on their lineage.


And on another note: One should be very careful not to villify all Jews in general, as they are as much a victim of such manipulations as anybody else. There are heroes and villains in all ethnic or racial groups. We have to judge all people by their guna and karma, not birth. Hare Krishna!

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Don - Who said that?



Many many non-Jewish Devotees have told this to me!


I also belive this to be true.


Shrila Prabhupada did say this:


Prabhupada: ...in the human society the Jews are most beautiful. Is it a fact? Jews? Yehudi.(?)


Satsvarupa: Each group says that they're the most beautiful. (laughter) The blacks say they are beautiful, and the whites say...


Prabhupada: No, impartially. That everyone will say, "I am beautiful....". (July 30, 1975 Dallas)


Your Servant,


Bhakta don




I am neither Jewish or good looking!


Satyaraj Das a famous Jewish Devotee is a Genius--His books are very good.



I have a quote on one of my web pages, and if you want I will find it and get it exactly, but its in relationship to someone saying the Jews are the Yadu dynasty, to which Prabhupada replied that that Krishna took the Yadu dynasty back with Him and no one can be related to Krishna thru blood. He went on like that. So lets not make it look like Prabhupada had a prejudicial preference toward any one sect. Prabhupada has said many things. The one really favored is the deovtee who follows his instruction the most.


And recently I have heard Satyaraja is not so much believing in Krishna or Prabhupada anymore, that he made some comment he merely knows how to write the books and its a form of income for him, but he doesn't always agree with what he writes! Tho to a degree he may still be somewhat of a devotee, but he has really fallen away.

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Yes, it is sad indeed. I met him just before I became a devotee and he preached to me a little. About a year or so after I moved in the temple, I went to P.R. (I did not stay very long), where I bumped into him. A pleasant surprise. I have not seen him since, but to find this out was the opposite - not pleasant. Someone emailed posts he had written which were pretty intense! If this is a sign of intelligence, I dont want it. What kind of intelligence is that.


So his current opinions or beliefs are clear from his posts, but at the same time, things can turn around. I have known devotees who completely left, even became inimical, later to give that up. Still, we should pray for him to be able to open his eyes.


Oddly enough, his books may still be considered bona fide because, as he has said himself, he knows what devotees believe and what to write about. So I wouldn't through his books away, tho not sure I'd buy any new ones until he wakes up.

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Thanks for the info Priitaa. I'm not sure I read any of his newer books, but if I was interested in the subject I would probably still buy them, even as I do not feel very comfortable about this way of making a living by a "faded" devotee. Sometimes devotees feeling bitter about things poison the ether even when they try to avoid it...

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Jews are descendants of the Yadu dynasty. Jews are faultless. Jews treasure their priority of establishment of relationship with the Supreme Lord.


Zionists, however, are secular materialists, and simply create havok wherever they go. This is why they get persecuted. Unfortunately, sacred and holy people get lumped in with the zionist of ulterior motives.


Spiritual Jews are opposed to zionism, they are opposed to illegal occupation of the property of others.


The difference between jew and zionist is being covered on other topics as the difference between man-made religion and real spiritual life. Krsna tells us to give up all varieties of religion in favor of surrendering to Him. He is not telling us to give up what the holy and righteous jew practices, he is telling us to abandon zionism, the puffed up idea of racial and class superiority.


ys, mahak

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mahak: "Jews are descendants of the Yadu dynasty"


I kinda doubt that very much prabhu, based on both Vedic and Jewish scriptural sources. On top of that their concept of God is primitive and un-Vedic. Many religious scholars in India say that Jewish religion is the worship of Lord Brahma, not Lord Vishnu. Their language is not related to sanskrit and their society is clearly non-Aryan in it's principles. I would say it's wishful thinking of Jewish devotees... ;-)

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Kulapavana: language is not related to sanskrit and their society is clearly non-Aryan

in it's principles. I would say it's wishful thinking of Jewish devotees.


I think Mahaksa's comment is based on something Srila Prabhupada is reported to have said. I'm at work and don't have access to VedaBase (although not finding something in VedaBase does not mean Srila Prabhupada didn't say it). Your remark here reminds me that my Google search for Aryan Revival Movement turned up very little that I'd be comfortable with. Make that "nothing I'd be comefrotable with."


My exposure to neo-Nazi movements goes back to 1960, when some schoolmates in Arlington, Virginia tried to interest me in the George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party. Rockwell's HQ was in a neighborhood not too far from ours, and I remember passing the place often on the way to DC. Just an observation, not an accusation.

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